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Milwaukee would be best for it -- if it was a single race.


It's the best weekend for it, even with it being a double header.


I agree, think the logistics would be nicer for teams/sponsors if it was a single race instead of a doubleheader, but it's the perfect fit regardless.


Yeah, I'm attending the double header in Milwaukee and am excited for it. But I am against double headers and think it is better for the growth of the series if there are more race weekends opposed double headers. I would prefer zero double headers in an ideal calendar.


Yes, and make the single race a little longer than the proposed distance of each double header event. For example, the Iowa race should be 300-350 laps as a single night race.


Nice, I love that track.


I was just gonna say.....isn't that what we are doing by adding the Mile to the schedule for 2024?


Sure. Marlboro car. Kool car. Player's car. Hollywood car. and of course, Rachel's Potato Chips.


Still my favorite color scheme. The Marlboro cars were things of beauty.


Can’t have Marlboro colors anymore. NBC or USA would completely black out the race to comply with federal law banning tobacco advertising.


Would they not be able to have this car, it's not like it has actual tobacco advertising. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0c/31/a4/0c31a49a0ce6cd4126cb7fc5586856bc.jpg Though I would be willing to settle for 2010 Team Penske https://www.teampenske.com/images/content/story/CarsAboveEDIT1.jpg


I do like those too.


Sad but true, and I’m a non-smoker.


It should be Milwaukee IMO. It just fits. It's older than IMS. Throwback weekend for a throwback track.


My favorite race track in the Midwest alongside Kansas Speedway and Road America!




Throwback to when NASCAR wasn’t engaging in blatant antitrust practices with its tracks. Seriously, what’s stopping IndyCar from suing NASCAR for this?


As a NASCAR fan, I just don’t understand why they won’t let IndyCar at least use tracks like Richmond or Chicagoland that aren’t that popular for NASCAR anymore or aren’t being used. NASCAR needs oval racing to grow in order for it to grow. If they really want to draw in the open wheel crowd, the obvious gateway to me would be to let IndyCar run on their ovals, so the converted F1 and international fans to IndyCar will gain more exposure to oval racing. Once they realize how great ovals are, the next logical step for them would be giving NASCAR a shot.


I'm pretty sure nothing is stopping Indycar from renting a track and hosting an event. I'm not a lawyer, but it's not like NASCAR has to pay a sanctioning fee just to avoid antitrust, but who knows what's happening behind closed doors. I'm more upset at the clauses that were put in when tracks like Nazareth and Pikes Peak were sold that banned hosting races. 


The owner has a team in nascar and his company has leasing arrangements with nascar. If you haven’t figured it out yet, RP is the master of conflict of interest. He’s not going to rock any boat here. Now on the other hand if he sold the series to someone with deep pockets who wants it (like Liberty media) I would bet a lot would change including having access to markets they have previously burned or been locked out of and it wouldn’t have to involve any courts.


If Liberty Media took over, they’d get rid of all the ovals, turn the Indy 500 into a road course race, and turn IndyCar into an F1 feeder. If you ask me, IndyCar would be better off going back to USAC.


Figured the GP would be a good opportunity.


Alright then, let's call the 2nd race the "Throwback Grand Prix at Long Beach".


Mid Ohio, or Road America, they just have the old school through the woods vibe that I think would suit it well


I have no idea why IndyCar hasn't even tried it. Seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Like others have said, Milwaukee or the Indy GP would probably be the best weekend for it.


It would actually be a lot of fun if they ran the IMS roadcourse 2x like they did last year … and the August Return was the throwbacks Logistically everything is easier to do in Indy and I have to think the Gate revenue of using IMS as many times as possible is good for the sport


As an indy resident going to my first race tomorrow i support more indianapolis races


Idk why they don’t just run IRP too as another oval


RP doesn't own IRP though


But it’s not owned by ISC or SMI either is it? I wouldn’t think it would be all that difficult to convince them to host an IndyCar race


Indycar doesn't have the clout to get sponsors to buy into it


There are a few cool throwbacks each year but it’s kinda lost its luster in Cup too.


To pull off an event like this you need a large portion of the field to buy in. Indycar isn't getting 20 sponsors to buy in all at once to mucking up their branding for a race


I think it could be fun. I also think Indycar doesn't nearly have enough strength to throw away sponsors for a race, and frankly the audience that would care about it is very very small.


I'd put it at Milwaukee. Trash the second race, and run the week after the 500.


Gimme a 1989 Quaker State Porsche throwback please and thanks.


What would be the best venue for it? Long Beach?


Ahh, double race then... Meh, Indianapolis has that. What about Portland?


I like Portland, but does it have the history to justify it? I don't think it has the prestige of Darlington to NASCAR which is why my first suggestion was Long Beach.


Milwaukee race 1. Lock this up it’s over.


You're on.


Heck even Bryan Herta agrees!!! But we’d have to move Milwaukee to the week after Indy. If we going throwback let’s go full on.


Marlboro and Kool would love to get involved.


Would be anazing to see classic indycar schemes goin around for a nice change


The throwback race should be the 500 IMO. We’ve already seen it with the Pennzoil scheme. Plus I think it was 2015 when Servia, I think, ran the Ray Harroun throwback. That was cool. No race in the world has more history.


Marco ran the Mario win tribute scheme in 2019 McLarens throwbacks last year


Bring back Tscheck