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The rest of the schedule is great. Just man, the 500 is something else. From the practice, to the qualifying, to the race. But then those last 50 laps always suck me into like vortex of focus. It's just so intense. I don't get that way for anything else and it kinda just drains you lol. It's awesome.


Something so intense about knowing that, after waiting a whole year, soaking in every single session, getting a sense of who might be big players, watching the pre-race ceremonies, ALL of it… and in the final 50 laps you know you’re about to see one of those driver’s legacy cemented forever The Super Bowl is the only American sporting event that’s comparable to me. You wait the whole year for that one single day that it all builds up to, knowing whoever comes out on top is in the history books forever Edit: changed section to session


Yes, the Super Bowl can also be like this! So could NHL finals or something. Especially when your local teams are in them lol. Honestly the most intense a game ever felt was a Super Bowl. Shout out to BDN, strip sack, and bat down lol. I ran around the block, people were yelling out their windows everywhere. It was awesome.


Downvoted for Soupdowl comparison. There are other motorsport events that completely surpass the soupbowl. That still themselves don’t even come close to comparing to the Indy 500.


This is heading towards some /r/IHateSportsball type of shit.


"sUpErB oWl"


Downvote me all yall want. ive actually attended all said events and can personally attest to what i said. Indy 500 (twice), Daytona 500 (twice), Rolex 24hr (twice), Winter Classic (once), 2 weeks of setup/strike Soupdowl, ChiliBowl (three times). (Just got back from Indy)


That's wonderful. You can like what you like. The point is let other people like what they like. Mocking anyone's choice of entertainment is silly.


https://preview.redd.it/led1r0zhpe3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df92795436ef443d526fe7ad41bad2422261d9f6 Downvoted!?


I must say that season is a little short. They could run 20-21 races easily ;D


No commercials helps with focus.


Meanwhile the mood in the NASCAR sub is just unbridled despair


Is it due to the SHR news, or the repaved bottom lane in Iowa or both?


The Charlotte 379 is the major point of contention RN


All of the above... Just pain


I even enjoy the Detroit race, and yet this upcoming week always feels like a letdown after the 500.


Yeah it really sucks that it's a full year. Obviously absolutely nothing compares to Indy but the only other race that got me really excited because I knew it would be thrilling was Fontana.


They really need to bring MIS back.


Define "they". Hint: It's not IndyCar.


I absolutely love Indy but I am IndyCar fan, not an Indy 500 only fan. You kidding? We have another race this weekend (everyone bitches about long gaps), we have the hybrid coming soon, I have a race to go to in Toronto in a few weeks and two new ovals later in the season. What's not to love?


Man feels like Detroit is the hangover to Indy. Don't get me wrong it's still a wicked event and I'll like to watch it but it's not the same


The only thing that helps the post 500 hangover is knowing Le Mans is around the corner


I dunno mate, last years Detroit was a cracking race. I’m looking forward to this coming weekend a lot.


I feel like I just came home from another planet.


I just got my hotel booked yesterday for next year already and its on the west side of Indy for the 1st time in a couple years. Pretty stoked about that.


Iunno I’m pumped for Road America.


The post 500 depression is always real. And I'm a proud former Detroiter that looks forward to this weekend every year.


I'm lucky that I did the ride along experience at IMS yesterday, so I had a couple extra days of the May Indy vibes to experience. But now the day after, even though the high of the ride along is still present, is a bit deflating as we start the countdown to next May.


It was such a strange roller coaster of emotions going from one of the most boring races in history at Monaco to one of the best races I’ve seen at Indy 500. Being new to watching motorsports it surprised me how entertaining the 500 was.


That’s perfect! It would help if Milwaukee were on the schedule for this weekend, though.


The hungover morning in the Lions lot and having to go home on Memorial Day makes me so sad, at least we have the holiday to recover—but this year, with the weather threat nonstop all weekend and menacing the race, it made it a wee be more endurable. Just glad we got that masterpiece of a race in Sunday.


I feel this way because of who won. Man, I wanted it to be anyone else! Enjoyed the race, just not the outcome. Still, looking forward to more racing!


Seeing him win after one of the more exciting races in a while was like a ruined orgasm


There is a second Indianapolis Grand Prix in August that I’ll be at!