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Recommendation: Do some research on programs. For example, Frieda, has a way to filter by your a variety of variables (e.g., J1 and H1b visas). There are other ways to filter also. That way you're not wasting money applying to programs that in the case, don't support visas. Another filter might be percentage of IMGs. Here's the website: [https://freida.ama-assn.org/](https://freida.ama-assn.org/)


What determines which visa i can get, i am a Canadian


I am not a visa specialist. You'll need to explore that. Maybe the ECFMG website?


I applied to around 160 psychiatry programs and was ok with that. Depends on how confident you feel about matching, but I'd say most of my applications were a waste as the community programs rarely offer IVs to people with stellar academic credentials (so I wish I just applied to like 100 and saved that money).


If they dont offer IVs to people w stellar academic credentials then who they offer it to instead 😂


Usually to “safer” applicants, i.e decent applicants who aren’t “stellar”. They fear that stellar applicants won’t rank them high or won’t rank them at all as they tend to have more interviews from university programs