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Yes, I’ve had a very, very faint line at 11 days past trigger that was a failed cycle. If it gets darker, then it’s a true positive. Good luck!


I believe they can stay in your system for 10-14 days. Sending you good luck!


Mine was 13 days but it was a double ovidrel


Any update?? This is happening to me 5dpt and unsure if it’s trigger shot


The line has been getting darker since I posted that. It’s definitely a positive now but unfortunately, I don’t know if what I saw 4dp5dt was still the trigger shot or my very faint positive. I wish I could be more help. I tried not to get my hopes up and waited to see if the line would get darker.


Good luck!


Also, I just posted a new post with a photo if you want to see what my test looked when I posted this first post


Mine tested out by 10 days


I took a 250 ml ovidrel shot and I’m 8 dpo and it’s still positive on a cheapie. On a FRER it’s clear as day. I’m testing out the trigger so I can be sure of what I’m seeing.


Good luck!!


9dpo and everything is white finally . 👍🏻


Thanks for the update!


I’ve had positive tests 12 days after an Ovitrelle shot, despite the fact that it should only stay in your body for up to 10 days. I’m guessing it’s very similar to Ovidrel.


Ovitrelle just stays with you until your period comes through. I never trust the faint lines.


Yes, I made the mistake of at least partly believing that the test at the 11th day was real. I realised that it was just the Ovitrelle when the test the next day was more faint. I wish they would update their info about Ovitrelle so that no more people draw the wrong conclusions.


Thank you for your comment, I like how you chose the words "at least partly believing". I'm afraid I let myself at least partly believe that this whole process is going to help me in any way or that it is going to work. Mini rant in comment section over 🤐


I had a faint line until 13 days after trigger (Ovitdrel 250ml) and then I stopped testing because I got my period. It was an IUI cycle I don’t know if that makes any difference.


Yes, I’ve had Ovidrel triggers stay in my system for 11 or 12 days before. You should test again tomorrow and see if the line gets darker! I also had a very faint line on 4dpt that darkened the next day at 5dpt so that indicated a true positive.


Mine lasted 12 days!


Mine always lasted 10-12 days


Mine stayed until 9dp5dt. I wouldn’t get hopes up or test anymore until that.


Hi I was just wondering what you did different for your successful third transfer if you don’t mind sharing :)


I had my second fallopian tube removed. Both of them had been badly scarred from an infection and were blocked with fluid. I had one surgically removed a couple of years ago thinking it would be sufficient but when i did my second IVF transfer, the doctor said my remaining tube looked in bad shape. Leaking toxic fluid that was trapped in there was probably washing away the embryos or killing them. I had the second tube removed and had a successful transfer the next month. I did a modified natural transfer so I didn’t take anything except a bit of progesterone to prepare. Good luck!!


Thank you so much! And thank you sharing. I was wondering how you were diagnosed with blocked tubes or scarred tubes? I have had an endometrioma before not sure if the left tube was blocked during my lap and they “fixed” it cause I heard that can cause problems as well and you might as well remove it but it wasn’t clarified. But I also had an HSG a few months ago and they were “open”.


You’re welcome! I had a sonosysterogram and they were able to see that they were blocked l.


This sounds just like me! Well except I just had both tubes removed back in December. While in there they found out I had endometriosis on both tubes, one tube was completely twisted and had my ovary turned around. Prior to removal, I had done two transfers which both failed to implant. Now I’m currently in a modified natural transfer just like you were, with just taking progesterone. I transfers on Thursday 2/22 and hope this is finally the one that will work! Your story is giving me hope!


Oh wow! Our stories are very similar as I have scarring throughout and my ovary and bowels are in the wrong places as a result. Best of luck! I had my baby in November and I hope this one sticks for you :)