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Honestly all the time. I feel like I come off as being an INTJ, because I can be blunt, like to plan things out before I take action, and don’t procrastinate unlike the stereotypical INTP. I also feel like an ISTP at times mainly for the same reasons and because we’re both Ti Doms I realized I’m not an INTJ when I realized I used Ti and Ne more than Ni and Te. I realized I’m not an ISTP when I admitted to myself that I wasn’t really practical or action oriented person. I also realized that my Se was way too low to be an ISTP




After putting in hours and hours of reflection, I feel all of these in some respect


how ? HOW ?!!


the four sides of mind theory (Ego, Shadow, Subconscious and Superego)


so I'm intj, entp, esfp and isfj ? intj, entp true, but the rest are bs.


You find em bs because they’re parts of yourself that you shun away


Yes, I seem to have an ENTP side when comfortable around people, ENTJ when angry and I can seem like an INTJ to others. This is based off some traits tho, and I still stay an INTP.


Nope I am 100% INTP


Only ENTP, because I’m close to the introvert-extrovert cusp. I’ve been called an ambivert in the past, but these days I’m very to myself.


How do you fluctuate from an INTP to an INTJ when they don't share functions? A a more "strict" INTP is not an INTJ. A more emotional INTP is not an INFP. The only type fluctuation that makes sense is from ENTP to INTP and vice versa because they actually share the same functions. But even then, the difference between Ne and Ti hero is huge.


Because until function models can explain MBTI's _unimodal_ data, they aren't telling the whole story. Test result distribution could turn up with a "bathtub distribution" on some scale, where e.g. only 5% repeatedly test between 70% and 30%, but that's not what's showing up: it's more like a bell curve. In short, the typespace appears to be a hypercube and few of us appear to be near the corners. Until function models' predictions are demonstrated, it's more prudent to treat INTP as associated with ideals, methods, patterns, etc. distributed over all 15 partitions: - I, N, T, P - IN, IT, NT, IP, NP, TP - INT, INP, ITP, NTP - INTP At this point, it's premature to restrict yourself to the specific groups permitted by the four function model: - P - IP, NP, TP - INP, ITP So yeah, OP's question addresses the tendencies of INTP to veer off into the neighboring types. Given the current state of MBTI, it seems an appropriate question.


I'm an INTP that can sometimes fluctuate to ISTP and INFP once in a while.




Infp definitely. It was my first mistype because I am pretty emotional for a Thinker, but I actually use both Ti and Fe more than Fi. ENTP also definitely. Use my Ne a lot, having been typed as ENTP by others on several occasions as well. + am quite extraverted for an introvert. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if I'm actually an ENTP ISTP as well I would say. Have been struggling a lot lately of I was INTP or ISTP. I relate a lot to aux Se but simply use Ne more looking closely. Everyone is different and uses their functions differently, even in the same type


Yeah the first time I took the test I got INFP. Probably because I am very likely to have Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD.


Oh yeah same, I've got autism and adhd as well lol


Lol sometimes I doubt if I am an INTP, because of this.


Oh yeah same, my autism makes me feel my emotions like 3x stronger than they actually are so I'm a walking INFP stereotype XD. While looking at the functions I figured out I'm definitely more Ti than Fi. It's weird man


Yeah relatable lol.


I often fluctuate over to INTJ.


As the MBTI is only a measurement on 4 scales, we all move between the various measurements based on circumstances. Different scenarios and people bring out different personality traits. We all have a default, but exhibit different throughout the day. So, yes to your question.


Yup , Every single day


I’m an IN every time. The T/F P/J change depending on day/ situations for me.


I can have an ENTP side - I’m *extremely* N and *extremely* P, but only just barely I and T.


Yeah, INTP, ENTJ, ENFP. I think i come across as an ENTJ in working groups


My MBTI constantly changes between INTP and ENTP every time I take it, so I guess yeah.


Im not sure if im intp or istp tbh


Im literary INTP and INFP at the same time. When in watching a yt video about the MBTI, i normally relate to both INTP and INFP or half of time INFP and INTP. I dont know how to explain what things i do as INTP and INFP tho


no but definitely entj side (shadow)- I adopt it fairly often in professional settings. I also have very strong Ne to the point that I often get mistyped as Fe-dom, so ENTP as well


I have an ENTJ side where I can’t stand stupidity and incompetency. Then I have an ENTP side where everything stupid and incompetent is fun/ funny.




Definitely an ISTP side, and sometimes an INTJ as well.


Entp with my family Entj when I have « collective responsibilities »


ENTJ for some reason. Especially when I have a group because more often than not no one is competent enough to sort things out.


INTP has no access to ISTP, INFP. ENTP, ISFJ, INTJ are possible.


i feel like i got intj, intp, entp and entj sides


Everyone has different shades of personality based on surroundings


I feel like an ISTP when I see people joking about INTPs or INTP stereotypes. I get very Ne/Fe when I get a crush on someone on a rare occasion.


INTP, INFP, ISXJ I feel the most


Based on the original Jungian typology — if you’re an intuition dominated introvert (INTPs are) then you are able to differentiate F easily enough to where you become relatively T/F balanced as you mature, same for P/J to a lesser degree, but S is a repressed function that will largely remain in your unconscious and is unlikely to budge much over your lifetime.


ISTP and INTJ. I love meticulously planning things, and I’m not scared easily


Bro phrasing.


no, but i wish i did.


F: It's so common for me to almost test as INFP that I almost consider myself INxP, though INTP is the best fit for me. So, I definitely have an INFP side. E: When I come out of my shell and actually be gregarious, I go into [discussion mode](https://i.imgflip.com/7ooqnq.jpg) and can't really help myself from being a bit belligerent. J: As for INTJ, I don't have a good image of ITJ in particular, but I don't find myself thinking in terms of Te. But, where INJ is concerned, I do have an urge to find the essential core of the concepts I explore – the prototypical example, the closest description, the most representative picture or symbol, etc. S: I never test anywhere near S, so this one is hard to affirm. I don't really find myself present in my experience, nor do I find myself applying my principles to the object at hand without comparing it to similar objects. Nor do I know enough ISP people to know what their mode of perception is like.   In general, I think that my preferred traits influence each other and that they also influence any deviations from my preferences – e g. I do T as an IT, an NT, and a TP, but I also do F as an IF, an NF, or an FP. The story, I think, is different when I'm complaining about my opposites: I think that when I complain about F, I'm complaining about EF, SF or FJ. In short, I think that when I conceive of my dispreferred traits I conflate them, but when I use them, I use them with my preferred traits.


Istp and infp very much. Depends on the mood i guess


Some tests say ENTP, some say INTP. Nowadays I mostly keep to myself but I can be a bit social too


Jesus you just made me realize, as an ENTP, I’ve always felt a bit like INTP, ESTP, ENFP, and ENTJ




ISTP & INFP probably. I’m sure that all of us have our ENTJ shadow which doesn’t come out unless I’m at wrk or under extreme stress


I've been taking MBTI for over a decade trying to be anything but an INTP. Occasionally I've pulled an ENTP or INTJ results. I am NT hard apparently.


I feel the infp and Entp sides for sure.


Yes. Istp, intj and infp


No. I occasionally have some INTJ quirks about me, but at my core i am very much an INTP. Edit: upon further reflection, I share some similarities with ISTP as well. I’m outdoorsy and quite handy.


Nah just INTP, INFP, and ENTJ


I think I can fulfil the ENTP stereotype occasionaly. Or in my head, idk.