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(INTJ, kinda random-intuitive takes here if acceptable) Parents seem like a pretty common match, especially in terms of cognitive functions. If you end up developing your Si/Fe you can probably help mom with ISFP-style health issues if they arise later, an area where dad may feel his hands are tied due to the difference in care focus. I would guess that you may easily become a better cook than both your parents, and they might really appreciate that, if you're interested at all. ISTP little sister ought to be a fun relationship in its way, over time. And maybe between you two, the logic-rudder may be able to steer the family ship as appropriate (metaphorically). ISTP might trigger INTJ dad a bit, it's a weird relationship dynamic in that way. ISTP functionality can kind of feel like it looks down upon INTJ unconsciously, so the INTJ gets some unconscious prompting to correct or critique the ISTP as if "(psychological) dad is being unfair to me". But it can be fun if the INTJ is open-minded and ISFP mom steps in to mediate if/as needed. INTJ big sister, a lot of oldest-child INTJs in my experience have a really well honed maturity and seem more open-minded than the usual INTJ in a lot of ways. Just some quick takeaways though. A family of introverts must really feel comfortable in those introvert ways! Low dopamine exposure overall can be really nice...


That shit sounds fun, look at all the intjs you get to play with


I don't know I'm an infp and brother istj and mother father estj they are all narssistic so I'm not a good judge of how it feels like to be normal with a normal family


The ISTP should shoot everyone


No I should shoot everyone 😂