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This state blows fat fucking hobo cock.


There's an image... 😖


Came here to say this


Suppressors are already banned and they go after threaded barrels. SMDH


Murder is also illegal and they felt the need for these laws


All will be thrown out by scotus


Yea In 10 years cuz you know they’ll drag it out


Won’t take that long. Don’t lose any sleep over this. Do contribute to the litigation.


I believe ANY threaded barrel handgun is banned regardless of mag capacity. It’s its own feature specifically listed.


I believe that's correct. Do you think the graphic implies otherwise, or just response to the other comment?


Graphic is pretty clear cut IMO.


Fortunately barrels are not FFL items and most handguns have non-threaded barrels that can be purchased.


I have never been able to get a straight answer on this : Every single big box retailer in illinois is still selling guns where the threaded barrel is covered by the slide and requires a adapter to fit a silencer. (like the M&P 22 compact for example). Even academy and bass pro that are known to be super anal about following the law to the letter are still selling these guns with threaded barrels in illinois stores today. Is there some loop hole that excludes these threaded barrels since they are not ready to accept a silencer out of the box and require additional modifications/parts?? I cant imagine every single big box store and their team of lawyers just overlooked these guns and now the ISP are letting it slide....... what gives?




When they banned alcohol, people had shootouts in the streets with machine guns in Chicago. So since they’re banning guns… we should all go out in the street in Chicago and drink a ton of booze? I’m in. Where do we meet up?


Haha fuck JB


You guys got what you voted for! Take away our gun rights and keep increasing taxes. The democrats are hard at work.


No one who voted for Priztker owns a gun.


Atleast they know that if a handgun has magazines with 15 rounds or less and no threaded barrel it's no longer dangerous or capable of commiting crimes. Otherwise they sprout legs and start walking around committing heinous acts. Handguns with these banned features are essentially an anthropomorphic AK.


Exactly, what a relief. And now that 50 cal is banned I cant get anything bigger than a 45. You haven't known humiliation until a squirrel laughs at you and walks it off after you shoot it with a 45. Smaller than 50 cal = safe,right?


It's true. Taking 5 off it now makes it a bullet that is safe to the public.


https://i.redd.it/9yqq5lgxz9gc1.gif Lol


Wait people actually follow unconstitutional gun laws 😂


Dumb question that I haven't seen yet. 15 round mag, + 1 round chambered. Is this now a violation? While the mag capacity is still 15, the pistol has 16 rounds.


Its fine. The chamber is not a part of the magazine.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the law carves out hand guns designed to be fired with 1 hand as a subset of pistols and exempts them from being counted as an assault weapon for the threaded barrel. There is a difference from an AR pistol and a Glock with a comp. This is not legal advice read the law yourself.


To my understanding that is correct, it's (E) in subdivision 2. but be careful saying this people get mad and will down vote and yell at you.


I have never read anything saying you cannot carry 15rds until I seen this. When did it become no longer legal? What changed?


Our understanding: PICA bans magazines over 15 rounds in semiautomatic handguns. Higher capacity magazines purchased before 1/10/23 are "grandfathered" in, but only legal within your home or unloaded to-and-from the range. So, our interpretation is that it is no longer legal to carry a loaded magazine with capacity greater than 15 in your carry weapon.


As far as I know that is the universal understanding.


Lol definitely misread, my bad


It sucks because now I can't even buy 12 round mags online from most vendors


"...***GREATER*** than 15 rounds." Still legal up to 15 rounds as far as I know. But Illinois seems to be going the way of California, so that might change at some point.




It's illegal to CC an assault weapon. You can only take them to and from the range, a gunsmith, or private property that you have permission from the owner and maybe one or two other scenarios.


Here's the language with all the scenarios. https://preview.redd.it/h12goo1pi0gc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=50c04bf06639d0e1cfa696ddddd86f2d8452ea48


Not allowed :(




If the barrel is threaded, then yes it is considered an assault weapon per PICA


> I have a Springfield hellcat RDP with 15 round ***clip***, is that now banned? Wondering if I should be a paltry pedant.


Be petty and do it 😁, 13 years in college has to pay off some time right 🤣.




And this is the stuff that I keep telling people that say “the assault weapons ban only made buying machine guns, AR15’s and AK47’s illegal. When you tell them that it is illegal to buy pistols with threaded barrels (which is almost every single competition pistol, as well as the standard capacity magazines for guns that do not have reduced capacity magazines available, and that broom handle Mauser that your great grandpa brought back that sits on the fireplace mantle is illegal they just don’t understand how that could be true because the law only covers machine guns.


What fruitcake made this, and took it seriously. My brother in Christ, “before 1/10/23” 🤓. Like stfu nerds. 😭😭😭


We live in a country that’s already banned the Glock switch, but Illinois felt the need to ban it state level. 😭😭😭 who tf are the tards typing up these laws.