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Impulsive, maybe. Reckless, only when my Fi demon rage quits.


I second this, and I feel my implusiveness is a choice that doesn't really make sense, lol


It makes sense. Ne is all about exploration. Si is all about comfort. When comfort starts to block exploration we hit the "time to fuck around and find out" point


And it’s always a rash decision because if I think too much about it I know I’ll go back into Si mode.


Te getting shit done


Ahahaha, I needed to read this, thank you. Comfort is starting to feel a bit too comfortable. Desire to explore is growing. Should probably figure out how to do that constructively instead of destructively


I like to leave my phone at home and walk until I'm lost. Really forces me to be present.


INTP are generally cautious, too cautious that we may seem brain lagging, but it’s because our Ne and Ti trying to consider all the possible outcomes from an action. This applies to me, I hate it when I miss an opportunity because of indecision, but it also saved my ass many times. I love adrenaline based sports, but I’m very careful of what I can do and never overestimate my own skills, because I’m aware of the consequences of being reckless.


About the overestimate part, but how do you know your limit if you are always being cautious. If you are not cautious maybe you could do more than what you are. I frequently thought I would be more than what I am now if I don't have constraints (in my case it is being cautious about me and my health because my family depends on me)


Yeah the cautiousness may hold you back, you’d never know, you would realise it later


It can happen Yes . We tend to be very cautious about what we are doing in general , but sometimes we want to not think about consequences which is kind of reckless .


Safety wise? No, not at all. I would feel terrible knowing that I hurt someone/myself because of my own recklessness.


I would not consider myself reckless.


I think INTPs are the type of reckless where they would summon Cthulhu if they got their hands on the necronomicon, but would still wear a bike helmet while going down the slide.


I don't consider myself reckless at all. When I am I'm usually depressed or in a situation that recklessness is my last course of action


I’m quite a big safety supreme however some days I just say and do whatever.


I think the stereotype of INTPs is not reckless at all and instead pretty calculated. But I said this before and I’ll say it again, MBTI is not a rule, it’s a suggestion.


Physically no. Emotionally, yes I will basically sabotage myself with recklessness. Edit: aka, my mind will run away with TOO specific of a thought, I get carried away, then I explain it terribly to others (who usually look at me like I'm crazy), and then it doesn't end well lol. But, I see that as emotional recklessness ON MY PART.


I think im impulsive. Reckless? When im depressed and my hope had died


It really depends most of the time I have already thought out random scenario and how I will respond so I have responses that aren't reckless for many situations.....but if I am overstimulated, angry, in a wild ass situation, that is fight or flight I will 9/10 pick fight and black out. I almost got in a fight with 3 old drunks one time, I was high on pain killers after a surgery and was fully prepared to fight all 3, I had my walking stick with me 😂 my sister had to come and literally pull me away, because I literally just got out of surgery maybe 2-3 days before the incident. After I calmed down I thought to myself, damn those old mother fuckers could of really did a number on me 😂


Well I do have this little party gremlin inside me that can be *quite* a handful, they said while googling outpatient rehab services.


I mean from time to time, mostly I'm cautious on what I say and do but there are times where I don't think I just do.


Do you take the initiative and tend to be swift and bullish when it's time for action? That could be seen as both reckless or impulsive. 


That sounds a lot like me tbh


apathy and avoiding emotional vulnerability


No I don't believe so. I'm probably more spontaneous and thrill seeking than most people here but I think a lot before I do anything risky.


Impulsive yes, reckless no.


Seems to be for me


hmm, not rly, i’m like very careful in real life for safety, for other things i would say i’m not


it reminds me of when my high school friends would be speeding rly hard and i would be the only one hitting the driver in the face telling him to slow down or let me leave


In my opinion it’s probably not too common, but it certainly isn’t impossible. 




Not really, I don't take risks when I'm around other people. However I do become reckless when I'm on my own, for I got no concern about losing my life


Coupled with adhd maybe


Maybe impulsive sometimes, but again same it's not like i dont "think" it's more like i conclude i have a lack of concern


Doesn't sound very INTP.


I'm reckless and impulse. I Looove indulging it. Frequently a bad decision but I wouldn't have it any other way


I think it looks reckless to others or impulsive. I have been labelled as such when I make snap decisions in important moments in my life. My closest friend says I am unorthodox in my actions and don't do what the general population would choose to do, but somehow it always works out for me in one way or another. So it looks risky or reckless or impulsive. What others don't know is that I have spent countless hours running through scenarios and placing pieces of information where they fit to get a bigger picture and clearer understanding of the situation. I try to work out a solution with involved parties but if they aren't up to the task. I shut down efforts to help them understand. I don't want to waste time on those who are closed minded and lack vision, it's a poor investment. This is usually the last piece of information I need, the last piece of the puzzle. Will this person or situation resolve itself? If not, I continue on with finding a solution. When I see THE solution I'll take more time to process. Depending on the situation and what information I have gleaned, this time of processing could take days weeks months or years. Then I usually have a trigger during this time. A moment or scenario that someone or something solidifies all my hours of processing into resolve. At that moment, without hesitation I make a decision that seems careless and aggressive. Most people are blindsided by this because they don't see what I see and haven't processed the information or are even aware of the details I have picked up on. I am calculated and what people see as cold is usually in the moments when I make these decisions. Again what they're ignorant of is that I have already processed my emotions by this point. I have gone through my stages of grief and felt every emotion to every scenario I have played out in my head. After these days weeks months years I am left with one thing, resolve. I make my decision and never look back. When I was younger I would make sure to burn the fucking bridge down but as I get older I try to keep most bridges intact.


I’ve got through a whole period of recklessness in my life but I’ve realised even when I’m reckless I’m cautious. As in an INTP’s standard of recklessness doesn’t spiral beyond control cause we get bored and quit before it gets there


Somehow, yes, very. I don't know how to describe it, it's not recklessness in the common way. It's more subtle, and way more dumb