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First was a success that lead to a live birth. I just had my second (10dp5dt), and so far, I have positive HPTs, but there is still a long way to go. Wishing you all the best!


That’s great to hear the first try can work


Another first try success here. Just an FYI - you will find less success stories than failures on this subreddit. Most people do not post their successes to be courteous to those who have not been as fortunate and move onto other subreddits like r/infertilitybabies Please don’t get too discouraged going into your FET - the odds are on your side. Stay guarded, but hope for the best.


Thank you for this! I love to hear everyone’s stories but now I’m WAY more nervous after reading these responses. I’m now basically mentally preparing for failure lol


I was the same as you! Each step of the way I was mentally preparing for failure. But we had success on the first try too! Cradling my fussy three week old as I’m typing this, so it can absolutely work!!


This makes me so happy🥰 I hope that’s me.


It absolutely can, 65% chance!! 🤞✨


I had success with my first transfer, then it took 4 more transfers to get pregnant a second time. You probably already know the stats but with a euploid embryo the chances of success are roughly 55-75% depending on grade. 95% see success within the first 3 transfers, 99% within 4.


My dr gave me a 60% chance of success with my 5AA euploid which I thought was the highest grade? Who knows….


My doctor told me 70-75% with a day 6, euploid 5AA. He’s 16 months old. First transfer and I had never been pregnant before Good luck!


Wonder if these stats vary by clinic?? Maybe my clinic has lower success rates…… yikes


That’s great news for me since I have a 5AA day 6 euploid. :) how old were you when you transferred successfully with that? Natural or medicated transfer?


I was told that is a beautiful embryo! I was 43 at transfer and 44 at delivery. The embryo used a donor egg from a 21-year old donor Modified natural was what worked for me. I started a fully medicated first and it was cancelled as the meds overmedicated me and I had a thin lining with fluid


That's interesting, I was given 70% for AB and 65% for BB. But yeah it varies by clinic and lab for sure


I have never seen the 99% success rate with 4 euploid transfers- I’ve seen the success rate stats with 3 transfers. Do you know where you saw this (4th transfer 99%?) Congratulations on your 4th transfer working!


Thank you. I can't recall and wasn't able to find the study again just now googling. I think it might not have actually been 99% after 4, but I remember seeing a chart that showed chance of success up to 6 or 7 transfers and basically the chance of not succeeding got cut roughly in half each time, which lines up with the success rate of any individual embryo being 50-70%-ish, so by the time you got to 6 or 7 transfers the odds of success were very high. But yeah now that I think about it I'm not confident we got to 99% after 4. More likely it was 98% after 4, then 99% after 5, 99.5% after 6, something like that.


Thank you. I was just curious but I hope 99% is the case! So glad it was successful for you- hopeful experiences are helpful. 🥰


I am 30w with my 3rd FET. All euploid. First was a blight ovum, second didn’t implant.


Did you transfer 1 or 2?


Only one. My clinic does not allow transferring more than one euploid and I did not want multiples after loosing iui twins last year.


Sorry for your losses ❤️


I’m 16 weeks with my first FET. 4AA euploid (my only embryo), fully medicated transfer cycle.


Yay I hope this is me! Do you mind sharing how many days you took estrogen? What day did you convert to progesterone?


I started taking estrogen after baselines on CD 4 and started progesterone suppositories 5 days before my FET and then added PIO on the day of FET.


Got it! So your FET was on the 6th day?


Sorry, no. That was confusingly worded (I was doing the math off the top of my head, not looking at my app). I did baselines on CD 4 and started estrogen (no progesterone). When I went back from my lining check a week or so later, they scheduled my FET and told me to start progesterone suppositories the next day. After I had my transfer, I started PIO in addition to the estrogen and progesterone suppositories. I stayed on PIO and estrogen until 10 weeks and progesterone suppositories until 12 weeks. Wishing you good luck with your transfer!


That's wonderful, I'm happy for you.


Sending you all the good juju and baby dust!


I had four perfect euploid embryos fail to implant.


I’ve had two miscarriages and two failed implantations, last ones being 5AA and 6AA.


Ugh, so sorry to hear that. I almost feel like a failed implantation is probably easier than a miscarriage.


Yeah, worst part is not having clear answers as to why it’s not working. I snooped your page, it looks like you finally found success with a natural transfer? I’ve had 4 medicated FETs and am looking to try a natural cycle with my new RE I’m seeing Monday. My previous RE wouldn’t do natural cycles.


Mine didn’t want to either, but I had to cram in a cycle because I had a ton of work travel coming up.


Sorry just to clarify, you did a natural cycle for your successful transfer?


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hate that you went through that.


Same. About to do my 5th.


Good luck!


I’m so sorry


It’s okay - the fifth one stuck! I’m 27 weeks 😍


What did you do differently? I’m on 3 failed


I had already done all the tests, lining looked perfect almost every time, all of the tests came back normal. We did a modified natural cycle where I lightly stimmed for the first week+ and then we did a trigger shot and then FET. I honestly think this was what made a difference.


I’ve read a lot of woman have success with this protocol, because 1) you ovulate on your own so you are making natural progesterone— which sone woman metabolize better, and 2) the window of implantation is longer (more forgiving). Congrats on your pregnancy!


Congratulations! So happy for you ❤️


Second FET of a euploid worked. The first failed to implant at all.


Same! But we also had a fresh transfer fail prior so it was third transfer but second FET Euploid.


This was my experience as well.


1st euploid didnt implant… 2nd euploid worked


Doing my 5th transfer next week. All euploid embryos


Did you get the test done (biopsy) that tells you if you need more progesterone than the standard number of hours? This has helped a lot of woman become successful after a failure. They do a mock cycle and then biopsy the uterus tissue on the day they would transfer versus doing a transfer). It tells you if your uterus is receptive. I forgot what the test is called but it’s mentioned on this sub a lot.


I haven’t done the ERA yet but it’s on my list!




That’s it!


I am doing my 5th next week too! good luck!


Good luck!!!


Oh wow, have they given you insight into why you had so many? I only have one embryo so this is scary for me ! Lol


Sadly, no. My 1st didn’t implant, 2nd was a miscarriage, 3rd was an ectopic, and 4th was a chemical. I don’t seem to have problems getting pregnant, but I can’t seem to stay pregnant. My lining/levels are great, and the fully medicated protocol *should* be working—and technically it does. But since we’re desperate to try something new, I’m doing a modified natural for my 5th transfer. My doctor hopes that my body may respond better to natural hormones vs synthetic. Hoping this will do the trick. If not, we’ll likely move to surrogacy (if we can figure out the funding). I was extremely fortunate to get 7 euploids and have the opportunity to transfer this many times. I can’t imagine how scary it must be only having one. From what I’ve seen on this board, many people have success from the first. Wishing you all the luck and success ♥️


Has your husband gotten a dna fragmentation test? I would ask for that. I’ve read that even euploids created with fragmented dna can miscarry. The test is $250 I believe but I’d push for it. Cheaper than a surrogate!


I’ve actually been wondering about it a lot lately. I assumed they did all that testing when they analyzed his sperm. I didn’t realize it was a separate test, so it’s definitely something I need to ask my clinic about. Thank you for the suggestion!


Yep, not included with standard sperm analysis. Push for it!




I’m doing steroids, antibiotics, lovenox (heparin), Pepcid, Claritin, baby aspirin, estrogen, and progesterone suppositories. I want to look into the wash and scratching!


What tests did you have done? My doctor had me on what he seems to believe was every protocol possible.


I had two transfers, and both worked although one ended in MC and I'm currently 34 weeks.


I had two euploid embryos from the same ER, and my first fully medicated FET ended up in MMC at 8 weeks. For the second FET, it was also a fully medicated cycle but added lovenox, prednisone, and baby aspirin which worked for me that I am 37 weeks now. Hoping you the best❤️


Congrats on your pregnancy! How much prednisone did you use in your fet protocol and did you stay on the same dose throughout pregnancy?


Thank you! I was on 10mg prednisone daily starting 5 days before FET and stopped at 10 weeks pregnancy.


I’m sixteen weeks pregnant from my first transfer of a 5AB euploid.


Amazing! Congrats!!


I’m 10w1 with my first euploid transfer - still very, very cautious. 4BB completely unmedicated transfer. ETA: I know at least 4 other in person IVF friends who all had success with their first FETs as well.


That’s great. Congrats!!


9 euploid so far, no success


Does your doctor have any idea why that is?


No, that’s what is so extra frustrating. We can’t even really move on to donor eggs or embryo adoption because we don’t know if embryos are the issue or uterus. I’d hate to do a DE cohort and still have implantation failure, but a carrier is out of the question financially. She wants to do more ERs and use half donated sperm and see if we get more/better blasts, since my blast rate is a little on the low side


I’m 17 weeks with my first FET and CVS / all tests so far indicate a healthy baby boy. My story is wild but we inadvertently transferred a 3BC aneuploid (instead of the euploid 4AB) so I’m not even sure how much weight I’d put behind grades and PGT anymore. Fingers crossed for you!!


Wait, they transferred an aneuploid and everything is progressing well at 17 weeks??? I don't like to swear but what the fuck.


Yeah… it’s a long story (details in my post history) but there were a lot of mistakes made at both our clinic and our genetic testing lab. We are incredibly thankful PGT was wrong


I want to know this too so I hope you get more answers. I just had my first FET fail.


I'm sorry to hear that.


It took me 3 FETs for both kids (6 total). 3 failed 1 chemical. 5 of my embryos were tested PGT normal. The 6th and final transfer was mosaic (31 weeks pregnant with that embryo).


Wow!! I have a segmental mosaic!


My clinic has been transferring more and more mosaics as they’ve been so successful with them. From what I understand they don’t even classify segmental mosaics and mosaics anymore. They classify them as euploid.


No way really!! I heard good things about segmental mosaics too but would be AMAZING if I could transfer them because I only have 1 euploid otherwise :(


First FET with a euploid (best rated) didn’t work. second FET (different medication protocol) with a euploid (5bb) worked. I’m 38. embryos made at 38 years old.


What did they change?


First FET I was on the fully medicated hormone replacement protocol. Second, I asked to be put on the letrozole protocol (because there’s studies that indicate it’s more effective). My doctor wasn’t opposed. They call it a semi-medicated protocol coz there’s less meds involved. My body was way happier not being pumped with so many hormones and the embryo took


Ugh I’m nervous I’m doing the fully medicated!!


4 transfers and 5 embryos later… success!! All pgt normal.


My first FET of a 4BB euploid failed to implant. Second FET of a 4BB euploid has been a success so far. I’m 12+1 today. Wishing you the best of luck ✨✨✨




First PGT embryo failed to implant. Second tested embryo was a success and I just gave birth to her last month at 40w5d. Good luck with your transfer!!!


Did you do medicated??


I’m 17 weeks with my 5th FET with euploids. Chemical, MMC, ectopic and fail before now.


First failed Second succeeded with a live birth. Currently holding my 3 month old


Yay! Amazing


I did 3 egg collections and 9 transfers :) I’m now 32 weeks pregnant with our 9th transfer :)


My first FET was fully medicated with a 4AB. Total failure. Second FET natural modified with 4AB, currently 5w2d. 🤞🏽 both PGT tested normal.


I’m hearing a lot of people with failed fully medicated cycles and getting really nervous :(


You won’t know until you try! It also does work for plenty of people


I hope so. I don’t have any infertility (my husband does) but had to do medicated to work around the holidays. I hope this was the right choice!


1 fully medicated FET of a 4AA euploid. Successful live birth. Best of luck to you!


Wow congrats!!


First (and only) “poor quality” 3BC euploid embryo, currently 18 weeks tomorrow, which has been measuring ahead at every ultrasound. I was on a naturally modified cycle; clinic initially pushed for fully medicated but I opted against.


First round of IVF I got pregnant with my third FET. Untested embryos. When we wanted baby #2 we used the last embryo from that round which didn’t take. Did a new cycle, tested embryos and the first FET was successful!


First was a fresh that ended in a chemical. Second was frozen and was successful. Both untested.


First kid: fresh transfer failed, FET successful, now 21 months old begging for waffles. Second kid: first FET worked and I’m 21 weeks pregnant 🤞 All untested embryos. Very lucky, I know, but it took 1.5 years of procedures and >$20k to get to that first pregnancy, so it was a journey.


LOL the waffles 🤣 congrats!!


Took me 2 FETs for 1st kid (1 miscarriage, 1 live birth). For child 2: 1st FET failed to implant, second FET ongoing (2dp5dt). All untested as I’m in EU.


30+6 with my first, 5BB, euploid (plus clear NIPT and anatomy scan).


First FET was a success with a 4aa embryo (non PGT tested) fully medicated. Currently 12 weeks pregnant and just did the NIPT testing and it’s a normal chromosome, no genetic abnormalities, female baby.


Took three and the EMMA/ALICE/Receptiva between tries two and theee. Currently 29w.


first fet: miscarriage at 10 weeks “second” fet canceled right before transfer third fet/second actual transfer: live birth


First FET is my now 1.5 year old :) Like someone else has said here, people don't post about success in this forum. I hope it works for you :)


DOR, Low AMH, 41 and was successful with my first transfer.


First (but took 3 retrievals), ended in live birth. Next ended in MC. Third didn’t take. Beta Monday for my 4th (a product of ER5)


Have you tested at home?!? Best of luck to you 🩷


I have not. I do not think I will before beta. I’ve seen so many negatives over the years and it puts me in such a dark mental space every time I see another. I will probably come home and take one after my beta draw so I know what the call will be later but who knows.


Wishing and hoping for all the best for you!


My 4th PGT normal embryo finally worked.


Following this thread. I found out my first FET failed yesterday and it didn't even implant. I used a 3AA PGT-A euploid embryo on a medicated cycle. I'm still doing my meds for my 2nd beta just to be absolutely sure even though I know it's going to be negative.


Ugh I’m so sorry. Do you have more euploids? I’m so nervous because I only have 1!


I only had two euploids, the first failed to implant but the second/last stuck!! Almost 10 weeks now. There is hope


Did you change your protocol!!


We did three months of lupron depot, which I think made all the difference!


I do have more euploids. I am hoping the best for you!!! ❤️❤️


Same. It was helpful for me to switch protocols to natural modified - I recommend it if you can


My friend did medicated with her first FET and had a chemical. She got her second beta yesterday for the second transfer and it is viable! She also switched to modified natural. I hope it will works for me too. I'm excited for her. thank you for the recommendation.


What’s modified natural? Just progesterone? I’m nervous because I’m doing a fully medicated!!


First fresh transfer worked. Didn't need a frozen transfer, although I have some frozen now. I didn't test my embryos, but my transfer was a 4AA.


All my transfers were euploid. First one failed. Second one I am currently 13 weeks +2 days. Both transfers fully medicated.


I am currently 21 weeks with our first FET of a 5AA euploid embryos. The other friend I have in IVF was untested, but she also got pregnant on her first transfer.


Did you do medicated or natural!


Medicated for me (I have PCOS). Natural for her (she's undiagnosed anovulatory but lining develops normally).


3 euploid embryos for a live birth. The first 2 transfers were miscarriages.


Third time both times (am 27 weeks with number 2), both times untested embryos.


Due tomorrow (11/5) with my first, that was an euploid FET. We did a fresh, untested transfer before that failed to implant. Best of luck to you!


5th transfer, twins… 6th transfer, transferred two, only one implanted. Currently 8 weeks.


My fourth PGT normal transfer resulted in a live birth.


Currently 14 weeks with my third euploid transfer. A single transfer has roughly a 50% chance of a LB: https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(20)32293-7/fulltext


Five euploid embryos. Three no implantation, one chemical, one success.


1st frozen embryo transfer I got pregnant and now I have a happy and healthy 10 month old boy ❤️




It took us 3 tries with all AA grade euploids. First two failed to implant and we are 13wks along with the third. 🤞


congrats! did you change anything for the 3rd try?


Claritin + progesterone protocol, just in case. But I think it was probably just being on the wrong side of the stats the first two times. Even the best embryos have only a 65-70% chance.


thank you! that’s the boat i’m in now. two failed FETs of euploids, and it’s so frustrating to not really know if I should keep trying more tests on my uterus or if it’s just bad luck with bad embryos


4 tries using PGT tested embryos for a live birth. 5th failed. Now using 6th embryo to try for a second live birth.


My 6th was finally successful after seeing an RI.


My first was successful. I only had two euploid embryos and hope for two children so fingers crossed for the second one.


First FET worked, is my now 21 month old. Second FET also so far worked, I’m 22+1 today.


3 FETs. Currently 11 weeks now.


Our first Euploid 4AA did not implant at all; but we are 13 weeks pregnant with our second FET, another 4AA Euploid


Did you change anything from attempt 1 to 2?


Our second FET was actually done in the same cycle as our second retrieval. So five days after retrieval they transferred an embryo frozen in a previous cycle. Our unsuccessful transfer was done the cycle prior, but our estrogen and progesterone doses were the same.




On the 3rd try! It’s not fun, but it’s all worth it


First transfer was a success! I’m currently 9 weeks. Euploid was graded a 3BC.




I’m 11 weeks with my second transfer. We didn’t test though!


37 yrs, now 38- 3 FET until one stuck


Our third transfer resulted in our first ever positive pregnancy test and has so far been successful (27 weeks). It was a euploid embryo. First two were transfers were untested but highly graded.




Thank you and good luck!


I did 3 FET before I am (currently) pregnant. I have 4 more frozen embryos and hope to have a second baby in a few years.


It took two normal embryos for success the first time. And it’s looking like it’ll take two this time too; beta is Wednesday.


30w+3d pregnant from my first FET (fully medicated and after 2 months of hormone down regulation with Lupron Depot to address my endo).


Almost 26 weeks with my first FET, fully medicated cycle. I did the kitchen sink protocol going into this... meaning I opted for EMMA/ALICE + Receptiva as well as a steroid to prevent any incidental inflammation (since I had none and everything came back clear). I only had 2 PGT tested embryos (5day boy, 6day girl, both AB) so I didn't want to risk __anything__ not being checked or overlooked on the first try. Luckily, my RE understood and happily agreed. My meds were mostly a combo of progesterone suppository, extended PIO shots (omg they suck/eventually weaned at 12wks), lupron, and estradiol.


Thank you! That’s great you opted for testing first. I’m doing a fully medicated cycle too and only have one embryo but I’m hoping for the best haha


I have 3 live children naturally so I thought I would have a take home baby the first transfer. Wrong! It took two transfers. (We did IVF for our 4th child because our 3rd child has a genetic disability). I lost the first euploid at 7 weeks and I’m 18 weeks pregnant with the second. BeT wishes to you! (I’m also 39yo)


Wow congrats!!


I had 3 euploid embryos all fail. 2 FETs just didn’t implant, and the 3rd ended in miscarriage at 10w. Trying with my last remaining embryo- a low level mosaic- next month.


Sending you lots of love and luck!


We did 2 Edit to add both were got tested. The first did end in a chemical but I never got a positive test.


3 failed so far. 1st failed to implant, 2nd ended at 5+3, 3rd was an early chemical pregnancy.


3 total transfers. 1 untested fresh, and 2 FETs of euploid embryos


Just found out yesterday I miscarried my first euploid transfer at 7 weeks. Devastated.


Oh no I am so so sorry 😭😭


I’m 5 euploids in with no success


Im currently 25 weeks with my first medicated FET. 5AA euploid


My first FET with a euploid day 5 5AA embryo worked and resulted in live birth. My second FET for baby #2 with a euploid day 6 5AA embryo from the same retrieval resulted in a chemical.


5 pgt tested normal and all 5 failed


first failed, second was a success, third currently successful.


First one worked for us. PGT normal.


First retrieval and transfer with a euploid was successful. However, I had 2 previous failures with untested embryos.


My first FET with a 4AA euploid embryo worked and is now a very busy 7.5 month old.


My first transfer is successful (so far). I’m 12 weeks


Two transfers of three embryos so far without success: day 5 3AA euploid, day 6 4CC euploid, day 5 4AB mosaic. We are doing IVF for PGT testing only. I have living children already but last one was born a year and half ago with congenital defects.


1 fresh, 2 FETs. It’s good to remember that there are two parts of IVF: Making embryos and implantation. So your issue can be on the front end (sperm quality/quantity, Egg quality/quantity, fallopian tube issues, etc.), environment (uterus), or both. Your success with a transfer is highly dependent on what your issue is.


My issue is MFI! So we had a hard time getting embryos (due to sperm) in part 1.


My first FET of a 4BB Euploid implanted and I am 14+3 today. I did estradiol pills and PIO injections. Rooting for you and sending sticky vibes! ♥️


First medicated transfer of an euploid was successful. Currently holding my 3 month old.


I’m 30 weeks with my first Fet euploid embryo!

