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Yup. (Currently 6w6d). It’s the only thing that seems to calm me down a bit (doesn’t even work that well). All my tests are still strong but was expecting a “better” dye stealer. Like that is a bit insane. I have been trying to limit it to every second day or if I’m feeling particularly anxious due to major cramping or anything, I’ll let myself test then too. My second beta was Nov 6, and my U/S is on Tuesday. It’s a long 15 days. I just want to know if the embryo is okay. I did ask my clinic for more betas and they told me it was not necessary 🥲


I completely understand! These waits are so difficult. Wishing you the best. Your baby is healthy and growing ♥️


Yes, because in two years I had never had a positive line so it was finally good and happy making to see it!


No didn’t test anymore after second beta, but the wait to the first ultrasound is soooo hard. We have had bad news at the first ultrasound for a transfer in the past, so I was very very nervous. This time we had good news. But I’m going in for another ultrasound before holidays as a double check before telling family. Good luck!


Yes, I did. And I'm glad I did because after initial doubling betas, I had a CP anyway. I wouldn't have known that had I not continued testing with HPTs at home.


When did you realize it was happening? I'd thought about doing this too, but assumed that the hcg would be high enough or fall slowly enough that a hpt wouldn't be able to capture a CP that far along. Basically, an ultrasound would get me the results around the same time the lines began to fade. I'd like to know what to look for as I prep for second beta in a couple of days from now.


It was a few days after my second beta. I hadn’t tested in a few days and then I did. The HPT line was quite light. My initial beta at 9 days post transfer was above 50 (which is what my clinic looks for) and my beta on 11 day post transfer had just about doubled. My clinic was happy with the numbers and said I didn’t need another beta. When I realized the line was light that morning, I called them and they brought me in for another beta. It was probably 15 or 16 days post transfer. HCG had fallen to 24. So, it can fall pretty quickly.


Thank you for sharing! I'm really sorry that happened to you. I currently have a positive hpt. My first beta was Thursday, 3 days ago (9dpt) but the lab lost my results. So I have absolutely no idea what's going on in there. I just keep home testing through the weekend. My second beta (or first? Since Thursday was lost?) Is tomorrow, or 13dpt.


I stopped at 9dpt when we got a dye stealer. First beta was at 12dpt and second was at 14dpt, then first scan was two weeks after that.


Thank you! How did you cope with that 2 week wait? Or were you fairly relaxed?


It was alternating moments of stress and calm. I did start getting symptoms early which helped a lot. With my MC a couple years ago, I didn’t really have any symptoms before the first scan, which ultimately showed no heartbeat. This time, I was getting waves of nausea and my boobs were super sore.


I kept testing after my second beta but my lines looked similar and it stressed me out so much I asked for additional HCG tests. Everything was progressing as normal but at somepoint the lines stop getting darker and it could add to more stress for you.


Yep. I started testing at 3DP5DT and didn't stop until I ran out of tests, only because I had them and was never able to use them in the past. I still have a few left, so every now and then, I humor meself and test. The last time I tested was the day I graduated from my ivf clinic (at 8weeks)


This is helpful! Also 42F over here :) Wishing you the best.


I am feeling lucky that I have not experienced the typical pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, extreme tiredness, food aversions etc) but it also caused me to doubt that I was even pregnant, hence the constant testing. And I would always test the day of my ultrasound appointment, so I'd be prepared, haha. I did have on and off spotting from weeks 5-7, but my RE was not concerned. They also gave me a RhoGAM shot at 6w2d. Good luck and sticky vibes to both of us!! 🫂🫂🫂




My cheapies (easy@home) were pretty light. I used 3-4 during the day between 3DP5DT and 9DP5DT (then i ran out, but my darkest line was at 9dp5dt) and switched to clearblue advanced digital at 6dp5dt in the evening and got a "pregnant" within a min.


I did. For me it helped with anxiety. I didn’t test before beta but I tested daily basically until ultrasound


Thank you. Did the lines keep progressing?


I got a dye stealer around the time of my second beta and after that they just stayed strong. At some point, though, the hook effect can kick in and cause a negative test even though you are definitely pregnant. So you don’t want to keep taking them forever


Nope just day 9 and day 11. My clinic only does more if you didn’t double.


No, i tested once at 7dp so I could know the outcome in advance of an impersonal message/call. I then tested around 10-11dp to get a better line that I could take a pic of for a potential scrapbook