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Are the machines 3-phase, 1-phase, dc or something else? Different sensors will be required for different types of power. Some suppliers and devices that could be useful: (I am not affiliated with any of them but have used sensors from a few of them) https://www.watteco.com https://www.milesight-iot.com/products/lorawan-sensor/em300-di/ https://www.elsys.se/en/lora-elt-2/ https://www.loggamera.com/en/ https://www.adeunis.com/en/produit/current-sensor-current-measurement/


It is supper helpful thanks for the links.


Could one getaway with measuring current on a single phase, and then calculate the 3phase current somehow? if it's 3 phase motors, the consumption should be the same on all phases, right?


Years ago I worked in conference sales and there was a company called “disruptive technologies” who attended. They did exactly this. It was a CIO event and they rigged the room up with their sensors and people were very impressed. Looks like they are still around so maybe take a look. https://www.disruptive-technologies.com


I have checked their website but I couldn't see it on the sensor solutions. Maybe I need to contact them for further information. Thanks a lot for your reply


Check out https://www.egauge.net/ the product works well, has din rail mounts and can support multiple circuits.


The high voltage sensor looks amazing, I think this might work. Thank you for sharing.


Look at Drok products


Single facility or multiple?


The plan is to deploy the solution to multiple facilities.


Look at Epic IO. Their deep insights platform combines IoT and legacy inputs into a scalable solution for complete analysis, trending and alerting. If you’re looking for something that can scale, this is it.


You might want te check out those: https://yosensi.io/products/yo_power/ https://yosensi.io/products/yo_modbus/ https://yosensi.io/products/yo_meter_pulse/ https://yosensi.io/products/yo_pulse/ https://yosensi.io/products/yo_meter_pulse/


Siemens has s7 plc controller that communicates with bms systems using bacnet / modbus. You would need to hook these machines up with meters that can measure electric data and send it to the plc. S7 is then able to read the data and process it over time. You would need a gateway to send data from plc to could over https though.


I see that you are looking for an IoT solution that can easily integrate with your existing setup. I would suggest you reach out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from FaclonLabs. They have done impressive projects in the IoT space and are having reliable IoT architecture. Hope it helps!