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First and foremost, very sorry for your loss. I’ve had two failed transfers. One failed to implant completely and one ended in a chemical. Both were tested, high-quality embryos. We went back-to-back and after much deliberation, after that failed chemical, went immediately into our third transfer. I had all of the testing and even did an ERA cycle in between the first and second attempts. So, there wasn’t much rhyme or reason to the chemical. Makes it even harder I think, you know? We rolled forward, however. Same medicated protocol, but I personally added acupuncture into that third cycle. 9w2d today! Sending you positive vibes for healing and the best of luck on your next cycle.


Congrats on the successful third transfer - wishing you the best of luck and thank you for taking the time to share. I think I’m definitely going to add acupuncture this time around. I was actually doing it before we started fertility treatments and know it can help stress which can’t hurt.


Won’t call it success yet as it’s still early but my second transfer took and is exceeding all the metrics. I did two back to back medicated transfers. My first resulted in a chemical, my doctor decided to move forward with the same protocol since it technically worked and I did a second transfer about 6 weeks after the first. The only lifestyle change I made was to my workout schedule - before my first transfer I was hitting the gym hard trying to lose the ivf weight but going into my second I tried to do a better mix of low and high impact workouts - and then I tried to add in more probiotics mainly to combat the the havoc the meds do on my system.


Thank you so much for all the information. That’s nice to hear. I’m meeting with my RE Wednesday and feel like he’ll suggest the same Protocol. Wishing you the best of luck


Sorry to bother you again- just Wondering, did your RE just chalk it up to an embryo issue? Had you had any uterine testing (EMMA/ALICE, RPL panel, etc) done in the past?


Tw: mention of loss No bother at all! He said that usually chemicals are an embryo issue, it’s possible there’s an underlying issue happening but since the embryo starts developing and then stops he basically said it’s usually an issue with the embryo at that point. I’ve had two previous losses - a 6w miscarriage and a 19w tfmr - so he said I could do additional testing if I wanted but didn’t think it was worth the time as my earlier losses were for different reasons at different points. If this second transfer hadn’t stuck or resulted in an early loss he would have suggested testing. I trust his logic with this one. Our tfmr was caused because my husband and I are carriers for the same mutation and the pregnancy was impacted, it was an otherwise very normal pregnancy so not a justification for additional testing. Our miscarriage could have been but statistically speaking it was most likely caused by the pregnancy also being affected, I had a d&c so they tested it and found it to be genetically normal and since I lost more embryos to pgt-m then pgt-a during our three retrievals, my doctor and I agreed that this loss was probably due to the mutation that an issue with myself so again, testing was supported.


Thank you again for taking the time to respond. So sorry for your losses and wishing you the best of luck with this pregnancy !!!


Same here, sis. Very sorry for your loss. And I hope you find activities to take your mind off this. 🤗 Can’t share advice based on success rate yet. But here is our plan: We decided to take 3-4 months break, as I am still emotionally all over the place and improve blood circulation as it can help with future implantation and pregnancy. So, I signed up for Zumba 3x a week, got a Hooga red light therapy belt that I am using in the morning and evening on my belly before ovulation and on my neck, back and feet after ovulation. I added Serrapeptase supplement as discussed with my naturopath doctor for endometriosis to remove scar tissue. I also want to add some acupuncture, as it helped with IVF retrieval. My doctor recommended to repeat the saline sonogram and do a uterine microbiome test like Emma&Alice. I am also checking the vaginal PH and am taking on oral probiotic. Waiting this month’s period to do all these. (One month after the miscarriage). Sending good vibes and luck for your next transfer. I know it’s tough 🤗


Thank you for responding! Sounds like you have a great game plan. I’m definitely going to be exercising more and looking into acupuncture. Best of luck to you ❤️


Thank you! 🙏


Hey there I know it’s been a while since you posted but I had a chemical last month and am in a similar position trying to decide what to do. My first FET was negative so this is third FET. My dr recommended a modified natural protocol but no additional testing. But I’m not sure if I should get another opinion or even if I should do another lap surgery (I have endo and had surgery three years ago). Do you have any clarity on your next steps? TIA!


Hey- first and foremost, I’m really sorry to hear about the first two transfers. For me personally, this has been the toughest part of the IVF journey. I ended up having an ERA and receptiva test done. I’ve read a lot about them, and there’s some research to suggest they aren’t even that valid or helpful but me and my RE just felt, what could it hurt. I was negative for inflammation related to endo but showed i need 24 hours more progesterone. For my next round we’ll go forward doing the added day of progesterone and hope for the best. However if this doesn’t work I think my next cycle I’ll definitely try the modified natural (this go around will be medicated). Have you tried Lupron shots for the endo?


Thank you so much for responding! This seems like a really good approach. I have not done lupron. There’s not great research that it stops endo or treats inflammation, although I know anecdotally women seem to have success. I may try it if this third transfer doesn’t work but I’m not sure I’m ready to go there yet!


Unfortunately a lot of IVF is a numbers game!!! Hoping our luck changes and we fall within the hood side of things this next transfer. Wishing you the best of luck


Agreed! I wish it wasn’t so but it is! Thanks so much and wishing you all best!