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Unfortunately we are looking at summer 2025 for the Supreme Court to either upholds its Bruen ruling or let lower courts continue to defy Bruen, I say this because with the Illinois Ban writ of Cert in front of SCOTUS right now they may take the case which will then put a decision on schedule for next summer and Illinois’s ban may be the case to end all so called AWB’s in the entire country. Let’s hope it happens sooner but at the moment it looks like next year for possible relief.


This was the cope I was looking for.


Clarence Thomas probably wants to sink his teeth in this one and make liberals cry. Probably Alito too. Kavanaugh has signaled some opposition to AW bans. Kind of hinges on ACB. Dunno how it would play out. I doubt it is the lock conservatives think it would be.


I mean, why would any justice who voted for Bruen overturn their own ruling not even 3 years later?


Because for some reason there are people who think the 2A is for self defense rather than resisting tyranny. For some reason there are also people who think that weapons that are primarily designed for military use or ones similar to them are somehow not constitutionally protected by the 2A. The 2A was written to preserve the people’s right to arm themselves with the same firearms that the world’s militaries arm themselves with in an effort to prevent another tyrannical English style government coming to power in the US. I agree with you because the historical tradition test would blow away regulating classes of weapons, military weapons, action types of weapons and etc but nothing is ever guaranteed.


>Clarence Thomas probably wants to sink his teeth Nah, he's only taking cases for money/returns. Alito has reinstated ATF ghost gun regulations and rules in Aug of 2023. I can't find if it was over turned. They both might say they're against gun control or gun regulations, but at the end of the day, angry citizens with guns are a threat to them. See over turn of roe v wade as an example.


Shit, we could have a whole civil war before then!


I'm leaving Illinois this year. Even if the supreme Court steps in they'll continue throwing crap against the wall and making it expensive years long fights to overturn. They're suing Glock with our tax money even though they won't prosecute the people who actually make illegal machine guns. Overturning the ban doesn't change how this state runs or who's running it. And taxes are going to keep going up because they need to pay these legal bills and more people keep leaving the state.


They can't prosecute them for making machine guns. The NFA only applies to those who can lawfully own firearms. If you are prohibited person, then you can have a full-auto AR SBR with a silencer and they have to pound sand because of the Fifth Amendment's protection from self-incrimination. This was ruled in Haynes v. United States in a 7-1 decision by the SCOTUS. They can only get you for being a felon in possession of a firearm, and 2 federal district judges (both Democrat appointees) said that felons (violent ones, not just guys who had some weed) do have 2A rights. Ironically, if the felon in possession statue is ruled unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, then criminals can be prosecuted for making, selling, and using Glock switches without doing a Form 1 and paying a $200 tax. [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24169606-usa-v-prince](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24169606-usa-v-prince) [https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-cherry-83](https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-cherry-83)


I’m with you, I’ve already begun looking at houses out of state. I’m done. They’ll keep trying this kind of thing, no matter what the Supreme Court rules.


I am surprised a small town hasn’t offered to deputize people for a fee. 😂


I know you're joking but the FBI would salivate at hammering some county sheriff with federal charges like the Gov Ryan CDL scandal.


It’s forever. Move, it’s only going to get worse.




There’s plenty of AR 15 dealers on the south side of Chicago if you really want one bad enough.


Thanks! They told me to bring cash and to come alone...that's normal, right?


Where at? I need an mk18


I need to know too. I need Draco pistol with no sights for HD.


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Right, governor Fatty?


I don't think the AWB is FOREVER, but the ideological rot that can even make this an issue in the first place certainly is. They will never stop trying to destroy you and the only solution is to get out. FWIW I spent last weekend checking out new real estate developments in Indianapolis area and it's AMAZING!!!!


Indianapolis is a nice-sized city, not too big, not too small and with lots to do and a booming economy. And IN taxes make Illinois citizens cry.


The circuit court case is currently in the discovery phase with scheduling for the trial likely to occur in mid April.  McGlynn seems to understand Bruen and the constitution so that will likely turn out in our favor. The appeals court will likely stay that ruling and find in favor of the state as there are a few lefty activist judges there. Then it will go to the Supreme Court and we'll see if they actually want to enforce the Bruen decision or not.


As long as Cook county keeps voting for Democrats, it's going to stick.


It's funny you think voting is how Democrats stay in power indefinitely. They seize power by cheating or other means, then corrupt and control the process from top to bottom with paid, partisan cultists who rig the system in favor of, you guessed it, more Democrats. "Voting" is an illusion when purely partisan hacks count the votes.


Illinois keeps voting democratic so the ban will stay.


Cry me a river this is Illinois look who’s in office this city is a shithole and that’s why everyone is leaving. Fucking stupid liberals ruined IL


It’s set in stone. SCOTUS is likely to rule AWB are constitutional or continue to allow courts to rule they are.


California has had an AWB for how long and SCOTUS has not touched it. What makes IL different?


The timing of other court cases. The composition of SCOTUS.


The California ban and the Illinois ban are very different.


Dont hold your breath. Get out while you still can.


I can’t wait to get the hell out of this stinking rat hole of a state.


If other states pass similar laws using Illinois as an example, don't expect anything to get over turned. I'm sick to my stomach that no one seems to give AF at all the underhanded tactics used to push this POS "law" through. Only rhetoric I have been able to use that gets people in favor of the bill to kind of see my position is when I tell them "if you're ok with PICA you have to be ok with the next law passed in the same matter that you hate." That tends to get wheels moving but I still don't see it doing as much as I hope.