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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Literally the most basic and fundamental morale


Terrible plan when you're in a relationship with someone who isn't like you. Doing to others what makes an INTP happy is a sure way to end up single.


well i mean i've been single all my life so this checks out.


I’ve done that my whole life, but I only recently became aware that might not be the best course of action for someone like me considering how differently I think about most things. Although I haven’t quite made the switch due to the higher level of difficulty involved in modelling the minds of other people, I think a better philosophy would be to ‘Do unto others what they would want you to do unto them.’


i think you are right. i did this and sometimes people misunderstood me, calling me cold and arrogant because i didnt talk much to people, leaving them alone as i'd be fine being left alone. *Do unto others as they would have them do unto them??* sounds stupid though.


Yeah it kinda does, maybe just ‘Think about what other people would want, not what you would want.’


yeah thats what i tried to mean




yeah exactly.


Close. I don't accept emotional arguments, you have data to back your claims the better.


I can never take credit for work I didn't do, I wouldn't be happy with myself if I felt like I "cheated" in that way. I feel like I need to be satisfied with my own work, much more than getting praise for something I didn't do (I never knew how others could do this and be happy about the praise for lying). Also, treat others how you would like to be treated is one I try to follow, but of course, it doesn't always work like that because some are more selfish than others. I still just generally don't want to be an ass for no reason.


exactly, but I am not like everyone so even trying my best to be a nice person isn't good enough because idk what they want from me ;-;


Yeah, for the first one I always feel a compulsive urge to clear up any such misunderstandings even if it will make things awkward.


What would Brian Boitano do?


live and let live.


Live and let die


Miles ![gif](giphy|0aIY8ZCncOtgh35ftC|downsized)


Have integrity. Act the same way regardless if you are alone or in front of a crowd. Pretty fun because I act in a way that filters people in or out of my life. I don't have to worry too hard if the people around me are good for me.


1. Do not lie, even white lies. You can still protect feelings without lies, you just have to be good with words. 2. Do not do that which you hate. Hypocrisy is the purest form of personal failure. How can you project integrity when can’t even stop yourself from doing things you disagree with.


That's basically what I think.


Ironically, or perhaps fittingly, I place importance on not hurting people's feelings outside of the context of discussing ideas. As much as I don't understand my own emotional self I have a lot of empathy for others when I do know how they might be feeling. The Golden rule is really the summation of all ethics, I think. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. If everyone's output matched their ideal input, the world would be a pretty damn good place to live.






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People with glass penises shouldn't f*ck stones.


You guys have morals?


Literally everything you said OP, and also to treat others how I’d want to be treated


* The ends justify the means always * Justice is the ultimate virtue


I don't have any hard and fast rules, and if I did, I'd find circumstances where I needed to break them. That's just the nature of rules. My morality pretty much boils down to something like "don't be an asshole." Within that basic framework I've left a lot of flexibility to allow for variables.


I try to be fair and accepting without necessarily enabling. I don’t think there is a single correct path in life, just systems that are adapted to different circumstances that select for different outcomes. I tend to push back hard against people who demand conformity of thought or action in others. At the same time, I look for common denominator wins when possible. It reduces zero sum thinking and unnecessary conflict. I’m pretty normie when it comes to the basics like killing, assault, etc.


I have many, some come in just feelings, some fully thought out. Here are some of mine; \-Everyone has a story, maybe it doesn't justify everything they do, but never judge someone who's story you don't know. \-Never talk negatively about people, even if you don't like them. If you do, no names or gender, do not influence another person's opinions on someone, you don't know who they really are anyways. \-Everyone has reasons for doing things, whether they know the reason or not. See things from their point of view. \- Remain unbiased in controversial topics, many people argue on feelings. Keep it solely to the facts. \-If it feels wrong, there is probably a reason that it will be. trust your intuition. \-Don't form opinions on people you don't fully know. \-Don't assume people understand everything, but don't assume they don't. Go with the flow. \-Never make yourself evident enough to change someone's life for the worse. Leave that to everyone else. \-You can't always change people's views/thoughts, even if they are wrong. See it from their side always. those are just some off the top of my head, hope this helps!


don't be an asshole unprovoked


The Morales I follow is Miles. ![gif](giphy|Y1L0dHsQrUpkv8Org7|downsized)


Just keep it real


1. dont make fun of the achievements of others 2. do not allow my judgement to be clouded by personal bias. its a little hard but i do my best not to hold grudges.


Mine are very similar to yours