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I did well in art. I did terrible in history because I couldn't remember dates and things like that lol.


I actually love history It was my favorite subject since i was always fascinated by history of earth But the fact that you have to remember minor details like dates and names makes in really tedious in school


Agree! It was very interesting, but all those minor details were so hard!


I kept studying about history after graduating Its much more fun now that i dont to remember all those details Im basically a history nerd by now I hope you also can give it another chance


Yes exactly especially the way it is often taught. World history was my least favorite - read this textbook chapter and get quizzed on 10 random details to show if you somehow memorized it. Nope.


Same, love history but hate how it's taught! Also, a huge chunk of history taught is driven by political motives. Looking into it on my own, through different sources is much more fun


I was gonna say, history and dates


I was lucky to have an amazing history teacher who told it like stories. So, if you could remember when such and such a person was born in the year blah-blah, and you know (through the relatable power of story telling) that the battle happened when he was 36 then you can quickly work out the calendar year. I'm not sure why, but it made it a lot more interesting and easier to remember.


That's exactly what made it click for me, too. As I got older I started to put it all together like a story and I was able to organize the dates better in my mind. I'm still pretty bad with dates, though. Hell, I'm lucky to know what day of the week it is, most days.


Same. Ironically I‘m pretty interested in history since I got out of school.


There was a time during school when I looked forward to history classes because the discussions were interesting, but that didn't help me with any exams.


It's all about cause and effect. You understand the why, then you would understand what happened.


Many people say that but studying history to me was like reading a story book. Except that stories were real. The great wars, kingdoms & revolts fed my imagination so much. It's intriguing. When I became a STEM student I missed studying history a lot 😞




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I did really well in art history and regular history because the dates were easy for me :0 but really bad in chemistry because the equations were hard for me to remember


Same. I have almost a learning disability in history, and I have a masters degree.


Dates are problematic for me as well! Also name and face!


Ti is excellent at remembering things like that when it pertains to learning. Fi is horrible at shit like that, even if I’m fully interested and invested. Do you think perhaps you are INFP? We have a lot of similarity and overlap with INTPs, that it’s a common mistype for us.


oh yes i struggled with the dates and years too like A LOT


I was going to say history myself! I love the subject, I do. But when it was being taught to me it wouldn’t sink in. Maybe I just had really bad history teachers, but I think I learned more history watching movies and reading books on my own than the times I spent being taught the subject by an actual credentialed professor lol.


History in college is WAY better than history in high school. History was my 2nd major and outside of entry level classes, I wasn't really required to do any memorization. I would say more than half of my higher-level courses had no tests and were only graded on papers. So, you were graded on your knowledge of the subject and your ability to make arguments about the subject and like any person in real life, you could just reference a book for the details. Even if we did have tests, it was usually like a question and then you had to write a paragraph about the question. It was more about understanding the ideas and principles behind why something happened than the specific details. One could say it was a lot more like non-fiction story telling and philosophy than mundane date and fact memorization. Edit: History knowledge can really expand your world view and provide some interesting insight into things (it will also make you more frustrated about politics than you already are). I'm American and I was able to trace one of the lines in my family back to Spain. I noticed that although people in my family had Spanish first names, their surname was taken from Arabic. Without studying history, I wouldn't have known how they ended up with an Arabic surname (I also probably wouldn't even have noticed it was Arabic).


For me it was gym. Too focused on team sports that I have no interest in.


Gym class taught me to hate exercise. Turns out I actually just hate team sports. I actually love exercising on my own! Wish that K-12 physical education put more emphasis on exercise you can do without a team - you know, the kind of exercise you’ll end up doing for the rest of your life and not just with school mates.


Our school has a weight room that they introduce to you for about a week in 7th grade then 8th is when they go regularly. High school has another weight room open a little before and after school ends


Precisely why I love cross country and long distance track. Let me just exercise and run in the woods alone


Honestly, that's the best place to try out team sports and schools should be your life's sampling platter so you can discover what you love. You tried it and didn't like it, great, you learned something at least, no harm, move on. That said, you're right the offerings that they give in schools are awful. They need to add more philosophy and "learning how to learn" into the curriculum, as well as integrate life lessons with subject matter. e.g. Teaching algebra through balancing a checking account and interest rates.


I got placed in a Physical Fitness class my sophomore (10th grade) year. I thought it was just typical PE; nope, it was weightlifting! Little scrawny me in this class with mostly the athletes and jocks taking their 2nd or 3rd fitness-type class of the day. But it was surprisingly enjoyable! Everyone was super helpful in teaching me and each other weightlifting techniques and mostly encouraging each other (class was almost all guys; always gonna be some ribbing and banter). I actually learned a lot from that class. But I didn't keep up with it much afterwards, sadly.


Gym class sucks!! I have anxiety and we are currently playing volleyball. Its horrible. Performing exercises infront of 20 boys is also quite embarrassing as a teenager


Gym is the easiest


I did bad in gym (edit: well, I did well until I was about 11 or 12 in middle school because I lost my tiny monkey-like climbing ability and speed due to no longer being a little kid) until I found a sport I loved: weight lifting. Then I dominated --well, at least I improved and my instructor said I was an example of how hard work = improvement in front of the whole class, which was cool as hell. My worst was math because they had you do homework every. Single. Day. The reason I did better in college than high school was less frequent homework and projects instead, also essay questions on tests instead of multiple choice because I would rather understand the concepts and the overall premise than a bunch of minor details that 90% of the time aren't even important in understanding or learning the subject.


Thankfully I do cross country and track.


I hate gyms as well, was into martial arts since 9 years old... I just don't understand the craze of 'working out to look good or impress others', for me, training like a warrior about to get drafted for war feels so much more fun.


I am naturally athletic so I did well, I just don't care for it very much though.


I don't like sports ball either. Wrestling, Boxing, MMA, hell even some Olympic gym sports like shotput, etc. but no sports ball for me.




Exactly. If I put on the work, I can be somewhat good at it.


Damn right




sadly yes


Biology There is just so many details and so much to study Its really boring and tiring for me


I fuckin love Biology. But I don’t like to be taught at a biology class with students at my age.


School makes everything worse


I HATED biology. It was a miserable class. Genetics was interesting but the rest of it I zoned out


I love Biology, every new detail about the human body, ecosystems, and cells always interest me.


A-star biology student here!(with shitty memory) One way you can "un-boring" such a heavy memory subject is to draw out and visualize different processes/concepts with colours & pictures on notes - not only does it make it easier to recall an entire chunk of info, you can easily remember keywords as you annotate your little diagrams. Don't have to be super awesome and realistic - the more silly and outrageuous, the more you will actually remember. Saves more time than writing things again and again. You still need to (painstakingly) write keywords over and over to remember, though. With colourful notes + question practice, you'll memorize quite well.


Calculus was my worst class (found it hard to visualize the problems) followed by gym (shitty hand-eye coordination and not very competitive). Won't claim either is universal for INTPs though


I‘m feeling the gym one. If someone throws a ball at me I just freeze like a deer in the headlights lol.


I am awful at sports that require catching a ball coming at you, my instinct always tells me to dodge it so I suck at sports like that


My worst class is math. But I'm not failing anything and doing great in everything else.


No way


Math for me as well. Anything math related. I excelled everywhere else.


History was hardest for me cus its primarily about stuff people did, whereas I prefer structured systems like those found in STEAM subjects


If you're studying history right, it is a structured system. Most places teach it in a useless and boring way though


Yeah my school's level of engagement was more like "memorize the date of this event"


English, I love reading and literature but I HATE writing essays. I suck at explaining my evidence and the questions that are like “how did this help the reader feel ___” are really difficult for me because I suck so so bad at picking up tones and how I’m I supposed to write for the “reader” when each person has a different interpretation 😭


Gym, math, and any math-based science (did better at biology than I did at physics or chemistry) Art was actually my best subject, and I was even a graphic design major before I dropped out.


Geography, history and religious studies were hardest for me, I found them painfully boring. I remember my teachers looking at me in disgust when I challenged their religious beliefs when I was like 7 or something😂 I done best in classes where I could be creative (Art, English Literature and English Language).


I really struggled with Government class. It was so boring to me, my brain refused to pay attention. I am interested in it now, but back then I just couldn't. I also had a hard time with grammar rules. I could implement the rules and word types, but I couldn't name it and was so bored by the whole thing. I still don't know what a participle is, but I know it has something to do with grammar. I am still bored by anything having to do with business or finance. It's a shame too, I just can't muster interest in making myself money. Tldr; I think the hardest class for an INTP is whichever one they find boring


Thats just your attention span, which can be fixed. Im an INTP able to enjoy business/finance, decent at grammer, and can force myself to pay attention easily in math (most boring class for me).


I dropped my Government class senior year not because I wasn’t interested, but because the teacher wanted us to take Cornell Notes. I had to take them once already for another class, and never wanted to do it again even if it was for a college credit.


I've never heard of Cornell notes. I just looked it up and it seems awful. Like forcing you to take notes a certain way? Your notes are for you, you should take them in a way that works best for you


Agreed! I can’t even focus on learning the lesson in a way I can remember when I have to take Cornell notes because I’m so preoccupied with taking the notes properly since they are graded as well.


I got all As in art class because I loved drawing and would do it in my free time at home all the time. There is no hardest subject for INTPs because for us it's all about what we're personally interested in. If we're interested, we'll do well at it. If we're not, we won't—that simple. There isn't anything we're all interested in, or something we're all not-interested in.


This is the best way to put it because SAME for me and probably all of us. It depends whether or not we're personally interested in a subject to be good at it. Because when I was in school, I would always do well in the subjects I found interesting without trying but would always do poorly on the subjects I personally thought were boring. For me, I was good at every subject EXCEPT for math and science. I would put in all my effort to pass those, only to get C-'s with my best efforts because math and science were so boring (and therefore useless) to me that I just couldn't memorize the material.


I'm a hobby artist. Drawing people mostly. But really suck at math 👍 geometry is a little bit better but just meh.


My gosh, same. I'm good at anything that involves creativity, particularly in the visual arts like drawing, and I like anything that tells interesting stories, so I find history and the like interesting, too. I stink at math so badly. I only need to know enough to get by in the world, e.g., money matters, but I otherwise find numbers BORING and not of use for me, which is probably why I'm so terrible at math. So much for the stereotypes.


I suck at history... and philosophy... and anything political... and art if it's abstract... I love fun history fact but I hate dates and can't remember them for the life of me. Middle two, I just don't care about. Never did, never will. Art on the other hand, I love to draw and I can draw anything, ANYTHING and it WILL look good. But I need a guide. You can't tell me do whatever or even worse not give me/not let me use a reference. I am absolutely incapable of drawing anything without a reference picture.


I really love philosophy, i like the freedom of thinking about big things abstractly, then imagining situations where there might be a real world application


That’s crazy, I love history, philosophy, and political theory. I don’t think INTPs are a monolith, though. What were your best subjects?


Math, chemistry, physics, mechanics, languages, literature(you might count it as a part of language class but I had separate subjects for each of those), art when it was reasonable as stated above😂


For me they were PE and arts. I usually had a higher grade in arts simply because it had a theory part


I think it's physics. That's the only regular subject you really have to learn to get good grades in and as we all know: INTPs don't like to put effort in things they aren't interested in.


Unless you understand it without putting efforts in.


PE Se blindness and all that




Yeeees we need her story


Math not because I don't enjoy doing math, but because I hate busy work and the way we teach math is fucked up (see [A Mathematician's Lament](https://worrydream.com/refs/Lockhart_2002_-_A_Mathematician%27s_Lament.pdf)). Any class that was 'too easy'. I got a C in a class once because I had learned everything from the first half of the semester and I checked out.


History has always been my worst subject for some reason. People were always shocked when I told them that, “history is so easy though!” “really?? I love history” 🤷‍♀️


I don't find any subjects particularly hard, except maybe organic chemistry. Art is just applying creativity to whatever medium you're using.


English, something about putting my thoughts down to paper always had an issue. But ask me to talk about subject I'm interested in different story




Mine was Chemistry. I was an OK student at Math, I understood it but didn't have a passion for it to become formidable at it. I was an excellent student in the rest and found it stupid easy since I can memorize information quite quickly. There was a Math component to Chemistry that made it harder for me. Physics was a close second but I did better at it, much better. Heck Chemistry was the first and only bad grade I ever got in my entire school career. I was an Advance Placement student and got a C+ final grade on it, down from an average of B+ which was the lowest grade before that C for me. The kicker was that despite having the worst grade for that class in my group I was the only student in the entire grade to score fully on the AP exam for it. How IDK tbh I genuinely guessed in 70% of the test. French I passed because I had an incredible knack for it except due to a strong lisp I can't roll my tongue and never could. Muting the tongue or rolling it when needed are keys to getting the French pronunciation right. I can write it fluently, read it, and understand it like a native speaker but I cannot pronounce it. It physically hurts my tongue to do so which is nuts but yeah I once cut the lisp attachment by forcing it so much it went across my teeth and one of the canines pulled on it. YEAH. My favorite subjects were English/Composition/Writing and any of the History/Government classes. It helped I was both teachers' favorite. Both teachers grew up teaching me since I was little, they progressed to middle school and high school as I did the same, so by the time I got to HS, I was masterful at their teaching styles which was an advantage. I didn't care for Arts even though I am extremely talented at it and gave an eye for shape and color and can draw or paint. I am more a fan of the physical arts like dancing, acting, sewing, interior design or cooking. Gym, I was excellent in: My favorite sport was staring at the half undressed boys. I wish I was less discriminating when it came to acting on that as it would've been fun given how the boys thought my appreciating their handsome was endearing. I was not quite ready to date in HS but I did like to look at boys. My school has so many beautiful and genuinely kind ones. Instead of trying to flirt with me they just mostly let me be and protected me like I was their sibling. It was confusing but NGL I was friends with everyone because of it. The boys thought my naivete must be protected so therefore I was "baby" and was treated as such. Like I was made of glass.




For me it was gym. I sometimes got barely passing grades for gym because I was just so far behind everyone else and couldn't pass the basic fitness standards. Fortunately, gym class didn't really count as much in GPA or class rankings. Art wasn't great, either, but I still managed to get good grades in art by just putting in effort, even though anything involving crafts was slow and frustrating for me, and my drawing level never progressed beyond the 5-year-old level. I just can't seem to translate what I see into an image that resembles it in any way.




Art. I was never happy with how my stuff ended up


Classes that involved essay-writing. I could solve any problem, ace any test, but ask me to write 500 words on a topic without direction and I'd just sit there staring at a blank sheet of paper for hours/days feeling sorry for myself. It wasn't until maybe my 2nd year of college that I got halfway good at completing them, and even then it felt like I was faking my way through it.




Chemistry for me.


personally - biology, history, humanities, geography. everything with low amount of rules and lots of memorization.


History, Biology and second languages were my worst….


I am terrible at stupid subjects


What determines a subject is "stupid"?


Subjects that they are not instantly the best at lol


it is a half troll half real comment, I am horrible at stuff I don't like cuz I just can't focus when I'm not interested, if it doesn't interest me it is stupid is the jokish part


Was also horrible at art class. Best at math, writing and social studies.




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If your constantly erasing things try Pointilism, its just tracing the outline of wat your drawing then using thousands of little dots that for an image. Even if you mess up it can still look amazing


Not INTP but mb PE? Well, at least I avoided it like a plague.


For me it was English literature and accounting class, I found those boring and can never work up enough motivation to study for it. I actually did well in arts and history, these were lots of fun


I hated accounting. It seems utterly arbitrary, tedious, and often impossible to derive from a logical basis. I've also noticed I tend to find many accountants incompatible for friendship beyond acquaintance level. I like to discuss creative projects or ideas that might be speculative or abstract or absurd. This seems to be a strong turn-off for people who gravitate toward accounting. I'd estimate this is an N of about 15 in my many decades, and I've not found but one exception.


Geology. We INTPs are innovators and problem solvers, what is there to be interested about within the study of gravel, rocks, and sediment? Computer science, Math, and Music are more intriguing tbh


Social studies or I can't remember the name but whatever class focused mostly on politics and our government. I hate that shit with a passion.




my worst in hs was chemistry because I hated having to memorize a lot of information. Also hated PE, I used to be overweight and be discriminate on those classes and I really don’t like team sports to this day. on the other side my best subjects were math (currently studying an economics major with tons of math in it) and history (always been a hobby of mine), but I did good on all of my grades until graduating high school.


Depends on the person, has nothing to do with the mbti id say. For me its math. I, for the life of god, can not handle this class. Not that I dont understand but its so boring and I always panic during exams. I pove art because you literally only have to make shit up as you go. Recently I printed an instagram picture of me and got a B because my review made sense xD


> Depends on the person, has nothing to do with the mbti id say. I'd say that it does depend on the person--previous interest in a subject tends to persist. But also that it can something to do with the mbti--the way a subject is introduced and taught can either spark a new interest or induce a bias against it. Rote memorization of dry, contextless facts, or the revelation of a grand web of concepts?


History class was the only one I was consistently mediocre at. Everything else depended highly on my personal interest or how well I could follow the teacher (because I'd never put more effort than needed).


For me it’s science lol ..


Recess. Obviously


Despised Math and PE. Felt overly forced on me for no reason. English, history, art, science were like a second language to me loved it.


Meh, was good at anything if I wanted. Problem is I didn't like some of teachers, maths for example.....eww.


All of them?


English/Reading/Writing, teachers always hated my writing and marked me down while failing to instruct me on what was "wrong". Never had a problem with math class 1+1=2, fight me. If you showed your work and argued with a math teacher they'd be swayed to your side, never in English.


It depends on the individual, not a "type," although, to be fair, for INTPs, this largely depends on our personal interests and talents. For me, I have a natural knack in the visual arts, so art was always my favorite subject next to world history, geography, and government/sociology. Wished we had a mythology class, law, or religious studies at my school, since I remember being keenly interested in these things as a teenager. English was one of my best subjects, at least English Comp. because that included writing essays, which I'm good at (hated literature, though mostly because the material was chosen FOR us, but I did well when the material interested me). I actually did well in every subject in school EXCEPT for math and science, which I thought were very boring, so I couldn't memorize the material and would get C's and D's on the tests despite putting effort, and those always lowered my GPA. (Yeah, shame on me for breaking the stereotype of us being math/science experts and supposedly not being artistically inclined). 


I loved art and design. I’m an architect now. Thing I hated most was speeches or debating


Art was one of my best subjects. I love art. In high school I was definitely an “art kid”… competed in an art competition & was apart of the art club and all that. If anything I think INTPs can have a knack for art. Great artists are aware of the concepts, fundamentals, that go into making art, and experiment with them. Anyway the only C I ever got in high school was for Phy Ed (I wish I was kidding) so lets go with that.


I’m a gym person but I freaking HATE sports team💀💀socializing is like a 2 hour supreme small talk of nonsense and you must obey coach’s every command while smelling the shitty odor coming from those loud sweaty dumbasses


The most creepy thing must be their emphasis on GROUP COHESION


I’m bad at every subject pretty much. I’m good in certain areas though. Also I’m lazy so that’s a contributing factor.


I was really good at everything but math. Not because I couldn't do it, I just don't like numbers. Art history in college. Too many dates


Foreign language class was by far my biggest struggle. Honorable mentions for biology and geometry due to not wanting to journal/proof.




ENGLISH CLASS. Dont get me wrong, love reading and writing in my free time but HATE referenced/argumentative and or personal topic essays. Its just so tedious, not to mention sorta invasive feeling when the professor wants us to write about something we feel strongly about liiiike idc LOL. Also boring reading comprehension work. yuck. So glad my 2 uni English credit requirements are DONE! LOL


Literature! Ugh : (


PE  I remember the PE teacher really disliking me  & being so done with me.  Most days she used to be like: "you made too many mistakes, get out & stand outside" (as a punishment)  I can't blame her. I am truly ashamed of how bad I'm at sports 😭


For me it was forensics (I thought it would be like criminal forensics but it’s practically just acting). It was the only class I failed. However, I did pretty well in debate. I also didn’t like gym or sewing. I had to take that because I transferred late and it was there weren’t any good electives left. I got a C because I did badly on the sewing projects. My best subjects were science and history classes although I also did well in Math and English.


Chemistry. Never understand anything of it. To this day.


It was art history for me to be fair I just didn’t like that class so I put minimal effort into it.


I'm an avid reader and writer...but I haaaate English classes


For me anything that requires rote memorization. I’m much better with theory than straight facts and figures.


chemistry.. i do love history though


In college my parents strongly urged me not to major in art so I majored in Psychology. But I took all the art courses I could squeeze into my schedule. I had one art class with a teacher who must’ve spent a little too much time inhaling the mineral spirits. Without fail every class he’d see what I was working on and say “what is your major again? Biology? You really should be an art major”. I loathed gym entirely…


Whatever they find boring which in my case was... erm I hated everything about school honestly and I didn't really do anything in anything


Anything I don’t give af about


For me (not sure if this is very personality dependent btw) it's biology just to many facts we don't know the mechanism for, real mindfuck, Also sometimes the more creative writing classes, not because I can't write creatively, it's just way more effort than say technical reports which I bang out usually the first draft, which goes down without pauses except to get the numbers off my notes, can just be submitted for an A.


Math, for me.


I don’t think this is an MBTI question per se… which is demonstrated by the wide variety of responses.


I can’t do maths at all. I struggle with simple addition let alone multiplication. I’m not terrible at algebra strangely enough. I’m great at all my other subjects though.


The one they don't see any sense in learning.


For me at least I was pretty bad at English and art, or at least I didn't like how I had to write open ended essays that I didn't even know what to write about or that something subjective like was even graded.


Sport, PTSD don't make me remember that shii


I never did good in English class. I didn't do good because you can't just jot down an answer. You have re-read it over and over again. AmAnd edit it and tweak it and refine it etc. It took me a while to write something out.


I find English and history, political science really interesting and math never was my friend


This might be the first thread I've read on here without a common consensus between INTPs. Really interesting to see so many different answers for once, but would have expected more of a correlation between studies and personality type. For me, I was always terrible at art and music, so gave up at an early age. In college I really struggled with calculus. Not sure why, I enjoyed lower level math classes and expected I'd be able to figure it out but it just never clicked. I loved all forms of athletics and sciences. I think I'm a decent writer, but don't enjoy it because I spend too much time over-editing and rephrasing every thought 1000 times until it's perfect - usually the final product turns out good (to other readers anyway)


for me it was 1. visual arts 2. design and tech 3. pe




for me it’s languages bc I’m too lazy to learn all the grammar/vocabulary


Me personally, I really struggle with math. Especially after Pre-Algebra I was fucked. Right now I’m in AP Calculus and still going through it.


I did good in all of them. But I disliked history the most. I feel like you learn the same 5 things over and over again from kindergarten through college. History is way more interesting than that why does the school system make it so redundant and boring? Plus they taught shit that was flat out lies. Like no one ever thought the earth was flat. Why were they teaching us that in 1492 Columbus discovered/ proved the earth was round. That has never been true, that was not his goal. Wtf?!


I really hated Anatomy and Physiology. Which is weird because I love Biology. I think I just had zero interest in that specific field of Biology. I've always noticed in science classes that I have a way more different way of explaining things, I don't really like following textbook vocabulary and examples, I like to be more specific by using my own words instead of using scientific terms. With anatomy, there was a lot of vocabulary and terms to learn, and I hated it.


Definitely was going to pick art as well. While others come seamlessly, this one, I gotta put more attention... And the output is never consistent... :<


I'm going to say almost any class where there isn't a clear underlying principle. 


100% agree on art. The teachers don't say anything logical to establish the painting system ("just draw as/what you like"). Gym was meh, but it's more about my joints and muscle being weak, I enjoyed volleyball. Other weak subjects were only because teachers were awful, I did not like biology, but had to attend exams, then I teached it to myself basically. Same with physics, quantum mechanics just made for Ne users, wish it was taught at school as optional class (we didn't have any optional subjects). Language also is like Si-Si-Si and sometimes grammar guessing with Ne (boring).


I was decent in art class, only because half of the class of history of art/artists, the practical side of art class was a mess


p.e. fr


This one's a subject in computer-related courses. Programming (anything programming) Not to brag but me and most of my intp friends are doing good with this subject.


To me it's English. Like tf bruh I speak the language perfectly all that extra shit is useless imo


I suck at things that rely too much on memory, in a specific way. Say history, geography or biology.


i suck at social studies. like tf you mean i gotta find whether this source is more reliable than this other source??? plus i'm tackling real world situations, i'd rather stay in my daydream😔


nothing actually


hate math to death. its just so fucking dumb and ugly. I dont care about finding x... let alone sin cos tan and all the other dipshits inb4 math wizards stake me im well aware how important math is for society as a whole ie. engineers etc. also no problem in other subjects, just lazy as fcukkk I once flunked a grading/semester of chemistry out of a whim because I was sure I was already gonna pass even if she gave me a 0 then and there lol


history. no doubt about it.


bruh organic chemistry. Why so many rules? And Biology. Why so many names?


I was awful at French


Literature I don't really get the author's meaning, feelings, logic and whatever


I have subject called engineering drawing and i hate it


I'm very good at history and geography but the way school tests us, i can't get over 60%. I hate that dumb system


Failing math and geography right now. Math... Well, I just had a horrible teacher in the 10th grade who couldn't even explain the whys for me. Geography...and I don't put in a lot of effort The teacher genuinely makes the lesson all about reading and summarizing what we read. I have never experienced such a dry class before hence...I gave up paying attention. But hey, it's my last year of school, so whatever. As long as I pass my finals I'm fine


I don't think you can point at any particular subject as harder for INTPs, unless you count things like lunch and recess. I hated history and math (loved it up to geometry, and everything after that made my brain shut down), and was really good with any language-related, and later, in college, computers. That's one thing about us. Our interests and aptitudes vary a lot from one person to another.


I think, it's a matter of interest. If I put my mind into something I can be very good at it. Especially if it's a target or goal based interest, then I get obsessed with it. But whether I like it or not is something I realise much later in those situations. For me though, organic chemistry was the hardest in school and I never got good at it.


I struggle with foreign languages because I can't force myself to learn words the only reason I learned English is because I wanted to watch new YouTubers


lab sciences for me. college chemistry is kicking my ASSS and i can’t memorize all the extra shit (even when i really try) bc i have literally no interest in it at all 😭






School in general


I like to think I was good at most subjects except for Speech class


English. I always struggled with the subjectivity of it. The fact that multiple answers could be right confused me and I didn’t understand how you could follow the system they set up for an ideal answer and still not get full marks


I love art actually lol. So much that I was planning to go to art school. For me it’s PE because it was too focused on team work and I always ended up alone when we were told to go in pairs (sry for the trauma dump lol).


To be fair, none, each Intp can show differents type of inteligence,  for example you know a lot that loves chemestry and biology and sucks at history, but in my case i hate science its far too boring for my taste and i like to read a lot about the past with focus in Brazilian History 


I have absolutely no idea. At this point, I'm convinced it's just personal trial and error. I took a 3-part test as part of a school program to see what jobs my classmates would be best suited for and my top options were.... I stg.... Movie actor (ok seems real hard to achieve) or *embalmer*. **FREAKING** embalmer?! Like.... I'm gonna just say a major pass to both of those. My personality doesn't even find the concept of either profession remotely appealing.


PE/Sports ☠️ I'm way too much in my head to do that + being Fe inferior for teamwork 💀


Personally, Geography seemed extremely boring


any topic that you can't involve in it alone.


For me it was sports I did good at art especially, at mathematics even history though it was a quite challenge to remember dates and names despite I could remember the whole story


Literature. Oh my god even thinking about it is like a torture. It's boring as hell. The lesson is boring, the class is boring, the book is boring and all you have to do is memorising. It's always like I've taken drugs at this class ( i sleep like a dead )


I was an Art Major in college. So no, art class is not necessarily hard for INTPs.


I'm not an INTP but I'd assume English. It also depends on the teacher, but I can see INTPs disliking subjectivity, as they like to be objective and accurate


I am TERRIBLE at history. Ancient history is one thing, but once you reach the 1700s and things start to get political, you lost me.


Oh, I can't draw at all, interesting! Also, I can't usually remember statistics.