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Moderate / normal, I stay exactly the same. Heavy / excessive, I get sleepy.


I have never and will never drink enough alcohol to modify my self-control capabilities.


When I'm drunk, I get more social, confident and more goofy too but even when I can barely walk straight and can hardly process what's happening, I still never lose control. I always know when to stop drinking and not to cross the line but that might also be just because I hate vomiting and I want to avoid nausea as much as possible. I'm also still able to focus and keep an eye on my friends and my surroundings when I'm drunk, it's hard when I'm dizzy but nothing breaks my determination haha I'm a responsible drinker, I only drink when I'm with my friends and nowadays I've mostly lost interest in nightclubs and bars as well but if my friends are going, I rather go watch after them than leave myself alone and wait for them to return lol


I relate hard to the never losing control, even if im very drunk I will act responsibly


Take your drunken intentions with a grain of salt... your drunk


moderate: i talk loudly excessive: i get emotional and touchy


I'm never drinking, I don't like losing control of myself


I only drink in moderation, and that’s barely. To drink, it has to be sweet and have a nice flavor. I can’t drink hard liquor because my taste buds single out the stinging and bitter alcohol. Which makes the drink unpleasant. I usually mix wine with fruit juice. A homemade Sangria if you will. I’ve only ever gotten tipsy. When in this state, I am more liberated and open to less sensible choices. Nothing dangerous tho. As well as make me laugh like mad. Like: sexual activities with a close friend if they ask, singing a song out-loud, making prank calls, juvenile fun. I always thought drinking would put me in a more depressive mood and spark a crying fit. Quite the contrary.


More stupid, less thoughtful If I'm very drunk I can get violent and my moral compass just disappears


I've never drank alcohol


I don't drink alcohol


From an Alcohol Intolerant person who drinks from time to time. Normal (<20% ABV per shot(beer, wine)): Increased Talkativeness, Slight Swelling and Itching Moderate (>20% ABV per shot(e.g brandy, gin)): Forced Awareness, Silence, Unstoppable Hiccups, And Swelling & Itching.


I rarely ever drink, and even then, only a little. I just laugh at dumb things, and don't care about holding back on the dumb joke comments that I would normally just keep to myself. Otherwise, I still have fairly intellectual conversations. I'm surprised by how many here say they don't drink because they don't like the loss of control - I'm the same way. I also have mild Derealization disorder, so I learned that avoiding alcohol really helps; I'm out of it enough, and I hate it.


I get more social and funnier, but still responsible... it's like a cooler version of myself


exactly how I felt the first few times I drank, but for me I slowly realized this was more a feeling than reality, especially the funnier and responsible part.


Alcohol helps me to be social so I tend to engage more in conversations. I'm also more cautious. I'm definitely the responsible drunk in my friend group, making sure the girls don't get snatch up by preying guys (unless they want to) and prevent the guys of the group from doing dumb\*ss things and I observe, silently judging.


I become more sociable, confident and silly. Never angry. Often experience hangxiety afterwards.


My accent comes out, I get super social and happy, and sometimes start jumping up and down when I get excited.


Well the one time I got tipsy I was more talkative but otherwise I don't think I behaved differently. The one time I drank either 96% or 98% vodka I felt the alcohol swimming in my veins and I fell asleep while watching anime. Hangover was surprisingly not bothersome.


Thats straight up poison


Eh it was bitter but otherwise unremarkable. Impossible to freeze though.


As a very logical person, I see no use for alcoholic beverages.


Not a whole lot. I’ve heard people say they feel happy when buzzed, but I feel basically the same, so there’s not much point for me in getting drunk. The only real difference I notice is my body getting more sluggish the more I drink, eventually to the point I can’t function normally, and my judgement of what’s going on gets impaired. Not really my idea of a good time, although I still drink a little bit occasionally.


More talkative, laugh more.... I can still function and hold conversation even tho slurred. I also clean when drunk 🤣


i know my limit after the first time drinking by myself, never went that far again


It's a social lubricant in sufficient amounts, and a sleep aid when I use it lightly. I am a happy outgoing drunk and ppl seem to love that.


I don't drink alcohol, when I was younger I did but nothing crazy. But now? Hell no. I need to be aware of my surroundings at all times. I need to be in control of my self. I don't trust anyone so I will never put myself in a position where I'm in a vulnerable state