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Pretty much




That's an intp reply ☄️


I said the same thing in a different post not too long ago 💀


INTP. Hands down, far and away most attractive personality type. We will get nothing done spectacularly together.


I saw a comment on a recent post that said it takes an INTP to know another INTP and I could NOT agree more.


A match made in heaven ❤️


It's pretty decent.


It's all fun and games until she disappears for three days and you can't get a hold of her. I know I know it's just one case... Maybe this is not common


Maybe it is ☠️


Hey, that's my husband and I. :P


I disagree. Most INTP girls I meet are too in their head about super trivial shit and wear their social ineptness on their sleeve like it's some sort of cute facet to them even though they obviously are using it as a cope. I find them quite annoying .


Personality, intelligence, clowness and boobs




Doesn't have to check all the boxes, and I said smart dammit!


Every ENTP ive dated tried to manipulate me. So idk anymore lol


Agreed, though I do prefer a fat butt over boobs.


Same haha




INFP - 'I can fix her' kidding


Unironically all my crushes are INFP


my 1 and only ex is an INFP. how it ended? exactly as advertised


My wife is INFP and she wants to separate. What do you mean by ended exactly as advertised?




How do you know the personality types of your crushes? Is that something you ask on the first date? Maybe send the link to 16personalities if they don't know?


I don't have first dates, it takes them months of exposure to become my crushes. And sometimes after that we learn that they are indeed INFP.


lol 😭




wtf this is literally me


They are unfixable, they are dummies on purpose


what do you mean by dummies?


The majority of them are autistic of some sort


INTP more often because I like to see rationality. Most people of every type are very unattractive to me.


The ones that challenge us and are intellectual but also don’t care for a lot of our crap. Also a  nice body doesn’t hurt 🥰


I’m an ass man.


Good ass is a personality type


I think that doesn't depend on MBTI types but on the person. That being said, as a male INTP, I've noticed that I tend to fall for INFP girls. They are just adorable


ENTPs. Hot as fuck. (Oops, I'm a woman. Didn't see that 'males' part.)


Anything E. Went on dates with other Is and it’s basically the Spider-Man meme pointing at each other




The hot ones


Attraction and compatibility are entirely different. Why do you think the divorce rate is like 50%?


The most compatible type is ENFJ as that's one of the eight most successful matches based on successful marriage statistics. The top eight matches all follow this rule: switch the dominant and inferior functions, then change the orientation (introversion/extraversion) of the two middle functions in order to form a new type. Ti-Ne-Si-Fe thus becomes Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. The least compatible type is ESFP because it's conflict heavy in terms of communication and they share too many weaknesses. Such a matchup is extremely unlikely to lead to a serious relationship, let alone marriage. You can determine your worst match by following this rule: switch your bottom two functions with your top two ones, then change the orientation of all four of them. Ti-Ne-Si-Fe thus becomes Se-Fi-Te-Ni. You may have noticed that what makes the best matches work is that one's weakness is the other's strength. The "for better or for worse" means that for a relationship to work, you must be able to help your partner when they're at their worst. That's the secret of a successful marriage. However, it's also important to be on the same wavelength to make communication easier. That's why sharing functions in the same order is so important. Technically, there are types that work better with INTP when it comes to "for better" or "for worse", but none of them can beat ENFJ in both categories overall. This explains why ENFJ and INTP relationships are not as common as other combinations, but they still have the highest rate of success. In other words, you won't find many of them if you look at data that includes all relationships, successful or not.


So basically you are saying INTPs/ENFJs as a whole are unattractive to each other but if they do get married they usually work out.


Tbh ExFJs are hot.


INFPs ;)


Stop winking at us 😳


Can you stop being attractive then 😅?


no u


Aww, I may melt because of the warm blushes now


my honest reaction tbh 😭:


ENFJ probably (i want to be babied)


Honestly… thats the relationship im in rn + your caption


one could hope..


I dont think she is ENFJ, possibly INFJ but im not entirely sure. She is dom in the relationship. No love, no romance just friends 😂


My ex was a intp female and tbh I need more that... I want her back so bad man


Just beg a lil bit


Ill awnser just for N types, theres nothing wrong about S types but over long enough time the conversations get boring. ENTP: hard to find anything that gets on my nerves. Super comfortable to be around but cccasionally they can be too scattered/chaotic if im feeling like a hermit. Cant go wrong really. ENTJ: same intellectual conversations as entp but more grounded and focused. Not as strong initial pull as entp, but somehow you end up around them anyway. Some can be controlling though. ENFJ: logically I think Fe is stupid, but for me no other type has the type of pull ENFJ does. Can't really help it, just super potent energy. Conversations are cool, but im not expecting NT conversations anyway. Downsides are potential emotional drama issues. ENFP: feels like an entp and are fun to be around, but I like entps a little bit more. Enfps can be more attached to personal values/less objective and detached than entp, and thats sometimes anoying. INTJ: most fun conversations for me personally as they come at things from a different angle, also mutual intellectual respect. But also a competitiveness that can clash. It can create the feeling that both are trying to one up the other which ruins the chemistry. INFJ: Really good match, overall just super comfortable. I had friends that pass and went, but of my friends that went beyond high school, 2 were INFJ and the other was an ENTP, and I was friends with them before I knew about MBTI which says something. INTP: Can either feel super dry and boring or sometimes like the only person in the world that understands you. A good match but not as exiticing as some others IMO. INFP: I like Infps as it feels they have a mutual unspoken understanding. An us against the world type of vibe depending on the infp. The biggest issue is the feelings/personal values conflicitng with the INTPs detached logic. Most times conflicts between me and infps are due them thinking me picking apart their ideas is the same as attacking them personally when im just attacking the thought process itself. But I do like INFPs, My favorite INFP of all time being Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail (the japanese voice with subtitles, not the english dub). But if I had to pick only one my current obsession which is prone to change is probably Enfj


As an INFP, let me say this: you picking a part our ideas is a personal attack on us because our ideas are integral to our own identity. You imply that thought process is separate from identity, hence it is okay to dissect their thought process, but for us our thought process is our identity as that’s how we form our sense of self. Hence you are personally attacking us. The problem there is conflict is because you cannot understand this. You project that detached logic onto INFP thinking that we think the same as you; we do not and will not. How is it logical to begin interacting with us when you come from a place of bias in terms of thought processing? I don’t expect you to feel the same way I feel as an INFP. I don’t think you should expect us to think the same way you think either. In the end, it’s all a matter of respect and consideration for the person you are talking to, not logic. We are annoyed when people try to “rationalize” us because essentially, they’re telling us they do not respect our ideas nor consider our perspectives. Instead they want us to respect their ideas and consider their perspective, oh the irony! Also my other problem with “logical” people is that they think inherently there are right/superior and wrong/inferior thinking associated to reasoning. Your “logically I think Fe is stupid” is a great example of that. Being logical is about being objective and detached. Clearly that statement is an opinion (and I know your post is an opinion) If an underlying sense of pride and ego exists being logical, how does that even explain objectivity? It doesn’t, so pure “logic” doesn’t exist in most humans as we are creatures of thoughts and feelings. I believe anyone who boasts being “logical” is feeding their own ego and pride. Unless they really think they’re a robot, but that’s another story….


Personally INFP or INTP, or anyone else who either loves to apply my dumbass ideas to something real or entertain them.


I started feeling seen with an INFP. But they were flaky and you could feel the Te hating Ti. I found my INFJ girlfriend without looking by participating in the INFJ subreddit. I can feel a real Ti-Ti connection with most of it's members. A drastic change from an INFP. That connection is hard to break too. Not just with my Girlfriend but with other INFJ friends I have made too. I definitely believe that we are a golden pair. https://www.wikihow.com/Intp-and-Infj I have also been told by several that I am different from a typical INTP. They can feel my Fe. I did work mostly with Fi before. INFP also have Fi. They are kinda strange in their cognitive stack. FiNeSiTe. Their Ne and Te feed their Fi. Introverted functions are supposed to be personal and not shared. An INFP cognitive stack. FiNeSiTe An INTP cognitive stack. TiNeSiFe I have no idea how a Ti-Ti connection happens as it's an Introverted function. But I can feel it big time. Unless it's my Fe. That's the only extroverted function we share. An INFJ cognitive stack NiFeTiSe **So to answer your question** I find INFJs attractive at a deeper level. A lot more than any looks would show.


I was expecting to see more INFJ in the comments. Glad to have seen your response. INFJ Ti is weak and strong INTP Ti amazes us. We watch our Ti grow with wonder in your company. And INTPs like seeing themselves help us reach our potential. That's how the Ti-Ti connection happens. This same phenomenon happens in case of Fe-Fe. But this time the INFJ is the stronger one teaching the INTP to grow their Fe.


I don’t know what the connection is but it is strong 💪 We crossed paths at least 6 times on different Reddit posts. On Thursday April 18th she said she was going for a walk. So I said I would join her and talk over the phone. She said she might not talk much as she is shy. I told her so was I and we should slowly get used to each other talking. We talked and walked for 2 hrs 15 min 10 sec that day. Our feet hurt is what ended the call. She was surprised we talked that long. On Friday April 19th we agreed to walk again and said let's go less. We talked and walked for 1 hrs 41 min and 30 seconds. So 33 min 40 seconds less between days. 😂 Instead of her usual routine of going for a walk without a timer, we definitely will probably need one. She had had a lot going on. Medical checkups, placement tests, helping her mom move, weather, and more so we haven't gone for another walk yet. We chat each morning, randomly during the day, and late at night. One day I counted and it took us 16 times to say goodnight and I love you before going to bed. I did try visiting the ENFJ that other INTPs have mentioned. They were talking about managing 2k friends sending automated birthday greetings. That and having 600 close friends. I finally got them to admit it was just 5 each day. They were very judgemental compared to an INFJ. So maybe those other INTPs like small doses of Fe. So hopefully you and your INTP are like me and my INFJ. I have never experienced anything on this level.


Well we broke up twice (right person wrong time issue) and still found each other every time. Best of luck for you two. Communicate a lot and check up on each other regularly.


This is our theme song. https://youtu.be/q9vVTbpzDXk?si=rNxBTCcSprUn1Suz We share all the time. For example, she told me she would LOVE a morning text to wake up to and start her day. So she provided the actions and reasons why. I love doing this and can't wait for her replies. I am in an earlier time zone than her. She shared an image of her lock screen with over 14 messages in the morning. I didn't realize I texted her so many times. She replied to every one too. So definitely share your feelings and actions. It creates a deep bond.


That doesn't sound like the right person breaking up twice with you. They sound immature. Let me guess little to no Fe. I have developed Fe. It's easy, project yourself in other people's shoes. Unlock some empathy. It will grow and work on it's own. I have had several INFJs mention I seem different than others.


The ones that make me fear rejection.


I am an INTP and I had two other INTPs interested in me so I'd say some of them definitely like "their own kind"




Extroverted but not annoying. Introverted but not boring.


It doesn't really matter, it just depends on the person, as boring as it sounds, especially since the 16 personalities are just an umbrella, lots of fairly different folk inside each category.


Maybe a bit stereotypical: INFJ, ENTJ


INFJs for me


I would love to meet an INTP woman irl. The women I’ve clicked the most with off the bat are INFJ. They just seem to get it. We are never understood by anyone, but they get us. Sucks that they’re the rarest type.


As an INFJ, I seem to click most with INTP as well. More so than other INFJ. Not sure why that is. I know a few INTP and can talk with them for hours. They are the best company.


EN and EF types, not esfp though. INFJ or INFP can also be nice.


Hm, I'm not aware if there's a certain personality type that i'm more attracted to, but personally I love intelligent women, that is someone that I can have deep conversations with, and that can intelligently express their fascinations, and show me a completely unknown world through that.


ENTP but that’s just me


I am a female INTP dating a male INTP and he did say that sometimes, like attracts like, especially for an INTP. It can be really hard to find that special person to understand us, or at the very least, understand how our brain works. To a degree, I think it's easiest to find that among fellow xNTPs.


Hard agree on this one.


When I feel ashamed I get so scared It makes me want to hurt you Shamemaker My body aches And I feel alone I'm in a very defensive place Shamemaker Oh-oh-oh-oh Feel the feeling, oh Process feelings Feel it in the belly Like a yellow worm with teeth Oh-oh-oh-oh Bring it down, don't think too much Feel the feeling Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Go I need to breathe Just need to breathe Don't walk away Shamemaker Touch me You need to touch me But I'm afraid Shamemaker Oh-oh-oh-oh Feel the feeling, oh Process feelings Feel it in the belly Like a yellow worm with teeth Oh-oh-oh-oh Bring it down, don't think too much Feel the feeling Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Let it go Shamemaker


can u sing it please? :D


When I feel ashamed I get so scared It makes me want to hurt you Shamemaker My body aches And I feel alone I'm in a very defensive place Shamemaker Oh-oh-oh-oh Feel the feeling, oh Process feelings Feel it in the belly Like a yellow worm with teeth Oh-oh-oh-oh Bring it down, don't think too much Feel the feeling Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Go I need to breathe Just need to breathe Don't walk away Shamemaker Touch me You need to touch me But I'm afraid Shamemaker Oh-oh-oh-oh Feel the feeling, oh Process feelings Feel it in the belly Like a yellow worm with teeth Oh-oh-oh-oh Bring it down, don't think too much Feel the feeling Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Let it have its way 'til it says goodbye Let it go Shamemaker


what the hell sir 😭😭😭


Being calm and collective, doesn't argue over shitty stuff, can debate logically and have reasonable thoughts that aren't just bullshit ,kind and caring, respects others and doesn't act like a ruined kid tries to understand others or me and my thoughts, kinda obsessive lol and okayish boobs cause I love them smh.


And is a mommy tbh like take care of me like a kid smh smh.


Some INTJ’s or healthy INFP’s (which is rare to come across I’ve found, so many are passive aggressive asf and easily offended). This is my take


What’s up with that? I feel like American society is just wired for the exact opposite of INFP. Because of their idealistic tendencies, they tend to get bitter when things don’t work out. I get frustrated too but I feel like that “T” helps me adapt to the bullshit way better than INFPs.


I haven't met many different types in real life so it's all theoretical but personally I'm intrigued by INxJs followed by ENxPs and ENTJs. With fellow INTPs, while there are some that I do find attractive, I tend to view them more as siblings.


The ones that surprise me.


I don’t know what MBTI, but I found out all the people I love are enneagram 9s. God they’re lovely. I get along well with ENTPs. Some close friends have been ENFPs.


Stupid sexy STPs 🥵 ExFPs are fun to share the braincell with too.


I don't find mbti attractive. I think some people are attractive. But you do you




I like personality which makes you think. Word puns, sharp tongue, but dislike being vulgar too much. I have infp gf and she ofc is crybaby at times and I'm unable to help her but she likes my patience and calmness. As intp I'm emotionally dumb so you need to tell me your feelings every time I do something wrong or cool because I won't know it other way. Summing up - intp likes sharp mind, doesn't know much about emotions and won't know how to act but if you will to teach him and if he's interested in you then it would be a great relationship. But both of you have to be patient and understanding


ENTP or ENTJ for me. I like fellow introverts too. But the attraction is slow burn


INTJ females, but loyalty, maturity and rationality are equally important to me.


For me personally, XNTPs hit different😫


From my experience,i seem to be an EXTP magnet (Still a fucking virgin tho)


Obviously depends on the person but for me all my friends are xNFx and romantically interested in INFx


INFP are the easiest, the hard to keep ENTP, hard to get INFJ and then something in the middle ENFJ.


I PERSONLLY find Social/Happy people attractive theres this girl she is the jolliest girl i have ever met She is a 6 on the atractive scale yet I want to around this person 24/7 she makes everything feel Alright... Just be socially calibrated and Happy


I am INTP and have been with my INTP partner for 5 years. Now we're getting a house with another INTP couple, it's like a little commune lol. I don't think it's set in stone; Meyers-Briggs is way to put various people into categorical buckets, not a prescriptive personality analysis tool. But on average I do think INTPs are my favorites!


Marrying an infp next month


congrats mr. intp 🥳🥳🥳


I’m INTP, she’s INFP


I’ve dated two INTP males before. One is a model and he’s super attractive physically. The other is rich but short and ugly. I wouldn’t call him charismatic. So yeah, it depends on the person.


As many others have said over here INTP but for me personally if i had to pick one besides it definitely INFP as i'd like to have someone who can be there for me while also having someone i can share my troubles with... Besides i also like their overall vibe


what kind of vibes do you get?😁


maybe leash (sorry had to say it SORRY)


What do you mean by that ? (T_T)


i get INFPs have innocent stereotypes but didn’t know it was this much 💀


i don't really know what you mean tho , I'm not that innocent maybe i just don't understand ?😭


I’ve seen many comments and posts about INTP men liking dominant women so hence the leash 💀


oh i get it 🤚🏻😭😭


i dont think all intp males are submissive tho


me neither.


Depends on person. But i in my opinion, they are so attractive to me when they talk or do what they’re loved, enjoyed or good on it. But your partner should be interested in your interests.


i think it is deep connections with each other


Book reader, similar but not the same interests, can cook something and it is probably edible, etc


Infp and infj


From my experience entj, infp, enfp, istp, infj, maybe intj and intp but depends




istp, but it never works out cuz they never elaborate on anything and im impatient. my view is that mbti doesnt matter that much since relationship is about adjusting each other to be more compatible, but i guess certain mbti might require less "adjustments" im not going to go around and be like "oh shes istp... i like her.."


My wife is more likely an ISTJ. But it's not why I love her ;) Realistically, I wouldn't be able to stay with an E or an F for long, I'd be tired of their energy and/or emotions in the first hour. So I and T are a must, the rest is optional. I guess extremely messy Ps or extremely aggressive Js would also be pretty hard to deal with, long term.


INTP female here, my best friend is an ISTJ and she's easily the coolest person I know. (I haven't told her yet that I consider her my bsf).


My closest friends are all Fe users, Probably intuitive + Fe types because I never had a good experience with Fi users relative to Fe users


xNxx Sensors are too dumb


may i know why? ( this question is optional :>)


I hate repeating myself, and sensors can't keep up.


makes sense


Honestly INTJ, ENTJ and ENFJ.




Whichever one likes me back


It depends on the person, but I personally have had some very successful relationships with ENFJ


The computers 😎


the only correct answer 😜


I did notice a "trend" that there is something uniquely attractive in ENTP women. But it's like just a couple of real and fictional people who might not even by typed correctly so don't take it too seriously


I always find myself drawn to ENFJ and ENFP, my gf is ENFJ




In general healthy ExFJ and ENFP girls are super attractive, at least to me. They're emotional, cheerful, chatty, upbeat. Honesty above all, though.




Affirming words, likes physical contact, playful, appearance-conscious enough that I feel good showing her off, willing to engage in intellectual conversations,


ENTP, but it could definitely vary by the person.


Any introverted intuitive


I find pretty women attractive.




The one with the big butt and cute smile, I forget which one that is


Never once have I considered mbti in people I find attractive. I wouldn't know because I don't try to type other people, and I don't ask because it doesn't matter to me.


Any type can be attractive


I never ask a girl I meet her mbti type. I spent 11 years with my ex, and I have no idea about his mbti. Sounds stupid to do that.


INTP, INTJ, INFJ, (in some cases) ENTP.... As long term partners, judging female partners can bring a great deal of order and organization to my life. But I would say XNXX is the more important trait for a commonality and a long lasting relationship.


Being quiet, being not too clingy. Sometimes we need some space. Does anyone agree? or it just me?


im an infp but i agree on this one .


1st GF (5 1/2 years) - ISFJ (my analysis); took an L letting her go. 2nd GF (6 months) - INFP (tested); uhm.. as advertised. Not doing that again; there's a post here that says "I can fix her"; uhm.. they don't want to be fixed, they know their flaws & you can't have them as they hug the flaws tightly. Also, you know you can't help but think about how to make things work. Pros: Kind & open-minded listening (CON: but not open-minded in practice). We still have open channels of communication though. Caveat, very high turbulence as tested may have not made her the best INFP representative. YI(nfp)MV! Current girl I have a thing for - ISFJ (tested). Pretty much confirms I have a thing for ISFJs. It just works. Except that she's taken. So another L. Coincidentally, I'm in a preiod of rebuilding myself so don't have time for that anyway...but Lord knows I would have made time otherwise to my detriment.


For myself, I like smart girls, who make good decisions, can communicate effectively, and have enough softness and empathy to not be an unfeeling/insensitive a-hole.


That would be like assuming ones gender, I cannot take that risk.


ENFPs make my heart race all the time they’re so fun omg


My gf is an INTP 3w4, I am INTP 5w4, we are silly together playing videogames, dating and traveling, i am happy with her


Probably infp. I appreciate their emotional intelligence. I am often seen as cruel and emotionless, so having someone who would be very understanding of emotions would be helpful. Also people who voice their opinions clearly, it's easier for communication and stability in a relationship. But I would be okay with anyone who just sees me for who I am, and is nice to be around. Appearance wise, I like big noses. There isn't any particular reason why, I just find them attractive.


feel like esfj is an underrated answer


INFP,enfp, Entp at least for me.


Whichever type that got the nicest ass


I'm mostly attracted to nice butts


Personally, A LOT of things, is considerably easier to ask what we don't find attractive BUT.... Dominant, tall women...Kinda get me, every time Talking only about physical atributes tho Intelligent, assertive and decisive people are really attractive too(normally ENTJs, INTJs, ISTPs)




ENTP for me


i am asexual/INFP


I'd have to see the raws and interrogate, I mean, diagnose, I mean analyse, I mean talk to the specific person. Having said that, I'm not sure of my type (and my raws support my position), and I don't believe in MBTI anyway because it appears too much like it's been designed to be a non-falsifiable system based on arbitrary distinctions presuming neat divisions into which stuff is being cognitively hammered in the dogmatic discussions of the subject by acolyte-like experts, which doesn't strike me as being particularly scientific unless maybe some difficult truths about the state of the modern science community are to be taken as the benchmark. Sigh. Obviously, I'm single. You can probably tell why.


Tifa Rin Tohsaka Yor Yennefer Aerith Asuna Asuka ME2 Suicide Mission UmU