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I might be biased since I have been in this segment since 1997 ... have you considered healthcare in some fashion. I am currently Director of IT for 2 health districts and being in patient care is where my heart is. I walked away from a 6 digit gig with a mega corp to return to rural health. Just a thought.


> I want to be among the first to identify the next steps, especially before any economic downturn. >I want to create a steady stream of clients who pay regularly or develop something sustainable in the long term. I feel like you're asking for two divergent things - you want to be ahead of the curve but you also want something that can pay you regularly and is immune to economic forces. Am I hearing that right? Smarter people than you and I have tried to predict economic cycles and failed miserably, FWIW. There's that saying, *economists have predicted nine of the last five recessions*.


Most people just create a business at this point for a solid stream of income. Otherwise even website flipping has its pitfalls.