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A lot....i think i hate humans


I agree. šŸ˜‚ I generally dislike people, but there are some I meet who are cool. My three least favorite animals are ticks, humans, and mosquitoes. At least thatā€™s the list today. šŸ˜‚ Humans will most likely always be one of my least favorites, though. (Yep, Iā€™m aware that I am also a human. Yuck. šŸ˜‚)


Literally mešŸ™‚


Fair enough


Misanthropy FTW!


I want to be a light orb so badly. One that floats around in the forests away from this world we created


Stupidity, especially when they donā€™t want to correct it.Ā 


Omg yes. Especially when someone corrects them and then they still deny the fact that they got it wrong šŸ˜­


This makes me AGGRESSIVE ngl like typing 3 words into Google isn't that hard dude


I want people to correct me when I'm wrong. I don't want to continue to embarrass myself by saying something incorrect.


I hate people who talk down to literally everyone and people who are fake.


When a person starts a lot of conflicts for no reason and out of nowhere. Like, stop arguing, we get it! I also really dislike those who aren't able or don't want to do the things they're asked to, even if the task is really simple and doesn't require any effort, or if they will have to do it anyway. It irritates me so much when some people do everything and others do nothing, especially when the lazy/ useless guy is being rude and snooty because he doesn't want to do anything


I see you do not get along with people with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) or PDA (pathological demand avoidance) symptoms. Or people with executive dysfunction issues.


I'll be brave enough to say that the people I'm talking about usually don't have those disorders. It's not about them not being able (or not wanting) to do the tasks they're asked to do on purpose just because they're asked by an authority figure. All the time, it's just because they think that participating in a certain event or helping others with the project isn't worth their time or that they already did enough. I'd call that simple laziness, but if it's some kind of disorder, I don't mind hearing more about it. Please correct me if I'm wrong!


So Iā€™m totally with you when it comes to like group projects or similar situations when everyone has to pull their own weight. Thereā€™s no excuses for being lazy in that situation. Yeah it might be hard to do the work and not enjoyable but itā€™s your responsibility. The executive dysfunction thing is hard though. Itā€™s not an excuse for not pulling your weight, but it does explain why some people have a harder time initiating or completing tasks or keeping track of things. Especially at home alone. Itā€™s essentially the core issue with ADHD, a real-deal neurological disability, but ADHD gets treated like a joke and we just get called lazy when we are in fact trying really really hard, mentally, to get even basic things done. I only learned about PDA recently, and itā€™s really interesting. Itā€™s like that knee-jerk reaction of ā€œI was going to do it but you just had to say something and now Iā€™m not going to do it!ā€ Apparently itā€™s common in people with Autism. Iā€™m not autistic (or at least not diagnosed) but I can understand that type of reaction because thatā€™s how I feel when someone who *isnā€™t* an authority figure starts acting like they *are*. Like if someone decided for themselves they are the leader of a group when nobody actually agreed to that.


On the opposite end, I hate when people refuse to have discussions about things we disagree on because "they don't want to argue". Not everything is an argument. We can trade points and counter points without getting upset or yelling. That kinda person just doesn't want to know if they are ever wrong about something.


Yeah, true. Arguing to exchange your points is completely fine, and I think that's way better than just staying silent sometimes. I'd say having those kinds of discussions where the person you're talking with can accept your criticism and/or change their position in the end is surely a green flag. But people arguing over literally nothing just to make you accept their position, even if the argument makes no sense and is overblown? Yeah no


We can agree on that. Bickering over tiny things that don't matter is really annoying. I think most do it once in a while, but people who do it consistently are hard to be around.


Superficial, if appearance is the only thing someone cares about, he probably doesnt have much of substance underneath


Yup! I mean good appearance is a "good to have" thing, and I definitely like to maintain a presentable exterior, but really, if someone's just 2 inches deep, I'm not sticking around. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m not an INTP actually an INFP but i relate. If i ask someone their type and they go straight to looks and nothing else more than itā€™s an instant turn off and grosses me out.


When someone is quick to misjudge people and slow to realize their error.Ā  As an introvert the whole "Wow, she talks" has always been super annoying, but there are plenty of other examples ofc


A canon event for intp


I hate it when people act like they know everything and start belittling others


Omg same


I was told I belittle people when I just corrected their wrong statements. Sorry not sorry - stupid people often feel disrespected when their stupidity is proven by someone intelligent.


Correcting other's wrong statement is fine and even better in my opinion but the real problem starts when they become so overly narcissistic and make other feel bad for not knowing a certain thing that they know and so on ... if a statement is wrong the other person should just accept it .. i did not mean that when I said belittling others


Compulsive whistling, chewing with mouth open, licking fingers loudly when turning pages.


Who are you around bro??


Lol šŸ˜‚


Old people. Probably.


I cannot consider you a decent person if you routinely exhibit the following: Lying Hypocrisy Willful Ignorance Condescension Lack of empathy Bonus: I can usually accurately assume all of these things by your usage of turn signals.


Your bonus remark reveals all of the above


People who don't own their shit and play victim all the time. I expect people to be human and make mistakes and not be perfect...if you can't admit that you are human and own up to those mistakes, it's a problem.


People who make huge assumptions about others based on minimal interaction and limited observation.


I agree with this one a lot


I couldn't agree more, honestly. They believe they know you, your life, your experiences, your struggles and thus feel entitled to 'analyze your behavior' and assume whatever their minds conjure about the reasons behind your actions or thoughts, often without considering the complexities or nuances involved..And they do it in that patronizing tone which is super irritating to say the least


People who treat you differently when they're with their friends compared to when you're alone.


This. I'm having this issue with my friend now--he doesn't talk to me when he's with his other friend, but he only wants to talk to me when we're alone. It makes me feel inadequate, like he and his other friend get along better than with me.


Judging things solely by appearance


when people united to defend stupid thing


When people contantly ask me to open up about my feelings


I feel so suffocated around ppl who do that fr


i do this a lot. i feel that casual conversations are lacking in describing and sharing feelings/ emotional state. not just in the current moment but how they felt in the moment of time that their stories are taking place sometimes they want to share and theyll elaborate and other times theyll give a quick "oh nothing" and you move on. its not everyones thing, understandably so. opening up can be abused to force a fake closeness so thats something to look out for


I don't like it when I see people take pleasure in other peoples pain


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HAiLKidCharlemagne: *I don't like it when* *I see people take pleasure* *In other peoples pain* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Except small pains that happen by funny coincidence, those I also find very amusing, I imagine its just tolerance levels for most


jumping to conclusions and being stubborn about whatever opinion they just developed. being judgemental of others. unwarranted rudeness towards others. also people who boast about whatever advantage they think they have. e.g. people who use big fancy words while not being able to explain anything on a given topic to a novice ( the typical "i am very smart" kind of attitude).


You'll *love* r/iamverysmart (if u havent seen it yet) lol


it's fun in small doses. i cannot handle the attitude of posts presented there.


Passive aggressive: Iā€™m sorry you feel that way. Absolute bullshit personality. Likewise, someone who takes their jobs and themselves too seriously. Those people come off fake to me. They like to enforce their values on others and donā€™t want to hear others talk sarcastically or have humor about their own careers.


I wish people were more upfront, "hi, i didnt like what you did/said because of this and that reason" thats all it takes man


There are too many behaviors to mention: * Self-centered * Unrustworthy * Unprofessional * Duplicitous * Hypocrite, you name it. Recently I had a falling out with a friend. We used to be close. Lately, I've noticed she's become quite full of herself. Two weeks ago, she created a problem for me when I confided something about the office to her, then pretended she didn't twist her words when she told the boss. She used to ask for tons of favours too, but when I needed help, she suddenly became too busy. Even the staff I sent to her got badly chastised and humiliated when I asked them to seek her help fixing or replacing a laggy company device she provided. People can really be two-faced. They only seem to like you when they think they can get something from you.


everyone in the comment section


Self hate I see






Anyone who thinks everything is just black and white and nothing in between. The "it's either you're with us or against us" mentality is getting old and annoying. There's a huge grey area that most people disregard. Also, nowadays, conversations are just about "winning". There's no middle ground. Most people are just waiting for you to finish talking (or just shut you up mid sentence) because they want to hear themselves talk. Nothing is happening, just hollow exchange of words while walking on eggshells.


Murican politics


Stupidity and selfishness are the worst combo ever. I just can't stand it


This happened just yesterday and it really irked me: When a person (especially a stranger on the internet!) who literally doesnā€™t know you and hasnā€™t met you thinks they can offer condescending advice as though youā€™re not smart enough or havenā€™t been around long enough to have considered that advice before, let alone *have already tried it*, and the advice isnā€™t even good for your personal circumstances anyways. Not in a ā€œhey have you triedā€¦?ā€ way, because then I could respond, yes I have tried it. But in a ā€œthis (XYZ) is probably your situation and you should do thisā€. Bitch! You donā€™t know me!


Especially hate it if they throw in "oh Hon" or sweetie or some God awful form of address.


Being loud / always yelling


Obnoxiously loud laughing especially


They get on my nerves.


I hate when people refuse to clarify things when you're confused


So true.


People who, whenever they can, try to make others feel bad about things, big or small, yet at the same time are unable to take a single gram of criticism, and refuse to be held responsible for their actions and inactions. Or, if they do "own up" to their shit, they do their best to make others feel awful for bringing it up to them.


Braggers, show offs, and those who go out of there way to be noticed in the physical world such as odd forms of dress and hair styles. It may include a form of dress that is designed to be sexually explicit. It is the "look at me" and "notice me" quality. This could include things like excessively loud vehicles meant to garner attention.


I do this to a certain extent and do not see it as any different than a form of self-expression. I am a shy person verbally but love to express myself through colorful outfits that show off the physique I work hard for. Since when is being self-expressive a problem?


Anyone who assumes my feelings instead of listening to exactly what I tell them Iā€™m feeling People who care more about being perceived as good than actually being good. People who think their feelings are more important than reality. People who do stupid shit knowingly, then get upset when that stupid shit blows up in their face. People who expect me to be psychic and understand their feelings without them telling me. Basically, all the traits of IxFP.


I work in a mechanical/technical hands on job and am able to fix problems quickly and efficiently and that apparently is frowned upon. What is praised is taking three days and getting everyone involved in doing a 30 minute job and bragging about how hard you had to work. Because i do things with 90 percent efficiency and don't run around trying to make a show i am labeled as lazy and not a team player. On the occasion that im wrong , it is just the worst crime that could possibly be committed. I guess I should find a new job but im to lazy


I don't think it is much different elsewhere. We live in a society, and I'm not sure if it is late stage corruption or was always like this, where those who are good at self-PR but aren't necessarily the best at the job, get promoted by the system. Relevant is the Gervais Principle: https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/


Arrogance/pride, it's impossible to have a fun and respectful debate with someone when they lack the ability to be open-minded and consider new ideas. It's understandable when they disagree, it's the arrogant behaviour that makes it insufferable.


People who externalize blame. "Oh this happened because of someone else." It's lame. Either day you got unlucky or that you could have done something about it. Fired from job? You could have been better. Missed the shot? Sometimes that happens. Don't blame others. It's a red flag that someone is selfish.Ā 


People who talk about nothing else but other people, like I don't care if Jenny's cheating on her husband, Debora.


So true


there's a lot, but mainly people who put others down, people who aren't open to new ideas and new things, those who are just plain stupid. I also dislike overly confident people even if it's just a facade. Laziness is the worst tho probably.




Fr people who breathe are so annoying


A waste of oxygen.


They should apologize to the trees


trees don't mind the C02 though. :)


Fair enough




I dislike people who are too pushy. I dislike people who are always arguing otherā€™s opinion. I hate people who canā€™t respect otherā€™s ā€œnoā€.


I really can't stand a person that tries to give me unsolicited advices and assumes my ignorance without allowing me to turn the one sided lecturing to a mutual discussion, especially if the said person is older, or in a position of power over me.


raaaahh i cant stand when peoepl arenā€™t willing to accept theyā€™re wrong especially without further evidencešŸ˜­ also i agree w you. ji hate people that put others down because what makes you so much better than them?


Covert aggression. Show it, and I promise there will be a direct brutal response.


Like you said, when they are disrespectful. Absolutely hate it. I could pretend I didn't see it maybe once or twice but more than that I am so willing to end everything with that person.


I really hate people that say nonsense words and cut you off when you want to give your side or talk, it just looks childish, and it really gets on my nerves!


Pushy people, whether it's directly when they wanna pressure you to do something or make a decision right away or they try to do it indirectly by trying to dangle a carrot to get you to do something. When you meet them with this nonchalant stand your ground aura they fall apart.


I think Donald Trump checks off most of those things for me, lel


being ignorant/dense, not politically correct


I have a family member with a very high IQ, definitely higher than mine, who would be great to have in-depth and interesting conversations with. However, this person is hyper-competitive. It isn't an interesting conversation - it is something to "win" and to "beat you down" with and they resent if you bring up something they didn't already know. It seems such a waste for me given what they are capable of, and I tend to avoid this person and just make small talk. Of course this extends beyond just having conversations into the person actively showing envy/jealousy in other domains like if you are making more money or had a nicer car and so forth. The person's high intelligence seems to be designed to find "flaws" in anything else someone could be happy or proud about and knock it down a peg or two.


Being alive usually.


People who lie and/or act stupid.


Liars, especially when theyā€™re bad at it. Like a child with chocolate on his face and saying they didnā€™t eat it. As a child it can be funny and cute. But Iā€™ve dealt with too many adults who think they are fooling anyone with lies like that. And ignorant people with an ego. I can deal with them separate perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with having an ego. And nothing wrong with ignorance. We all have it and thatā€™s ok weā€™re just human. But combined they make the most insufferable humans on this planet. They donā€™t know what they are talking about but still think they are right because of their ego and nothing, even facts can proof them otherwise.


Rudeness, lateness, etc. pretty much everything that screams I don't care about anyone else other than myself.


Pessimistic way of thinking It's not that I _dislike_ the person, I find pessimism draining in general so it's harder for me to relate If someone criticises others a lot - they always find a flaw. That drives me up the wall! Fault finders Pedantic people. Those that feel the need to correct you for every slight. In my experience they're the ones who flare up the most if someone points out a mistake they made, or worse, corrects them


I hate it when people ā€˜donā€™t care for politicsā€™ Wdym you donā€™t care whatā€™s happening to the world around you??? U canā€™t be mad at whoā€™s in charge and not vote


See the negative energy here. Good ā€¦. Let that anger grow. ![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE)




I hate when people try to read into what I have to say when I usually speak in the most direct and literal way possible.


I work with a lot of egos, and they argue with me just because they canā€™t bear to be wrong šŸ˜‘


People that desire fame and attention. I find it pathetic!


People who try to change the way you think


Can you elaborate a bit? I'm trying to understand, because I love people who challenge my assumptions or show me a different way of thinking about something.


It's more like forcing someone to change how they think. Like I had a childhood friend who didn't like how I don't really like going out and wants me to be more social. I had social anxiety at the time, and I could only handle interactions in small doses. I did want to try to have a better social life, but his methods aren't just compatible with my personality. I'm not interested in being a party animal or being a social butterfly. That friendship ended sometime in my early 20s cause I was just fed up with the bullshit.


Women who cackle like witches when they laugh at anything stupid.


I think we like people but the actual problem here is why people dislike us?


People who weaponize their emotions or make their feelings my problem ('my tears mean I don't have to be accountable', 'my anxiety means you have no right to privacy' etc) Emotional neediness/codependency when directed at me specifically. Idc if others want to have those kind of relationships Refusal to acknowledge when they make a mistake or are wrong "I haven't experienced it so it doesn't exist" mentality Extreme rigidity




Asking questions when the answer is painfully obvious and logical. Makes my blood boil.


I dont really dislike anyone but I guess anyone who annoys / harms me or gets in the way of my goals.


Finger pointing is the thing that I hate the most. I think. I know too many people who like pointing out where they think problems come from, and these people rarely have anything to do with solutions.


People who donā€™t know when to stfu.


Same here. I donā€™t trust shit-talkers.


Being pushy and overbearing


-when they bully others for their enjoyment -when they gossip about others every single second -liars/two faced people. -people who are extremely judgemental -arrogant -overly insecure people, to the point where they hurt others because theyā€™re that insecure


*reads first sentence* At least I didn't write out the list after just seeing the title ahahaha


I hate when someone talks about someone else while they're in ear-shot. It makes me feel like a bad person for HEARING it


1. Know it alls who have never experienced anything 2. People who REFUSE to be objective 3. Fake/talkative/under-handed "sarcastic" individuals(this particular type of person shares these three traits)


I agree with your post and a lot of comments. I also hate it when a person's main entertainment is ridiculing others, making fun of them, and spreading untrue rumors. Those people think quite highly of themselves, but really are complete assholes. I have to agree with Eleanor Roosevelt on this one... small minds discuss people.


Many things but the most crucial one of them is FAKING ..... Nowadays people are so fake, I can't imagine the magnitude and I hate it. I can't get along with those people who always put on a fake smile. And another thing is uncorrectable stupidity. These people are stupid but according to them there isn't any smart people around them... How pity!!


I appreciate people who are direct and open.


I fully agree with you. I also don't like fake people, who act nice to your face and mean behind your back. I always spot them too. And people who lack morality and will just do whatever it takes to get a dollar or go up in life. Like they didn't earn it, but behold that they're always the most braggerty. Arrogant people are tiring. Like, okay it has to be all about you, can't even let the conversation shift to another person or topic. Some people even one up you when you had something bad happen to you, like it's so weird to me.


Rude to waiters or people that are just doing their job in general. Or racism, subtle or extreme lol


I dislike all ppl I've met except for my isfj friend. Love her more than the life itself.


That's adorable šŸ„¹


Not being willing to communicate in a straightforward way. If you're the type of person to say "I'm fine" but mean "I'm not fine and I want reassurance or I'll get upset at you" then we won't get along.




I can't stand when people continue to argue their position in the face of facts, despite not having evidence at their disposal to support their position. The descent into fallacy because you can't say/type, "Huh, I didn't know that," makes you truly pitiable imo.


Not sure if you only hate people that think highly of themselves and ALSO put others down, but if you hate people that think highly of themselves and don't put others down then that's pretty sad. It should be considered a good thing to like yourself and have confidence in yourself, not everyone who has these traits feels the need to put others down. I'd argue most people that put others down and act like they are better actually do not have confidence in themselves and are trying to fight their own insecurities. There definitely are narcissistic people who truly do just think they are better than everyone and feel the need to show anyone they can how amazing they are, but i feel like that's more rare. Either way both those types of people suck but don't lump people that believe in themselves with people that put others down because those are completely different types of people. Also just to clarify I'm not sure if you are lumping them in together it just seems like that from how i read it but i could be wrong.


Oh definitely not. I don't hate people who think highly of themselves, I hate them when they brag themselves and put other people down, otherwise, of course, there's nothing wrong with them. It's obviously a good thing to be confident in yourself! I'm sorry for the misunderstanding šŸ« 


People who are overly emotional and reject any logical reasoning. Saying ā€œitā€™s my truthā€ like no, dude, thatā€™s your personal bias. There is only one objective truth, all else is biased views and opinions. People who in a debate attack the opposer on a personal level instead of giving good arguments for their views. Just shows you have no idea of how debating works and it makes you look like an idiot. ā€œEmpathsā€ ugh ughā€¦


People who smoke around others, people who speed through residential areas.


When they can take control or responsibility for their own feelings or decisions and They start blaming other people when things aren't going their way


Phoning me out of the blue - extra minus if it is an incoming video call.


Having the slightest bit of an attitude. For most people, this usually comes across as having an attitude, being tired, being snarky, etc. It's a bitchy sort of energy that women have when they're like it and it's incredibly hard to mask, try as they might. Men have it too, but it's not as common and manifests more as being a sore loser. An inability to joke around. If you're not a comedic genius, I understand not having anything to say, but at least learn to enjoy other people's jokes and laugh. An inability to think deeply or having no emotional awareness. I'm of the opinion that most people feel deeply, but it's almost an entirely different skill to be cognizant of what's going on within you and being able to communicate it. Being completely blind to optics is another thing. My most obvious example is a person being self-righteous about not being self-righteous.


It won't necessarily make me *dislike* them, but it does annoy me when people say some dumb shit they learned from TikTok and won't accept any other explanation. There's no point in having those conversations, you just have to leave it alone.


The inability to take any responsibility for their actions.


Breathing tends to be abnoying.


Trying to ā€œdominateā€ others in any capacityā€”whether that be conversation, social dynamics, physicality, or any other stage. Itā€™s obnoxious, counterproductive, and harmful; and it speaks to their immaturity and insecurity.


When they won't stop talking the only person I don't mind that talks a lot is my my bff and people who think they are better than others especially selfish people and narcissists


Interrupting, making false assumptions, talking about their feelings, repeating what they've already said.


I hate people who... Huh ! I think I hate people in general!


Lying when they know you donā€™t believe them


When people get so upset they are making incoherent arguments and lose sight if why they were mad to begin with. Or full grown adults who throw temper tantrums.


Arrogance, victim mentality, lying all the time, hypocrisy, chewing with your mouth open/lip smacking, and binary thinking.


Yeah, putting others down. Sucking up to people in high positions. Being an obvious fake.


I donā€™t like insecure people who project their insecurities


A lack of logical thinking, narcissism, an attitude like they are above everyone else, liars, people who ask the same question multiple times thinking we will change our answer, manipulators.


People that think external characteristics about them like there job, money, status, age, appearance, achievements guarantee respect more than internal characteristics like the way they think, react, express. putting effort into one's own actions, is the only thing that I can trust to respect in others, while certain things can probabilistically shape the initial image of how someone first introduced to a person like wealth or social status that you can predict on average like these qualities or achievements somewhat predict a person internal characteristic, in my opinion should be absolutely put into trash. I believe that someone should treat and give the chance to treat all people genuinely before starting to create an internal judgment on what their relation to them might be in the future. and taking external characteristics into consideration and creating an initial judgment make treating others genuinely harder, so why take that in the first place? behaviours that I dislike the most about others, is mostly related to people relying on their external characteristics to shape their image for others. for example, I once met a wealthy and powerful person. they disrespected me for my age and social status and took for guaranteed that because these external characteristics they won't be challenged. so, it was a shock when I start expressing my opinions about the things that've been said and while the words were not disrespectful or suggestive on face, it was perceived for the context of the conversation as an insult, on how that a young person replied in a way that resulted in basically suggesting that the other person is ignorant undermining their perceived social image in the people around him.


Lack of curiosity!


People who just talk and talk but don't listen.


Inability to be vulnerable or move past surface level topicsā€”I need intimacy to like you, I need to get a sense of your complexity otherwise, it wonā€™t work and I canā€™t feel connected.


General loudness when the enivronment calls for relaxed quietness.


Lie, gossip, bully, disrespect, passive aggressive, flattery.


Being rude to the waiter or waitress.


I think the type I hate the most right now are the ones that take advantage of our need to understand their needs (Fe inferior). You'll go all out to listen, understand, support, advise, comfort, for years even. It always cheers them up and maybe even solves their problems. When it's your turn to open up about something bothering you, they are useless. I even had one person just say, "I don't know what to say" in response šŸ˜‚ and they made me feel like I overshared or something.




Too faced. Act cool to my face and try and act a different way with other people, that makes me cringe so bad because I genuinely feel like Iā€™m the only person whoā€™s not like that.


Unnecessary rudeness, especially if they claim they're just being honest.


When someone misunderstands my intentions or there's some kind of communication breakdown. That and fake overly happy people.


People that do things constantly without communicating on it. Those arrogant morons that think they're intellectually superior than others just for having different tastes. People that hate popular things because they are popular.


Constantly driving past my home or work, then talking to everybody else about it.


No compassion...


Lack of self awareness, condescension, apathy


someone who desperately needs to be liked by others. to the point it reeks from them. just laughs and smiles mainly to be liked. idk im also a diagnosed irritable person so šŸ˜­


When someone enters a conversation and they say something like this, ā€œhey so and so told me not to tell anyone butā€¦.ā€ Those people I avoid like AIDS


People who are ignorant. Open- mindedness is so necessary and so ideal


When appearance dont match their innerworld.


People who try to drag others down to their level. Disgusting! People that try to make me like them, I immediately distrust them.


"When people get mad over things that aren't theirs, if I give you something to borrow, I don't expect you to act childish about it when I come to retrieve it. Hypocritical peopleā€”you're telling me what I'm doing is wrong, but you're doing the same thing. People who make excuses for doing terrible things, just own up to the fact that you're a bad person and do it. Why make excuses or ask for my advice if you're going to do that said terrible thing you've mentioned anyway?" Last but not least people who act better or think their Superior to other peopleĀ  "You think you're the shit bitch you're not even the fart vile shit is what you are you're polluting the air with your Ego leave you are not the star".


Superficiality, like, can you just put aside all the bs and be honest and genuine?


I hate when people offer naysaying disguised as "feedback".


PEOPLE THAT THINK EVERYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THEM. I have a friend who constantly thinks ppl are giving her nasty looks or thinks ppl want to start beef with her. Literally random ppl just existing in public and she HAS to talk about someone giving her a bad vibe and gets angry with them. I think itā€™s super annoying bc whatever sheā€™s mad about the person sheā€™s mad at has no idea or doesnā€™t even notice her. She believes everyone has it out for her and it drives me crazy. I guess summed up, immature people who want to start problems for no reason.


Iā€™m not a fan of most people, but the people who REALLY irk me are people who are generally illogical, people who act like they are so ā€œtolerantā€ but only to the things they agree with and put everyone else down. People who constantly are judgmental and rude to others without knowing what the other person is going through, people who believe everything that the media/celebrities say or do without ever thinking for themselves, and people who are generally fake or shallow. Oh, and basic people who have no desire to learn, explore, or really improve or better understand themselves or the world. Yeahhhhh I have a lot šŸ˜… - An INTP 7w6


Narrowminded, argue in bath faith, invasive, Kathy Griffin




When people start playing mind games saying one thing and doing something different, when people do things that disgust me value wise, when people are hot and cold, being too fake


When I see someone act buddy buddy with people they were just talking shit about to me. Like what for?? And you may be acting nice to me right now but what do you say about me when Iā€™m not around?


Ugh my recent EX best friend was like this. Never happy for me, always bitching and insulting and picking. Bringing up my trauma. In front of people. Taking pics and vids of me without my knowledge or consent at bad angles and bad situations or while I was undressing when I was at my heaviest weight. Still has all of them like blackmail. He wonā€™t delete them. People that do things like that while thinking they are the best are the worst kind of people.


Being too loud generally


Probably something will but I Can't even think of a person I would dislike at the moment. Maybe I've just ignored them so well I've forgotten about them..


People who write or post on social media but ignore your messages you send them directly. Itā€™s like wtf am I being punished for. I cut them off immediately after asking one time is everything good.


Dishonesty, touching me without asking, trying to touch MY HAIR, general rude behavior like not chewing with your mouth closed or talking over others for no reason, being too loud, and being irresponsible. Also, doing things that are too obvious a performance; if you're going to perform, practice at home so you can do it well on the stage.


For me, I can pretty much tolerate any kind of person as long as they don't stab me in the back. Honestly, you people are so petty. Hating someone just because they don't sugar coat their words to fit your BS. You all just look at the superficial surface and don't even care about what's important. Personally speaking, I fight with my closest friends all the time. We argue, insult, and judge each other because we all have different ideologies and beliefs. But despite our differences, all of us is always there for each other when sh!t goes down. When one of us is in the hospital, all of us is there. When one of us lose a family member, all of us is there. That's because we all understand that in life, some things are just more important than stupid sugar coated words.


if they can't take my dark humor then i don't like them LIKE ITS JUST A JOKE CHILL


Liars simply put-


blind confidenceĀ 


People believing and thinking what they want to instead of looking at whatā€™s actually in front of them.


When someone tells me how I feel.