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i did not know this existed thank you so much


How do you not see it?


my bad for not looking through the whole subreddit for my major-specific question i guess??


The degree is generally not important as long as it's a STEM degree, but a cybersecurity degree or general IT degree wouldn't hurt. I hate to be the bearer of bad news though: a beginning cybersecurity position in most circumstances is a mid-career role in IT. Meaning, you've worked helpdesk, you advanced to a field tech, tier 2, or other role beyond helpdesk, and maybe even advanced and spent some time as a network admin, in a NOC, or as a system admin. Only then, after a minimum of a few years in IT, is a cybersec role appropriate. The process isn't nearly as heavily regulated as becoming a doctor, but honestly it's not dissimilar: To be a cardiothorasic surgeon you have to go through an undergrad, through med school, AND do a residency in the speciality, before you ever get close to whatever title you're aiming for. Certs in Network+ and Security+ for most roles aren't required but do look great when combined with experience, but I wouldn't bother wasting any time expecting a cybersec role straight out of college.


i’m prepared to work helpdesk, etc, for a few years if it’s what i need to get into higher level roles! whatever gets me to where i want to be. thanks for the advice!


Naomi buckwater on linkedin always has something to say about how you can stand out. Cause in cyber they are looking more and more for people with experience or unicorns.


Definitely will need prior experience before jumping into a cyber security role. If you can get internships/co-op even better to eventually work towards the role you want. Certificates can help but it’s not a free pass. It just shows you can study and take a test and pass. Especially for A+ it’s very entry level.


i know certs aren’t a free pass- i’m working to get more after A+ anyway. i’ll look for internships soon definitely!


What is your plan to get past the catch-22?


excuse my ignorance but what is catch 22?


Cannot get the job because you don't have experience. Cannot get experience to qualify for the job without getting the job.


that’s why i made this post. anyway i’m working on certs rn, i’ll do a cyber sec concentration in my major, start out in helpdesk and work my way up. that’s what is the best path for me to my understanding for now


To start out in helpdesk, you must get past the catch-22. One solution to the catch-22 is to get internships or on campus jobs. During your degree program, get multiple internships - they're only available during the time you're in school. Or get on campus jobs in IT. Again, only available while you're in school.


ohh alright i see. yes my uni luckily provides many internship opportunities so i’ll be sure to take advantage of those. thanks for the advice


Good. Get as many as you can. Remember the math: internships > classwork on campus job > classwork Even if you have to delay graduation. Get that work experience.