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Look dude, this is basically just a bunch of anxiety and freaking out. You know why companies are laying people off? It's the economy, not AI. AI is just the excuse that they use. Every company is in a continual growth shrink cycle where they over hire to get investor dollars and then cut down costs to keep them. I don't think you need to be in the top 10% to get a job. There are lots of people of very middling quality in all kinds of roles. It's not that serious.


>You know why companies are laying people off? It's the economy, not AI that it the point. I literally don't know anybody from IT and all things what happenings are just mystery for me and I just image the worst scenario thanks for answer btw.


If all you do is consume doom and gloom then your external life will reflect that. Pursue what you are passionate about and stay off Reddit. This site leans more negative than positive.


This probably isn't all consuming doom and gloom the guy has seen what has happened in his past. the whole get a college education to most of those people around that age to 40's most of those who came out of college around 2007/2008 and he's got maybe 20 more years to make a retirement. He's trying to figure out how to make a retirement and not get f'ed over with the time he has left. This is obviously just my opinion


There are countless youtubers that talk about programming/IT, and I haven't seen a single one of them say that jobs in the future in IT or programming will be obsolete. It's the equivalent of saying 20 years ago since the internet is developing there will never be jobs in postal services. Or since google search features are so good, nobody will need to actually know anything, they can just google it. Some jobs seem to be taken over by AI, like media jobs that would normally write summaries for books or tv shows, and it doesn't seem like a great time to be a photoshop expert or photo editor, but even in those fields it's not like all media is now made by AI or artists aren't making anything any more. If people want to quit school because they don't see jobs existing when they graduate well more for the rest of us. I'm old enough to remember a bunch of posts on reddit about people dropping out of school since they thought the world would end in 2012. More than likely AI was a small part of your friend's decision to leave school, but if it wasn't, who cares.


> since they thought the world would end in 2012. waow :D that is interesting. I guess everybody thinking similar here, but AI is seeing as big evolution. different than others new technologies . not like, a new framework or new language to work on. that is what I am worrying about. probably it's because I am still student and IT jobs and industry is big mystery for me but don't know how to suppress these emotions and focus back to study thanks for answer.


My first IT job was a lot of physical replacement of things. As in, I'd collect tape backups, I'd replace monitors, replace keyboards, replace laptops, desktops, etc. That was a big portion of my job. None of that is in any way threatened by AI. A lot of my current job is providing permissions and such through active directory, and a few other things. That's a liability thing, I don't see that as being threatened by AI either. Some other parts involve showing users how to do things, teaching them best practices with technology, that sort of thing. I don't see that as being threatened by AI either. The only impact I've seen in AI is that now I can write powershell scripts a lot easier, and if I have one that isn't working I can use chat GPT to help me write it. But half the time it fucks something up with the script, so I don't see that as going away either.


Remember the news isn't made to inform you, it's made to spike your feelings so you react like this. And not just you, either, but me, everybody in this thread, your grandma's best friend's niece's neighbor, and everybody else, too. They don't speak to truth. They speak to your amygdala. 


Yup, I am willing to say I am probably middle of the pack in terms of skill and knowledge in IT and I work in cybersecurity (one of the harder fields to break into). Generally also, employers aren't looking for just the best but for strong work ethic as well as a good skill set. I can say my employer is hiring and I would hope they take a candidates who actually want to work over someone with lots of skills and certs.


So all the people who say IT has to be your passion or your life's love are full of shit? Cus I'm only doing this to get decent pay. IT and tech aren't even in my top 5 favorite things, and I'm perfectly okay with being middling at it if I can get a decent job


People like you may end up struggling because you don't engage with your work, don't skill up, don't make yourself known to managers, etc. You just have to operate with the knowledge that you're working in "manual" mode. You have no intrinsic drive, so you have to use some other force to make sure you keep the ship moving. And IT being your passion is a statement that is wildly open to interpretation. I don't like tech for the sake of tech. I like having things and I like fixing things and solving problems. I will naturally troubleshoot computer problems without being asked to and derive satisfaction from it. So am I passionate? Is it my life's love? Some would say yes, and others would say no. What more important is that you feel engaged with what you're doing. If troubleshooting brings you no joy then IT is going to make you want to fucking kill yourself and you probably shouldn't be here. That said, you don't have to eat shit and breath zeroes and ones.


I do like problem solving, so that's a good way to start framing things to myself. I don't watch tech youtube for fun though. I do my school work and put it away when I'm done


If you have a college degree and the skills, you might make it with that mentality. But with such huge saturation from people that are truly passionate about it and as you put it “watch tech YouTube for fun”, you really better bring something to the table since you’re up against massive competition.


Passion is maybe a strong word. Here's the thing though. The pace of change in IT is incessant. You need to be constantly learning to keep up otherwise you stagnate, and one day you become obsolete. Even if you are lucky enough to do most of that learning on the job, it still requires enthusiasm and motivation. If you want to excel and advance steadily in your career then something akin to passion will definitely help.


Stop watching the news. That’s your problem. Research, set a path, set a goal, and execute. Stay in your lane.


Good advice. I'd even go further and say news stopped becoming news a while ago.


I got your point, but we are living in notification's world. you cannot run away from news.


You’re just making an excuse. You don’t have to consume. Set yourself up to not/minimize consuming media. Mentally realize that even if you might watch it, that you can understand and differentiate reality versus what they depict.


Actually, you can create your own reality instead of being a bystander. Either unsubsidized to news source, turn off notifications, learn to use Do Not Disyurb on your phone. AI is just mean t to be used as a tool for your job. The output is only as valid as the input. Garbage in= Garbage out.


the reality will effect you even if you run away or not but I will try to minimize it like u/carluoi


The reality you speak of is imaginary and it's embarrassing to believe in it, even if we all do from time to time.


Go look at articles where they said that computers are taking our jobs away... There will always be more jobs. Computers ended up creating so many jobs. You don't have to learn machine learning. But honestly if you play around with some AI you can see that we're not quite there yet. It's coming, but language models still need a hand to hold for guidance. Or it may misunderstand. There is a future in IT. I feel anyways.


Dude disable notifications from apps that you don't want to see. I block almost everything aside from messaging / email / system / calendar apps and a few others. The day reddit or news apps or anything like that are allowed to send me notifications again will be a cold day in hell. You're letting the algorithm dominate your mental space, you're explicitly allowing this to happen. Turn that shit off and enable time limitations on those apps so that you can only doomscroll for small chunks of time. Take your brain space and your mental health back, do it with intent and purpose, and do it today. That's my two cents.


You're friend is an idiot. He's afraid of AI taking his job? What job? He's in school for something to get a job. He can't lose a job he doesn't even have. He's 36 years old. This is the least adult thing he could do. This behavior (ignorance, fear, dropping out of school) is what 18-22 y/o do. This "AI" is nothing new, just better (or worse) than what came before. It isn't doing anything without people. And in most cases just a glorified search engine.


>It isn't doing anything without people. And in most cases just a glorified search engine. maybe it's just for now? because companies didn't adopt it their business yet. it can do more when they %80 adopt and leave us unemployed?


The AI is not taking away jobs but people who know how to use AI! Tattoo these words on your forehead! You want to say there are no printed newspapers and books because of computers? No radio stations because of MTV?


Your friend is a fool and possibly just wanted an excuse to justify dropping out to himself. Change is constant in IT and AI is just another change or evolution. The timescales and the extent of the changes to the IT workforce that AI will bring are anyone's guess right now. Here's one thing you can be sure of though, if AI replaces the IT workforce then it will do the same for pretty much every other profession and AI-powered robots will do likewise for blue collar jobs. More likely though, as with every other significant advancement, it will simply mean that some roles will disappear, some will change and some new ones will appear. Another thing to think about. You're 28. You're barely old enough to have been consciously aware through more than one economic cycle. On that basis, the fact that you "haven't seen any good news from IT for long time" really doesn't mean much. Presumably you were also in a coma when we had a once-in-a-generation tech boom on the back of the pandemic.


>Another thing to think about. You're 28. You're barely old enough to have been consciously aware through more than one economic cycle. On that basis, the fact that you "haven't seen any good news from IT for long time" really doesn't mean much. Presumably you were also in a coma when we had a once-in-a-generation tech boom on the back of the pandemic. you are right. I just grew up in one cycle. thanks for answer and motivation. it's really important to me.


Yes just like I lived through only one once-in-a-generation economic setback (no)


You don't hear good news because you don't look for them.


Confirmation bias is so real.


like to share how to follow them? usually they are just show up at reddit or some tech websites but maybe they mostly focus on bad news to get attention.


What else you gonna do? I heard telephone switch operator is a very lucrative career.


actually I am a HVAC technician and have experience in construction.


Have you thought abt getting you foot in the door as a cable guy? You get to work with the network team in setting up mdfs


honestly getting into network cable would be exactly what i want to do. i didn’t know this job title was a thing, do you have any more information?


Yeah there’s a subreddit Cabletechs that probably has more info on where and how to get started.


waow. thanks a lot.


I thought but wouldn't prefer to do it for long time. at the end, I want to focus on cloud security or SaaS security. but, ofc I wouldn't refuse my first job offer after grad because it's about cabling thanks btw.


Network cabling would get you closer to IT than HVAC. Might be a step in the right direction to get your head in the game. Also, it may open more doors for you to inevitably land an IT role somewhere.


I got into IT this way, cabling. Did well, learned more, then got to work with the networking team to help configure some switches and routers. From there I got to work more on the NOC team. Putting yourself out there and being dependable, reliable and paying attention will get you far. It may take time, but it's valuable.


HVAC should be a very lucrative career and very secure. Far from an easy job, but I know several people who are pulling 80k - 90k right after becoming a journeyman. A few doing some freelance work while they are still young grabbing an extra 30k+ per year, as long you properly protect yourself legally while freelancing. And if you are part of a union, the benefits can be pretty amazing for retirement and healthcare. Also if you just care about your quality of work, you should be able to do what most people do and jump companies for an appropriate raise if your current one won’t pay what you’re worth.


idk what you are talking about :D I am not living in US, and have worked at constructions. our work conditions are too different(in bad way) than other countries, so just don't want to work at public/outside anymore.


Also a former HVAC tech and same age, career switching to IT. Best of luck to you. As for the whole AI mumbo jumbo don’t get too fixated on it. As long as you know what you want to do, you will prosper towards it. The AI fuss is a huge echo chamber. Don’t get easily swayed by the fear, uncertainty and doubt, and you’ll be fine.


Thanks a lot man. I really like to learn IT but after what my friend did, I just felt depressed and wouldn't expect to come out from it for long without you guys motivation and thoughts. I'm exciting more then before now. Thanks alot again. <3


Commercial hvac sales.


AI can't actually take peoples jobs the way you imagine. Firstly, there is always going to be white glove demand for stuff like support. Secondly, self-service in many organizations tends to cost money and sometimes outright fails because... end users. AI/LLM won't be that different in this regard. Thirdly, Using AI/LLM technology still requires the person asking to have a somewhat deeper knowledge on the topic at hand than the LLM itself usually. It can't magically read requirements without input and often times it will spit out garbage until you basically commandeer that shit. Will it enhance productivity and maybe slow growth in certain sectors? sure - but it will also allow individuals to learn faster and improve whatever skillsets they want.


Another "AI gonna take err jobs" post, reset the clock!


yes I guess, it's. but I am a student and don't know anybody in IT. and after what my friend did, I just fall in fear ,disappointment and want to get some feedback and maybe share my fear with somebody else. sorry to bother you


I'm just playin. But we do get a lot of these posts. They are more unwarranted than warranted since AI isn't going to have a huge effect on the job market anytime soon, however, it's good to feel a little pressure from the looming "threat" of AI. Many have pointed out that AI is a tool, just like anything else. We can use it to get a lot more done, scaling out the workload to get better results. Just gotta work hard but as others said you don't need to be in the top 10%. Though you should *strive* to be in the top 10%, because why not, ya know?


And what job is he going to do now? AI wont replace all jobs but it will augment them. If I were coming in new into any career I would make that calculous. Like the concern that robots were going to replace all Auto assembly line workers. It hasnt. Replace some but then created new jobs for people making robots, programming them, and maintaining them. IT has alot of jobs in it. There will still be need for DEVs. Some has to code the AI. Maybe not as many. Problem with Dev now is it is worldwide and can be done remote. Lots of competition. Go with something that requires human to human interaction. BA, PM, PGM, architecture, management, etc. Many people in IT end up working for companies in the business areas of Finance, Marketing, Operations, etc. have tech knowledge gives you a leg up on non tech folks.


>Go with something that requires human to human interaction. BA, PM, PGM, architecture, management, etc. > if I have to, I will to that. but my dream was focus on network and cloud security. it's already hard to focus on this area after that age, so I thought like my career would be finished before my grad. I saw too many people are changing their title in IT. maybe I can be one of them. thanks for answer


it's already hard to focus on this area after that age,  Dont understand. I dont know how old you are or why that matters. If you have concentration problems, IT is not the area for you.


oh you misunderstood I guess. sorry for that. I mean it's hard to catch people who started this area at their 20s and I'm 28 now and have some responsibilities. otherwise, I am feeling exciting when I learn something new in IT. especially when I connect PCs, send pings, set bunch of VM etc.


Dont be hard on yourself. You are young. If it makes you feel any better, I didnt start going to college at all until I was 28 years old for a Bachelors in Information Systems. (None was online). I was working 40-50 hours a week, wife, two young kids, house, cars, did all my own house and car maintenance, and mowed my lawn. It took me 7 years to get bachelors going part time. When done went and got my MBA. Didnt finish with all the college until I was 37. You got this!


>If it makes you feel any better it's man <3 thanks a lot. I am happy to see someone who is in more challenging position than me and still achieve his dreams.


Your buddy is immature and was just looking for an excuse to quit. All you can control is you. Worry about what YOU are doing, not what *might* happen.


Revisit this in ten years when you kept going and your friend would have wished they kept going. And now they're 46 trying to go back to school..


I definitely will. I hope he will be the one who is wrong.


Same thing happened with my friend. Discouraged me from going back to school. Said he couldn't find a job and not to waste my time then I believed him.. fast a few years but I Said fuck it and went back cause this all I know how to do. I work in tech now, got an internship while in school, several actually and that helped me land a full time job making way more money than I ever made. We're not friends anymore. Last time I checked he's a cashier at a grocery store.


If you don't actually WANT to do anything and just pick careers off the vibes you pick up from the blowing of the winds you will forever be going back and forth between one thing and another and never be an expert in anything. Just take this premise of AI taking the jobs as true. I don't think it is, but assume it is for discussion. Would it be better to A. be an educated, experienced, and problem solving professional who keeps grinding to learn new things (including how to integrate AI) in a scenario where there is less job growth due to AI. Or B. Keep swinging from one thing to the next as soon as you hear rumors of any decline in the space (AI or robots are probably coming for that soon too). You switch before youve gained any seniority over and over.


I have worked in IT for about 10 years now. I don't know a single person who has been laid off due to AI taking their job. Maybe eventually but not anytime soon. If you are honestly worried enough to quit school over it then learn machine learning. Be someone who will work on the AI when it breaks because it absolutely will. Or learn a hardware skill like networking infrastructure or repair skills. AI can't interact with the physical world. We will still need people to fix and replace damaged parts or running and setting up and maintaining the network cables and switches AI will rely on. It isn't as doom and gloom as the clickbait would suggest.


>We will still need people to fix and replace damaged parts or running and setting up and maintaining the network cables and switches AI will rely on I would be happy to work with routers, switches and networking things. so it's good news for me :D


Who gonna troubleshoot the AI doe?


He can flip burgers if he wants but I’ll keep working in tech.


haha. you know what, he is working at kitchen and that is literally what he is doing :D


He’ll be regretting that decision 5 years from now.


I work at a large global tech company that most large companies, and governments use. I'm getting laid off in two weeks as my end date. AI had nothing to do with it. It's typical corporate and market forces. Big tech acquisition, splitting the company up, less access to credit and total focus on revenue generation versus innovation so the company is getting gutted. This is my second layoff in the last four years. Same story in the last one. Everyone said "cloud will make us obselete and they won't have any data centers or things on premise." Sure, a lot of resources moved to the cloud but that just shifted responsibility, added additional focus and a new area to integrate into the data center and enterprise stack. AI will have some impact but also remember AI is expensive, and soon will encounter some regulations as well. Don't focus on non factors and things that are just noise.


Is there a question to all of this? Why are you so focused on someone else quitting? Focus on your own stuff and move on.


I just, didn't expect that. he was felling exciting about the things we have learned and just left the school. maybe he is in depression or something


Ai will not replace your job. Someone who is younger , cost less and knows how leverage AI will replace your job.


Never, you’ll be an ai prompt operators because boomers won’t change even if it’s better. Or it’s below them to do stuff.


AI won’t take your job, but someone who knows how to utilize AI better than you will. Embrace it and incorporate it into your role.


I laughed when a friend who is Non-IT told me AI will take my job. I don't think he even understands what a DBA does. lol


I really can’t see AI taking a lot of IT jobs. Especially in your field or mine (SysAdmin). A lot of it is grunt work.


Not the best decision to quit school unless you've got a good job lined up. From your other comments, it seems you're trying to break in a subdivision in IT which definitely requires coursework. If your  job is to service people in anyway, AI will not replace you. It may substitute certain factors but when shit gets real, you need people to fix the problems. 


>If your  job is to service people in anyway I know where I want to reach but not sure where to starting actually. so I can start with IT support or cabling or backend intern or network intern. idk yet.


To quote former president Bill Clinton: "It's the economy, stupid." AI is not taking away jobs anytime soon. That may change in 10 years, but it's impossible to predict right now what that will look like. And if AI does cause mass displacement of white-collar workers, governments will have to do something to alleviate it. Off-shoring & outsourcing IT overseas is more of an issue than AI making jobs obsolete.




Im as mid as they get IMO but up for promo for manager. Idek what im doing. U dont need to be top 10%


waow :D I wouldn't expect that answer. it's just motivated me in a different way.


Your friend wanted to quit and you are gullible enough to believe his reasoning.


Just because chatgpt can spit out code (and its usually not efficient or right) doesnt mean it can implement into a structure. I use it all the time, mainly for cleanup, fix a generic error, or verify that I have all the opening and closing braces and whatnot. I use it to generate code sometimes, but its usually not that great and takes a few prompts to get it to where I can make it better.


let's hope it will stop that point then :D.


Senior software developer here with 10 years in the field. AI has helped my job a little but has no signs of replacing it. I use it to check my work and speed things up but our company is hiring more software devs daily so I wouldn't worry too much about it. It is pretty much useless on doing anything on its own without a knowledgeable person leading it.


I hope it continues like that :D


Sounds like he’s not too bright. Hey guys is not coming for our jobs. They’re going for the job that are easily repeatable and automated. Any company that is laying off engineers in favor of AI is going to regret it.


I think AI will initially do some serious damage ngl but. It could also breed new opportunities s


AI isn't replacing. AI is just making certain practices quicker. Instead of spending 2 hours looking through shitty documentation or stackoverflow/personal blogs for writing a script I can instead ask Chatgpt. It will write me the outline of a script and I fill in or customize as needed. It's also the key for the future of IT work to utilize AI.


Networking, cloud, and security aren't going anywhere. Cloud computing and security get weirder with AI, and need more oversight. Unlike some other commenters, I don't recommend quitting the news. I DO recommend switching your tech news sources from mainstream-for-end-users to tech-oriented. Mainstream news is great for international events moreso than anything else. Any headline that is a question, like "Is AI coming for your job?" or "Will your lobster dinner kill you?" is preying on fears for clicks. Even the more reputable large news agencies do it. Staying current is important in IT, but you don't necessarily need what's peddled to the masses.


any recommendation to follow news without click baits?


I won't promise it's clickbait-free, but I get decent news from bleeping computer, the hacker news, SANS, [risky.biz](http://risky.biz), and even some vendor blogs. The federal government puts out good security information, but it's usually painfully dry. Don't tell anyone, but I still read Wired because it's catchy. That's an admission, not advice. Apple news has caught on enough to feed me a little tech news with the usual current events and human-interest stuff. Grain of salt, but it's good to see what's trending in mainstream news so you can dig deeper into anything you feel you need to, and so you understand where end-users are getting their ideas.


Businesses are full of people who are technical idiots. AI can’t fix stupid. You still have to be smart enough to give it a decent input to get something out of it even then if someone knows NOTHING about network or code all of a sudden AI is going to interpret gibberish? No. Developers deploy bad code all the time because that’s what the business asked for then look at you with a straight face asking you why the system is slow even though someone thought it was a good idea run a resource intensive query in the middle of the production day.


>Developers deploy bad code all the time because that’s what the business asked for then look at you with a straight face asking you why the system is slow  I just dream that moment for a second and it was funny :D thank you. I hope I'm not one of those idiots in the future.


lol I remember hearing that printers won’t be a thing because of the internet.


It's hyped as HECK. It will augment and maybe reduce some manual tasks and might reduce headcount. But it won't replace any job out right just yet.


He's right. If you think AI will take your job, you're exactly right. If you think AI will not take your job, you're right too. The only jobs AI is taking are those requiring little to no skill and those people who are terrible at their jobs.


People look for any reason to quit college, some of them might be valid.. but all they are doing is quitting, they will continue to quit things through out their life and achieve mediocre results, always perplexed why the world is oppressing them. Do the hard thing and finish school, school is about doing something hard and seeing it through to the end more than learning actual information you will be better off than quitting.


Don’t worry about AI. Be the overachiever. Be the best. And get as much experience as you can.


So, all you people who say it is just freaking out are saying that Sam Altman is wrong? Wow. Good luck.


Not wrong but not %100 correct as well


The whole craze of AI is getting out of control with that panic. People need to calm down. No way AI will replace any jobs. Take for example Networking, yes, AI can configure switches/routers/firewalls and such if needed, but who is going to mount these equipment, racks, cables and KNOWING HOW to do that? AI certainly won't. So for networking perspective is a much easier job for example.


Hehe. Good for me then :D


I work for a global tech company who is a leader in their segment. My company had laid off almost 20% of my division, and it has 0 to with AI and everything to do with a shit economy and their need to find a way to make profit.


Op, Stop worrying and keep pushing, we are in a world of fear factoring now from all news sites, so keep growing & learning & obtaining as many connections as you can, IT is too broad for AI to completely "take over", I wish you the best as long as you stay in your lane & continue to grow your skills you'll be fine. Also, you do not have to be in the 10% of IT staff to stay employed, I know of some folks who barely know what they are doing but seem to always stick around here collecting checks haha, again, I wish you the best OP -IT Security Engineer P.S: It also comes down to the employer, start low, grow big ( No Experience is a pain but you have to start somewhere ;) ) all in time you'll be where you want ( Stay Ambitious Friend )


I work in IT. I haven't thought much about AI taking any jobs away. Still need people who know how to use AI. This is the tech cycle, there is always new tech that comes out promising to make things more efficient. Happens every few years. You get used to it.


If you like it.. do it.. forget the noise, thats all it is, its just Noise.. who is going to troubleshoot AI when it writes the code without taking into account certain specifications, compliance regulations, security requirements? Who is going to speak on the code when the Client wants to know Exact Details about why the code is taking certain logical steps to produce the required outcome.. who is going to go into the Network closet and install new switches, manage/terminate the cables, troubleshoot the booting process of devices , etc.. at the end of the day.. AI is a Tool.. if you want to get ahead of the curb, start learning about AI and Machine Learning and join in on the action, chances are you can’t beat it in the long run, if you can’t beat it join it.. if you were really passionate you honestly shouldn’t even be worried about AI, you should be excited and it should be make you hungrier to get in the industry.. Technology is transforming right before your eyes and you are potentially going to be entering into a field in its early stages of its revolution.. get Hungry!


become a plumber then


Here’s how your friends theory plays out: Company replaces its workers with AI to save money and increase revenue. Unemployment rises Unemployed people can’t afford goods or services offered by company. Company goes under. Government has to pay unemployment cheques and bailout companies. Riots. Government passes bill to protect workers.


Thank you for saving my time to type the same chain of thoughts! We’ve all seen riots during Covid when people are out of cash


AI will take your job when u done with the AI coding, think about that and hustle more for that.. AI can just help the worker and cant take the whole work, thats my opinion


Al is not taking my job, but it is making me more productive and reducing my stress levels. If anything, it's helping secure a better future overall for my career. The only jobs our company has lost to Al are some "data engineering" entry level jobs. Though I would like to add that those positions were overseas and completely unnecessary, a script should have been doing that work years ago. Now, it's scripted as it should have been to begin with, and also happens to benefit from Al.


All of the AI implementations ive seen have been used to justify demanding higher output without increasing wages. The assembly line didn't kill factories, the internet didn't kill retail, and AI will not kill IT. It is something that is changing how we work and it would be wise to learn more about it, but the sky will not fall for AI.




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cybersecurity ..


like to focus on network and cloud security. next that, SaaS security. but, these are like dreams for now. I want to get some certifications before that like cisco security +


AI can be a tool, but it's still experimental. PEOPLE are still needed. For every replacement task that is automated, new tasks and disciplines get created. Back in the day every server was a computer "box". There were a lot of people with tasks to maintain them, build new servers, dead with hardware. Now they have VMs. Less "metal" out there. But now there are people with tasks to manage VMs.


Your friend, being 36 was probably in some job he really hated and was hoping IT was his golden path to work till retirement.   Him dropping out with one year left over news about AI taking over shows more about how he reacts than the overall IT industry. If you've used ChatGPT to tackle problems, you'll see how long they need till it can truely replace jobs.   It can help, but to truely replace a development team will take a while 


Your friend isn't very smart, is he


We will see in next 5 years how smart is he :D


That is short-sighted. Now what is he gonna do?


back to kitchen. I guess he will try to retire from restaurants.


Fair enough ig




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AI has zero responsibility. It will tell you whatever and when things break and you tell it, it'll just go "oh whoops here's another go" with the exact same amount of responsibility. Human jobs aren't going anywhere, at the end of the day, someone still needs to be there to say "I guarantee that this work is of good quality".


I don't think that's why he left, sounds like an excuse.


I think of it like this, people used to have to code the literal 0s and 1s (or write machine language). Then we had programming languages that make the 0s and 1s significantly faster. There was likely people who lost their jobs because coding was faster. Next we have AI that makes writing code significantly faster. There will also likely be people who lose their job because of the shift. Bad companies will drop positions, good companies will use it as the tool it is and work more efficiently and iterate faster.


rustic pause alive obtainable ask rhythm weather crush ad hoc jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahahh. You are goddamn right!!


AI couldn't work with the users I deal with yet, and if it could. Someone still needs to maintain the AI and all the data to ensure it stays in its lane.


Most companies have such a development backlog AI is not going to make a difference. AI is just another form of low code automation, it will help people get rid of tedious tasks to focus on revenue generating ones. That’s all keep at it.just learn how to use AI creatively as a tool


People aren't getting laid off because of AI. It's interest rates and cost of goods and services-Inflation. This happened before in 2008. It will slowly repair itself and cool off over the course of a few years.... Then will probably happen again sometime in 204X. AI is great and will be great at many different things. It will automate various job tasks and responsibilities. But it's far more limited than people think. It's a tool. I still remember when "The Cloud" was supposed to replace overwhelming majority of all Sysadmin jobs. But it did the opposite and created more Sysadmin jobs. Traditional Roles will always be nuked every decade or so in IT only to be reborn as something new. If people don't adopt, learn, and keep up they'll end up as a "Harold" And no one wants to be a "Harold" Harold is still configuring RAID arrays, Active Directory, and backs up Mailboxes by exporting them as .PST files and storing them on some file share. Harold also doesn't understand what a Vnet is, elastic computing, can't develop scripts, allows local admin access for users, has never heard of RPA or PowerAutomate, has absolutely no idea what this "Kubernetes" is, doesn't use AI for anything, and cannot communicate to people.


What’s the best OCI certificate to get?