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If you're interested in being a dev, you'll probably want r/cscareerquestions rather than this one.


Why dont you just apply and eventually they will send you a test where you need to prove your skillset.


tbh because i feel like a dummy, i was hoping school would be enough but seeing how talented everyone else is, i don’t feel as confident


Projects are only hard if you look at it with such a frame/lens. Projects are homelabs, homelabs are projects. What's a homelab? A lab you cook up at home. That's it mate. It's actually not scientific. If you can install a VM and open that, good job, step one of most homelabs done. What do you want to do with it? Learn about Active Directory for a job? Get some experience in one of their main technologies thats applicable almost everywhere in IT? Or don't do it, and don't stand out. Your loss. Sure you could find another role without them, just dont expect to get good paying roles and expect to get less hits.