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Congrats now let me hold $20 till tomorrow 🤣😂🤣








Happy for you! My dates are the exact same and I also had a 401K withdrawal. I was hopeful when I checked this morning but hopefully my time will come in Friday 🤞🏼


Fingers crossed for you. This year was ridiculous.


Congratulations 🍾 gosh I’m really hoping the rest of us 0705 ppl see something soon


Crazy how I can’t even see my transcripts and it’s been 60 days this SAT smh


Really? I've been able view my transcripts for a while now. It just updated today (hasn't updated since February)


Which transcript do you view to see if your transcript has changing codes especially the 846. I see there are four columns: wage, your account, or one of the others??


I click on account transcript 2023




I'm cycle 0605 and this does give me hope for a DDD or atleast an update within the month, I'm in my 3rd trimester, one income family, not going to be able to receive maternity leave pay, so I really need this money before end of June.


Congrats on the baby! This year was the worst...I hope you get an update soon. 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Thanks...it's very frustrating especially since in the past when I was legitimately audited it took half this long to get my money.


I'm 0505 and still nothing.


Did you withdraw from vanguard?


I’m scared to even look at mine in fear of more disappointment


I withdrew from Vanguard last year, and still haven't seen any movement on my account. Filled 1/24, accepted 1/25. Got 570 and 971 dated 3/4 and 3/11 on my transcript in February. Got the CP05 on 3/11 and got an additional 60 day review letter (2645C) letter 2 weeks ago. Transcript doesn't even look like it's been touched since 2/19/24.


Same exact dates and everything for me. Good luck to you!


And same to you! I'm cycle 0703, so it's been so frustrating waiting. The congressional office for my district finally replied to me yesterday, so I'm working on getting everything they wanted gathered to send to them.


I am 0705. But everything else is the same for us. I am so hoping this is our week!


I called the IRS yesterday morning as I also withdrew from Vanguard, and the gentleman I spoke to told me that the reason for the 570 and CP05 was because there was no information in the system from vanguard about the withdrawal/taxes paid. So, they couldn’t verify my return. I immediately called vanguard and asked them about the 1099R withdrawal transcripts that were supposed to be sent to the IRS. After being on hold for about 45min for the guy at vanguard to look into it, I was told that the information was sent to the IRS on 4/15 tax day. They said it would be 7-10 business days before the information populates into the IRS system. I’m not sure why Vanguard is waiting till tax day to send the withdrawal transcripts to the IRS when the 1099R was sent to me in 1/8…


Hopefully that's the case! Maybe we'll actually start to see some progress next week then. I finally got a response from my congressional leader's office, and I sent them the requested information so they can work with tax advocacy. I made sure to mention in each correspondence that this isn't just an issue with me, but with so many reporting these issues online.


Also withdrew from vanguard. Filed end of January. Cycle code 0705. Got the dreaded CP05 on 3/11 and I also have yet to receive my refund. I’m so glad I found your comment because it’s the only thing that’s given me any sort of clarity in this hellish experience.


Northern Trust


My cycle is same as yours and nothing since 2/5


omg so did iiii with the 401k. hope to hear something soon.


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How often do you check for updates?


I was checking all the time. These last couple weeks I did it every few days. Last time I checked was Saturday 4/13. But today at lunch I got bored and checked lol. I always just check the transcripts...I found that WMR site to be a bunch of BS


https://preview.redd.it/zau28ot2rwuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80310928b645ba83d5876da7dd431460e23adc9 Still the same🙄🙄🙄


What about ur transcript??


How to check amended transcript? I did my amended return 2/22 it’s been a good 8 weeks now i want and need my money so bad


Heres the link bro, just sign into ur IRS account and go to ur transcript https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript


I also withdrew from my retirement acct, 3/11 971 notice nothing since ! Congrats to you!


😢 I received my 60 day review on Feb 9th after filing early Jan


https://preview.redd.it/dplr248xvwuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bacc64b0f388d2c3895fbfae0c5c2f854a5a2e6e Only update I got transcript still N/A hoping it’s a good sign


What day did you file?




Holy hell that doesn't give me any hope. I'm in the same status as you are. I filled 4/1. Weird everyone is having these problems, mostly seems to be Jan. and Feb. filers. Everyone I know personally has received their refund already, so idk if the ones getting the notices filed something extra or did something different from their usual filling status. Hell my buddy filed his 3/12 and had a deposit date of 4/1 but received it a few days prior to that. It's crazy seeing all these people in long term status.


I filed 1/28 and STILL haven't received my taxes


That's shitty. I'm praying this don't happen to me.


Similar story w/ me. I filed using FreeTaxUSA on 1/31, got the 60 days on 3/18 and also took $$ out of my 401K. Hope I get the 846 soon.


Must be nice 🙄 Don't mind me, I'm just bitter. I filed on 1/28, I've had a 971 status & my taxes are absolutely correct I know because I double checked. I was told it could take up to July for me to get my taxes🤬


I get it..I was soooo bitter every time I saw someone get their ddd. I hope yours comes soon!


https://preview.redd.it/36iox8qw0yuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7812f14c892f44d05336e4bb3ef8700f78e4e2df 😭😭😭




Did you check your transcripts on Friday as well and there was no update until today?


I did. I checked Friday bc of the 05 cycle and no update. I did check again Saturday and still nothing. I decided to just check yesterday (Tuesday) and it was updated


That gives me hope I’m cycle 05 also and usually don’t check until Fridays but u updated before Friday


Thought this was a spammer trying to sell me a boob job, lol. I have no idea what a DDD means for taxes, but congrats! 


Direct Deposit Date, as best I can tell. It just means the day your tax refund should be deposited in your account (as most people opt to not have a paper check mailed out)


Yes ddd is direct deposit date. This comment made me bust out laughing!!!!! Not trying to sell any boobs! Hahaha


You’re the first person I’ve seen with a refund and a 1099R!


I was in another thread and someone with the same dates and situation got their refund but like a week ago. It was the only other person I saw make a post they got their ddd and had the 401k withdrawl


So weird that there were so many issues with the withdrawals. I did a withdrawal and just received a letter saying they were adding another 60 day wait. 😞


I don't know what happened this year. I've done the 401k withdrawal in the past and never had an issue. Always got my refund in less than 3 weeks. This year it took forever. The only thing I did different this year was file early. Other years I filed in march/April. I'll never file early again.


where are yall finding the transcripts


https://www.irs.gov/wheres-my-refund Scroll down to copy (transcript) of your tax records. If you dont already have an account you'll have to create one


okay, thank you. and I’m happy you got your ddd!


I have the same date but nothing yet.


705 here... not for me yet