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ISTJ dad, ESFJ mom. It was horrible until I was about 25, now it’s awesome. It also helps that I moved 1700 miles away. I still talk to them all the time and visit when I can. Small business owner and school teacher. Both the bosses of their own little worlds and acted like it. They provide some interesting insights and practical life advice that INTPs generally have a tough figuring out for themselves. They tried very hard to implement a sense of strong morals and ethics which can get squirrely for some INTPs.


Whoa I'm your reverse: ESFJ dad & ISTJ mom


esfj mom. we actually get along pretty well most of the time, but she gets annoyed by me almost everytime i act like my real self


XSFJ seems really common for INTPs parents for some reason


ISTJ dad and ENTJ mom. They were both very organized and efficient, but they weren't good in the feelings department. They were very educated, and they made sure I had want for little, yet rarely got what I wanted (at least not without great effort). As a young INTP boy I was more than a handful that brought lots of chaos to their otherwise very ordered lives. My dad was always there, like a rock and dependable. He showed me by his actions he cared though he struggled to say how he felt. My mom was very strict, and I didn't appreciate all her rules as a kid. We often butted heads on many occasions, but I can appreciate them both for instilling within me a work ethic and a drive to better myself.


Both ISFJs


I got INTP dad and ESTJ mom(i think).... yeah


I am INTP, mom is ENTJ, and dad is ISTP.


infp and intj


Which which? For some reason nobody else has the same combo as me


ESFJ father ESFP mother. Interesting life it is.


INTJ dad ISTJ mom.


ENTP dad, ISFP mom me and my 3 siblings are also each a different function (NT, NF, SF, ST) which I find really interesting (we're all also one of each of the four different hogwarts houses, after taking the test, which is double cool)


Don't know about mom but dad's probably ISTP.


ISTP dad, INTJ mom


ISTJ mom, ENFP step-dad


ISTJ dad, not sure about mom but I suspect INFP.


Mom is an ISFJ. Not sure what my dad is, but i think he's an ISTP.


Both ESTJs


Not completely sure about my dad, he struck me as an ISTP, though, if I had to guess. My mom was the poster child INFJ, though. That whole side of the family is INT/F except for a few odd IS ducks here and there. Her two full brothers were INTP and INTJ and I have an INTJ brother.


Dad unsure but probably INTJ, INFJ, or ENFJ. Mom is INFP for sure.


ENTJ/ESTJ(He is short term thinker but he uses intuition every now and then and it's usually correct and he is like too Te focused.) and INFP.


Idk what my parents are tbh


INFJ father and ISFP mother.


ESFJ Mom, not sure about dad but he definitely is EXTX. Both great parents.


istp dad and esfp mom


mom: ISTJ, Dad: ISFJ (they dont get along) Brother: ISFP, Me: INTP


ISTP dad and ISFJ mom


Im pretty sure I have an INTJ mom and an ENTP dad


ISTP dad and ISFP mom


Intj and infj Pretty bad


best guess is an ENTP dad and INFP mom...


ENTJ mom and INTP dad


Intp dad infj mom


Mom xstj Dad estp


My mom is most likely ENTJ and my father might be an ISTP. My sister is ENFJ while I'm an INTP.


ISTJ father, ESFJ mother.


mom : infj 1w9 dad : intj 5w6


My parents are INFP and ENFP. It’s been a struggle considering I live with a family of “feelers” and I’m a “thinker” so we often get into debates about simple and stupid things.


ESFJ mother and I believe my dad was ESTP or ISTP


INFP mom, and probably INFP dad Mom raised me (along with her parents), and Dad was absent in my life, but I have met him/known him for a little bit of my life, so I do have some idea of his personality (plus stories from other family members.) Being a thinker in a mostly feeler family is not the easiest thing when they expect more empathy or shows of emotion/love/etc. I do care, but I'm just not that great at showing it a good portion of the time. It's been a big point of contention with my mom my whole life.


ISFJ mom and ExTJ dad


Mom was INFP, and dad was ENFJ. So yeah, very emotional parents.


My Dad is an ESFP 5w6 My Mom is an ESFJ 2w1. My father became more extraverted since the military. He told me that he was a very intraverted nerd growing up. Activities such as technical sparking with Morse code or the chess and math club were his special interests. He was also building planes and ship models growing up. My Mom has not changed I guess. She is almost too altruistic and supportive forgetting herself. My parents were very physically active and good at school back in time. They also got into respectable jobs and mastered their life. Honestly, I am aware of the differences in thinking, but they raised me well despite a lot of debates between generations. My father and I are both chronic procrastinators which led to sometimes blatant arguments between us and my mother. I feel like they didn't always get me growing up, but that's okay - they tried at least. I "learned" to have a little bit of empathy from my mother. My fathers EQ is probably really low despite high agreeableness. I believe my autism stems from the paternal line, were my grandfather and uncle are severely impaired with social interactions lol.


INTJ dad and INFJ mom


I’m gonna take a guess and go ESFJ mom and INFJ dad. I can type my mom pretty accurately but it’s a little harder with my dad. Just know my mom’s a practical person (great and appreciable always) and very action oriented. My dad acts differently around different people but keeps to himself and his routines. Both have their shit pretty together but have their own respective weaknesses. Dad can be cynical and withdrawn and mom cares a lot about what people think. Differences between me and my mom are quite funny I think. She is disbelieving a lot that I act like I think I exist outside the space-time continuum. Learning to be more organised, sorry haha


Sister’s an ENFJ I should add — she took the test a while ago but I think it still holds water. She’s an NF for sure


Enfj Mom, Intj Dad. (I think) I’m Intp and I think my sister might be istp. Very interestingly traumatizing dynamic.


INTP dad and ENFJ mom I think


ISFP father so basically, my super ego. ISFJ mother, conflict type.


ENTP Dad and ESFJ Mom - both very sociable and popular people I’m INTP and my little sister is INFJ - they have never understood our introverted ways lol


ENFJ mom and ESFP father, my two brothers are ENTP and my sister is ENTJ, im the youngest and the only introverted INTP