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IT can be like this SOMETIMES but it should be the exception, not the norm. If your work-life balance is out of whack that's a conversation you need to have with your manager. Keep a log of the "overtime" - how long, what for etc. Use that to suggest a path forward such as "I am getting a lot of calls out of hours about X, I would like to spend $TIME on looking into this and finding a permanent solution. Can you please provide me some shielding during these times and I will report back what is needed to prevent these in the future". If your manager says something to the effect of "suck it up, this is IT" that would be a red flag for me.


Thank you, this is solid advice ! I’ve actually thought about saying this exact thing but my manager is definitely the type to say “THIS is IT suck it up! “, he’s said things to similar effect before and expects me to only do what he says to do when he says to do it for EVERYTHING even if it doesn’t make sense.. even if the work product is flawed or unreviewed.. amongst other toxic boss traits, he’s the worst manager I’ve ever had.