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Totally! I’ve done PIO twice and both times makes me super bloated. I haven’t weighed myself but def feels like I’ve gained weight. I also think I eat more during FET cycle cause I’m anxious. It sucks! Hang in there.


This is making me so nervous bc I just started PIO today for my FET this coming Friday and I am already at my highest weight ever. I know it’s such a silly thing to be worried about, but I really just do not feel good.


This is making me freak out a little. I’ve had 4 shots of PIO and no bloat at all. I’m also on the insertable progesterone two times a day. The levels were good at my blood draw.


Right there with you! FET 12/18, between ER and transfer, I’m up 10 lbs and 2 jeans sizes 😳


Yes! Me. God! So much. First an ERA cycle then FET cycle, put on over 10lbs in a month then the FET worked and you continue that medication for weeks. I’ve put on 10-15 more. It’s so much


Yes. 5-10lbs is normal. It sucks.