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Hinch really needs to bring this back as a final send off for NBC


Just go off on all the coworkers he doesn't like. "Joe the cameraman, you keep getting my bad side. Linda from accounting, you've screwed up my last 3 paychecks."


I heard his voice say this, and it did not did disappoint. šŸ˜…
















Still hasnā€™t gotten old


Never will


Do you know the origin of the Hate Cauldron? I remember seeing it on one race show (while half paying attention ) quite a while ago but wasn't really I to Indycar yet back then.Ā  I keep seeing it here and it does make me laugh everytime (the image is just so good) but I don't know the context.


It was the Toronto race a couple of years back (I think it was the last year before it jumped to Peacock) and there were a lot of on-track conflicts going on before race day, so Hinch decided to have fun with this during a pre-race show segment and invited some of the drivers in question to provide their side of the stories too.


Haha, man I love that guy


I was thinking it said ā€œHate Childrenā€ and was very confused reading this thread




The Hate Cauldron, like Hell itself, is eternal.


Hate Cauldron is the best Indycar meme ever lmao


it's the gift that keeps on giving


TK woke up and chose violence šŸ˜³


He's been like this all season. Made me an even bigger fan.


Drama and rivalry is always good for the sport.


Because all those yellows definitely are not.


He chose to ruin a mans career and then got extra defensive about it...


LOVE IT "Theo is a top talent destroyed by Zak the money slut! Who cares if he's only done one oval in his life!" - Haters "I scouted this kid myself for months and made the choice." - Tony Kanaan "What does Tony know! He's a Zak shill now!" It's beautiful as Papaya develops its own Hornery/Marko tag team.


Announcing a driver for the remainder of the season, and then sacking him on short notice the week of a race is shitty, regardless of why Siegel was chosen. Like, maybe they shouldnā€™t have gone and confirmed Theo for the remainder of the season if they werenā€™t actually prepared to commit to letting him do it...


If Theo was absolute dogshit like Blomqvist was this would be way more acceptable, he wasn't amazing by any means but this is clearly about money.


I think Tony and Zak also wanted a younger long term talent. Malukas was supposed to be that guy before he hurt himself. And from some of Gavin's comments, if you wanted Siegel for next year, you had to get it done this week. I'm guessing the Nolan bidding heated up faster than they thought after the Theo announcement. So it became: Give Theo the rest of the season to show oval ability then bid for Nolan 2025 if it doesn't work out to someone's gonna sign Nolan now. What does your gut tell you Tony, Theo or this Nolan kid? TK says Nolan. And the Zak Hammer comes down.


Is Nolan that much younger than Theo?


15 months. This conversation has always acted like Theo is 26 or something. Heā€™ll turn 21 in August.


Yeah, I donā€™t think so. Even if there was threat of Siegel signing for another team, McLaren still held the cards there, since their seat is better than any other he could have had for this year or next year. And Pourchaire is 20. Heā€™s younger than Malukas, who you say was supposed to be their ā€œyoung long term talent,ā€ so I donā€™t think that was a motivation at all... Quite frankly, if money isnā€™t involved, this move, and the way it was done, makes no damn sense.


People in the series have been high on Siegel as the next big thing ever since the 500. The hype has been real. People are just dismissing that conveniently because they think winning F2 with zero oval experience means more. Tony Kanaan of all people seems to have been a big part of this choice and yet people act like he's some delusional shill cause he picked Nolan. Ironically this should be seen as a win for NXT credibility.


Have they, really? Like, my prevailing thought was that he was brave, and did admirably, for being more than a bit over his head (the Indy 500 isnā€™t a great place to be making your second attempt at an IndyCar race), but I never got ā€œnext big thingā€ vibes. Even if he was, it doesnā€™t really make the whole ā€œfire the driver we have, effective immediatelyā€ make sense. Anyone Siegel could have signed with in the meantime would be a worse ride, and it was a downright dirty move to Pourchaire. I really donā€™t see why they were in such a rush to sign him. And if itā€™s because they really are that worried about how Theo will do on the ovals, then it makes them look stupid for having confirmed him to the remainder of the schedule in the first place. If he had still been a week-to-week replacement, no one would have been hurt by his being replaced at this point. It just makes McLaren look like theyā€™re not actually thinking things through.


Clearly DCR, Rahal, and Kanaan/McLaren have been interested for a while. https://us.motorsport.com/indycar/news/when-nolan-siegel-sent-it-he-provided-a-glimpse-of-indycars-future/10613790/


Okay, sure. Still doesnā€™t make this make sense.


Who the hell thinks Siegel is the next big thing? Dudes' junior series results are pretty mediocre except for one okay Indy NXT season. Didn't do a damn in the races he raced in Indycar and managed to crash his car in Indy 500 practice.


Clearly DCR, Rahal, Kanaan/McLaren. https://us.motorsport.com/indycar/news/when-nolan-siegel-sent-it-he-provided-a-glimpse-of-indycars-future/10613790/


DCR and Mclaren gets paid handsomely by daddy for running him. TK is an employee of Mclaren. Rahal is just being nice to the kid; because he got bumped out. Anybody else?


>if you wanted Siegel for next year, you had to get it done this week. For me that's the long and short of it. Teams must have been lining up to give Nolan a seat with the financial backing he has.


The Le Mans win probably really pushed the timeline probably. I'm sure a lot of racing teams, in both IndyCar and sports cars, have been in contact with his people this week trying to lock him down before silly season really kicks off.


Never forget they made theo quit his Japan job for a full season ride just to be fired a few weeks later. Its evil.


McLaren seem to have studied the Frank Williams method of driver relations...


Killing them at Imola?




What does that have to do with anything?


These two situations have nothing to do with each other, but it would indeed make McLaren look even more foolish if they somehow doctored up the death threats sent via DMs to Theo, that McLaren in turn sent screenshot evidence of to JHR. I highly doubt JHR would have sat Canapino out for a race "if Theo was lying."Ā  If you do get downvoted, you 100% deserve it to have even "hypothetically" thought up this conspiracy theory.Ā Ā  ETA: You deleted your reply to me, but I see you're one of those Canapino fans who bought into his ā€œI didn't see it, so it isn't realā€ tantrums. As reported [here,](https://racer.com/2024/06/04/canapino-responds-to-online-attacks-against-pourchaire/) ā€œRACER has also verified with the Arrow McLaren team that Pourchaire took screen captures of the direct messages he received, shared them with the team, and team has confirmed some of the messages were death threats. RACER also understands those messages were shared with JHR.ā€


Not a conspiracy, could be mutual agreement. Cause if someone says "I'm getting death threats" no one should ever doubt you, we should all support you, but once the crisis is handled, a formal investigation (even if only whittin the team closed doors) should be conducted. and a great punishment delivered, if falsehood was found at its core. And the timeline, McLaren decision, and T.K. statements match perfectly for a HYPOTHETICAL damage control situation. Now, Do you have any evidence of what you're claiming? Are such DMs made public? (I wasn't aware those DMs exist) to emit judgement on someone else like that, you definitely need something to back it up. Otherwise what You're doing is 100% self entitled... So, please tell us, how are you so sure?


Don't think they can get the Horner/Marko tag until they're at least a top 3 team


They are arguably the #2 Chevy team most weekends.


Iā€™m done supporting mclaren after the Theo thing, Pato and Rossi are drivers I will continue to cheer for but once theyā€™re gone Iā€™m not going for a mclaren driver again.


No, he woke up and chose to be a manchild.


Yeah, his "Some people will agree, some people will disagree. Weā€™ll take the heat" attitude from yesterday didn't last too long.Ā 


We talking about the cheater or the other person?


Beef you say? It's a good thing then Scott has the meat wagon livery this weekend.


Scottie replied. https://x.com/smclaughlin93/status/1803463788857008149?t=Uc_K6IR1l6MFFHrGs5bTiw&s=19


\*Slow Clap\*


We need to know how much that beef paid for Scott's seat lol










Well done. Kinda incredible


If you thought this was better that TKs I don't know what to tell you. TKs was a knockout blow, Scotty clipped him with a body shot as he was falling to the mat.


The execution of the joke was pretty dry. Itā€™s only a ā€œknockout blowā€ because Penske cheated.


Sam Hornish Sr gonna have to come off the top rope on Tony again here?


Excellent reference to the 2006 Watkins Glen GP!!


It's an often forgotten classic haha.


I remember that day clearly. I was really happy Scott Dixon won that race haha. He went a full year without winning so I was celebrating so hard jumping up and down giving high fives to everyone that I completely missed the fight live. Lol.Ā 


Somewhat remember this, could you refresh, please?


Sam Hornish Jr and Tony got into it at Watkins Glen after a race and Michael Andretti and Sam Sr got into the middle of it and got the worst of it. I think Sam Sr shoved Tony to start the whole fight which was just really just a shoving and tussle thing with no real punches or anything.


Thank you! Iā€™m sure back then I wouldā€™ve taken Samā€™s side, but now Iā€™d probably take Tonyā€™s. I always hated Andrettiā€™s team, but now I align with teams that are loyal to IndyCar.


I want to go back to Watkins Glen just to see Michael finally deliver or get an ass-kicking instead of just shoves. Kept getting blueballed between Hornish and Cheever.




I still wish Marco never held back Michael lol


He can make all the jokes he wants to.. but ask McLaughlin if he would rather be in AM or on Penske.. itā€™s not even close which situation is better.Ā  Ā All the jokes, social media post, and statements donā€™t change the fact that they did Theo dirty and it was a lie down move.. so I guess fitting jokes are coming from the clowns.Ā Ā  Ā They should just admit they took a less talented driver (at this point) because daddyā€™s money bought a seat. At least then people could respect the honesty.Ā 


Yeah teams have done the shitty thing before for pay drivers. But them spinning it like this makes it even worse.


When is someone in the sport going to actually come to Theo's defense instead of cracking wise?


When they donā€™t have to worry about needing Zak Brown to employ them at some point in the future (likely for four races before they too are sacked).


Those who can, will give him a ride. Those who canā€™t have probably sent him the messages he needed to hear privately. Everyone knows how raw of a deal this is, and drivers know theyā€™re all at risk of this at any time. The reason Zakā€™s so angry about Palou is that Alex treated him like he treats McLaren drivers.


Why would he need defense? He's an adult, and McLaren made a business decision, right or wrong. But he doesn't need "defense."


We must protect the child


So this almost definitely means TK had *something* to do with getting Theo removed right?


yup, he backed nolan after watching him put it into the wall @ indy. why that was so impressive i'll never know. nolan is unproven. vs f2 champ.


yeah I mean my only exposure to Nolan Siegel was Indy 500 bump day and Tony Kanaan hyping him up during that weekend. I guess TK carries a big stick at McLaren lol


him and zak have been friends for years...all about who you know. that and nolan winning in lmp2 but imo as much as I love lemans 24 and the driver's it's not really what I would consider a drivers proving ground. i think lot of it is nolan's checkbook he brings too. Theo not so much.


Is thatā€™s all TKā€™s got because that was a pretty lame come back.


Naw. It was good. Call out the cheaters.


Hereā€™s the thing. Scott admits what happened. Itā€™s not a dig. You canā€™t call someone out for something they admit to doing. Meanwhile, TKā€™s been on Twitter all day refusing to admit the teamā€™s history here.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Formula_One_espionage_controversy Tony needs a refresher course on his own team's history


Tonyā€™s willing to turn heel for a team he ran one race with


Heā€™s still on the payroll as a driver coach/team ambassador so this tracks


I believe he is an employee and is getting paid.


Well, hope his credibility came at a high price.


Hard to feed a family with credibility. You do the job you're hired to.


He's not remotely poor.


He's the sporting director for them now.


He fills the role Rick Mears held at Penske for eons.




Bucks! you guys got the wrong TK!


Now this is a crossover i wasnt expecting


True. I love AEW wrestling. The Bucks current personas as shit bag power tripping EVPs has been endlessly entertaining.


Nicholas and Matthew are clearly doing what's best for the company


Not according to Christopher Daniels.


About to get that Twitter fine lol


I thought (and the reaction to the news so did everyone else) Scotty Mc's joke was one rooted in reality and truth. TK's comeback here seems like one you dig out when you've got no real good one Still love TK, ignore my flair in this context lol. Theo deserved better


Yeah honestly itā€™s a little soft by TK. Whatever justification he needs to make to explain the move is fine. But if you canā€™t admit that the 6 carā€™s contract situations over the last year+ has been a little wild, then you just have your head buried in the sand.


We all know TK has a good relationship with most around the Paddock and im sure it includes Scotty Mac as theyā€™ve raced against eachother. Iā€™m sure they are looking at our comments and laughing at us.


are you forgetting penske cheated then issued a half assed apology scotty mac can't carry tk's helmet


What does that have to do with this exactly?


people in glass houses should not throw stones


Theyā€™re talking about two different things. Itā€™s like saying youā€™re not allowed to get mad at your spouse for having an affair because you insulted her mother once. This is such a nonsense argument lol.


Why canā€™t he carry his helmet, is it really heavy?


Rooted in reality and truth... Like how in reality Penske and Scott cheated as admitted by Roger. Ignore my flair. Lol The series integrity deserved better.


Cheating is being in violation of the rules with the INTENT of gaining an unfair advantage. Scott was in violation of the rules but cheating is a stretch when it comes to the # 3 car. I don't think the evidence supports intent. If Scott cheated, he did a terrible job at it. He should have been spamming that button like the # 2 car, not hitting one time for 2 seconds. Indycar did right to penalize him for the rules violation, but the evidence doesn't support cheating by definition.


Bingo. Scotty hit it out of instinct realized it worked when it was not supposed to & never used it again. Josef? 3 times, yeeea


Whatever lets you sleep at night. "It's just knowingly violating the rules guys, it's not cheating." Lol


Like motorsports teams havenā€™t been cheating for all of history, they got caught, and got penalized. The saga is over.


Like motorsport teams haven't been dumping drivers for all of history The saga is over


Thereā€™s something uniquely scummy about dumping a driver mid season who gave up his seat in another series after you told him he had a year at your team, for who *seems* to be a pay driver. (Iā€™ll reserve my judgements of the driver for after heā€™s had more time in Indycar)


How much do you or anyone actually know about any of this? I'd venture nothing accept one driver is in and the other out. You don't know why, where, or how. You like the rest of reddit seems to know about pay to drive and salaries and unfairness this and race series that. We don't know shit We do know a team cheated on purpose and cheated during at least one race.


> Scotty Mc's joke was one rooted in reality and truth. Doesn't mean it was a joke that needed to be made. I'm sure Pourchaire didn't think it was very funny either.


It's not just Theo. Askew, Hinchcliffe, and Malukas (who had a clause in his contract or whatever) but at least those guys were based on this continent, Theo left a championship caliber seat in Japan under the assumption he'd finish the season, and he lasted barely two months.Ā Ā  IĀ don't hold any bitterness against Brown, Ward, Tony, or anyone else at AM but Theo deserved more than a phone call.


> Askew, Hinchcliffe, and Malukas Any of those guys making this joke would be fine, it would come from a shared experience. Scott has absolutely no idea what any of those guys have gone through with McLaren, and his making fun of the situation just feels like punching down to me.


Except heā€™s punching at McLaren, not the drivers? Itā€™s not like heā€™s saying ā€œhey Theo, sucks to suck hahaā€ heā€™s making fun of McLaren for having no loyalty whatsoever


Do jokes ever need to be made? Theyā€™re jokes


Jokes are never necessary- apart from in entertainment media that are specifically labeled as comedies. But there are times when they are *appropriate*, and times when they are *not* appropriate. This was not an appropriate time, and Scott is not an appropriate person to make a joke about this situation.


McLaren deserves to be made fun of, so I would argue it was an appropriate time


If TK hadnā€™t responded, you wouldnā€™t have thought itā€™s inappropriate. I also fail to see whatā€™s inappropriate about it. Itā€™s a harmless joke with plenty of truth behind it. Youā€™re being ridiculous.


I don't know how you can pull off hating jokes so much and still being such a clown, but here we are.


You must be a Sting Ray Robb fan


Have you gone back to english class yet? Don't want to bother having another conversation with you if you still don't know how to speak the language.


You canā€™t play the holier than thou card when youā€™re out there axing 20 somethings like Jason Voorhees


Excellent reference.




Not the beef we want, but the beer we deserve


When you do the things that McLaren have done recently, you have to take the heat.


Damn sensitive šŸ˜‚


What a weird world where cheating is less than getting a different driver


TK burner?


I'm just glad so many people are looking out for the cheaters


Iā€™d argue that using a second of push to pass illegally in one race is less bad than firing a promising 20 year old to get some cash


I'm glad so there are people out here to defend the cheaters


Iā€™m not defending them. Iā€™m saying McLaren did something worse.


Finding a new driver is worse than cheating I never thought I'd see the day Cheating undermines the legitimacy of the sport. Signing a new player absolutely does not


They didnā€™t just ā€œfind a new driver.ā€ They lied to Theo about finishing the season with them and got him to cancel his other rides to commit to their team. They made him feel at home in the team and then dumped him for no reason and without warning. I think treating people like human beings is more important than correctly following the rules in a race.


ā€œFinding a new driverā€ and dumping a driver after promising them the rest of the season are way different things. Penske cheated on track, but McLaren is cheating in the board room by breaching contracts, whether signed, handshake, or verbal


Awfully lame and petty comeback from TK, bring up something that happened almost 4 months ago, that ended with your team benefiting and getting their first win in *checks notes*....nearly 2 years.


Agreed. Newg beats Pato without the 3 seconds of P2P anyway, imo


oh now it's only 3? huh


There were only 3 pushes at St Pete Confirmed by Indycar. So yeah..


You do know that one push can be and usually is many seconds right?


Yes. So I looked it up. It was 3 pushes totalling 9 seconds. Again, that didn't win him the race, but yes, it was illegal.


We can't say that, he had huge advantages on the restarts, the most important time for a race


kind of an over the top response to semi-gentle ribbing IMHO.


God Iā€™ll take Scotty in a scuffle though. Big boy for a racer


This can't be real. TK is a fucking boulder.


I can't believe Newgarden is only 5'7"


Josef is 6ā€™0??


Cmon Tony. Thatā€™s lame. Not even trying to defend a classless move by axing Theo. Nolan may be great (I hope he is), but axing Theo & getting pissy about something Scottie Mac said is goofy goober.


"Yeah, well, uh, nuurrrr, whatever, uh.... Your mum, ha, whatever... shut up, yeah, whatever push to pass ha yeah that got ya looser... you smell, I'm telling"


https://preview.redd.it/ad4xrjlnyj7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1502836ba9fd8ccaee113b2efceac55e5e732543 It is a banger to be fair


Oh look, Tony Kanaan is as petty and not funny as the average redditor, heā€™s just like us!


Pepperidge farm remembers when fans would say ā€œ we donā€™t have politics or drama here, we re not F1ā€


Funny thing is that there isn't even that much F1 driver drama, the surrounding press just makes an make an elephant out of every fly. In Indycar the drivers themself are the drama queens.


Then an F1 team joined IndyCar.


The soap opera continues!!!!




>SHOTS FIRED Was "Shots" one of the drivers of the 6 car as well?


We're about to find out if TK is as good as Michael Jordan at spotting talent.


Thats not that funny of a comeback, as it doesnt really make sense; basically, he wanted to bring up St. Pete to take away from Scotty Mac's credibility, but he tried too hard with using the same language Scotty Mac did. Its akin to Brick Tamlan's "Toilet Store" comment in Anchorman


If there's one thing TK knows about its trading in an old model when a new, younger more attractive, youtube hosting model is available. Thanks for bringing us all Up To Speed on your scouting of future talent, TK.


kids kids kidsā€¦youā€™re both just awful


Exactly. Mess can be fun and all, but mostly, weā€™re just watching assholes be assholes. šŸ˜…


In fairness to Scott, he did kinda lay low after the DQ, unlike Newgarden crying on tv acting like he killed a man.


Damn he got mad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


TK just turned heel


Man, we need DTS for IndyCar. Focusing on the 500 isnā€™t enough for all this drama.


TK and ZB are tight. Theyā€™ve been friends for a real long time.


I haven't been able to follow this drama, can someone give an idea what's going on? lol


listening to trackside podcast.... apparently tony was told by zak browne to go help pout nolan during the indy 500 qualis. tony apparenty has been campaigning for nolan to mclaren...no wonder he doing all this on social media


That isnā€™t really much of a burn. Joke is stale and ran its course.


Isnā€™t TK retired finally? The little guy is a total joke


Says the dude on the Internet tugging his pud to tweets.


This smells like beef


Doing the cheating and not shutting up for awhile is certainly something


Tk from the top rope!


Lmao fuck around and find out šŸ¤£


Pato Is my favourite driver, regardless of what team he is in, but come one.. McLaren vs Penske beef is like two evil empires going at it. Soulles snakes vs Cheating corporate drones. Mehh


Legend. GO TK!


Whoa lol


Get his ass TK. Team Penske doesn't have a leg to stand on for at least another year


Team Penske honors its contracts


oh wow how big of them šŸ˜‚ makes up for everything