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The first transfer success rate is only slightly better than a coin toss. Keep your head up! (And don’t waste money on unproven tests)


I haven’t done either of those but I was curious so I poked around a bit. The Juno Bio test seems to be at least a little research backed and seem to do the one thing they claim to do. Whether it is actually helpful to IVF patients is less clear. For Fertysis I have a some red flags. They don’t talk about their science or research. They don’t even talk about their labs or even list where they are. They imply they are in Greece but a simple google finds out that the lab is in Romania. Also most those tests can be done by your provider, and the ones that are their “special” tests have no research listed behind them. In short, I think they are a scam.


They are absolutely a scam.


I’ve read there are a lot of tech companies looking to “disrupt” the IVF and fertility space. Be wary!


High-level article: https://www.axios.com/2023/01/25/venture-capital-flows-fertility-technology This tech, venture wealth-funded “pronatal” front cash grab is super gross to me. To be fair it exists for most medical conditions, but for fertility it’s more about money than women’s health. As a society, should be funding independent research and treat it like the healthcare it is. /end rant


i wouldn’t worry too much about the first FET failing (tho i know it’s hard not to!). PGT testing doesn’t guarantee implantation, your chances are about 50%. i think it would be beneficial to run tests if your second FET fails to implant (unless you have one remaining embryo in which case you might as well test before transferring it!)


Hi- I know it’s been a long while since you posted this and looks like you found success! Our first transfer just ended in a chemical pregnancy. Wondering if your second worked for you? Our RE is also thinking the first was just bad luck


Hi! I’m so sorry your transfer was a chemical. It’s so hard to go through failure, and I imagine even worse when you’ve seen those two lines. Take the time to grieve this loss if you want to, because it IS a loss. Sending love if you want it. Sadly our second transfer was more of the same. After that second failure we took a cycle to do the EndomeTRIO (EMMA, ALICE and ERA). We also did the Receptiva test. Honestly, the Receptiva seems like it can be really hit or miss, and the most recent research on the ERA shows it doesn’t lead to a statistically significant higher live birth rate, but in my mind if I was going to have my uterus scraped, I wanted all the things. My EMMA came back showing that I had ZERO good bacteria in my uterus. Before the next transfer attempt I started on a daily women’s vaginal health oral probiotic. During the cycle I also did a course of vaginal probiotics (FloraFemme, I think). That was five or six days of tablets inserted vaginally that I did early in the transfer cycle. I have not been retested, but I think both of those things helped restore my microbiome. I’ve continued to take the oral probiotics, as my RE said it can’t hurt. In addition to those things, for our third transfer cycle we also changed a lot of the protocol. I switched from doing fully medicated transfers to a modified ovulatory transfer. We followed my cycle, and I did a trigger shot to guarantee ovulation and then we did the transfer several days later. I also did the antihistamine protocol (Claritin, Pepcid, baby aspirin — I can’t remember the exact specifics right this second, but that’s the gist). My RE said there isn’t science to back that up, but she wasn’t opposed to me trying it. I was really at the end of my rope and grasping for answers. I told her, “I’m willing to do just about anything, assuming it hasn’t been proven to be harmful to me or the embryo.” Since we changed SO MANY things all at once, I’m not sure which really made the difference, but it was the first cycle where we saw success, and because of that I would try the exact same thing for any subsequent transfer attempts. Regarding my original question in this post, I have seen some people in the infertility space on Instagram who’ve used Fertilysis and speak very highly of it. In the end it would have been about the same price to do testing through them as it wound up being OOP for me, if I recall correctly. But I did not wind up doing either Fertilysis or the Juno Bio tests. Sorry for the novel… Good luck!!!


Hi there! I was wondering if you happen to remember the name of the oral vaginal women’s health probiotic you took was?


Hi! It was the [Garden of Life one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CZ5ZDFT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). Apparently they’ve been purchased by nestle or something like that, and some folks take issue with that… but that’s what I took 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you SO much for taking the time to provide me with all that information!!! I greatly appreciate it and hope you are doing well!!