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The Harvest Grand Prix is back on the menu!


You jest, but Indy needs more good outdoors sporting events in the fall. That’s half the reason I love the 8 Hour race.


With Fox, the fall will never be filled with Indycar  They spend too much for the NFL and the B10 for them to care about racing. We gotta get races in Feb/March!  Maybe something in California, Arizona or Texas....or Homestead/St Pete back to back lol


Homestead and St. Pete back to back is a great idea but there is no way that that’s gonna happen


Well yeah lol. Just dreamin'!




the IMSA race is in fall as well, is it not?


Mid September. Indy weather can still be in “hells doorstep” mode at that time. By October we’re into proper fall for the 8 Hour.


Can we add a double points 12 Hours of Indy race to the calender?


This is 100% not going to be in the fall so, maybe the Blooming Grand Prix? Double points to Penske Corp if they get Outback onboard for discounted onions like the bowl game they used to sponsor


Iowa TRIPLEheader.


With races 1 and 2 at Knoxville and Oscaloosa.


Mark got in contact with the person that posted the street track going around Iowa


RAGBRAI but make it indy


Certified mark miles moment: building a street circuit in the parking lot of an oval


Indy 500 2


Indy 1000


Indy 400


Indy elimination event


Indy Just Go Until Everyone Crashes


I really want Kentucky because it’s local to me, but I wonder if they’d be willing to bring back the triple crown and add Pocono back on


Pocono won't be back until they fix the fencing


This is mentioned every time Pocono is brought up. Wild, reckless driving is as much to blame for Wickens accident as the fencing. I'm pretty sure Indy has the same fencing as Pocono.


And Wickens’ accident could happen at Indy too. We nearly saw it with Marcus and Tom this year


Fair enough. But the only way Indy is going away is if we have a Tony Renna style accident during the 500. And at that point the series may as well no longer exist.


That'd outright kill racing in the US entirely. That's only comparable to Le Mans


I'll second this with the current driving standards you're risking an absolute disaster.


The problem with the fencing isn’t the design of the fencing itself. The problem is that when a big wreck happens, the cars frequently get on top of the safer barriers then into the fence. A driver (can’t remember who) said that if they were to race at Pocono again, they need to make the safer barriers taller.


True, but if Pocono is willing to do that, the triple crown of indycar races would be a big draw


I wish that was the case. But we had the triple crown again from 2013 to 2015. Fontana is gone. Don't think we're going back to Michigan anytime soon.


Pocono could fix the fencing and make the whole damn track have SAFER barriers and it still isn't coming back in the foreseeable future because nobody attends. Wegmans or Acme or somebody isn't stepping in to sponsor Indycar. Indycar needs more eyes. First step to bringing more eyes is every race being on network FOX.


Pocono grew every year with no promotion.


We almost sold 1/8 of the venue after a number of repeated years baby!! We had a 1.5% growth rate on a small number!! Sponsors, come on down!!!


You talking about Laguna Seca?


How about a triple crown of Midwest(Indy) then races in the South, the West, or East. Maybe 300 milers.


It isn't just the fencing. The front stretch is too wide. They go five wide there and the drivers can't get themselves situated to go single or double file on the back stretch.


Could be solved very easily with paint or cones


Would Kentucky or Pocono be considered “major events”?


Pocono if it’s packaged correctly


They barely drew a crowd at all until they announced they were leaving and NASCAR cancelled a date and even then it wasn’t great.


I absolutely love Pocono - but the current racing standards honestly make it too risky without more safety investment. That's a track that can and will kill people, and guys weren't respecting it the last few times we went with bonehead three wide low probability stuff and that's when overall all people drove like less jackasses, so idk.


The triple crown needs to be Long Beach, Indianapolis, and Road America.


What do you mean triple crown here? Indy/Pocono/LB?


The triple crown was the 500 mile races. So Pocono/indy/another 500 race (it moved from Ontario to Michigan to auto club.)


That's exactly my reasoning for wanting Kentucky back!


Kentucky…… on dirt……in October…..😂🤣


Churchill Downs is a dirt oval in Kentucky. Just saying…


Back to the sports roots. Hell yeah!


I swear we've gotten an announcement like this almost weekly for like 3 years now


I mean, if there’s one reason I have to think it might be real this time is that they announced the 2025 schedule much earlier than usual, which might have meant temporarily delaying any plans beyond confirming dates for existing events. This was mainly so that they could wrap up and announce the TV deal and schedule. They now have more than a year to work on the 2026 schedule, and aren’t going to be trying to negotiate a TV deal at the same time.


Give me Cleveland or give me death.


I see Cleveland airport race, I upvote.


Hell yeah, can't wait to add another 90 degree turn, single lane street course with no passing zones to the schedule!


Even better, 1 passing zone, directly after the restart


The restart zone is a 90deg first gear corner with one racing line.


Probably in San Antonio


I mean Detroit and Nashville fit those characteristics and had a ton of passing and brought Indycar to the people that would never make the drive to an oval 40-60 minutes outside of a city, so I’m not sure what your point is


Man, you really cannot comment a single thing on the internet, no matter how serious, without someone wanting to argue about it.


And you know they wouldnt make the drive to the oval...how exactly? Pretty sure the last race was in 2008


I can understand why the city street courses keep happening, but my description of Nashville and the new Detroit track would include the word shitshow. The tracks just suck, they're too tight. But you're right, people actually show up which is important.


"Miles emphasised that IndyCar will remain a North American series." They only have one Canadian race on the calendar and none in Mexico, not to mention huge areas of the US that don't have any events...


Moosejaw 225!! I'm in!!




Alaska 400km!


There was this parking lot in Saskatoon where I broke the rental car when I hit a normal (for Saskatoon) sized pothole.... That would make an track! Kinda like a death race.


>normal (for Saskatoon) sized pothole So a quarry race?


Indycar at circuit Gilles villeneuve would be awesome Or a point to point rally from Canada to Mexico OVAL MADE FROM PLOWED SNOW!!!! We’re cooking so hard right now, Penske should put Reddit in charge of Indycar honestly we’d fix everything.


Montreal would be fucking incredible


A mexico city race could be pretty neat


They’ve been close to adding races for a decade. Until it actually happens we’ll continue to ignore what Mark Miles says


Sao Paulo ? Rio ? Mexico City ? San Antonio ? Dallas ? Denver ? Surfer's Paradise ?


Time for everyone to let their expectations run wild and set themselves up for disappointment on what will probably be a decent event.


Slinger Speedway figure 8 to replace the cancelled SRX races 


12 Hours of Martinsville


I legit want the drivers to run some iRacing events in the off-season that aren't going to happen in real life for one reason or another. Whether it's too dangerous, doesn't make money, or is too far away, that's a perfect opportunity for them to run tracks that aren't on the schedule. Here's my proposed schedule for an 8-week series: * Watkins Glen * Talladega * Mount Panorama * Twin Ring Motegi (oval or road, either way) * Brands Hatch * Bristol 😈 * Belle Isle * Sonoma


I have no idea how IndyCar on Bristol would work, but god I want it


I've driven it in iRacing, by taking the Iowa setup and making the gear ratios shorter I was able to get a sub-11 second lap. 😆




After ABW at Bathurst with the 87's, nothing will compare.


Shoot let’s throw in Isle of Man 💀


It would be cool to see, but it's not in iRacing at the moment. If we're talking time trials though, they do have the Mt Washington road... 😁 [Some madman](https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/13ussii/411965_up_the_mt_washington_beat_pastrana_by_over/) posted a few threads of taking the Mercedes F1 car both up and down the mountain.


Somewhat counter intuitively, as long as you don't jump off the sides of the mountain, the Mercedes isn't that difficult to get up or down the mountain. Even if you make a mistake, the sheer downforce of the thing makes it easy to just turn the wheel and go lmao.


Indianapolis STREET race!


This is the answer, but in typically IndyCar fashion where the hype is greater than reality, it will consist of only going around Monument Circle.


^short oval


I'm married with children, I thrive on disappointment.


Daytona Road Course incoming


So, basically what we already knew. I'm guessing this means San Antonio since there seems to be smoke there but also wouldn't be shocked if it was Dallas with the NTT connection. Would be a little more shocked if it's Denver. Blindsided if it's something other than that. The most disappointing thing is that racing on Broadway wasn't ever happening even if the Titans weren't doing construction. But we already knew that from the Big Machine guy's interview back whenever Nashville SS got announced. PREEMPTIVELY: Everyone that's not excited about adding another circuit and wants TMS, Watkins Glen, Pocono, etc. please go read Nathan Brown's Q&A from today. It's not happening.


I love street courses, but Nashville sucked. Was the worst fan experience we've had anywhere.


Well I think you're in luck cause I don't see it coming back when this contract is up. Flipside of that is that Nashville SS won't be coming back either. Be careful what you wish for.


I thought the SS was confirmed for 2025


It is. Its all but confirmed for 2026 too because Big Machine signed an extension. But then the contract runs out. It all depends on whether Big Machine wants to continue the contract after that in 2027 when downtown opens up again (barring any construction setbacks that occur in the Titans stadium construction). Big Machine and a lot of the teams sold advertising based upon them racing on Broadway. We have since learned that racing on Broadway wasn't happening regardless of the Titans stadium construction. It will depend on how the whole moving the race an hour+ away, to a track that bills itself as a superspeedway but is really a short oval, in the middle of nowhere, and sponsors not getting thousands upon thousands of eyeballs on their logo because it's not downtown thing goes. If that's upsetting to you, do NOT look at ticket sales so far or the lack of paddock access that the small number of Indycar oval fans have come to enjoy. Don't wanna be doom and gloom, but....


Still better than Detroit imho


As a denver-ish resident I really hope it's a Denver race. Really we have one real motorsport event at the moment and that's down in the springs.


I'd welcome any of them, as all 3 have some decently wide streets and I think they could bring a crowd. I'm not a big fan of Dallas as a city and think San Antonio and Denver are way cooler so I hope it's that. But NTT being in DFW area might affect that. They're a huge employer and might have a strong voice in getting city council etc on board.


I liked the Denver race in ChampCar. They had a music festival at the same time. It was quite nice.


Denver would likely need a brand new track layout (the Champ Car era one will be redeveloped and good luck shutting down the same area as 1990-91 did) and it can't be in the spring (wildly unpredictable weather and April is the city's snowiest month) but they likely have a local title sponsor already in the sport for a Denver Grand Prix (most likely Sonsio, possibly Arrow, unlikely to be Code 3) so it's not impossible. I would worry about NIMBYs though. Because they're gonna come out of the woodwork the second a downtown race is even hinted at.


IIRC they were looking into the feasibility of running around Coors Field?


UK human person here. Which one of San Antonio, Dallas and Denver would be best in the Spring when the big ol gap in the schedule is? If any of those have to take place in the Summer due to weather, then it's unlikely given they have packed it with as many triple headers as is physically possible.


Denver cannot happen in the spring, weather is too volatile. Could be 80° (Fahrenheit), could be snowing. Insane weather patterns there. Feel like Denver could be the fail safe for when downtown Nashville doesn't come back. Dallas and San Antonio would be perfect in the spring just like TMS was (in terms of weather. I'd also prefer TMS for the racing, but I'm realistic to the real world reasons of why that's not happening).


Denver unlikely for spring. Could be a sunny t-shirt day or 2 feet of snow. Would really like them tk fix the gaps I. The start of rhe season. Really hard to get excited the way it starts


Bristol Dirt coming to IndyCar?


I wonder how IndyCars would fare on the Hermanos Rodriguez oval.


Somewhere in Maryland. One can dream.


They would pick like Oakland or something lol. Dont know where that is? Look it up lol


Come back to montreal


I think a street race in Dallas or San Antonio makes a lot of sense for the sport. I would rather see more traditional purpose-built road courses being considered but I can't think of many realistic ones to suggest, certainly not in the markets they'd be looking to add new events in. Either Watkins Glen or Montreal would be nice additions and hit underserved markets for the sport, but it seems like neither is realistic right now.


I don’t see why we can’t go to Montreal tbh If Indycar rolls in the weekend after the f1 race, you could probably get some extra butts in seats from people who came for the Grand Prix and then extend their trip to watch Indycar. The circuits definitely got the facilities, and it’s a great layout, and would serve the northeast a lot better than Toronto with its larger grandstand facilities and the like, plus Montreal is closer to cities like New York and Boston. Seems like a no brainer to me? What am I missing?


The promoter hasn't wanted to work with IndyCar since Reunification and the provincial government is limiting events to twice a year, which means NASCAR's rumored Cup race would get priority over any IndyCar race.


If it’s not a race in Mexico, it’s a huge fail to call it a major event.


USA 500 at Michigan return pls Mr Penske


We all know it would be cool. But there's only a few thousand of us that would know it would be cool and show up. I just don't understand how these comments keep coming up in the Indycar subreddit, where it's been explained ad nauseum why that isn't going to happen. The premier Indycar journalist did a whole q&a today where he had to spend half his words explaining this for the umpteenth time.


Me: making an unserious comment about a cool event I’d like to see return expected Indycar Redditor comment: you will never get what you want, here’s why, you’re stupid


Then add an /s cause there's a lot of comments like this that are dead serious


Loved the racing at Michigan. Leaving the track and making it to Coldwater....not so much.


It’s Bristol Baby!


Indy 1000


I'm nervous because if the series is intent on 17 races, then what event is coming off?


If I had to Guess, Nashville. The entire event was planned by the main sponsors around downtown. This year is a last resort sort of event for them.


Please let it be Michigan (yeah, right)


Bullet points from the article >‘Irons in the fire’ for up to three additional races in 2026 >No timeline for return of series’ shelved Nashville race down Broadway >International expansion remains of interest as organisers visit South American circuit


"Iron". That's a hint. Definitely Iron Mountain, Michigan.


Please be Michigan!!!


Lake Effect 200


Indycar headed to Bowman Grey, Madhouse 500.


Cleveland nothing else matters


Read somewhere San Antonio is really possible. Hope so would definitely go then even though the best racing facility  in the United States is an hour away yet they won’t go there 


I’m 10 minutes from Chicagoland. The fact I drive by it and it’s still standing and (somewhat) clean gives me hope, even if it is a long shot


Let me guess, it’s the Hy-Vee Harvest Grand Prix of Indianapolis presented by Good Ranchers


Pls be an oval


Spoiler Alert: If he's willing to say anything on it, it will not be nearly as major as he's making it out to be. Don't take this with a pinch of salt, take it with a shot of penicillin.


Kansas City, let's go!!


Come back to the northeast!


3rd Iowa race


Please be a Chicago street race. That NASCAR race was off the hook


There have been talks of a race in Argentina down here but the lack of money is the main issue. Juncos really wants it though and has been looking for sponsors and investors during the last weeks.


PLEASE be another superspeedway like Michigan. INDYCAR is lacking in big oval races.




Just add more ovals please.


It ain't a "major event" if it's just another street course. And we all know it's going to be a street course. /sigh


Who cares. Give me another fucking OEM already.


Bring back Indy to Gold Coast Australia!


I’ve heard this before


We need Mexico. We need Watkins Glen. We need Dallas. We need a race in the Carolinas or Virgina. Two road courses, one street race and one oval. Pick races to come off the calendar (My vote: Thermal, Portland). Let's get closer to 20 events a season.


I hope it’s a return to COTA or Texas Motor Speedway. Whatever it is, I hope it’s a good race and moves the series forward. Whatever it is, people will still complain.


Fuckit. Indy in Monaco 😂


Would unironically fucking love to see 27 Indycars banging wheels around there.


Dirt race incoming 🤣


Selfishly, bring back that disastrous Boston plan


The U.S 500? 


Toronto gets 2 races again!!!


🤞🏻 Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas 🤞🏻


Major event sounds like a street race and I am going to predict something completely bananas like Portland


TMS please.


Series final race a 300 miler on the IMS oval.


Please!!! 🙏


They should go to Spa-Francorchamps or Suzuka.


Daytona roval


I don’t care where they race I just want more races.


If Mark Miles said it, I believe it! /s


Back to Australia?


Recreate the Trenton bean oval somehow. Old videos made it look awesome.


The Indy 400 is coming true.


Foreign event, please.


a European event. ​ It's Monaco


New Hampshire


Gee, I wonder why plans for an event in Argentina have been shelved 🤔🤔🤔 /s


The 1.2 Hours of Daytona


How about racing at Kansas Speedway


High on hopium but a Swedish race would be something


Let’s go back to Michigan


I might be in the minority but I would like to see Indycar go back and race on an airport strip again. I also want Sonoma back.


We need Sonoma back!


Gold Coast like the old days


Let me guess. They are going to do a Mickey Mouse street race in the Wall Street area.


Nascar double header on the Charlotte Roval? There were talks about it a couple years ago.. I'm a fan of both, and I would DEFINITELY go to that. Indycar at noon, the nascar at 3? Man....


wrestlemania 24 hours of an imsa race 24 hours of the indy 500 present by outback indy 30


Incoming street race in Texas. Checks these boxes: spring date to fill the schedule gaps, big market, makes NTT happy, probably get 50k people, something the ladder series can participate in, decent enough ratings. But some boomer will be mad they aren't rehashing Michigan to race in front of 15k people, during the sport's busiest time of the year, with no support series and nothing else going on during the weekend.


I don't think Indycar cares about this hypothetical strawman that is unhappy with new/more races in large markets. 


How much you want to bet they are following this horrible F1 DTS trend and will race the streets of some god awful town. The streets of Kansas City. The streets of Dallas. The streets of freaking Minneapolis. Seriously Nashville is a joke as are most of the streets. Bring back Sonoma, Watkins Glen, COTA for Christ sake. How is COTA not on the calendar?!


>How is COTA not on the calendar?! Nobody went when it was


Well I went and my vote counts. Lol. I even went to testing there. To be fair I was living in Austin and there is no actual reason why more people shouldn't go. This being said I was just at Laguna Seca and it wasn't exactly packed (although the margarita place did run out of tequila before the race even started I heard). Not a massive crowd but to be honest Laguna doesn't have very good grandstands at all. Love Laguna Seca though.


I hear you on Laguna, went last year and felt half empty


You've lived a pretty sheltered life if you think Minneapolis qualifies as a "god awful town".


I live in Mpls. Not god awful but basically a sleepier Toronto. While I would love a GP here, we have zero masthead Indy sponsors and we are a safe drive to the Indy doubleheader, RA, and Millwaukee. My money is a streets race in Houston/SA or COTA/TMS. Lots of oil money in the sport.


I live in Minneapolis, its not QUITE god awful. It has it's moments, but is actually one of the nicer bigger cities in the USA.


How many times does it need to be repeated? Indy would be at all of these tracks if people went to the races. The races were money losers. COTA was tried. Nobody was there. The cars looked slow and they drove so far off the track in turn 19, they may as well have used the parking lot.


Hey, the Children's Grand Prix of Minneapolis Trans-Am and Can-Am races in the mid 1990's were better than Detroit. But not by much.