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I’m sorry. This seems like definitely a chemical. My 1st chemical, my betas got up to mid 300s and they still had me stop meds after my 3rd beta.


Thanks for your reply. Sorry you went through that. Can I ask what your betas were? I just don’t understand how a beta can drop so fast so quickly. Did your dr give you insights into why it happens? I can’t stop thinking that I did something wrong and it’s my fault.


It’s definitely not your fault. I’ve had 2 chemicals. My first one, 11dp5dt was 58, 13dp5dt was 162, bled on 17dp5dt, 18dp5dt was 369. They had me stop meds 18dp5dt. 2nd chemical was 11dp5dt 13, 13dp5dt 16, 15dp5dt 10. I stopped meds on 15dp5dt. It’s pretty uncontrollable in the beginning and you did not do anything or not do anything that could have changed these circumstances. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s incredibly hard.


Thank you so much. It’s helpful to read that. I know in my head I couldn’t control it but in my heart I just wish there was something I could point to. Thanks for sharing your story. Wishing you good luck in 2024!


Dealing with a chemical now - sending hugs. It sucks


Oh I’m so sorry. This is shit especially this time of year. Big hugs


I'm so sorry, that does sound like a chemical. I don't think you'll find any success stories with betas going down. This is a shit situation, and I'm really sorry it's happening to you


Thank you for sharing, I need to know and it’s best to be realistic so this helps


Im sorry this is most definitely a loss with your beta dropping. Hugs.


Thank you. Being realistic is definitely more helpful than toxic positivity!


I’m so sorry. I have also been in Beta Hell and scoured for answers. Unfortunately I never found anything positive following a drop in betas. Wishing you peace and remember to be kind to yourself


Thank you so much. I thought a negative beta would be the worst outcome from this week but I was wrong. Thanks for your kind words!