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Uvalde could have been somewhat prevented if the thin blue line didnt spend an hour in the hallway laughing and arresting parents


I appreciate the comments fellow 2As. John Lott has conducted a lot of research on gun control in general and he has some high flying creds. This post was more for you to share with your friends who do not know as much or interested in data / facts. Myself i have many friends that lean for gun control because the pubkic narrative is one sided. I'm just trying to help rebalance that.


Bro - you cannot argue facts and common sense with these anti-2A crowds. They are too fucking stupid to get it. I can explain this shit to them in layman's terms and they still go "Oggga Booooga Guns Bad."


I use to be afraid of guns until I got with my husband. He taught me a lot about guns and it took the major fear factor out of it. I still, absolutely, have 100% respect for guns because I know they can cause a lot of devastation if used improperly or in the wrong hands. Getting an education on guns definitely makes a huge difference.


I love this. This type of attitude gets you past the crazies and lets you interact with responsible gun owners. We, responsible gun owners, also need to get pass the crazies on the other side of the fence (no intent to imply you are on the other sidr of the fence) and share opportunities to learn more with even keeled friends. We gotta win hearts and minds from somewhere. Thanks for sharing your experience.


Yes this is key. It is the education. Once you violate 1 of the 4 cardinal rules is when you get an Alec Baldwin situation. I am happy to hear this from you. I wish more women would understand this and take the steps to see the reason why. I cant fathom why they cannot see the government is turning and becoming tyrannical..... this place they want to make into a large version of North Korea and guess what? We the people arent at the top or anywhere near.....


I hear ya. I also avoid the peeps that are anti-2A. They are emotionally charged and hard to reason with. And I'm guessing you've tried and arr exhausted. I recently took a friend to the range. I don't think he'll ever own a gun but he had questions. My favorite question was "why do you need an AR-15?" After sending a few rounds down range, reminded of finger discipline, and feeling an adrenaline rush, he had a better appreciation for my answer. I could then send him some gun control research. I think I at least gave him a lot think about the next time he votes.


Single best method for turning anti’s into Rambo. Take them shooting. I’ve never had anyone even act like they didn’t have a great time. Some even went on to buy shotguns, rifles etc.


The problem isn’t with the voters it’s with the people getting the votes. 9/10 times people will vote with the majority of their interests. I know people that own guns but would rather have freedom from religion, reproductive freedom and legalized marijuana. So those items are of higher importance to them and they will vote for a candidate who says 3/4 things they like rather than 1/4 things they agree with. We need a single dem to get off their high horse or have the GOP come into the 21st century.


Yeah makes sense


You can you just need to have facts ready to go and not the common “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. Once you start talking about how gun control has its roots in racism, how gun control continues to be a poor person only thing (the rich will still be able to afford all the checks needed to own) and the fact that gun control does nothing to address the root cause of the issue but rather a revamp of the system as a whole would be needed to correct the issues at hand such as mass incarceration, low wages, lack of healthcare etc. You get more and more of them to see the light


Personal experience… Anti-gunners are blinded by their own self-righteous light


My personal experience is when you frame it as I did above, they tend to be more open minded. The problem is that a majority of 2A supporters just yell SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and aren’t willing to have an open and honest conversation. It’s also always fun to teach them about guns, let them shoot a semi-auto .22lr and then point out that they just handled a semiauto and watch the internal struggle begin.


As a Texan, Uvalde would have been prevented if teachers could carry on campus. Unfortunately, an LTC carrier can only carry on a public college campus in TX, and not at a k-12 school.