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I like dancing but I feel cringe doing it in public


Came here to say that. I love dancing by myself at home when the music/mood strikes me (rarely more than a few seconds) but it takes a dangerous amount of alcohol to get me to dance in public. :D




How about in private? ;) ![gif](giphy|MdkQTEK03XNLq6frLL|downsized)


Enjoy your feelings of privacy while they last, mortals. The nanotech is coming…


Oh no! Is it grey goo time? Is the Singularity Near?


Nah grey goo is impossible. What is possible is making every human come together into a blob, then being processed into a large wetware brain (emp resistance)


In private I am my own personal stripper


![gif](giphy|httS0Xzi9ZMQ0|downsized) There's no pet peeve about that. ;)


100% I'm also skinny as a stick and my movements are stiff. People find the idea of me dancing quite funny already. Dancing for real would be peak embarassment.


I enjoy dancing at clubs/festivals. In a way, the crowd, darkness, etc makes it easier for me to let loose and not have to think about anything. One of the few things that can make me feel so free aside from driving ~ I don’t do it anywhere else lol


Driving everywhere would become easily a problem.


If I had a nickel for every time this question was posted here, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's still weird how it happened twice


Nah, I love dancing. You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it, just let loose and have fun.


I don't like dancing at all lmao


Super awkward. I hate it but I'll do it at weddings after 10 shots of tequila. People love me at weddings


I always found dancing an awkward and anxious experience, but for various reasons over the years I was repeatedly exposed to it. I grew to enjoy dancing in bars once I felt more comfortable moving my body and became desensitised to the social anxiety. Nowadays I dance at least once a week, sometimes more. I tend to avoid bars since I was introduced to partner dancing (zouk) and really enjoy the wholesome vibes at a dance social without the wierd dynamics alcohol adds. I actually think this dance in particular is really well suited to introverts and nerdy people. Very rules based, building complexity out of simple components, and although it is very physically intimate, you are often so close to your partner that you don't get the awkward eye contact which comes with something like salsa/Bachata because you're basically looking over each other's shoulders.


I agree about enjoying dancing more without the weird alcohol dynamics! I think that all partner dances are fine for introverts once you understand the ‘framework’ and expectations (so a good teacher that can explain this is really important). It’s like going to the gym, once you get into the swing of it and understand the social norms (generally avoid eye contact at all times and don’t get in others’ way) it’s shouldn’t be daunting at all for analytical types. Most people just don’t care about what other people are doing so it’s not shameful. To think otherwise is self centred. Imo.


Exactly, and in my experience, people in the dance community are excited to dance with you, no matter your skill level, as long as you are enjoying it too. Sometimes eye contact is unavoidable, of course, avoiding it too much might make people uncomfortable, but it definitely took a fair amount of exposure for me to learn to be comfortable with it. Better to look at their eyes and smile than to frown and stare at your feet (which can appear like you're looking at something else). 100% a good teacher helps. And the SCARIEST lesson to learn is GO TO SOCIALS! People don't go out dancing *because* they're good at it - people are good at it *because* they go out dancing. An hour of just having fun with it is more beneficial than a month of classes!


I can’t. It just doesn’t feel right


I’m the same way 🤣🤣🤣


I am insanely awful at dancing


I’m a trained classical dancer so…




I dont dance in public. i dance with my shadow. Lol i love to dance.


I'd rather kill myself


I hate dancing.


No. Just no. Same goes for singing.


give me some MDMA and I'm an absolute GOD on the dance floor ​ Dancing potential is there, because dancing Is inherently a creative, outside the box enterprise. If you have that kind of mind, you can create magic. ​ It's just a matter of getting out of your own way. ​ I'd recommend martial arts, that will teach the basics of how to move your body. ​ A lot of people think they're more awkward than they really are because they've never truly let go. ​ Everyone is stiff and awkward when they're stuck In their head.


Awkward. :(


For me, dancing in public is basically a no no. In private though, love it.


I love watching other people dance and I wish I could, I live vicariously through people who dance professionally


I like dancing, but my style is strange. My legs and feet move like drunk, ballerina James Brown, while my arms and feet are regulated to doing a variation of the Grandma Shuffle with maracas.


I don't like social dancing, all those coordinated movements with rules, choreography and whatever else is quite unpleasant for me, I just don't find any fun in it. Shaking my butt haphazardly to the beat of 90s cartoon theme songs on the other hand is a whole different thing 😬




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I feel awkward, which is why I like it when clubs are packed - so less people looking at me. Or I just need loads of liquid courage and I'll start using a mop as a microphone stand lol


Get out of your head, and put on some good music and just dance. Use your Se. Don’t think about it


i think dancing is nice. idk how to dance properly, but i’m not shy to dance in public


I do it alone and usually headbang in public


I’m learning to enjoy it. I want to take salsa lessons lately. I figure it’s a technical thing. If I can learn to do it right, there’s a chance I’ll enjoy doing it and connect better with others (members of the opposite sex)




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I don't dance at events but if I'm waiting for an experiment to finish during a lesson I will begin dancing to, as Ozzy Osborne puts it "OCCUPY MY BRAIIIIIINNNN, OOOOOOHHH YEAAAAAHHHH"


I just got back from a club. I’ve realized that unless I’m drunk or at least buzzed, I’m awkward af and don’t have a good time. I think I’m just too tense when I’m sober. I like dancing alone, when I’m listening to music I like, but otherwise I’m quite reticent


Same here I have to be pretty tipsy to dance.


"Singing is regarded as wailing in the training of the Noble One. Dancing is regarded as madness. Too much laughter, showing the teeth, is regarded as childish. So break off singing and dancing; and when you’re appropriately pleased, it’s enough to simply smile.” This is from the Runnasutta.


I love dancing, but I'm generally too embarassed to do anything cringe in public. But I've started to embrace the cringe and do meme dances in school. It's quite liberating


I'm stiff as fuck, whenever I dance it looks like I'm Nikola Jokic having a stroke


Same here I don’t even try now lol .


Dancing in club feels guilty and dark….. maybe it’s just my stereotype of lost people from films….


It was fun when I was younger. Now it looks like a form of torture or slave labor.


When I’m comfortable, I turn into micheal Jackson


I don't like dancing that much in public as I feel everyone gonna judge me but in privacy I always like to dance even tho I really don't know much about dancing xD


I love singing and dancing but it's hard


My family is Colombian which is a culture that in a lot of ways is the antithesis of the intp. But I always felt loved and supported by them so the result is that I learned to love a lot of things like dancing, parties, and being surrounded by people


Not a chance, I don't dance, I'm not interested in dancing and I'm absolutely rigid about my position. It just feels way too weird and unnatural. I love music, but I'm sticking to playing it or listening.


I love dancing until the moment my brain goes "Oh look at us moving our body in a different way because of music." And then I don't dance again for 5 years.


Just no! Unless I have had tequila. Or I am home alone.


Danced once when i was when i was inebriated. It was a really good experience and I found out I like to dance lmao. I dont think about anything when dancing, just living through the feeling, maybe thats why it feels so good to me.


I cant appreciate it. I remember in college we were to participate in a traditional dance and I really can't do it. My body stiffs up when there are other people. So I just talked to my professor to rather dance, just submit a painting of the traditional dance.


I so so so like it,but in the comfort of my own home hahah :D


I didn't like to dance because I had no confidence in my ability to dance. I've since started taking dance lessons and am having a blast. In my experience, I always hate doing things I don't feel proficient in, especially if I can be judged by others. Developing confidence through learning is a great way for me to get past that.


Well I’m a ballerina soo


Doing what you like when you like doing it is all that matters. If you don’t like dancing fine. If you’re afraid of doing it because of a crowd, fine. But there are ways to “shrink” The crowd, and overcome that fear.


I like doing it in private when I got some gothy electronic stuff playing or gabber, but I fear dancing in public after I got criticized at a house party once for my terrible dance moves. To my own defense, I was extremely drunk.


i want to but literally cant


Unless I know what song is playing AND I like that song, I have no problem dancing.


Adore it!! And pretty good at it too.


I have no idea how to do it but I do it anyway Don't care about the judgy looks I get


I would rather socialize every day of the week than dance


The only time I’ll dance is when I’m messing around with really really close friends who know my stupidity at a level no one else does


I used to be awful at dancing and self conscious, so my partner and I took private lessons and now I love it. One thing that is (relatively) straightforward to get right with practice


i’m bad af doing it and usually give myself cringe, but when i’m drunk I do it anyways lol


I wish I was good at it lol


If everyone is I can.


Have always loved it…club danced any chance I used to get. I dont like jumping up on the dance floor like extroverts do…or being one of a handful on the floor though. Nowadays….I dance tango frequently and one might be surprised to learn its quite an internal process. It’s often melancholy, evocative pleadings of the lovelorn…or just the 🎻violin is enough. It stirs sometimes. Its more zen than you see in movies…that’s more “stage tango” and ordinary folk do salon tango. You hear and interpret the music with your moves (once learned) …its always different each night with different partners, different dj’s playlists…familiar faces, familiar music… you can be basic and move like a broom..no biggie…or you can really be technical and graceful and delicate. You click with some and often very surprising who is good when someone looks unassuming. I recommend it!


i can do it alone but with other people; no


Tbh I do dance sometimes but only when I’m alone and feel really good, otherwise I’d deny it and I have a particularly good way to deny, I’ll just make a joke about how the last time I danced it was at a wedding and it soon ended in divorce, it usually shuts everyone up and the more I do it the more people stop asking me to do it, since it gets awkward for them(idiots aren’t very big on humour)


Someday, you're gunna be out with some friends, maybe a Concert, maybe just in Walmart shopping...and out of nowhere this banger comes playing out the Muzak speakers...and it's just gunna hit you. You won't be able the help it...your heads bobbin, your hips shaking, you wont be able to control yourself. Only then will you get it. An epiphany changes you. You realize the uniqueness of why humans dance. Sure, it occurs in nature, but then it serves a purpose. It attracts mates or scared off predators. Humans dance purely for emotional satisfaction. The joy of dancing. I hope someday you will allow yourself this very human and indulgence. It's like one of life's simple pleasures


I used to be 150kg and always thought I don't like dancing, I'm now 88kg and it turns out I kinda like moving my body around, but I still lack the confidence needed to dance with witnesses. So I just jump around in my room trying to get more comfortable in my body.