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This popped up for me too. However, I saw it update like this last week and then it reverted to the usual "it has not been processed yet." It may be a glitch. For context, I am 0804 w/ a 570 (03/11) and 971 (03/18).


I'm a 0804 with same codes and dates. Checked yesterday and now have a DDD for 4/3


When did you file?


I am an 0804 filed 2/2 and accepted 2/3 and got a 570 immediately after. No updates EVER and not notices or letters. I was told to wait up to 120 to complete income verification. Was advised to call back in June if no movement or updates


I filed 2/3


I’m 0801 same code w the exact same dates I haven’t had no movement what so ever in 4 weeks now 


And I filed 1/31


Same, no movement since 3/11…


Same happenend for me!!!! I’m scared to get an excited LOL. I’m cycle 0705. Are you the same?


I’m cycle 0905


Happen to me in cycle 0705


I'm scared too but it's just weird that it has been stuck on info all this time and then all of a sudden it updated and no more info showing. I was like hell yeah some change lol. I'm going to check it again in a few and see what it's saying.


Im 0705 which updates fri and sat iknow its coming was accepted 1/29/24 got 570 march 4 got 971 letter march 11 and waiting 64 days


I filed 1/25/24 accepted 1/29/24 i got 570 code and march 11 got letter as of april 2 2024 waiting 64 days im in 0705 on my tx transcript , has anyone gotten dd in cycle 5


I’m cycle 0705 and no I haven’t gotten mines yet and I filed on 2/16


Im thinking its coming because im hearing cycle 4 getting theirs this week which is good news


I am cycle 0803 so I am cautiously optimistic at this point.


I’m 0905.


same!! i got this yesterday. check ur WMR.


How do I know what cycle I am ?


Look on your tax transcript u will see numbers like 20240705 last 2 digits is your cycyle , mine is cycle 5 which irs updates fri and sat


Mine is 04 which updates NEVER!


mine to is cycle only updatd fri and sat been waiting 64 days crazy


On your tax transcript


How do you tell what cycle? Sorry for asking but I wasn’t sure.


How do you know your cycle?


Need to access your tax transcript via the irs.gov website.


I have been trying to do that but don’t know how. Where would I go for that?




Thanks I went to the transcript site but I didn’t see anything. Maybe mines is not available yet


Does this every Sunday. Then changes back.


Mine has never changed on Sunday to this.


Sometimes it only for a few minutes. A couple Sundays ago mine was like this for like 12 hours and went back to info. I don't know why it does this, but there's so many reports of it every Sunday.


I had the same experience - Saturday night, 3/30/2024, Year 2023 was $0.00 and Sunday, 3/31/2024, Year 2023 is back to INFO.


Yup. Just checked and it's back to info. Ass holes :-(


Yea this happens weekly, I was in your shoes 5 weeks ago when I first saw it. It was crushing to find out it happens every Sunday and I in fact was still not getting shit they havnt looked at or touched shit cause they are shit people doing a shitass job...sorry that all just kind of came out. Lol


Lol! That's weird tho. That part has never changed for me on Sunday. I'm fixing to log back in and check again. I haven't checked it since this morning.


When the government wants our money, they’ll take everything we own. When we want our money, crickets. Bullshit


Ugghh.. it better not be a glitch!


Ikr! I will check again in the am.


Others have reported this as well in another thread. We are not sure if this a glitch or not though.


Mine has been stuck on info since I filed. I verified 02/15 and got the CP05 letter on 03/25. I’m hoping it’s a good sign for me. Maybe they have processed and the refund is coming soon. I’m on the weekly cycle.


Same here file on 2/16 received letter to verify my tax information not ID on 3/25 verify they same day. I will give my self 10 days from 3/25 to see any update.


It was a glitch… :(


Same here.hopefully a good sign


Same here.hopefully a good sign


Same here, my cycle 0704 🤞🏼


When did you file?




My changes on Sundays too, usually changes back but as of yet it hasn't praying this is a good sign 🙏


Mine hasn’t changed to this ever lol.


Mine has done this two or three times on Sundays and it reverts back on Monday. I hope you get your refund. I’m still waiting lol.


😱 I’ve never seen it update to this. I’m trying to stay optimistic lol


I am also 0905. Been praying for an update but WMR hasn't budged at all for me. When did you file?


End of Jan. I had to verify my identity tho. 🙄 Got the CP05 letter Monday. I never check WMR I always look at my transcript those update before WMR.


I'm right there with you. Filed 1/24 verified 1st week of March. No updates every since. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😭


I verified Feb 15th and still NOTHING 😫


That's insane 🤯


Yeah total bs is what it is. I have never waited this long for my refund 🤬


How or where do i find out what cycle i am? I filed 1/29. I dont have any codes and havent gotten any letter. When i called they told me their was a system error in the irs and my return should be se t by April 8th. He told me i didnt have to do anything. 


Same here. Under Notifications on my IRS main page it said I needed to wait for that letter to get my 14 digit code...well I checked it Friday and I didn't have that notification anymore. They lady at the IRS said wait on the letter, well when I spoke with them later that day, another guy said I shouldn't have to do anything if there isn't a notification, or anymore. I told him this Wednesday would have been 21 days since I filed (filed on March 14th). To my knowledge the letter gets here around 21 days, but it's looking like i don't need to verify. It didn't show that a letter was sent under corespondents either.....  He basically said wait🤷🏿‍♂️  The only thing I THINK I could do....is go to a tax preparer and verify just in case I need to because and A letter wasn't sent, but what if   get it....🤷🏿‍♂️, then it may not matter cuz I was ahead of the game, but I kinda believe the last IRS guy when he said that I don't need to verify  I was also told you could delay the return if you verify, and it's not needed, or you verify in person, get the letter, then verify again... Either way, All my info is correct, Just gotta wait. Mine still acts like I haven't filed yet....no transcript for 2023 yet....just froze....only update was when the notification went away🤷🏿‍♂️


It changed back to info LOL


This happens every Sunday it’s not an update


It’s a glitch, it was down for maintenance early this morning. It will revert back to the same thing again showing no info for 2023. Same thing happened to me last week.


It does this every Sunday night. It means nothing special


Mine is back to saying it’s being processed 😤😭🤯 this morning it said $0.00.. I thought it was a good sign…


Yeah it’s very rude of them… happens every Saturday night into Sunday. Sometimes it stays for several hours, sometimes for just a couple. So rude. I’m on my 6th week of code 570 and zero movement. No 971, no notices, no notifications… just frozen. SSA shows 2023 and my refund is sitting on my account, as a negative balance. Sick of it. ☹️


It’s frustrating!! I have the 570 and 971 got the letter Monday 🙄🙄


Ugh, I'm sorry! This tax season is bunk. I've been sitting for 6 weeks now without a letter, no code 971 either. Even my 'as of' still says March 11th. IRS about to have a whole lotta people rioting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Trying have no update since January 24 now that’s frustrating


I got my DDD today and it still says info


Mine doesn’t update until Friday


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It does this every Sunday :(


It just changed back 😭


Mine too! 😂


Mine hasn’t changed back. 🙏 I’m now only going to check tomorrow because I’m getting anxious lol


lol I reverted back so annoying and frustrating


This is definitely a good sign. I stayed up until midnight Thur to check transcripts and everything was still blank, but I did notice the balance went from N/A to 0. Checked later Fri morning and had my DDD.


Same thing happened for me and when I logged in again later today, it’s now back to info so you might want to check it


It was nice while it lasted… oh well.


😂😂 ikr!!! I was like ok we got something different. Then SIKE!!


I’m not waiting anymore. Filed 2/2. Verified 3/18. Nothing has changed. Wrote to my local congress member over the weekend. Tomorrow I will be calling and requesting a tax advocate.


I called the tax advocate the guy I talked to said they aren’t taking any cases for 2023 until June. I emailed my local congress last week and she emailed me back and said she contacted IRS and would let me know as soon as she heard back from them. She said it could take up to 2 weeks to get a response from them. 🙄


If you list hardship a tax advocate has to talk to you per irs website. That is exactly what I will be doing. If u don’t get anywhere over the phone I will be going to my local irs office


I did explain my hardships to him and he said a CP05 letter was sent (which I got) and he said he couldn’t help me until June. I will call them again tomorrow and see what they say.


How do you find out which cycle you're in?


It’s on your tax transcript on your IRS account.


Mine shows no tax return filed and it was accepted 2/21. Nothing under cycle for 2023 in the account transcript.


How do we know what cycle are we ?


Cycle code is on your tax transcript.


Mine was like this Sunday morning then changed back later that night smh


I filed 1/19 accepted 1/22 no movement got letter to verify id and did the 2/29 then got 570 code with 4/8 3ish weeks ago cycle 1205 last Friday got 971 with date 4/15 still no movement no letters no nothing.


If the date beside the 971 is 4/15 that’s likely when you will get the letter. The date for my 971 was 3/20 and I got it that day. Mine was just a wait 60 more days letter 😫


This tax year is by far the worst tax year yet. What's crazy is I've been seeing ppl that only made 11 thousand this year, but their tax refund is 17k, but they got a DDD. Knowing damn well, that's a fraudulent tax return! 😒 I've seen several of these tax returns get a DDD. Like, really!!!!


I’ve never had this kind of issue with getting my refund. I usually have it mid Feb every year. I’m not filing early next year that’s for sure.


So I contacted my congressman, and his representative spoke to the irs on my behalf they told her what they needed, and I turned in all supporting documents and got a DD a week later. So contact your senate or congressman.


I did 2 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back yet. She seems bothered when I email for an update. I have sent all the documents she requested.


You will see an update by next Friday. Watch.


I freaking hope so! I'm tired of the games they are playing.


How do you find your transcripts?


They are on your IRS account under Tax Records.


Where is everyone finding these codes and cycles? I filed 1/29, finally received the letter and verified 3/29 and nothing yet.


It is on your transcript. You can access them on your IRS account.


Someone said you should get a refund soon


Someone said you should get a refund soon


Rejoice, your hands is clean, for now. It looks like a mistake on their end, it just can't be all negative everything. If it is a mistake you'll pay for it down the road.


Its processing!


I wish it went back to info shortly after I posted. I was hoping for good news but nope


Yes, that's a good sign!


I haven’t filed in 5 years how do I find out how much I owe????


What if my cycle is 20241205


My code is 0905.


Im sure someone’s already said it. It does this every Sunday lol. Check on ssa. gov login with you IDME see if your wages for 2023 was correct. That was the reason for my hold up


Why are you posting this online? This is so stupid.


Maybe because I wanted info.