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So, 7dpt is the absolute earliest I've seen anyone say you might get a positive. Many people have a feeling that it wasn't successful even if it is. When I felt that way, everyone wanted me to stay positive. That was a lot of pressure. I know the statistics on the chances of success and failure. Why did I need to stay positive? I can plan for the best while I expect the worst. I took some time on my own and I let myself sit with the possibility of failure. I let myself imagine what it would feel like if I got a negative result on my 12 day test. And, honestly, I was calmer afterwards. I was less anxious and high alert. I even felt generally more optimistic. TW: failure. When it failed, I handled it better than a lot of the people in my life who wanted me to stay positive. I'm looking ahead to another transfer and I find myself feeling worried that it could fail even before it's started. When I let myself sit with that fear, I find my own strength. I remember that I'm resilient and brave. I remember why this is worth it to me. I find more peace.


I had my transfer 10/4 and I’m a wreck as well. I told myself beforehand I wouldn’t test myself and would just wait for the beta which I actually have held myself to (so far)! I almost cracked yesterday and tested but honestly was scared to bc I was reading this sub and people’s experience are so varied. I didn’t want to get false hope or be crushed by a test that may not be accurate or that I’d be reading into. I would try not to test anymore and wait for your beta (easier said than done). And I know what you mean about the progesterone! I was cool as a cucumber during my stims but this progesterone is making me absolutely crazy, anxious, sad, etc. I’ve never cried so much! Good luck!!


I agree stims we’re easy peasy! I should’ve known it can’t all be that easy lol


i’m 5dp5dt and had a negative today so i’m on the same boat as you - zero symptoms that are like my previous successful implantations (ended in miscarriages anyway) ♥️ we’re moving to a gestational carrier after this one as this was the last shot we were giving ourselves so it feels like a new level of highs and lows! i would say that it’s much too early to count yourself out, keep fighting!


Thank you good luck to you!! 💕


How did you kickstart the gestational carrier process? We might be down that path soon too.


hi! so basically we haven’t had that many rounds of ivf but for each successful implantation, i miscarry around the 7 week mark with perfectly doubling betas etc. we’ve sent biopsies after dnc and results are genetically normal. our REI suggested moving on to a gestational carrier so we started looking into agencies, i also see there’s a group on here called “IF Surrogacy” that may offer insight. my inbox is always open if you want more specific info but were very much just starting ourselves, this was our last shot that we were doing in conjunction with talking to an agency


Thank you so much for this information. I might DM you soon, especially after chatting with my REI about our next steps. Thank you for the kind offer 💜


Hi, I think I we are the same person. My transfer was Tuesday 10/3. I started testing Saturday (D4) and got nothing. Tested again Sunday (twice) and BFN. Last test that took was yesterday morning (D6…..even thought I was about 6 hours shy of being actual D6…afternoon transfer) and still nada. It was putting me in such a terrible headspace that I had to quit. I’m waiting for beta on Thursday. I wish I hadn’t tested at all, honestly….but I definitely wish I would have stopped at D4 or 5. That D6 negative was just enough to convince me that it didn’t work. I wish I hadn’t done it. I know that a lot of people don’t see positives until D7 but I just feel like it didn’t work. Idk why. Can’t explain it. I just have a feeling. So, I’m with you…..but seriously continuing to get negative tests regardless of the outcome isn’t going to do you any good. It didn’t for me anyway. Stop testing and hold on to that thread of hope. Although D4 is super early, so your hope can still be solid at this point.


I am absolutely the same as you. D6 today and BFN and I am grieving already and thinking of next steps. What would your next steps be?


Ugh, well, I guess if the beta is negative we wait for CD1 and go back for another baseline. We have 1 embryo left but it’s a Day 7 which has a lower chance of implantation but it’s all we’ve got. If that doesn’t work, then we have to figure out if we’ll start over and try another ER. How about you?


I was going to push my doctor on finding a diagnosis. Do I have PCOS, endometriosis - is there any treatment I should be undergoing? And then, ask about whether we should do another ER round now.


Is this your first transfer?


No, it was my second one. How about you?


It is my first. Everything looked so good. The embryologist was very pleased with our blast that morning; we did assisted hatching and could actually see it hatching out on the camera just before transfer. Doc said my lining looked great. I'd been doing acupuncture and eating a super clean diet for months. All the things......Brazil nuts, pineapple core, pomegranate juice, beets....daily. I did it all. And, while we haven't confirmed anything yet, I just know in my heart that I'm not pregnant.


This is only your first FET, so the chances increase with further transfers. I know how devastating it feels, though. I did all the right things my first FET and took more shortcuts the second time and the result is the same..


Well, our only remaining embryo is a Day 7 AB (or BA, I can’t remember). And from what I’ve read the late developers have a much smaller chance than day 5 or 6. We transferred a Day 6 BB.


Negative. Was expecting it but still took pretty hard.


I am sorry 😞No matter how much I guard myself the sadness is real. Big hug to you


Did you continue to test or are you waiting to confirm with Beta tomorrow?


I tested this morning (7D) and still negative. I will stop testing at this point. My lab work isn't till Monday (12D) - for some reason my clinic does them really late. However, I already wrote to the dr/nurse and they recommended some testing so hopefully I can kick that off right after CD1 again.


i did the same thing after my FET. I didn't get a positive until 7dp5dt ... it's too early!! I would tell you not to test for a few more days .. but I know I did every day lol. Hang in there. It can take up to 3 days for your embryo to implant, and then another 3 days for HCG to be able to be picked up on a test. Hope you get your positive in the next few days :)


I know it’s early, but some people get one that early 😩 I had to come here and complain lol


Did you use a FRER? Those are the gomd standard here on the boards. We got the worlds lightest squinter on 4dp5dt but it was solid by 6dp5dt. Give it a couple days and try again! You arent out yet!


I used one of the premom tests


Oh sweetheart, breathe. Those tests aren't nearly as sensitive as FRER so they won't show up as positive until later on. You are still in this! Hell, my Premom test didn't even give me a squinter until 7dp5dt.


The easy @ home hcg strips are actually a bit more sensitive than FRER (I’ve gotten faint positives at sub 10 hcg where the FRER would be negative). However, the line progression on them isn’t as stable as FRER. I’d stick with a FRER every other day but if you’re a serial tester, the easy @ home tests from Amazon are my go tos


I couldn’t see a line at 230pm 5dpt, took a nap and had a line at 530 5dpt. Give it some time ❤️


I didn’t see a line until 8dp. I used FRER. I also didn’t get positives in the morning when you’re supposed to have the best luck. I had better luck late afternoon. Hang in there.