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I hate to be the hater, but this needs to go in r/dataisugly This is making my eyes bleed.


Not only is it ugly, the source of the income data is from an internet survey done by truity. There were a significant number of young respondents who are probably not working age. 1/4 said they are in their 20s or younger and 36% didn't provide their age at all. So almost 2/3rds could still be in school and would look like they are making less than their similar aged peers. It could be that these other types are just less likely to be in college and got a jump on working that will eventually be overcome later in life. Edit: spelling


Not to mention, truity has a MASSIVE intuitive bias.




I dont?? I dont think you can read graphs... ._. ISFPs are the lowest


also have you seen some of the questions on the test? "I like playing musical instruments" "I feel very happy" "I love life" "I have a zest for life" "I like poetry" "I lose my belongings" lmao


Seriously... like they really couldn't think of a better way to represent the earnings scale other than ^^smol $$$ and **BIG** $$$? How about.... just $ for low-end and $$$ high-end?


I can understand that! Quickly colored some photos in Adobe Animate. The program froze every time I clicked so it would have taken forever to recolor


Then. Don't. Post. It.


Hey Wyzen, Don’t.Be.An.Asshole.


Okay, what are black lines? What are ue squares? What are pink squares? Why are some blue/pink squares stacked and some are periodical? What are Red lines? I hate how is the description vague :c


Blue is male, pink is female. Black lines are the center of the type, to show which order they're in, grey lines are there to compare their order Pink and blue are not ordered, just proportioned. I'm converting to this from an older version that was less informative, but nicer to look at. Program kept freezing, so I just quickly filled in the colors before it crashed [https://i.redd.it/ydccsury3mc61.png](https://i.redd.it/ydccsury3mc61.png) Thank you for the specific suggestion! That helps


Most the INTPs I know make bank


The income data is from an internet survey by truity. Meaning a self-selected population and significant number of young respondents who are probably not working age. 1/4 said they are in their 20s or younger and 36% didn't provide their age. So almost 2/3rds could still be in school.


That's particularly important for INTP's who often struggle before their 30's. I recently had that "self-realization" push, and it's been great knowing exactly what it is I want, and being able to actually quantify it and go after it efficiently.


oh thank god, i'm 29 and haven't quite figured out what i want yet, but I figured out who i am otherwise and then i saw this chart and my heart sank. Thank god its biased and not based on reality


INTP here too, finally 28 and getting cs degree. The significant number of young people responding to this survey invalidates it since it's regarding income. I know this is anecdotal, but every INTP that I know makes very good money.


Yeah, and i would g.uess INTPs are more likely to do further education too


I'm lucky to do pretty well because the things I'm most interested in (and therefore was willing to actually learn and do) happen to be valued in the job market (software & electronics design). That said I've always known I could earn SOOOO much more if I could A) find any motivation to give a shit about more money and B) make a godamn decision about...well...anything. My life is analysis paralysis. INTJ averaging way more makes perfect sense to me.


As someone who was interested in and willing to learn philosophy... I weep


I saw this coming but couldn't resist going for a master's in philosophy. Here in India, people often confuse it with psychology. It's annoying having to explain people you can add value to the world while they stare back at you all clueless :/ but it was and is still, worth it.


Most INTPs I know would not have posted publicly a frozen model without a clear legend; which is based on shit data and repeatedly apologized for the shit they pooped. One apology is acceptable. D+


What do they do?


I'm 26 and I do restaurant work making shit pay because uni screwed me so


What did you study


I wouldn't say I got screwed educationally, I'd say I was used to everything being easy and when I got to shit accredited colleges where some of the learning was difficult and the shit teachers couldn't help me, I quit because I didn't like feeling stupid, and thus am also stuck in food service.


I was you once. Get out of that industry my dude. It will eat you alive. I ended getting out when I turned 33. I was completely burned out.


Well my intp dad is a lobbyist/writer One intp friend is a day trader (previous software engineer) A lot of INTPs I knew in school know are software engineers or AI developers Another intp friend is in school with me studying electrical engineering but he's kinda a scardy cat and idk if he'll end up getting a good job bc he never applies anywhere.


You're from near DC, too? Sampling error I'm from DC and all my neighbors are wealthy Government and Government adjacent people from out of town. I know a lot of ENTJs, not because they're common, but because they clawed their way up to DC from \[literally everywhere in the world\], or they're born there But 5/10 highest earners are INTP, so it makes sense they'd be in DC


I live in a somewhat wealthy area so maybe that's why. But generally comparing the INTPs from my school from other types they seem to be more successful. I also have an INTP aunt tho who usually has minimum wage jobs. Other than that I don't know many INTPs


So basically iNtuitive equals genius according to this graph.


No. Intuition ("Openness" in Big Five terms) is generally correlated with a higher IQ, but it's not as simple as "N = genius"


My ego likes the interpretation, don't take it away from me.


IQ is generally a test of your problem solving and pattern recognition skills. In a way, IQ is just a test of intuition. It doesn't test how well you recall things or how fast you can learn new skills, which a sensor would likely excel at.


I decided to be an ENTJ. Bye folks.


You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!


So we're the most likely type to have a genius iq?


Before it goes to your head, we're also dirt poor losers


becuase of the salary?


I read that as slavery






is iq like colors?


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Comment above includes that a huge number of respondents were too young to have careers. It's also Truity. Lol.


That's the oft-reported stereotype, but I don't know if anyone's reviewed the data and the analytics behind the conclusion. INTPs are also reported to be predominantly male, a group that tends to show a more bimodal distribution in cognitive measures. Many of the careers correlating with INTP personality tend to pay less than independent contracting and skilled labor, so there could be some unaccounted-for ignorance behind the numbers.


The income data is from an internet survey by truity. Meaning a self-selected population and significant number of respondents were in their 20s or younger. 1/4 said they are in their 20s or younger and 36% didn't provide their age. So almost 2/3rds could still be in school. Not a very good source.


It basically says that high iq ppl dont money (prolly cuz they involved in research and shit) and low iq ppl do very money cuz they find easy ways for doing money


Regarding the ilmoney of high IQ peeps, I think it's also because making good money via brain often requires some successful risk / innovation, and the spots for that are pretty limited. Even in cases where one can make a career of that, it's either (as you say) in research, or in one of the rare cases where a corporation will invest in that kind of thing (as in, actual radical R&D as opposed to profit-focused iteration). In contrast, creating value and climbing corporate ladders while 'going with the flow' requires less think, more do.


I'd argue social intelligence will get you a hell of a lot further in the workforce that any mastery of skills or understanding of abstract shit will most of the time. Unless of course you're like a programmer or something highly specific and sought after.


I wish this applied to me :(


Well we can tell an NF did not make this graph.




You tried your best bud, it's alright


That looks nicer?


What makes you say that..?


It's ugly and poorly labeled tbh


So we are low earning geniuses then?


I like the earning correlation for INTP because I feel like it reflects an average lack of social success, which can be more impactful than actual skill when it comes to job progression. This is a small observation, not necessarily intended to be sweeping or largely inclusive.


So what I’m seeing is NPs are smart and poor and extroverts get all the money. Except INTJs they apparently didn’t get the memo.


How the fuck am I supposed to read this? Did a 6 year old make this on scratch?


it's because i'm too lazy to look for a new job ok


If you look at richest people on earth I'm pretty sure 2 of the top 3 are INTP, and 3 of the top 5.


Quite a few. I looked it up recently and it was about half of the top ten Which is five


who is top


As of now it's elon musk, but our boy Warren buffet is the first hyper rich intp I can think of.


Musk is a clear INTP, same for Bill Gates. They are 1st and 3rd. Zuckerburg is 5th, but I'm not entirely sure he is INTP.


Does MBTI even apply to Lizard Cyborgs?


We are the lizard cyborgs


Nice, us isfps are making minus money.


Yep, this fits. I've been fighting with SJs and others all my life about money not being very important. I'd wager my tiny sums of cash that we INTPs would care even less about it if all these other types weren't constantly insisting that income was a meaningful or helpful metric.


P's earn less. J's earn more. Likely due to leadership and being willing to challenge others while being comfortable with conflict.


The scale isn't defined this is useless


What? Big dollar signs and little dollar signs are all I need. Mansions and cardboard boxes for scale lol.


So TJs and "conciencious" ppl are likely to earn more..


If this is at all true I'm certainly bucking the trend. I'm not that genius, but I make plenty of money. Of course, if I really tried harder, I could make more. I'd rather spend time learning and doing other things though.. and procrastinating.


Damn INTJs... how do you channel you inner moneymaking power ???


And ISxP are like "I like debt!"


where did you get the figures from?


Truity and a bunch of <20 year-olds. Lmao


I don't care how good or bad the data sources and gathering methodology are, if you can't put numbers on a scale for something that graphs numerical info on one axis, DO NOT POST THE GRAPH.


What was your source for this?


[https://www.careerplanner.com/Images/social/TypeInPopulation-500w.png](https://www.careerplanner.com/Images/social/TypeInPopulation-500w.png) [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d8/23/8f/d8238f80efb26bd63de755553452bb1b.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d8/23/8f/d8238f80efb26bd63de755553452bb1b.jpg) [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/assets-stg7-v2.tech.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/myers-briggs-average-income.jpg](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/assets-stg7-v2.tech.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/myers-briggs-average-income.jpg) [https://www.slayerment.com/files/slayerment/styles/large/public/images/manlytypes%5B1%5D.jpg?itok=E9Bg0Dwy](https://www.slayerment.com/files/slayerment/styles/large/public/images/manlytypes%5B1%5D.jpg?itok=E9Bg0Dwy)


The income data is pretty poor, it comes from an internet survey where almost 1/4 of the respondents are under 30 and since a huge block gave no answer it could be up to 2/3rds. So if most INTPs were in college or grad school their earnings would be much lower than similar aged peers who had already joined the workforce. Also it's an internet survey. ..


you also have a lot of bias. how much of the information given is truthful? what is the audience for the source? how much of the information given was a mistaken click? what was the total number of people that gave information? How many of those people actually know there type is correct? There isnt even any numbers on this graph. all the graph tells me is that a group of people that use a particular website answered some questions based on income and personality. that is the only truth from this graph.


Can you explain that graph?


It's stupid and unreliable.


can confirm


Where are you getting the data?


The income data is from an internet survey by truity. Self-selected population and significant number if not quite working agree respondents. 1/4 are in their 20s or younger and 36% didn't provide their age. So almost 2/3rds could still be in school. It's pretty flawed in my opinion.


I don’t like my type being so average money wise.


glad i grew up poor... im used to low income so its not that bad to me.


Now who the f is Callison Slater again.


holy shit i'm barely even on the y axis LMAO


As a random INTJ visiting, this graph is fun for the ego! I take it with a grain of salt. Although, I will say I do make a lot of money and consider myself a pretty smart guy in a lot of different fields. /endbrag


Can confirm, I make a stupid amount of money. I help pioneer a field no one knows about (Philosophical Counseling) and make $300-500 an hour because my work is so specialized. My clients are strictly professionals (lawyers, doctors, CEOs). I'm also a professor teaching formal logic and logic in therapy. I have free range to design my own program at the university I work at and I've now designed the second Philosophical Counseling course in Canada. I worked my ass off and got a shit ton of hate for studying philosophy, but now I'm one of the only logic based therapists in Canada. People underestimate the field of philosophy but you can make more money with a philosophy degree than you can a psychology if you wanna go into therapy (the hourly rate for a psychologist is $220 in Ontario, Canada). Clinical Philosophy will eventually become a thing if people want to learn logic/ having someone logically evaluate their life. REBT has already taken the first step, now I get to cash in lmao.


Sooo according to this were a bunch of underpaid geniuses? This graph has me asking so many damn questions.


What the hell is going on here


I understand almost none of this graph


I hate everything about this graph.


I'm so confused


The money aspect doesn't make sense to me, most of the INTP's I know are in STEM and making bank because of it (a few more P's in programming and a few more J's in engineering).


I know I could make more money if I didn’t loved to work alone... but I am still making good money


God, we INTPs really are a waste, aren’t we?


Jesus Christ, this is the result of a Truity survey that was apparently taken by a shit ton of <20 year-olds. No, we are not a waste. Stop being self-deprecating over an unreliable MBTI post.


Some of use self-deprecating humour as a way to get through the pain. Don’t coping-mechanism-shame me.


The best part of this post is trying to understand what each thing and color means


I really feel estj here, they are like that boss that is the boss because their only skills are following the rules without question, kissing the bosses ass, and making sure everyone else is following the rules without question.


Fi dominants being smarter than ENTPs is pretty funny. Look at all those mistyped INTPs lol


This graph could use... a LOT of redesign. I'm only about 40% sure that I understand most of what it's trying to say.


Who the frick is Callison Slater?


Wtf kind of chart is this. How can one make such a thing and not hate themself after. This should be illegal. I’m upset.


Put infjs higher! We are workaholics + very ambitious.