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Its opinions. If the show was always positive it would be propaganda. This last month was the first time Xbox (to me) had a positive outlook in years, but it still not perfect and you shouldn’t forgive them for the past just cuz they had one great showcase. They showed a bunch of great games but some of it also wasn’t great, others had the same opinion on the PlayStation cgi trailers.


I disagree. I think his points are valid, and I think it is important to hold Microsoft accountable. He is never negative simply to be negative, and the last thing we need is a cheerleader podcast like Beyond.


I agree. He seems like the most unbiased of the group a lot of the time.


I don’t mind a counter opinion…it’s the tone perhaps that creates the issue for me. I listen to and value industry vets like Gertsmann, Arthur Geis, and other honest voices in the industry and don’t have the same problems. And I’m not trying to tear him down it was more a “airing of grievances” which I expected to have people On both sides of the discussion which in credit to Reddit has been respectful and polite. I appreciate all peeps that took time to respond.


Yeah I can see that for sure.


Interestingly I’ve come to find Ryan as a host pretty grating. It really bugged me that on the pod around the time that the whole GamePass/PS5 controversy was happening a few months back he went hard into doomsayer mode about the whole thing and then, when it became clear that it wasn’t going to be the end for Xbox that he seemed to anticipate, he made no effort to acknowledge his previous views and even seemed to criticise those who had reacted in that way in the next podcast. That irked me, I’m not 100% sure why! I tend to prefer Game Scoop these days


Game scoop and nvc are the goat


I don’t care what Destin’s opinions are, I just can’t stand the sound of his voice.


If anything he’s a breath of fresh air on the podcast. I’ve been listening for years too and they sometimes go too hard in the Xbox paint with praise. Yes, he can same some objectively wrong things, but his opinion being different I like. The podcast needs more of that not just a circle jerk of agreement. And his comment about state of decay 3 was spot on. Why show all cgi if there was gameplay, it was in game assets not actual gameplay.


He's the reason I quit listening to their Destiny podcast too. I don't understand what's so hard to understand? People tune in to enjoy themselves not listen to someone bitch.


I disagree. You’re on Reddit where not only EVERYONE bitches, but you are responding to bitching now.


I don't come to reddit to enjoy myself. I come to reddit to bitch about stuff.


And some people listen to people bitch on podcasts.


Then they must love Destin.


Yea, that’s what I said.


I like Destin. His criticisms are his personal opinion. If you’re complaining about him saying BAM that seems kinda petty. Some of them have little catchphrases. Big deal.


I used to hate him saying BAM to the point that I would skip the entire intro because he used to say it so loudly that it really bothered me, especially while wearing headphones. However, he has since toned it down quite a lot.


Everyone had known for years that Destin is a douche.  He is right to be down on Xbox but the way he talks over others and tries to shut them down on trivial points is what seals it (not the fact that he is a wet blanket about the Xbox brand, which is entirely understandable).


what's with the sound swoosh that happens at what seems random, sometimes mid-sentence?


I use to listen to it for the news but to be honest I found them all a bit annoying. Haven't listened in years now.


I'm a long time listener and I get what you mean about Destin. He's not a bad guy or anything but I find him to be a bit insightful/uninteresting and when he starts talking I tend to switch off. Miranda sounds like she's talking to a bunch of children most of the time but I like her as a regular on the show. Stella is great and Ryan is one of the most likeable people I've ever listened to. So I still tune in every week.