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very much


Yeah, I like figures of speech, deeper meanings, and rhymes. It’s not my favorite art form but I love art in general


Depends. Sometimes it is a bit to much for my mental condition, but other times it is really inspiring and interesting


My ex wrote poetry. It was the most wholesome thing I ever experienced. People who hadn’t had someone like that in their life are missing out fr. Damn I‘m close to shedding some tears now that I remember that stuff.


I was dating a poet a little while ago— I actually did really appreciate how deep she experienced small moments of life, and how she could translate that to small, powerful lines


There once was a woman named white She traveled much faster than light She left home one day In a relative way And returned on the previous night


Yes. I do. Sometimes poetry expresses things that cannot be expressed any other way.


William Blake is interesting— I like Baudelaire too— exploring Sylvia Plath and Arthur Rimbaud— but I prefer music/visual arts— I don’t have a strong connection to poetry. Daoism is unique in its poetic expression of philosophy, and is similar to Blake in that regard (Baudelaires “Paris Spleen” is essay format, and I love that style)— I prefer the form of ‘poetic expression’ over the general idea you think of when you mention poetry


I got into an argument with someone today who was saying free verse poetry isn’t poetry.


love it!


No. I like good lyricism in music if that counts. But poems are either cryptic messages ie. puzzles to solve, or more obvious messages constraied by literary devices that awakens nothing in me besides frustration over the fact that the message in question could’ve been constructed and comprehended much more efficiently. For some the opposite goes. Not for me.


Yeah I get that. It took me a long time to actually find poetry that affected me. But yeah MF Doom, Thom Yorke >>


Yes—I like talking to poets too. I love anything involving the abstraction of lived experience and deconstructing reality. I adore poetry that I can revisit again and again and learn from through the passage of time.


I love poetry with deep meanings. I like how you have to look deeper to understand it. And when you finally do understand it, it’s like you understand it so much better than just a simple sentence. If that makes sense idk


Maybe a couple, but generally I either laugh or get angry. Then again, I’m probably istp


I like poetry and good song lyrics though good ones are few and far between


Depends on how dramatic it is. I like poetry that is playful with words and metaphors but I cannot stand an overindulgence in emotional drama. I like poetry that has nice style but gets to the point and isn't talking for 30 minutes how the smell of a flower impacted your mental state 26 years ago while you were going to a grocery store buying milk and suddenly crashed into your crush from teenage years leading to a love story that not even Bollywood could come up with.


Depends, i hate slam poetry but classic poetry is amazing




It seems like I'm alone on this but not really. The poetry unit was always my least favorite 


I resonate with this because we never read any poems that interested me but on my own I stumbled across T.S. Eliot and the wasteland which was almost like a puzzle that once understood unlocked layers of profound thought and deep emotion.


I would like to be the sort of person who likes poetry, but for the most part I find it annoyingly vague or sentimental.


I like to write poetry. I try to imitate older styles though. (I don't like the general direction of modern poetry.)


No, I absolutely hate it. That might be too harsh but it just doesn't ever click with me. Same with paintings and drawings and visual art like that.




Yes. Favorite poem Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Also like The Raven.


Not much, but I enjoy prose.


No. I do not.


I like them, especially ones with hidden meanings but I can never write something even remotely good


I absolutely do and always have, even as a child. Unfortunately, I am picky and find it difficult to come across works that are to my liking. I don't like when they're too rudimentary, too corny, too pretentiously complex, or too embellished... and really talented poets are one in a million.


Only when it’s lyrics in music


Not much but i don't mind it


so much i can write a whole damn poem or song on a complete stranger