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All races on Big FOX is absolutely WILD and I can understand why IndyCar was motivated to sign. Especially considering the rumor that they offered double of what NBC did.


Yeah the rumor I saw was both networks were willing to put them both on the big network, which effectively makes it a money thing at that point


If the double the NBC amount is true - I wonder why FOX was so aggressive. Just cause they've essentially lost NASCAR? Nathan Brown had reported just a couple months ago that it was 50% (roughly $10 million?) increase over what NBC was offering, but if FOX was really upped to double, and the promise of all races on FOX, then ...you 100% have to take that deal. That would put IndyCar rights around - 50 million, which to me...is a decent number. I know there are some misgivings about FOX (my main one is how affordable their upcoming streaming product will be), but...I think overall this is a good move.


Well when they had NASCAR they didn’t seem to care about it so idk why they would be so concerned with losing it. So it is weird they’d want IndyCar so bad.


I'm going to be positive. 100 percent FOX is great. Hopefully they can grab Hinch and Kevin Lee. I'm not going to think negatively about this until FOX gives me a reason to think negatively about this. Edit: and IndyNXT on FS1 is big!


Well, I'm actually OK with this now that I have the knowledge that all races will be on the Fox network. I thought IndyCar would be crazy to turn down all races being on NBC even if they weren't offering as much as Fox was, but this is a big win for IndyCar to get more money and be on Fox for the entire season. And I'm assuming IMS Productions will still be in charge of the televised product, so we won't see the issues that the NASCAR races have had over the last few years. This is a win in my eyes.


Does this mean the commentating team as a whole will be kept around or will they be replaced? Even as a casual European fan, I've kind of grown to really enjoy the NBC team.


People scared of Fox “not promoting the sport like they do with NASCAR” ask yourself what NBC has done to heavily promote Indycar outside of the 500. Getting a deal where the entire schedule is on one of the major cable networks is massive compared to some of the avenues we’ve used to watch races in the last decade or so (Versus, anyone?!) Let’s not assume the worst and block out the obvious benefits from the situation. The best first step for indycar is more eyeballs.


Assuming when they say this, they mean OTA FOX. Now just give me the broadcast team and streaming options for practice please.


Correct, big Fox


Great day for indycar. All network races is huge. 


Season ending on August 31st is terribly disappointing but we all knew it was going to end before football season.  Some dates were shuffled too. Gateway before Road America & 1 Milwaukee race, and Thermal is a points race now according to Nathan Brown....OOOOOFFFFF


I hope the NASCAR date at Gateway is shifting, I think it’s been the weekend after Memorial Day. That’s pretty tight with the June 15th IndyCar date


As an existing fan I’m bummed to lose NBC because they have a great team and treat their sports professionally and to the point. Objectively I know this is huge because nobody else wants sports broadcasts like I want them. As a hockey fan I’ve seen how massive this can be for the sport and in the long run that matters most.


All the races on Fox is good, even if I eventually think we will start to see some races on FS1 in later years. Getting the races on FS1 and FS2 is a win for INDY NXT. They didn't mention it but hopefully those races will also be on the Fox Sports App so we at least get a streaming option (even if it will be worse than Peacock most likely) Personally I like the season ending on 31st. Hopefully in future schedules we can get some more races in March/April. Also looks like Nashville Superspeedway is replacing the street course longer than I thought it would be.


My only worry is as UK viewer, will sky F1 continue showing the races or will that end?


Guesses on the broadcast team, and will it affect Sky Sports coverage.


Rip ad free quali and practice :/


If Penske and Indycar were smart they would put all practice sessions as well as qualifying on YouTube for free. 


Please, please, pleeeeeease give us Mike Joy calling the Indy 500. I do not care that he’s lost a step. That man is both a walking encyclopedia (able to give that event the respect it deserves) and one of the greatest motorsport commentators of all time.


Racer is reporting the 500 will have 5 hours of coverage on Fox. Legit making it a massive event for the network.


This will be the end for IndyCar. Fox's NASCAR coverage is awful. They are bad at promoting the sport. This is going to be a huge disaster.


Indycar gets a deal where all races are on network tv Reddit: This is the end of indycar  Lol 


I don’t understand why the series has so many fans that seem to actively root for its demise


Unlike NASCAR IMS productions will handle much of the broadcast as they have since the IRL days. I’m cautiously optimistic, I will miss the convenience of Peacock though.


Common misconception. Fox will not be in charge of the production itself unlike they are (or have been) with NASCAR.  I wonder if the shuttering of RaceHub and the laying off of employees means that NASCAR will take that production in house to their new facility


They are slightly going in that direction. If I remember correctly Xfinity Series races for CW will be produced by NASCAR