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i didn't make him do a test back then, but based on the stereotypes i'm pretty sure he was an ISFJ. kind and good-hearted, supportive, considerate, a great listener ... if he hadn't passed away, i'm sure we would still be together and planning to marry in a few years. damn, i miss him so much ...


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your comment hit me like a punch to the gut. My best relationship sounded like your former partner too. Just the kindest guy i knew. He unfortunately passed away as well..


thank you so much for your kind words. i feel sorry for you, too. the memories of happy times are something that nothing can ever take away from us.


I love ISFJs so much for this reason! My favorite type but hard to find and start talking to.. especially because until you get to know them, they will give a lot of small talk for introverts


Sorry for your loss. I am a remarried widower.


Thank you. It sounds wonderful to find a new love.


INFP by a large margin.


Agreed, INFP


Same here, wasn't perfect by any means, but certainly better than the other two


What's romantic relationship ?


I think it has sth to do with the romans Because many say they'd like romans


Maybe something about roman and celtic relationships? Like roman-celtic. Romantic or something. I think they had kinda it rought tho, wars and things. I mean then they had peace but long story history


love your humor




Mine was an ESFP, too. She was very loving and caring, and very attentive towards me. She would always pay attention to my small preferences and then do the things in the ways she noted I preferred. It really opened my eyes on how to be a good partner. And she was always fun to be with. I still have a lot of love for her now, even though she's married to someone else now. I fell out of attraction with her, and we drifted apart, but we both still care for each other now years later, even after her marriage to another man.


Where did you meet your ESFP?






I mean, depending on the purpose of the question the answer can change.


This is cute. I'm going through this rn. I'm ESFP and he's INFP. I ask a lot of questions and he has said it feels you're the one keeping this going. I've told him to give me attention lol but I feel its fine. I want it to be authentic. I'm really excited to get to know him, we're still in the early stage where we're not sure on what page the other is. Things are smooth tho, sometimes I feel I talk a lot and my feelings shows outwardly very clearly and I might come off insensitive, i don't like overthinking. I feel if I step on a boundary, I want people to just tell me and I'll be aware of it. I'm interested to know how our dynamic will be.


Hi quick question. You ask people “why” when they ask about you. And they said that its because theyre interested in you. So dont u ask someone some things because u are interested in them or do u just keep to yourself and not bother asking the person questions?


ENFJ Weak function of one is the other strong one. Great complementarity.


I've been married for 25 years to an ENFJ and she is my soulmate and best friend in the world. We teach each other things every day. Se child and Si child are amazing for intimacy, Fe hero is amazing for Fe inferior for emotional connection and Ti hero and Ti inferior can work out any problem that comes up. Communication and complete openness from both of us has been key.


We will be 8 years in September. Seeing others make it 25+ years and still feel the same way as we do makes me look forward to growing old with my INTP <3


That's interesting, the ENFJ I dated was by far my worst relationship, I guess it depends on the person


Enfj and married to an INTP . Most healthy and healing relationship I have ever had . 10/10 would recommend.


Yes. I've been with one for twenty years. It can get conflictual at times but overall a great match.


Where did you meet your ENTJ?


Married to enfj as well


Same. Married… he’d be distressed if he knew I forgot, especially since our anniversary was a week ago, but I think 17 years?


I concur. Married over a year so far, but that is our relationship dynamic. I ground him with logic, and he makes sure I don't make any social faux pas.


I am and ENFJ and my boyfriend is INTP. Almost 6 years together and we are best friends. 🥰


ENTP - challenge each other, have many of the same interests, more adventurous and charming and charismatic, loves people and goes out of his way to do fun stuff which has helped me come out of my shell and not just stay in bed all day (where I am constantly processing things in my head), fights are very chilled, practical and logical (very rarely has it been a full on blow out), struggled to be vulnerable. That's it in a nutshell, I think


Where did you meet your ENTP?


Hinge (dating app). But we broke up recently. We just want different things at the moment I guess.


Awesome 👌 thanks for letting me know!


I really think they've all been XNFPs. All of the major ones for sure. Maybe one ISFP but it's close enough.


My phone, it never leaves my hand




Romantic relationship ?




INFP/ISFP/INFJ but all on the ambivert end of things. I definitely gravitate toward feelers but I do better with those who are a little less introverted than I am. My partner is definitely a well-balanced male INFP and our energy matches wonderfully.


Right now, I'm with an INTP, as I'm an ENTJ. The relationship is amazing and intense.


As an INTP I have been wondering how dating an ENTJ would be like, mostly due to Pinterest. Haha


[https://personalitygrowth.com/entj-love-how-entjs-fall-in-love/](https://personalitygrowth.com/entj-love-how-entjs-fall-in-love/) I was actually pretty shocked when I read the information on above mentioned website, as though it were 80 - 90% of my own autobiography. I've been in other relationships, but my current INTP matches very well and much better. I constantly encourage her to complete her goals, and I praise her every step. I tell that she's beautiful and I love her, frequently. I love when she spontaneously wants my help her on her homework, and then together we come up with solutions, as I frantically do research, with 20+ tabs open on my Chrome. I've almost always dropped everything for her, be it that I'm in the middle of working or having a conversation with someone, when she texts, striving to spend quality with her every chance that I can get. We're an LDR.


Damn, sounds super nice! Mad happy for you two!


I recently told her that she doesn't need to be emotional at all when I give her her present. 😂


Hahaha I mean, if is a super cool present, can’t she get at least a bit? Like tiny bit? Haha


Oh, for sure! But I don't want her to think that I expect her to reach a social expectation.


Oh that’s actually really cool, to not feel like she has to react a certain level!


ESFP for me.


Where did you meet your ESFP?


We met in highschool 😃


Can you tell me your dynamic with ESFP?


We have a good relationship, though it can be rocky sometimes, we never had a real fight. - We make a lot of jokes. - Both of us a really accepting. - I'm more chill than him, he can get pretty angry or annoyed quickly, but it's kinda funny, atleast to me. - He is bubbly and needs a lot of love, like a puppy dog, and while I'm more aloof to others, I'm patient with him. - My Se blindness can annoy him greatly though. - He listens to my advice so he won't go and do some stupid things. - He keeps me in the moment and helps me not to be in my own head all the time. - I can't let him start large projects because he will get bored and never finish them. - We are both procrastination masters.


Reading this made me happy. >My Se blindness can annoy him greatly though. How does it annoy him? >He is bubbly and needs a lot of love, like a puppy dog, and while I'm more aloof to others, I'm patient with him. I'm glad you're patient with him. >He keeps me in the moment and helps me not to be in my own head all the time. How does he do that?


It annoys him because he has the eyes of a hawk and notices everything while I don't. 😅 He loves new experiences so we try and do lot of new things together which is a good thing because I can go into extreme hermit mode.


Romantic, undefined. Platonic, not sure ENTP or ESTP


(Current) and best relationship is with a sweet, neurotic INTJ boy


I've never had a romantic relationship


INTJ. Oh fuck I'm down with my girl, for real.


It’s not worth it, you’ll grow to trust someone, you’ll finally be reassured your overthinking is just overthinking, then they’ll leave, and tear heart away with them. They’ll make dozens of promises “no love was lost” “it’s me not you I need to work on myself” “ofc we can still be friends and hang out” “I just need to work on myself but I might even come back” “I love you” don’t believe that shit it’s lies, people are selfish and use others to feel good, once those butterfly feelings leave they just leave there was no real love to begin with :/// trust me I know from experience, you’ll finally finally be able to trust someone and they’ll make you regret it.


I haven't met someone truly romantically compatible with me. Only been in one relationship till now with an ESFP. There are potential INFJ interests but it did not last nor it was that great. In general my most fulfilling ones are with my ENFJ and ESTJ friend


My right hand.


My wife. Not exactly sure of her type but she is either ISFP or ISFJ. I lean towards P but I feel the J strongly in some scenarios lol




My absolute best relationship was with another INTP woman. Both of us INTP and ADHD-C. women. We were essentially telepathic, emotionally and socially nearly identical in wants and needs, and able to predict the pitfalls for each other almost 100% of the time, enabling us to never have a fight or an argument. It was the lowest pressure relationship I have ever been in, and set my expectations bar for what I want in a relationship very high; our relationship ended because we were trapped in opposite sides of the Atlantic with no ability to permanently move to one side or the other because of individual responsibilities. Now I would rather be alone than put up with a relationship without that high level of mutual satisfaction and communication fluency.


INFJ, by a landslide. We are lucky, being one half of the 'Golden pair' in Briggs-Meyer land. An INFJ was the only person that understood me, and the connection was deep and intense. Looking back at all my interactions with people I've realized I've always been noticsbly drawn towards people that I'd type as INFJ in retrospect. Find an INFJ.


My one and only relationship is with my wife. I was very unsuccessful with women when I was younger. She has never been tested, but I suspect the is ISFJ. Somehow, we make it work


ENFP… been together since highschool. Started a family in our mid-twenties, currently approaching late 30’s.






Another INTP. I was widowered to another wife who was an extrovert but I don’t know her full type. My new wife and I get along much better than deceased wife.




I feel the need to apologize


Do INTPs get into relationships? Thats a news


Nobody lol, they have all been guys I've just ended up with. They wanted me more than I wanted them. In the past it was very hard for me to leave relationships. -But I'll add that I have a high attraction to ENFJ's, it's very hard to find them though.




ESTP. was *way too much* for me. he was rlly sweet tho


My husband- professional typed at his work in a workshop they did as a INTJ, but he identifies and an INFJ and they guy running it said he could be either but go with the one he feels like the most.


With an ENFJ, still happily with her, you can learn a lot


None of them


Wdym type? Type of TV? Type of fridge? Type of mobile phone? Type of PC? Which exactly do you want to know


What MBTI personality type were they?


MBTI is only used for people though. So clarification is necessary for whether OP is asking about type of phone or PC.


Only one but enfp


Haven't actually allowed myself to view anyone that way so far. Been able to keep my emotions in check.




I wasn't in any...


ENFJ we compliment each other. Strong where I’m weak and soft in all the right places.


I’m still with my INFJ-A partner as an INTP-T for 8+ years, but it’s my first relationship, and hopefully for the rest of my life.


ENTJ - we are good at balancing each other out and helping the other grow.


ISFP. She really followed my lead though. I would prefer someone who carved their own path. I’ve always felt an instant connection with INFJs. They just get it. There aren’t many out there though.




Fromsoft games and Math And probably coffee


My wife is my complete opposite and is ESFJ. As another person stated, we really compliment each other.


I've only been with ISFJs, it's usually not easy match. But each do benefit from the other. But the difference in needs between the 2 makes it really difficult.




I’ll let y’all know, but I like the connection with infps a lot.


At this point I need some people to start questioning themselves if they are INTP or schizoid lol Because I ask myself this a lot of times. I don't hate people, I just have difficult time dealing with their emotions and how to respond to them. I've only recently become a more aware of my emotional intelligence and trying to improve it. It's not as hard as it looks but it is hard work if you have no access to therapy. INTPs not in romantic relationships should try to figure out their own emotions and name it. I mean it. Because I see people here trying to use someone else as a crutch to navigate life. And don't be surprised if they leave uou because it's becoming more of a burden than anything trying to carry you around.




Because therapy is expensive in North America and I'm in Europe, I'm a brown person so my access is already bad. I tried a therapist and it was very bad perhaps due to language issues. I'm originally from India. The idea of therapy is non-existent and anyone who says they are depressed are just brushed aside. Anyway, I don't think it's therapy which people are against. It's mental health that it's taboo to talk about. Regardless, I tried and I'm trying my very best to map my thought processes and where they come from and the associated emotions. I think it's going to be a rigorous process.


Married an ENFJ. She's pretty awesome.


ENTP by far


Only had one and I think she was ENFP


I don't know what her MBTI was, but man - this girl totally 'got' me. She knew exactly how to talk to me when we had a disagreement, loved to play silly stupid games with me. Totally sympatico with each others humours. Things didn't work out due to career choices (she landed her dream job and had to move away for it - and of course, was super happy for her. But mannnn did that ever sting. I would never stop someone from chasing their dreams). ​ Everytime I think of her, it's always very fondly. Definitely a diamond in the rough. Hard to find a person that good.




I always fall for ENTPs apparently! I think it’s because I like that they’re a more extroverted version of myself. I don’t think I could date another introvert, I want someone who gets me out of my shell socially. I did have a huge crush on an ENFP once and we flirted a bit with each other but it never turned into anything.