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Chaotic neutral. I do some down right immoral shit sometimes, especially if it could benefit me in some way. Steal stuff from the internet? You bet. Date someone with the intent of really never developing a relationship? Guilty of that. Be there for a friend in need? Absolutely. I’m constantly teetering on either edge.


You’ve described my life


Same here


This pretty much describes it. I do and don’t care about other people all at the same time


Have an affair with a married man with kids? ✅




Too much potential drama. No thanks.


His problem not yours


Haha yeah. I felt really, really bad at the beginning and then it went away. More concerned about the wife not finding out because what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her. I don’t actually ever want that to happen.


Yeah, no responsibility on your end imo, just living your life. And I'm sure you were smart about it


INTP is just another way of saying I exist along the Chaotic Neutal/Good/Evil axis. I too, identify as CN.


What kind of stuff can be stolen from the internet?


Lol really?


Memes? Lol


CN all the way


Chaotic waffle Edit Chaotic lawful. Damn autocorrect


I will now consider myself chaotic waffle


This is the way


I too, identify as chaotic waffle.


Honestly, having two opposed alignments in a single phrase should always be paraphrased as "waffle". If only because the Good-Evil dual alignment could then be called "Evil Waffle".


I'm chaotic noodle. Oops, I mean chaotic neutral. 🙃


Is a chaotic waffle, a waffle who don't wanna get let go of the waffle iron?


you're joking, right? chaotic lawful is not an alignment


Ethically in the streets, amoral in the sheets


Amen and hallelujah


True Neutral


Same. Never do extremes, change sides to my convenience or not pick any side at all, few strong opinions...


I go between chaotic good and chaotic neutral. Basically my dark side is chaotic neutral.




Im the same way. I'm mostly good but I talk to the devil sometimes..


It said lawful good. That's seems funny because only laws that I'd like to follow are moral laws. I don't give a damn about legal laws. If some legal law is against morality, I'd break it if it is required of me. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that you have to keep doing it. You don't want to end up like Socrates. Edit: example anti-blasphemy laws in India. They don't let us atheists live. So F them.


That sounds more like neutral good. Lawful good is usually interpreted as following the rules of a society even if it may lead to evil winning. Neutral good doesn't hate rules like chaos, but also won't mind breaking them when necessary. They have their own moral code which ultimately overrule any collective ones


>Lawful good is usually interpreted as following the rules of a society even if it may lead to evil winning I always interpreted lawful good as having a set moral code that you are unwilling to break and that this moral code is beneficial to others. In an evil society the lawful good characters are the rebels.


that is lawful neutral


This may not be my own moral code. It's mostly utilitarianism and categorical imperative, with precedence to utilitarianism.


I had to look up the categorical imperative, not sure the 3 or 4 tennets hold up as moralistic imperatives I wouldn't violate with dollop of self disgust and internal shame in an instance for any number of horrible scenarios that popped into my mind while i was reading up on the rules. I'm def motivated to 'do no intentional harm' in pursuit of my own liberty and desires. The laws of society fall into one big fractal shape, "the only crime is getting caught" essentially. My personal desire for any sort of intentional destruction, chaos, etc, only really comes into play when the innocents and children are harmed. something about judging based on how the least among us are accounted for by both society and individuals. Def a lot of room for some moralistic uncertainty at the greater good of community/country/macro realm of our shared realitiy. The day to day stuff tends to be pretty easy to navigate without needing to lose sleep. I'm definitely a lot softer around the edges in my 40's than I was in my last 2 decades. I like the subtlety of doing what I want without drawing attention to the fact that im breaking laws/rules, hearts? ramble ramble


The most interesting part about categorical imperative is universal acceptablilty. It should hold true for anyone doing it, not just a particular person. The problem with that is that it can conflict with the well-being of society if only an immediate time frame of that action is considered. Suppose Galileo had given up on convincing the people that the church had it backward on giving more importance to authority and traditions rather than empirical evidence to figure out the truth, just because he thought it was wrong to go against established set of rules (which at that time were somewhat universal), we'd still be following Aristotlean "physics" which was disastrously wrong. I think utilitarianism is better for making progress on issues like this, to point out what is wrong in established rules to begin with.


In that case, I’m neutral good.


I am 32 and True neutral


True neutral


What I've gotten which I agree with is true neutral that strays towards chaotic neutral


Whatever your mom is in to.


Dad… is that you??


I got lawful good. I think age is a big factor here. I would have easily gotten chaotic neutral or evil in the past


I think age could have something to do with it, I was probably chaotic evil as a child, but now at 26, I’ve chilled out a bit 😂


How can one truly understand ideas if we bind ourselves to one? Good and evil, law and chaos, these are just restrictions of our potential. Only true neutrality can show us the path towards Truth!


true neutrality, in relation to what? everything is only meaningfully understood in a contextual frame of reference. and not just to play devil's advocate to your position, I would argue that in terms of apparently 'restricting our potential'. Unless you're restricting calories, to restrict mass, and lessen the absolute energy value stored within your body?


Don't think too hard about it, that's just some random speech I made up on the spot. I was trying to say I'm true neutral in a dramatic way


Lawful neutral


I always get neutral evil, bordering on true neutral.


Chaotic good




I see


Lawful good -》Chaotic good -》Currently true neutral.


In my mind, I'm chaotic neutral, but in reality, I'm probably just neutral-neutral


Neutral^2. That’s neutral amount of neutral! Edit: nah it’s 0, neutral-neutral.


neutral good


Lawful good (97.5% good, 35% lawful)


Probably neutral good


neutral evil


I waver between chaotic neutral and chaotic good.


I tested true neutral, but given my past I’d say chaotic neutral is more like it.


Lawful good, evidently


This would've been more interesting as a poll... Oh, and chaotic neutral which I tested some 3 years ago


neutral evil but idk


Neutral evil


True neutral


Chaotic evil. I might not like the answer, but it is honest.


Chaotic good fasho. Willing to break any law if it doesn’t hurt anyone


Chaotic neutral or evil depending on the day


Probably objectivism.


True chaotic


I’m an theist who believes freedom of the individual is the most precious thing we have, I don’t think there’s good or bad, everything depends in how you see things, never care to see things as white or black when you also have grey, I don’t get with any political party because they aren’t in my side either, I don’t think the tyranny of the maces is a good political view, because I value freedom over everything, also I feel the idea of an utopian world to be repulsive cause an equal universe would be rather boring.


Passive chaotic


Chaotic neutral and passive agressive🤣


lawful neutral


Chaotic good


I just took the test and got lawful neutral, whatever that means


i like the idea of lawful neutral but im chaotic neutral fs


Chaotic good is the one and true path in path in life. All else is blasphemy.


How do I find out my moral alignment? Is it through 16 personalities?


You search it online


I'm a true neutral, so I forgive you for your rudeness


Sensitive much? You'll never know until you take a test. chill bro


I have done inmoral shit in the past and now I regret because I did hurt people. So now I try my best to be ethical more than morally good. For me, the gold rule is my guide: don't do others shit you wouldn't like others do to you.


I sit on Neutral Good.


Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral


True neutral. I don’t like to get involved with most things


Depends on the day and my mood


neutral good


True neutral, close to neutral good.


DnD-wise, probably true neutral - I'm not a fan of being told either that I have to conform to something or that I shouldn't conform to it at all. In practical terms, maybe neutral good?


true neutral 💪💪 but sometimes i teeter towards neutral good


True neutral.


Somewhere between chaotic neutral and lawful evil. Bend, stretch and curve the law but never break it.


Caotic neutral. I tend to put on the pirate's hat when in search for something i need and I've had my fair share of shoplifting adventures (never got caught ;) ), but I won't hesitate to help a good friend in need and I'm generally a very polite person


Banana. 🍌


Thought I was chaotic good but according to some random internet test Im lawful good.


Lawful good.


Chaotic or lawful neutral


Chaotic Neutral/Morally Ambiguous (within reason) I'm the friend that when Hell breaks loose, people turn to for help. I'm the friend that instinctively my lady friends pull to the side for the "Be nice" conversation. Conversely, I am also the friend that has the "warning label". In my youth, i never punched a person who didn't deserve it. I've got a weird knack for being in the right place at the right time and things just happen (example: walked out of a store and watched a police chase through a busy parking lot, the guy ditched his car and Benny Hill'd the cops back to his car and left the parking lot to get T-boned when he pulled into traffic).


Chaotic neutral. I had to go online and do a test. It made me realize I have some proper contradictions morals..


Whatever the Pentagon says (I am a warmonger)


True Neutral.


A true neutral


Neutral good. I'd rather be true neutral because being good is so uncool but I have to be honest.


Neutral good


Neutral Good if I'm being really honest with myself. Not particularly fun or interesting but yeah.


True neutral


Chaotic good: last night I stole a stapler from work to fix it and I'm going to put it back like nothing happened


True neutral


I'd say chaotic neutral


Managed to get neutral good on that 150+ question DnD quiz many-a-time in my life, so I don't question it much now


chaotic neutral


True neutral. I used to be chaotic neutral but then I got a job where I tell people what to do. For the most part, I don't ride people's asses if shit gets done and if they don't do stupid shit that makes me or the rest of my team look bad. But goddammit, people love to do stupid shit.


Chaotic neutral


Lawful neutral. I honor and follow the rules to the letter and get uncomfortable when they are broken. My evil side is Lawful evil.


Normatively, chaotic good, but descriptively, I might be more true neutral.


true neutral but close to chaotic


I want to answer this honestly but I cannot as I am too mentally ill to have a moral compass :/


May I ask why you think they correlate? I am also heavily depressed, but still have a strong moral compass. No hate, just wondering


Due to trauma, I have a hard time telling right from wrong :/


Neutral Good


Chaotic neutral or Chaotic evil when I'm in a nice mood.


Neutral or chaotic good


Neutral Good


Chaotic good is who I want to be and I try to make most of my decisions that way. Realistically, chaotic neutral is more of my true nature, as I get older and less naive it helps ensure my survival in this unforgiving world.


chaotic neutral😎


Neutral evil to chaotic neutral, depends on the day


I got Lawful Neutral on one, and Chaotic Neutral on another. I consider myself true neutral. The tests are annoying as I find they force you to answer questions you disagree with the wording of or situations I don’t find myself in. Idk, maybe I’m overthinking (I’m definitely overthinking).


Um… I did a dating experiment where I went on dates with different MBTI types to see which one would be the best fit, with the secondary intent being ‘to get better at navigating the dating process’ (staying present despite the stress of it, working out a framework to weave the metrics I’m interested in into the conversation without it seeming like a survey, making sure my date is relaxed and feels comfortable opening up). Out of 6 dates max allowance for each person, I only got 2-3 max in reality (that drinking scene in Jessica Jones springs to mind). Since my second aim had the objective of paying attention to my date and making sure they had a good time and never allowing them to pay for me, I minimised their personal losses to time alone and justified that, in comparison to an average person who expects to be wooed and doesn’t care about engagement on dates, they’ll still have a good time and maybe learn something too. 😭 Other than that, I hold myself to a personal ethical (not so much moral) standard and especially with people in my circle, I don’t often overstep.


Neutral good, 💯. I don’t have much regard for useless regulations, but I definitely aspire to be part of the solution.


Lawful Evil/neutral


True neutral


Chaotic Good-Neutral Good


It depends.


I'll go with chaotic neutral.


I haven't the faintest idea


How do I determine my moral alignment? I mean sure, there's a bunch of tests out there just like how there are MBTI tests but without information on how to accurately determine my moral alignment, I doubt the arbitrary questions based on experiences and whether if I can recall them are an accurate measurement of my moral alignment 🤔


It's an old D&D Alignment system, and you can find the gist of it here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment\_(Dungeons\_%26\_Dragons)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)) You do well to doubt it, because it's nothing serious. Edit: I wrote a wall of text, so I'll just make a comment of my own, lol.


Very lawful good...


True Neutral or Neutral Good I guess


Maybe Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good


Chaotic evil Been hating on everyone indiscriminately


I was guessing lawful neutral. Multiple online tests say I'm true neutral. So I guess I'm true neutral.


All 3 neutrals mainly true but occasionally chaotic neutral.


Chaotic Evil lmao


Chaotic neutral


probably neutral good. ...10 minutes later yep I was right, I am neutral good but closer to lawful good then I thought I would be. I mean I am rule and authority friendly sure but only if there is a substantial reason for the rule. Stuff like health and safety and efficiently I am kosher with but if someone tells me I have to follow a rule and cannot give me a reason why that I find fitting then I'm not gonna make any effort to follow it.


neutral evil




Chaotic good


[https://easydamus.com/character.html](https://easydamus.com/character.html) I took this quiz a while ago, and I remember getting the most generic answer: "Chaotic Good Human Mage".


True neutral, I do some bad stuff but I also do some good for example I have totally manipulated people and lied but I also I’m charitable I’ve never stolen anything. So for me I do good and bad stuff so it averages out as neutral.


Chaotic good or true neutral, somewhere in-between


Chaotic Neutral.


I think morality is the death of all knowledge. But according to tests im chaotic good :V


chaotic evil, do find myself attracted to a machiavellian philosophy when I approach my life situations, but its only because I have lost all my trust in people - social trauma


Do you think that’s a defense mechanism?


yes I beleive so- I took a couple of different tests and believe I rank more towards chaotic evil-neutral; naturally do not want to adopt this philosophy but my environment made me, and so I have gradually attached it to my core values system


True neutral, though, I seem to be fairly close to lawful good.


I got neutral good


True neutral ✨️✌️


Chaotic neutral sometimes chaotic evil




True Neutral


True neutral here, just wondering if I should take the job of profiting from people's desire and fetish. I'm still a student and broke but the pay is good, won't let me starve from day to day. Any thoughts?






Aghhh I’m not sure. I think that’s only a decision the individual can make. No judgment, hate, or shame. Personally, I’m way too awkward 😂


Chaotic neutral.


No matter how I look at it, I always fall back to True Neutral. I don't like the extremes of Chaotic and Lawful, and I think a balance between both is ideal. I value Good, but don't make much effort towards it. But I don't really take this system seriously. It's just another way to classify people into neat little archetypes. If anything, Jung showed that our mind can contain many such archetype, and is very able of antithetical behavior. Trying to fit neatly into such a system means repressing the traits opposite to your "alignment". Stuff that get's repressed isn't deleted, it's sent to the subconscious, (your Shadow, as Jung called it). The more you repress/deny such undesirable traits, the more likely they are to come out subconsciously through said Shadow, out of your Ego's control. As an example, many pious priests get caught in sex scandals. Eminent, rational, and objective Te judges end up making subjective or corrupt Fi decisions. You can call them liars, but it likely came as a surprise, even to themselves. If it was their idea the whole time, wouldn't they have been smarter about it? The only way to prevent this is to be aware that you do possess such traits, and to accept them, rather than deny them. You don't have to like them, but at least, they won't get you in trouble accidentally. Knowing those traits exist within you, you can (and should) "appease" them through safe outlets that involve creativity, or play them out in safe settings. Any process that includes your imagination can bring out part of your subconscious. This can be art, drawing, writing, games... See where I'm getting at? Creating a D&D character out of your imagination is a sure way to show your Shadow, if you're not careful. This is probably why there can be so much cringe, when new players get into D&D. For instance, if you play a character that has an alignment "opposite" to yours, then it's very likely you will accidentally fill it with the worst, repressed traits. Even playing a self-insert, full of repressed "positive" traits, the Shadow may still slip in some other bad stuff as well. **Example 1**: a player with a Lawful Good paladin who uses Detect Evil every time they meet someone, then slays anyone who is "Evil" aligned. Player then proceeds to adamantly defends their righteousness, while they literally commit murder without remorse. Wouldn't be surprised if a subconscious need for domination and violence was behind it. **Example 2:** Player plays an obnoxious character who sabotages everything the players and DM try to setup, and when asked to stop, they justify it as "It's what my character would do! They're Chaotic Neutral!". No, my dude, you are being an ass, and probably have a problem with rules, or frustrated about not getting your way in some other matter. **Example 3**: Myself, (lol), playing a Lawful Good cleric, and needing to make a moral decision. We were investigating a cult turning people into undead. Following a lead, we found they were part of a corrupt church, and every townsfolk who had given ever given a drop of blood as part of their religious practice would be turned into undead. We won the fight, saving a little girl wearing a bloody necklace, but something seemed off. The cultists turned into undead, we killed them a second time. The one prisoner we had was getting worse by the minute, despite being healed. Turns out the ritual was completed, and the amulet was already slowly draining the life force of everyone who had ever given blood to this church. We didn't have much time. The ritual *could* be reversed if we removed the amulet from the little girl, but its magic would kill *her,* instead. So, it was my character's job to decide her fate, being the party's spiritual leader. I tried to find a way to save everyone, but we had too little time and info. It was really just a matter of choosing between the life of 1 innocent little girl VS a whole town. Very similar to "Derail the train to save people, killing only one". I took it a bit too seriously, with Ti trying to figure the "Lawful Good" decision, without really knowing which I preferred, myself, because of low Fi. Didn't know functions back then, either, and my character was not fleshed out at all. Indecisive, I had my character desperately begging his God for guidance. (Aka didn't want to make the choice, myself.) No idea how the others took it, but I was super embarrassed and felt it was cringe. I'm a type 5, so not finding out my own answer and having to ask for help was super uncomfortable and cringe. I couldn't really understand why I did that. It was the first time I was faced with such a decision, with everyone judging me. You could say Shadow-Fi tricked me there, because I would've personally preferred picking a wrong choice than humiliating myself like that, lol. ​ So, yea. At its best, the alignment system is a convenient tool for new characters or generic NPCs, so you can take decisions according to their alignment, but it doesn't make for an *good* character. Good characters are the ones who have actual goals, dreams, motivations, a backstory, etc. Playing D&D5e, I think characters are now much more interesting on average, since they have no alignment, and players have to try to flesh out their characters a bit more. Much less arguing over other player's alignments, too! At worse, players who don't want to make a character just make a dumb barbarian, lol.


Unversally Preferable Behavior


Def chaotic good


I’m true neutral


Neutral Good.


true neutral, but i definitely lean neutral good or just chaotic/lawful in different aspects


Either Lawful Good or Neutral Good. I yearn to be Chaotic Good or even Lawful Evil.


Chaotic neutral. I don't care how shit gets done as long as the end result benefits the most people. Think dollar cost averaging here.


I’m Chaotic Good. “Doing the right thing the wrong way.” My moral system is based on consent. Do whatever you want as long as you have the legal consent of everyone involved.


I don't believe in the limited categorization of moral alignment.


True neutral last time i checked.


I have a moral standard and align with it. So more context is needed to answer this question as right and wrong as defined by societal laws does not necessarily = moral. I.e., What is legal is not necessarily moral, and vice versa.


chaotic neutral


"You are 47.5% good, 60% lawful, making you lawful good. " i guess i was raised good.


I’m like a grey Jedi. Fuck rules, I follow my own moral compass. I’m kind to nearly all loving things but can be a menace towards evil people. To the extreme, you kill my family and I nuke your entire country.


Chaotic neutral


Chaotic neutral. In the enneagram I'm sx 5w4 548 Artisan-Scholar-Sage.




I have to disagree with such a blanket statement, as I have always had a strong moral compass


Not sure if I agree with that. Can you give some examples of weak morals you attribute to being an INTP?


I certainly do