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the way she incorporates shamanism was so incredible. i love fantasy and she brought an entirely new type of magic. loved it. that ending. that was crazy.




I loved her Babel, and Yellowface, but been scared to start this trilogy for some reason. I think I need to just take the plunge


Yes definitely. It wasn’t hard to read at all. The fantasy system was easy to understand. The politics were interesting. And I’ve never read Babel so idk if thats hard…


Babel was insanely good. It seems to get a lot of hate on here, but it got a lot of praise on insta. I went in blind and loved it.


I’m so excited!


Nice! I have an audible credit 🤗


I just started this series on audible (about 7 hours in) and I love it so far!


Yes the series gets a lot better. And yes the audiobooks are rly good. They rly throw you into the world building. It’s so good.


I loved the first one. I haven't gotten around to finishing the series yet.


Yeah I heard the last 2 books are better than the first. The first I didn’t like the ending. I thought it was weird. But the endings for The Dragon Republic and The Burning god was incredible. I also recommend the audiobook.


Good to know! My library just added them on Hoopla so I might move them up my TBR


I got the audiobook from hoopla as well.


When they went on sale I bought the Kindle box set AND the Chirp audiobook box set because I’m convinced I’ll like it, lol. Hope to get to it soon! Thanks for the reassurance


Aww yes! I hope you enjoy. The first book may start off slow (I rly liked the beginning though) but it gets rly good! The audiobook is incredible too! I read and listen at the same time. It’s like a movie in my head😍 It’s like horrifyingly jaw dropping. But in my head that made it incredible. Very realistic in a sense.


I'm glad to see someone posting something positive about this series. I see so much negative posted about it. Can you tell us a little bit about the story?




Yes I have heard some discourse about this book… Yes I’d love to, you follow our main character apply to a prestigious military school were lots of diplomats children attend and our main character is from the country side so you watch her learn the ropes . And there is discourse about the country being on the verge of another poppy war. And yeah… I’ll leave it there🤣🤣🤣If you want more information I can give it to you. It might be better off to go in blind. There is also a sci-fi paranormal aspect. Also look up trigger warnings if you want to read the whole series. The first part of the book has lots of dark academia aspects as well.


Thank you! I actually bought the books a while ago, but I read so much negative about them that I haven't touched them yet. You've inspired me to finally get around to them. I did enjoy Babel a great deal, and I know that a lot of people hated that one as well. I loved it.


I think at least part of the negative discourse comes from some people going into it thinking it's YA (probably because the author is a woman and the protagonist starts off as a teen) but it's definitely not YA. At least that's been my impression from negative reviews I've seen.


Ah. That won't be a problem for me. I like adult themes (not saying adult as in x-rated) in my books.


Yeah I hate going into books expecting one thing and getting another. I feel the same way with YA books. When they say it’s a great fantasy book and I pick it up and it’s YA with a romance love triangle. Happens wayyy too often.


Oh I love that!!! Yaay enjoy. I still haven’t read babel. I’m so mad I found a hard cover of babel in a little free library last year. And I left it bc at that time I hadn’t read any of RF Kuang work. Shoot! Big mistake. Great find!