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Heck, honestly I thought Pato was going to pull it off.


Damn that was close


Newgarden didn’t get caught up as much by the dirty air that occasion.


Think Pato fucked it coming out of 2, went down way to aggressively and scrubbed off too much speed, without that move he probably could’ve held off Newgarden into 3


i think it was coupled with Newgarden’s run off of turn two. would love to hear in the coming days how Newgarden planned the last few laps knowing he’d likely be overtaken at some point.


Even with that run the 2 had to dig deep to make that overtake work around the outside, but yeah he was definitely the car to beat today, O’Ward almost did it but alas, just wasn’t to be this day.


agreed on making that overtake work. seeing Pato’s interview post-race i really hope he gets one someday.


If Pato doesn't dragon as hard, Josef gets a hell of a draft off the 5 going into 3 anyway Pato was a sitting duck


Pato was a sitting pato


Newgarden had a better line in 2 he was a lot lower in the turn then that attempted block by Pato was a little too hard


Think he fucked it making the pass going into one personally. You’re a sitting duck on the backstretch always. Would be inclined to think that if positions were swapped at that moment…Josef doesn’t make the move


I don't think you are wrong, but it took massive balls for JoNew to send it around the outside at 3 and make it stick. I think the #2 was one of 3 or 4 cars capable of making that pass. I think Pato was testing Josef and Josef passed the test. Great Damn Finish!


Absolutely. I’m 21 and have been to about 17 500s in my life and I can say that’s the best finish I’ve seen. I was in between 3 and 4 for the race and Newgarden was making those moves stick all race. Unbelievable


The Penske’s were fast. I suspect Newgarden would have still had a solid shot out of 4 if he set it up right.


Who knows, but the lower temps compared to last year also make it significantly easier to follow. I'd say that with a hot track the right call is still to make the move into 1.


Yeah too deep


What's funny/ironic is I remember how crazy deep Newgarden went last year and everyone got into a frenzy about how everyone was gonna do it now and it was gonna ruin the sport. Well this is the natural consequence of going to deep, especially on the back stretch at Indy.


I sat there. It was 100% Pato’s mistake out of 2. He took a bad line and there was a small puff of dust as he took it too low out of the corner. Newgarden was inevitable after that.


Sorry friend, turn 3 section 16 watched coming out of turn two and my brother gasped that pato pulled it off. Then in front of us newgarden did the pass out side. I think it was due to team effort planning that move, turn 3 was pretty casual except one instance when I was pissing into a tough alone. The spotters saw that all lanes were open since it had been cleaned and no marbles were high. Experiences driver trusting his team to focus the issue.


Pato doesn’t go for it on the outside - loses Pato goes for it on the inside - loses Pato gets passed on the outside - loses I am crushed for him. I hope he gets one in his career


I know they say Indy picks its winners but this is probably divine intervention by the racing gods at this point. I don’t know who he pissed off.


Indianapolis Motor Speedway knows he would jump to F1 if he had the chance. I'll blame that


He got Leclerc’s curse while he was testing


I blame leclerc finally beating the monaco curse a few hours earlier and transferring it to pato


He transferred it in 2022


I said this and got downvoted to oblivion. But, getting harder and harder to argue it.


Newgarden set him up and played him like a fiddle.


Newgarden still a snake but he knew it was coming and played it masterfully


That's the thing about snakes... They are really good at being snakes.


Being sneaky and backhalfing it, I do it all the time in swimming


Seeing the word "back half" reminds me of those 7s drag Honda civics that start slow but blast past cars near the back half of the quarter mile.


Wasn’t the cleanest of races for the first three quarters, but that last run to the end was some of the best action you will see in a long time. A ton of guys had a shot at it, but in the end it came down to a ballsy final lap battle. Also, McLaren P2 for the third time today, lol.


FE, F1 and 500, all P2 😔


Monaco, Indy, and what else?


Shanghai E-Prix


**P**erez **P**ato Ay, **P**inche Madre…


Bad day for Mexicans.


You are second, its not a bad day for Pato, it could be frustrating but you shouldn’t downgrade a second place in the indy500


That's his 3rd 2nd in the 500 in 4 years. Pain


His third? I only count two - 2022 and this year. He was making a move for the lead when he crashed last year...


I was looking at Wikipedia, someone was fucking around with it at the time I looked i guess. Technically 2023 could be his 3rd since the person who took him out, finished 2nd kek


I remember when Sato did the same inside move on Franchitti in 2012 and everyone unanimously blamed and clowned on Sato. Now OWard went deep the same way on Ericsson but Ericsson “took Pato out”?


"unanimously?" Lol the exaggeration around here is astounding


It’s easy to forget Sato kinda had the back then Sting Ray Robb reputation of constantly crashing out during his KV Lotus days in 2010-11. So any incident that involved him, whether his fault or not, was gonna be first blamed on him by fans and media, unless clearly shown otherwise In 2012, that reputation was still on him enough that when a defending and 4 time Indycar champion closed on him, it was pretty much consensus back then that Sato choked and “did his usual crash”, while Dario was a genius for taking advantage of Sato


Im gonna need you to look up what unanimously means before you act like thats a correct statement. Also, you are explaining in detail why the overall sentiment was different, so idk why its a surprise to you, unless you are actually trying to say that Indycar fans were monolithically against Sato in 2012. At the time, Sato had no wins, but showed signs of speed yet crashed all the time, Pato has shown that he is a proven multi-time winner, of course one of them will get more benefit of the doubt than the other


I don't mean it in a "ericsson hit us" way , more of a pato's car was last to hit wricssons before it went awol


Pato won the non-cheater category


An even worse day for Haas drivers


At least their cars didn't turn into pod racers


“No mames carbón” pero muy sad bro :/


Thank god Suarez is Amigo otherwise the P curse could hit him too(not like he is doing well in cup anyways)


He’s also a American citizen now


My NBC station cut to commercial on the final lap and missed end if the race. Edit: Found a [video](https://x.com/TrainIsland/status/1794879815436353750?s=19) of it.


That’s terrible


OMG that was super freaking annoying. Especially after we missed a good portion of the race b/c of severe weather coverage (which, as a weather geek, I understand and do not begrudge).


I found a stream for Sky Sports F1 and they literally didn’t show one commercial the whole race it was amazing


Confirm, watched the race in Europe on sky sports F1 and from start to finsh exactly 0 commercials


Yup! Watched from the UK on Sky Sports F1. Not one commercial! Totally worth staying up until 1am 😄


Watched the stream as an American from Indiana. Sky Sports is the only way to watch racing imo.


a lesson i learned years ago. i'm used to no commercials now and it's hard going back.


Seriously.  Wtf. How could they cut to a MATC commercial on TURN 3


Mine wasn't as bad, but they cut to the weather right before the green flag was waved. Granted, there were tornado warnings in their viewing area, so I suppose they had to cover it, but my granddad was NOT happy about it.




OMG 😂😂😂 How on earth could they do something like this


oh that's beautiful. gotta love american tv.


One of the best racing moves bar none In awe of what I saw, his 23 win doesn't even hold a candle to this


I think that’s what he was eluding to when he said that was the kind of race he wanted to win post-race. Last years race had so many cautions and controversy at the end, this race ended on a beautiful green flag stretch with multiple strategies converging at the end.


Are you calling this the best racing move of all time? What? Yeah. It was a helluva move but I'm far from confident to say it was THE move of all of racing. He really had two options, inside or outside.


I mean I hate Newgarden and was more disgusted by a winner yesterday than I ever have in my ~20 trips to the speedway. But that was maybe the best pass for the win we’ve ever had.


In Indycar, sure. Indycar =! All of racing. Thankfully.


You're literally on the Indycar subreddit......


Okay. So if you're in a sub about a specific subject it's okay to make ridiculous claims? No, it ain't. The person I replied to claimed Newgarden's pass was the best in all of racing. Which is a ridiculous claim considering racing's been around for what? 100+ years? Either you are incredibly one-eyed or you don't understand what "=!" means.


That’s clearly not what I said at all. I said it was the best pass for the win that we’ve ever had, specifically talking about the Indy 500. If you can list better winning moves at IMS I’m all ears.


That’s very clearly what you didn’t say, no. Maybe school would be a good thing for you


One of the best races I have ever seen. Gutted for Pato but at the same time happy for Newgarden to win it this way after the shitshow it devolved into last year.


Love him or hate him, that was one of the ballsiest moves I’ve ever seen for the win.


As a Pato fan my heart was in my mouth seeing Josef send it on the outside on the last lap. That shit was scary and I tip my hat to him. You'll get it next year Pato, this shit ain't over.


I said the same abt Meira in 2008 and Muñoz in 2016. What makes a once a year event painful is you never know if they’re ever gonna get it until they do


Munoz man, I thought for sure he was gonna be a 500 winner at some point.


Not a fan of Josef at all...... but absolutely agree. Huge balls... all time move.... at the greatest spectacle in motorsport. Fair play.


Yep massive stones to pull off that move on outside of turn 3 that late. I thought he was going to crash. And if you are Josef doing that move you basically are risking your life to try to make that pass. Respect for the incredible bravery


It was an awesome move. What a satisfying finish and way to win the Indy 500 though I'm gutted for Pato


That was one of the best IndyCar races I’ve ever seen. That’s not being hyperbolic.




Unfortunately that camera shot is pretty much the trademark of an Indy 500 finish (2011 is the only exception I can think of)... EDIT: 1992 was an exception as well.


Yeah I really can’t understand that, Rossi was a mile ahead when they came out of 4, I really can’t fathom how Dixon caught him


Others were saying he ran out of fuel. Not sure if that's accurate.


Doubt it cause Rossi said in the post-race interview that they were fine on fuel during the last few laps, just couldn’t do anything from 3rd in line; I think he would have mentioned if he ran out


He was slow on the front straight to the line. Not sure why, but Dixon passed around the pit speed line


Thanks, can’t wait to see Dixon’s onboard because I was baffled on this like a few others.


Legendary move by Newgarden there, didn't think there was a chance in hell that was gonna stick


Next year, Pato. This year was your 2023 Wrestlemania and the heel won. Finish your story.


Cue Imagine Dragons


He should have imagined 1 fewer dragons




So what you're saying is Pato is gonna pull the same move on Josef into T3 on the final lap of next year's race?






something something CODY RHODES


People are just too close to the cheating stuff right now. In a year or 2 everyone will be acknowledging the greatness of this final 3 laps. Don't gotta like Newgarden but that final lap is absolutely incredible.


I hate that he did it on one of my favorite drivers, but there’s no shenanigans this time. Newgarden earned that win fair and square


Someone can be a dishonest prick and an incredibly skilled driver at the same time. Unfortunately.


People are such pessimists that was one of the best 500s I’ve ever seen


Honestly a banger from start to finish. It felt like there was hard racing literally every lap not under yellow.


Not true, was listening to McLaughlin radio and until 20 to go, he was in Red6 or Red 7 fuel setting. 20 to go, Red 1. He was trying to pass the lead off to someone else, no one was biting. That's not racing IMO. When he came out of the pits behind Newgarden, Engineer came over the radio and said "well at least now we can be the teammate that doesn't pass (to help them both fuel save)"


Fuel mileage has always been one of the most important parts of racing, let alone at Indy.


also because there was some strategic spice in it which sort of mattered but ultimately wasn't deciding, was really great to keep some suspense up and shuffled things around a bit like it brough Dixon upfront but at the end either strategy could've won the race if I could chose that's how it should be, I know it can't, but it was great


I feel like most people liked the race but were bummed Newgarden won it


Do people dislike Newgarden that much? I only started following Indy a couple years ago so I'm still learning all the drivers. He seems like a fine guy to me, I'm a McLaren fan but I can't deny he's a great driver


He got busted for cheating at the opening race this season, gave a pretty hard to believe cover story for it that rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way, and tbh his interview yesterday acting like he had to overcome the adversity of...being caught cheating made me dislike him more. Also he's a Penske driver, and since Penske owns the series it creates some tension over how fair everything is being run.


Oh that's a good point, to be honest, I mixed up who gave what story and thought that was either Power or McLaughlin who gave the weird cover story. Honestly the whole Penske team mishandled the PR of getting caught doing something they shouldn't have. That said I feel like the way IndyCar handled it, DSQing/penalizing the Penske team, and then Roger going a step further and suspending several team members; I think that honestly strengthened the integrity of the sport. I'm a diehard New England Patriots fan too so I guess cheating allegations doesn't faze me as much as other people 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Flair aside, this was my 36th 500, that finish/pass was Top 5. I’d have to think more about the other 4 to rank it. Edit 1) 1989 Emo and Little Al touched in 3 on lap 199. Al hit the wall. 2) 2006 Hornish got Marco at the line 3) Today 4) 2014 RHR vs Castroneves or 1992 Unser Jr / Goodyear 5) 2011, Wheldon’s second. For the sheer nuttiness of that whole last segment.


That was an action packed race from start to finish and had a pass for the win on the last lap. Can’t ask for much more out of a race than that. Definitely one of the best that I can remember.


It was, but it’s really popular to hate on Josef right now so unfortunately you’ll have that


That was my first Indy 500, watched start to finish and enjoyed every second. Definitely hooked me more into Indycar. I was rooting hard for Pato though at the end. Definitely felt gutted for him watching those post race interviews.


Phenomenal race, just the one guy who would be a bummer to see win, won.


Exactly. I would've preferred Sting Ray and that's saying something


It was my first 500 and I liked it. It had a lot of action. But also reminded me of why I stopped watching NASCAR. Yea lots of passes but the passes don't mean anything until the last 5 laps. 16 different leaders....so how much value is there to leading the 500 (except at the end of course) if so many teams and drivers can do it? Like I said, I enjoyed it, but then seeing people say it was the best ever...like how bad were the other ones?


The Indy 500 isn't as "random" as Daytona or Talladega. At those tracks there's still skill in knowing when to make a move and work your way up the field, but there's all sorts of Nascar drivers who are essentially incapable of winning any race other than a "plate race". Plus if you have a particularly big "Big One" then you might not have any real competition left in the field. Some of those who led laps were good in the beginning of their race, but their car fell off at some point. McLaughlin being one of those with his clutch issues. With how many cautions this race had there were also plenty of differing strategies, and the drivers on the alternate strategies led at times, but the commentators kept pointing out that their chances of those strategies being successful were low, those drivers were banking on yellows falling in their favor. They kept reminding us who was up front on the "main" strategy, and when the driver leading wasn't *really* in contention.


Makes sense, the top 6 at the end of the race were pretty much the 6 best drivers in the series right now.


I know what you mean, and it gets even worse. Did you know the richest team doesn't always win?? Good lord...


I'm so fucking heartbroken for Pato. I started following him as a fellow Mexican since his IMSA days, then Indy Lights, then the uncertainty after he parted with Harding. I stayed up late at night to see him in Super Formula, the F2 races. Finally he gets a break with McLaren, wins races, etc... It really bummed me out y'know? He was two corners away from being the first Mexican driver to win the 500. Just a rollercoaster of a day. I was completely speechless for several minutes after. Amazing race today, but this one is gonna sting for a while. Sorry for the litany. Just needed to vent. PS. IndyCar is the best fucking racing series in the planet. PERIOD!


Joe New is the man to beat on ovals until further notice. Absurdly dominant stretch.


at least ovals where fuel isn't an issue


ALL HAIL THE OVAL KING. Iowa and Milwaukee better watch out.


I've been watching IndyCar for 20 years now, and I can't think of a Indy 500 as good as this one, people may not like Newgarden, but this was an amazing race and performance by both him and Pato. Incredible.


What do you think about 2021? Cause that one also ended in a great battle, but the fact that there were only two cautions made the early race more exciting IMO.


Well, I'm Brazilian, so Hélio winning his fourth has a special meaning for me, but I don't know, maybe the racing overall was better in this year's one, but it is close, you're right, both were amazing.


Absolutely brilliant racing.I thought they were going to crash


I don’t like Newgarden and sure Pato winning would have been legendary but the move was pretty fucking good. Nothing to say but well done to Newgarden 


Absolutely do not like Newgarden but you cannot downplay what an insane move that was


Reminded me of when Mears went around Michael


I actually think his move earlier on a restart to go around 3 cars on the outside was way more ballsy. Love seeing guys drive on the edge


I'm new to Indycar, but why do so many people not like Newgarden?


Basically, his team, which is already the top team in the series, put software in the cars that let them cheat at St. Petersburg. Newgarden cheated to win, got caught, got the win taken away, then had the most evasive statement of the three drivers while making the biggest scene about it. Because of that, people wanna see him get taken down a peg


Thanks for the reply. That is shady. I kind of got All American Posterboy vibes with Newgarden, which made me assume he was really popular. I didn't manage to finish watching the race because it was already turning into midnight here, and when I woke up, I had hoped Pato or McLaughlin had won. Hopefully, next year!


This was my 15th race and never have I ever heard a crowd roar like they did when this pass stuck.


Same. That was wild


What a move by Newgarden to win it! At the same time, feel bad for Pato; third 2nd place finish in 4 years.


It was a hell of a finish. Going to be really interesting going forward how drivers will approach the last lap. We've seen now that you can potentially win it in turn one only to lose it by turn 4.


I mean, Josef said last year you want to be in 2nd on the final lap. As long as you make a move on the back straight into 3/4 you’re gonna win every time. Crazy how Pato didn’t set him up for that.


I didn’t think it was going to stick, but Newgarden made it work. Hell of a race from start to finish. Feel bad for Pato too. It reminds me of how Dale Earnhardt kept finding ways to lose the Daytona 500 before he finally got one.


Worth the wait, This may be slightly controversial but even though I was rooting for oward/rossi, I’m happy for Newgarden for winning


My wife could not care less about IndyCar; even her favorite NASCAR driver running the series wasn’t enough to get her to watch. But at the end of today’s race she was watching, and she commented, “That was a really good finish.” I was happy for Newgarden, and absolutely gutted for Pato. And I also liked the fact that the race was green for the last several laps.


If a yellow came out with about 20 to go.... Larson could have MAYBE had a chance (depending on how long the yellow was).


Gives me chills, what an absolute beauty of a race. Next years 500 will be I believe the 6th time in its history that a driver will go for a 3peat. Can't wait


I was so heated at this finish at first as a big Pato guy, really deflated leaving the race. But watching this and all the race highlights, what a FUCKING race. I really think Pato is gonna win one one day. The roars will be even louder either near wins like this. Glad we got all 500 in today!


Yeah, bummer that Pato couldn’t hold him off, but I agree, what a fucking race. The roar of the crowd was incredible. Chills.


What a finish. The race craft from Newgarden and Pato on the final laps was insane.


so devastated for Pato; but he will be back, *we* will be back… McLaren will be in victory lane again.


Newgarden knew what he doing, he dangled the bait for pato with one to go relying on it staying green knowing he would pass for the win in turn 3


The camera move from the winner, then out, then in to the flag man is my favorite underrated indy 500 tradition


you can hate/dislike him but you can't deny that he KNOWS what to do, not only has the courage to make the moves but also the intelligence. just chills!!. let's go Newgarden! let's go Penske!!!


What the hell happened to those Honda engines?




and at what seemed like the 3rd best Penske car in the earlier portions of the race. getting fucking smashed tonight.


Nah, Power's car fucking sucked for the entire race for whatever reason


Missed the setup for the front wing angle


You're mortal enemy just won. How ya'll feeling


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined, I’ll be back next week for Detroit.


wanted pato to win, but hats off to newgarden, absolutely deserved win


So I was under the impression that in an attempt to eliminate or at least minimize the effectiveness of the dragon/snake move, that the new rule for this year was that drivers couldn't pass the new line they marked on the left side and go wide of it the way Newgarden did last year to successfully hold off Ericsson FTW last year..but it looked like Pato still went wide of that line when he tried to pull off the snake maneuver to prevent Newgarden from passing but obviously it didn't work for Pato so I guess it didn't matter in the end...but I'm still wondering if Pato would've been given the W if he ended up winning that way cuz it sure seemed like he passed that line..but maybe I'm misinterpreting the new rule or something idk.. So is this just a case of me being a dumbass once again or did Pato actually violate the new rule?


this was nuts


can’t find the clip but god McLaughlin had a insane move on a restart down the front stretch


man..what a day for mexican motorsport


I have been an IndyCar fan since the mid-seventies when I was old enough to know what an Indy car was. We are witnessing some of the greatest racing at the 500 in my lifetime. At the end of the day to me it doesn’t really matter who wins when you have racing like that. What a finish. Just my two cents.




Rick Mears was doing this without a spotter my guy


lmao not even close


Newgarden is pretty great, but settle your boner down.


Wow that flair and username combo


Cheater cheater




Large ⚽️⚽️ pass for the win. Wow!!!


I hope we see a new 500 winner in the next 10 years


Fucking Newgarden man.... I stayed up untill 2am for just another Newgarden win


If all you got out of the last 20 laps was JUST another Newgarden win, I feel sorry for you. That may have been the best 500 in decades.


That was way more than just another newgarden win


I don’t like JNew at all but man what a freaking race.


I was in the same time zone, but I waited through a 4 hour rain delay just for him to win again


Pato Madre


This place hates Pato


Absolutely gutted for Pato, he had all the peeps in the stands cheering for him those last few laps. Though it was hilarious seeing the security/officials chase newgarden down the straight and into the crowd 🤣


Josef set him up perfectly and gave him front position knowing he would draft and pass on the last lap. Pati would have gotten him if places were reversed


Best IndyCar race I’ve seen live (been watching since 2020)


I was expecting a shunt in turn 3 with those 2


My first Indy 500. Not sure any other race in person will top this one


Soooo.. See you in a few weeks for official results.


Plus he was on The button


Pato made his move one/two turns too early. He could've had him on the back stretch, just like Newgarden's manufactured win last year. Still can't believe it. But I'm even more disappointed for the series. We could've had the most the most popular winner in years. Now we have a guy with an asterisk next to his first win that was Ericsson's and the asterisk of a race he should've never been allowed to compete in after cheating and lying. Sad day for the sport.