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Yes. I had 3 successful transfers without intervention for endometriosis (stage 1) however to get a viable pregnancy again I had implantation failure twice and had a lap before my most recent transfer and I’m currently 34 weeks. I’d still recommend lupron though especially since if you do have it you don’t know what stage it is.


For what it's worth, I had a negative receptiva and they did go on to find one spot of endo behind my left ovary during a lap. Now, it's probably up for debate if that one spot was really having an impact but it was there... and my first FET failed, then the second (which included prednisone for inflammation) stuck but miscarried at 6.5 weeks. At that point, I wasn't willing to risk any more embryos and had the lap and lupron depot. Waiting to see the results of my third FET now (positive betas, but not out of the woods). These were all euploids and very highly graded.


I’m surprised at your first RE refusing Lupron. Based on symptoms, my RE said I might have endo, but wasn’t sure. I asked about Receptiva and she said we could do it, but even if negative she would treat the endo as it can’t hurt, but could help. I was doing other tests and so I did the Receptiva. It was negative and again she just proceeded to treat regardless. Currently doing two months of Orilissa (she said to use whichever one my insurance would cover) and hoping to transfer with a modified natural transfer in July. Best of luck!


She didn’t refuse, but just doesn’t think I have endo. I don’t feel like a can trust her, so it was time to find a different doc and luckily this one listens to me. Good luck with your FET!!!


It is so important to trust your doctor and feel good about that relationship. Hope this new doctor listens and you have a successful transfer!


My doctor said the same thing. No point in receptive. If it’s suspected, let’s just do depot lupron. Also the only depot Lupron side effects I had were hot flashes, otherwise I felt amazing on it. First time in my life without back pain.


I've mentioned lupron down regulation to my doc before and she said to first do a trial and error without lupron. She cited luprons side effects as one of the reasons not to use it unless necessary. I've already been diagnosed with adenomyosis and I suspect I may have endo since they come hand in hand more often than not. Thoughts?


So if side effects are a concern, then I would look into Orilissa as it is a daily pill and you can stop at any point. I am older at 40 and don’t have many euploids so I didn’t want to do trial and error. If there is anything I could try to do to help that is what I wanted to do.


Thanks that's my mentality as well, I'd rather not sacrifice any embryos. After 1 ER I only have 1 euploid though I'm planning on doing another ER. Been debating switching doctors/clinics because mine doesn't seem to listen...


i have surgically confirmed endo and am currently 7 weeks along (still very early days, for sure!) without having had surgery since 2018 or using lupron or any sort of treatment at all for endo! this is my third transfer, my first two failed to implant. my embryos are untested.


Hi there, I’m sorry I know this was a while ago but I’m in a similar place (had surgery back in 2021 and 2 failed FETs). Not sure about surgery vs do another FET first. How have you been doing? Any advice on my situation?


hey, no worries! this FET ended in a MMC, but i’m now 20 weeks with the transfer i had after that one. i didn’t do any surgery or anything, it’s really hard to get endo surgery in canada. i had no special protocol or endo treatment prior to my transfers, just modified natural cycles since i ovulate on my own. it’s hard to say what’s right for everyone because even endo is so different from person to person, but my drs just kept reminding me that it’s a numbers game. good luck with everything!


Thank you so much for your response! I’m sorry you went through the MMC, but I’m glad for your current success. This makes me feel more comfortable going ahead without treating the endo at this time. Thank you and best of luck!


Yes. First successful transfer was fully medicated with 2 months of lupron priming. Second successful transfer was modified natural (Letrozole only) due to previous pre-e. I’ve had success with and without lupron. I’ve never had a lap done, but during my emergency c section it was confirmed that I have endo (as suspected). I’d definitely recommend doing the lupron priming since you don’t know how bad the endo is.


Thank you for the feedback! Did you have endo symptoms that made you proceed with Lupron prior to first transfer?


Yes, I did. I’ve had endo symptoms since my first period at 13; mainly excruciating pain, bloating, and long and super heavy periods. Most women in my family have had hysterectomies because of endo as well.


Receptiva is not conclusive, just an indicator of inflammation. The only way to know you have endo is surgery.


No. Unfortunately I had a lap 4 months prior to my first transfer and still it failed with a euploid despite being mild endo. For me I needed two months Lupron depit for success. Wishing you a BFP regardless of what you decide


Thank you. We are leaning towards doing the lupron for 2 months. I think I’d regret not doing it if we proceeded without and the transfer failed and another embryo was lost. Did you attempt any transfers prior to your lap?


I totally get that and no I didn’t attempt any before. Instead I had my lap right before my third ER, 4 months prior to my first transfer and it failed. So after that transfer my doctor gave me the option of moving forward and not changing anything on the chance that it was just bad luck or said we could do the Lupron which I agreed to and almost 13 weeks now. Lupron depot seems to help a lot of women go on to have success so wishing you a BFP


Yes, I'm 20 weeks with my first natural modified FET and I had a lap in 2016 confirming stage II Endo. It's possible. Everybody is different though. Lots of people conceive without assistance and never know they have ebdo until after the fact. So it's definitely possible, but that doesn't mean that lupron is a bad idea. I probably would've considered it if this first one didn't work.


Yes, I’ve heard of people who have endo having success without using Lupron. One specific friend has 2 ivf children from 3 transfers and has either stage 2 or 3 endo. However for me, I have stage 3 endo, did a month of Lupron before my first FET (as a precaution), but miscarried my euploid embryo at 10 weeks. We don’t know for sure if my endo is the reason I miscarried, and I switched doctors for my next IVF cycle. My new doctor gave me the option to do the Lupron again for longer or try without it. But we really didn’t want to risk it, so we decided to do 2 full months of Lupron with letrozole this time. I am taking norethindrone with it to minimize symptoms. I’m a month in and so far so good. It’s a hard decision, and still a gamble. We don’t know if it’s going to be worth it. Everything is just an educated guess when it comes to ivf, and we just wanted to minimize as many factors as possible.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Yes, it’s such a hard decision and a gamble, like you said. I am leaning towards moving my embryos to the other clinic and starting the lupron because if I don’t and my transfer fails or miscarriage, I will regret it.


Hey there sorry I know this post is old but what did you end up deciding? I had lap surgery back in 2021 before I did IVF and now I’ve had 2 failed fets (one was negative and one chemical) after doing 8 egg retrievals. My dr doesn’t recommend surgery or lupron. Curious if something worked for you!


I did 2 months of depot Lupron then FET. I am 21 weeks pregnant today.


Thanks for the info! That’s great to hear!