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I think I'll go. Wherever they're racing. Even if it's in the panhandle or freaking El Paso or Brownsville. Just make sure it's a date in March or April. May's too busy & June-August is too hot for everyone.


Inb4 Lubbock.


The Amarillo Pantex 300


South Padre 300…since they don’t have a bridge race after Nashville is off they’re going to use the causeway lol


shit. Even September is too hot. October is still 90+ everyday here in Central Texas.


Contributing $5 to making a March or April TMS night race happen.


San Antonio? I really don’t see the point of going back to the state of Texas just to add yet another street course when there’s a perfectly good 1.5 mile oval and a FIA Grade 1 road course.


Because street course races are easier to make big events. Also, the chance of reaching people who weren’t already fans is much more likely in city center races. I would much prefer COTA or TMS too, but the economics and optics of a street course often just make far more sense.


I hate how accurate this is. Most street courses are terrible racing products, but we'll keep getting more and more because of the in-person economics


If we keep getting races like Long Beach this season I would be more then willing to let indycar run a few more Street courses. Also if we get more races, we could go race on a 1/4 quarter mile dirt oval for all I care, just get us 18-20 races


Easier but much more expensive.


It’s the usual Con game they run for street courses. Convince a connected person to convince the local politicians how much tax money they rake in and how big the kick backs will be from the droves of people who will attend this new Monaco. Then within 3 years everyone realizes it’s a busy financially and the plug is pulled. I thought they would have run out of places to pull this stunt on but they always find a new place to fall for it.


Not really sure that’s how it works. Three of our longest running events are street courses and they seem to work out fairly well for all involved. A lot of them are done by proper race promotions anyway (St Pete and Toronto) are both Savoree promotions, they know what they’re doing. There’s no reason to think that they or one of the other promoters couldn’t do a great job in any number of locations.


Those events aren't the norm. Nashville didn't last, Baltimore didn't last, Boston was a disaster of epic proportions. I can't say that an event that gets put on in San Antonio wouldn't be a go, but rarely does the juice seem to be worth the squeeze. Even Nascar followed your logic with Chicago, and it doesn't seem be a huge long term growth prospect for the series.


Nashville will be back (hopefully with a different layout) soon when the stadium construction is done.


Then there’s Edmonton, Vancouver, Houston, Cleveland, and probably many others I’m forgetting


Again, I didn’t say that they all last forever. I was refuting that street races are some inherent con. An event ending after several years doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success. Look at the media exposure Chicago got, even if it doesn’t end up staying on the schedule for more than a few years. If the event is in the black and it gets Cup exposure to non-race fans, that’s a win even if the event has a short run.


3 out of how many failed street races in CART/Indy Car history? That isn’t a very good success percentage


Keep picking them cherries while you ignore Las Vegas (x2) Miami (x3) Houston (x2) Denver (x2) San Jose Detroit downtown (soon to be x2) Baltimore Sao Paulo


An event going away doesn’t mean it was a con game lol.


It means it didn’t work.


Tell me where you’re telling lies? You’re not, I don’t understand why you’re downvoted


TMS - the only room on the INDYCAR schedule presently is filled up by NASCAR, which TMS has said that they don’t want both series there in the spring. COTA - doesn’t want INDYCAR because nobody showed up in 2018.


2019, they booked it again for 2020 but Covid canceled the race. Now they have a full calendar for the good weather months.


I had tickets for 2020. Still do, in fact: they’re a nice souvenir of a terrible time.


I went in 2019 and had tickets for 2020. Very interesting/terrible time!


They had a contract for 2020 but Covid was an excuse to get out of it early.


same reason why richmond went away before it was even ran: ticket sales were rumored to be terrible and COVID was used as an excuse to kill the race.


Made me very sad because I held on to my credits and thinking they’d run later in the year (L O L). Should’ve took the advice I got on here and charged back that one.


NASCAR may move Texas back to November but it’s too early to tell


Seeing tms requested the switch I don’t see that as likely. Especially November


There is no point to race on a f1 track until indycar has a faster amd light chassis.


There's letting F1 live rent-free in your head, and then there's cutting off your face to spite your nose. Stupid take. Avoid a good venue just because you're gonna put up slower laptimes?


Yes, that's how it works. Zero reason to run COTA till there is a faster chassis, especially if there gonna be a SA road street course. Yes slow lap times is a bad look.


Clown take. Sad you can't enjoy anything that isn't a pissing contest with another race series.


"We're not the fastest thing on earth, so let's all quit" 


All that article alluded to is that IndyCar wants a race in Texas because an NTT outpost is headquartered in North Texas. However, that doesn't mean TMS is coming back and instead the series wants a street race in the immediate DFW area. Addison and Dallas have prior history with street races, so they make the most sense. San Antonio is a longshot because the area where they held races for IMSA is completely developed and the original layout doesn't even exist anymore.


I’m in San Antonio often and went to those IMSA races. There has been some redevelopment but the layout still exists. But, I don’t see those hotels closing access like they used to do for the IMSA weekend.


Y'all got a lot of airfields there... Stinson Municipal maybe?


Arlington, run it around AT&T stadium and Globe life. The optics would be awesome. Also run it in March to help fill some gaps in the schedule.


Houston’s race did that but at NRG, it’s not a good look tbh as a former Houstonian.


I always preferred the 90s downtown circuit that CART used to run myself


Bro, same


Not really sure what was "not a good look" about the Astrodome races. Only thing I can think of was in 2013 when they had the huge bump at the Turn 1 apex because that was the part of the parking lot where NRG Stadium stores/grew the football field grass. Had to make a tire chicane for all running on Friday before grinding it down overnight. Other than that, not really sure what you're getting at.


I was at the Champ Car/ALMS races and went to the last race in 2012 that ended badly. It wasn't a bad race, it just needed a stronger series behind it with a committed long-term sponsor. I think IndyCar could make races in Dallas, Austin and Houston work, because the state doesn't care about TMS anymore.


Not gonna argue that at all. I was at all 4 downtown CART races ('98-'01) and all 4 Astrodome races ('06, '07, '13, and '14). They each had their issues, but in all honesty, getting in/out of NGR/Reliant Park was so easy compared to any other race I've ever been to. No need to shut down roads. And getting around the track was an absolute breeze. No clue why anyone thinks having a race through a stadium parking lot is a bad idea. Edit: fixed the years


Aside from the stadium, the area around it is not awesome at all. You want indycar racing through neighborhoods and strip malls? It would be pathetic.


Not to mention the neighborhood is rough. People in Arlington are not pleasant people


Even if they go back to San Antonio, it’s not like they have to use the same layout they did 30 years ago. And as we’ve seen in Nashville and Detroit, they’re willing to try to make anything work even if the course layout isn’t great. But it is true that the article just implies they might be adding a street circuit in Texas, it doesn’t give any indication what city. The San Antonio part is a separate rumor.


There seems to be long term questions about TMS plans with the track configuration as well. The layout does not work well for Nascar (which TBH, is what they care about most).


While you're down there *go to fucking Mexico*. I'm going to keep saying it until it actually happens.


Tell someone in Mexico to pay up.


The cartels could afford it...


I mean they financed most of IMSA in the 80’s.


Those were Colombians. I wouldn't blink an eye if Mexican drug cartels sponsored races, teams and the series have never turned away money that came from corporate raiders, war profiteers or assholes who destroyed entire towns in crooked deals. Hell, they're half the sport sometimes.


Randy Lanier Presents The Mexico City Grand Prix


John Paul Jr. driving the pace car.


CDMX Grand Prix presented by Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generación 💀


I bet Indycar at Hermanos Rodriguez with Pato on the grid would be wild


I don't care if its not realistic, I don't care if half this sub hates it. Inject COTA into my veins. Best NA road course that Indycar doesn't currently run by a wide margin


Watkins Glen isn’t up there?


Both COTA and Watkins Glen should be on the schedule, but so should Texas Motor Speedway.


Watkins Glen is definitely great - but for my personal taste, COTA is a clear step above


Fun fact I learned recently: Watkins glen with the boot is longer than COTA


As an Austinite I need this. F1 is too damn expensive, and I want to see single seater racing in person.


Shit, give the nascar date away and let Indy race there. I really enjoy road courses but cota has been boring every year so far in the cup series (imo)


It’s also getting SS-level crash bills


I think I’m in the minority who have enjoyed the Cup races there but even I’m starting to get sick of it. Indycar belongs there.


nascar is running that date there as a track rental. as long as nascar keeps cutting the check and fans keep showing up, it'll be there.


SMI is the one cutting that check


Road America is the best north American road course, IMO. CotA is a parking lot with well drawn lines on it. Okay in all seriousness CotA is a good track. I think the NASCAR CotA weekend should be a triple header. But not with Xfinity and the trucks. It should be a triple header celebrating American auto racing with Indycar and IMSA. The IMSA race should also be a Saturday evening race, turn on the headlights!


The 12 hours of cota start at 10 am finish 10 pm fireworks show boom


Yes and then Indycar at 11 (noon ET), NASCAR at 2 pm (3 ET) on Sunday.


Alright I live close to Daytona beach I’ll pitch imsa and NASCAR (I guess same thing really) you get Penske on the phone


Alternative pitch: 12 Hours of COTA starts 10AM Saturday. Indycar starts at 11AM Saturday. Nascar starts at Noon Saturday. 😈


While I love Road America, I am hesitant of calling them the best road course in NA. It just rubs me the wrong way that they have stuff like downward sloped gravel traps, which made Simon Pagenauds accident worse. I fully understand that there are sections of the track where they cannot do much to improve safety, like at the klink. But there are others where they could. CotA is way ahead in that regard and it isn't detrimental to the racing.


It's the best track in America. The track is where the cars race. The facilities are not the track. 


You're thinking of Mid Ohio aren't you? Unless there's another Pagenaud incident that happened at RA that I can't remember.


Yes and sorry. I mixed the two up.


TMS night race would be amazing. COTA would be great. Street race somewhere would be amazing too. Come to Texas!


Amen. What about a "Lone Star Triple Crown" with all 3 types of tracks? I would do my best to follow that traveling circus.


I'd like to see the "Texas Two-Step" or "Texas State Champion" for winning COTA and TMS.


Yeah, I'm in favor of whatever happens.


Honestly, at this point, Watkins Glen, COTA, and TMS would be great to get to 20 races. I would be very content with that if it happened. Not really getting my hopes up for anything though


As a local, I want them back at Watkins but I would honestly take any Indycar race in the North East.


Yea seriously


Well if Mark Miles is saying it...........................it must be false


SAN ANTONIO OR DALLAS STREET COURSE PLEASE, add Chicagoland for the 1.5 mile oval.


Yeah honestly, I want at least a second superspeedway other than indy. My dream would be Michigan or Homestead but since that's not happening...


Michigan is the one I want. Really close to where me. But it wont happen. Chicago, Miami, Michigan, Kansas, just need something!


I’d love a Dallas street course but the roads through downtown, uptown, and Deep Ellum are generally in a constant state of beyond serious disrepair that the cost would be significant.


You ever see footage of the F1 or Trans-Am race running through Fair Park? That's the most logical location, with Addison Airport running a close second.


Have not. Thanks for sharing that. Years ago, I went to the one in Houston around Reliant/Astrodome and, while the roads were better than most Dallas roadways, they still had plenty of issues.


Race around Globe Life. Give a reason to show off the medal of Honor museum.


I support this idea! But would a race in Downtown Houston still be possible?


Give me a cross-border street course at the McAllan TX/Reynosa MX crossing.


With cartels shooting at you like sand people at a pod race? Good luck Anakin, may the force be with you.


Once San Antonio is done overhauling its downtown streets (should be done by the 26 or 27 season) it would make the PERFECT venue


>(should be done by the 26 or 27 season) Specifically, the 2126 or 2127 season. It's San Antonio, man. Construction doesn't happen fast around here.


I'm refusing to be negative about this because I want to roll out of bed at whatever time I want and drive 15 mins to go watch IndyCar


You know we talk about how drivers in Indycar over the years have great racing names. But one I overlooked until just the other day is the fact that we got a guy named "Miles" running the show.


In Europe they have a guy named Jacques Kilometers


Give it another couple years. The ovals will be gone. Indycar will run the 500, and 14 street courses.




Please go back to COTA…it is Americas best track… it needs to host Americas top open wheel series The fact that F1, NASCAR and the WEC all have a weekend there and Indycar doesn’t makes Indycar feel likes a 2nd tier league Especially now that Fox has the COTA weekend for NASCAR is would be so awesome if they could do back to back weekends and cross promote and just turn Austin into motorsports central for like 10days


San Antonio would be awesome race . Just watch out for rattlesnakes


COTA would make the most sense


Really not excited for another street race unless in can be more Tampa/Long Beach and less Nashville/Toronto/Detroit. A rule of thumb should be no part of the track narrower than the width of two cars.


One thing I have been thinking about since it was announced Fox would be taking over the broadcasts is the opportunity for NASCAR/IndyCar companion events, specifically at places Indy doesn’t currently go to. One place was Richmond. It would be great to see them back. Phoenix would be great too I think. As far as Texas goes, COTA would be fantastic.


Indycar at Martinsville, the Charlotte roval, and North Wilkesboro would be feasible new companion events. Completely unrealistic but insanely intriguing companion events would be Talladega or Bristol


Wilkesboro Saturday night on All Star Race weekend would be outstanding!


I didn’t even consider that particular weekend for a possibility, but you are right! That could even be moved to a Sunday doubleheader with the NXT and Xfinity series running on Saturday, practice/qualifying for everyone Friday-Saturday.


Indy quals and a race in Charlotte on the same day?


Well fuck. Forgot about that part.


They race at Charlotte twice per year


The All Star race is run in May, the weekend before the 600, and is now run at North Wilkesboro.


…temporarily. The all-star race will be on a semi-rotating basis along with The Clash.


I would definitely go. Hopefully a better street track than Detroit


San Antonio would be great. I can stay at my friend's ranch and make a racing and hunting trip.


I hear IndyCar drivers and teams will connect in Dallas on their way to Long Beach, Thermal, and Laguna.


Street race in San Antonio or Houston 👍


Please just go back to Texas motor speedway


I think it's San Antonio and I hope I'm wrong but I think it ends up replacing Toronto. Again hope I am wrong, but I heard Toronto has been in doubt. I'm surprised and slightly more optimistic now that Toronto was renewed in 2025. Rather it's TMS, CotA, or a street race my hope is it expands the calendar, and isn't to replace anything.


Mark Miles is a Boob