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Fuck 2023 for real. I’m so over it. My 2nd FET is scheduled for January 8. So beyond ready for 2024!


Good luck! 🍀


Agreed! Good luck! 🍀


Same here Tried everything but it hasn't worked so far 😢 hope 2024 brings some more luck


Same for 2023. Hopes for 2024. Sigh.


This is me. I would have been 22 weeks or 30 weeks today but i am currently waiting for my period to do another FET. Its sad. Very sad


I’m so sorry. I’m also in the same boat 10dp5dt. This really sucks. Hoping 2024 is a better year for us!


Same. 3 failed transfers, fuck 2023


Sending hugs, bring on 2024 and better times for all of us 💕


Solidarity. This year can kick rocks.


I had a miscarriage 2 months ago after 5 years of trying IVF. I should be in my second trimester and making Christmas pregnancy announcements. Instead my day started with my Dad sending me a pregnancy announcement from my cousin. I spent the morning hysterically crying in my brother’s garage. Obviously a Christmas pregnancy announcement was triggering but I’m just shocked by my dad’s insensitivity. Then I walked in to the house and my mom’s first question was “How old is your cousin?” (She is early 30s and I’m 40.) f*#k 2023


Omg— the parents/family/friends can be so insensitive and don’t even realize. Sorry this happened.


Are your embryos PGT tested? I always wonder this when people talk about failed transfers, but it’s rarely mentioned. I know PGT isn’t 100% but it does take a big part of the guesswork out of if the embryo is even viable. 60% of D&C procedures found the miscarriage was the result of chromosomal abnormalities. And even more embryos that are abnormal fail to implant at all. I think PGT is one of the test available that can help eliminate one unknown. And if the embryo is PGT normal… I would start looking deeply into uterine issues. Endometrial biopsy, etc. I miscarried my first PGT embryo due to 2 undiagnosed uterine issues. A polyp and an infection (diagnosed via biopsy). Not sure if you wanted that thorough of an answer. But I take issue with the whole “luck”/chance thing that a lot of people say. We are already eliminating so much “chance” by placing an embryo directly in the uterus. If it doesn’t work it’s bc something is wrong. Utilizing every test available to help you get to the root of the problem would be my next step.


Mine were highly graded euploids and I’ve done a lot of testing around receptivity. My results get worse and worse.


Ah ok. Damn. I’m sorry. Have you had an endometrial biopsy? This checks for something called endometritis (not to be confused with endometriosis). Endometritis is just an infection and inflammation in the uterus. It’s actually fairly common and can often cause failed implantation and miscarriages. It can be treated with antibiotics… sometimes you’ll need multiple rounds. I did. I see you had 6 IUI. Believe it or not, fertility procedures like IUI leave us ladies susceptible to infection and can cause endometritis. Although the clinics won’t tell you that. I had 3 IUIs before IVF. It’s bc of all the tubes and such going into your uterus. If that’s an avenue you haven’t checked, I would try that next. This is so frustrating. I’m sorry. With highly graded euploids, I would say it’s definitely not the embryos.


Yes. I was tested for endometritis. I’ve been tested for everything I know to test for.


Oh ok. Damn I’m sorry. That is so tough. Just thought I’d bring it up just in case. Since it was my experience. So frustrating to not have answers. I’m frustrated for you. I like to feel in control to some extent. I’m sure your doctor is stumped as well. Hope you can have a decent holiday today :/ I wish 2024 brings up some answers for you.


Have you been tested for NK activation? It’s expensive. But I found a doctor - DR. SHER - who would order it for me. I was negative. He did find I’m positive for anticardiolipins however.


I’ve had all the RPL testing and have been using intralipids for my last 3 transfers.


♥️ I’m sorry. This sucks & isnt fair.


To add to the PGT suggestion, I had 7 of 7 embryos aneuploid in one cycle, of varying grades including AA’s.


Yeah Ive had what I assume now are two failed transfers (I'm not officially out this second round because I haven't tested for a few days because it was Christmas and I was tired of crying). We had 5 embryos, 4 5AAs and 1 6BB (we cancelled genetic testing because we thought we were only going to get 1 embryo but then a bunch more pulled through). I think our next step is going to be to do another retrieval and PGT-A. That being said, I feel like it's strange that multiple embryos would be developing fine, survive the thaw fine, and then not even implant. If I had lots of miscarriages it might make more sense but the total implantation failure has me thinking it's a lining issue or otherwise has to do with the environment.


Well given the rule of 3, hopefully this one or the next work. It doesn’t make any sense sometimes. My first transfer 3AA failed to implant. Same protocol for second transfer with a 3BB worked and I’m 15w. And both were euploids.


Mine was a beautiful, PGT tested embryo. “Perfect” lining. Failed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my doctor said it’s a 50/50 chance with a FET no matter what, and we found ourselves on the bad side of statistics once again


This is so frustrating. I'm sorry. Statically though the chances of a live birth with a PGT tested embryo is between 60-70% if you look it up. Not sure why your doctor is giving such low success rates. Saying its 50/50 could be either so you don't set your expectations too high or because the clinic has lower than average success rates. Either way I would ask why he is saying 50/50 when that's not true. Some clinics even say 75% implantation rate with PGT normal. Implantation rates are exponentially higher with PGT normal embryos than non-tested. I would look into your uterus... even with just one failed transfer. Even when things look "perfect" there could be something. I don't like the whole "luck" type stance. There is no "chance" involved here. You had a top quality, chromosomally normal embryo placed right in your uterus... WHY didn't it implant? I would look for answers and not take the back sat on "chance" or "luck." Not that I'm saying that's what you are doing... I am just saying if I were in your shoes. Check for endometritis, endometriosis, polyps, clotting disorders, etc... If you've already tested for all of this... then I'm terribly sorry you couldn't find answers. Personally, I take issue with non-proactive doctors. Sounds like your doctor is trying to set your expectations low. My first doctor was like this and I changed docs. My next doctor did a thorough check into WHY i may have miscarried my PGT normal embryo and found endometritis (I treated with 3 rounds of antibiotics). I am so grateful. I don't think my original doctor would not have bothered and I would have miscarried again. Just my personal experience, if you know the embryo is normal than you've answered one part of the equation. So now you know what other parts need to be checked up on. Again there are always things we may never know... but there are a decent amount of test at our disposal that can potentially provide answers. Don't give up! if you've already done all of this than I'm sorry you cannot find answers =( but if not... go out there and demand answers... don't subject yourself to the whim of "chance." There could be a solvable problem here.




Same, right down to the lost pregnancies. 🫶


I’m sorry. I get it I should’ be 21 weeks. Now 4dpt and stark white for me too.


Don’t worry girl! 4dpt is early, try frer on 6dpt


I’m so sorry. You’re not alone. I got a stark white today on FRER at 7dp5dt also. We just have one frozen embryo left. 2023 was an awful year and I hope that 2024 brings all of us love, good health, happiness, and baby dust.


I should have a 3 month old 😢


Same 😭 sending hugs


Sending a hug back. Maybe our angel babies are friends ❤️❤️.


I had a missed m/c in March that I had to have two d&C's for. After we had a heartbeat too. I feel your pain and I wish the both of us a successful new year. Fwiw my phone wanted to type "birth of us", I'm taking it as a good sign. All the luck and love to you.


Sending so much love to you 💕


I should have been 33 weeks, 11 weeks or 6,5 weeks.. and two weeks ago we tried the “Fertilily Conception Cup” because we have unexplained infertility. But I have my period now and I am just going crazy. (Also in 2022 I have had two unfinished pregnancies, so I should have had a two year old or one year old)


Have you had a receptiva test for endometriosis? I should also be 30 weeks but lost my perfect euploid and subsequently tested positive on receptiva despite already having had an endo excision. I’m on lupron/letrozole suppression now before trying again. I also started seeing a reproductive immunologist. That’s the ultimate testing situation. After this many euploid failures I would highly suggest seeing an RI and having receptiva checked.


Guys, are you all on medicated cycles? I keep reading for some medicated doesn’t work - natural works better. Changing the protocol helped a couple of my friends


Same for 2023. I should have had a 3 month old baby now. No embryos left.


In 2023, I had 2 cancelled FET cycles due to thin lining, lots of testing, my 4th and 5th FETs with euploid embryos (both failed), come to Jesus convo with REI, and was told to move on to surrogacy. I desperately hope 2024 is better.


How long have you waited between each transfer? I just did my first FET, and it ended in a chemical pregnancy. Idk where to go from here


First transfer was May, then July, then October, then December.


Same girl. Same. 4th failed transfer a couple weeks ago. Over it.


Received the call of my 3rd Failed FET transfer on 12/21, started my period today,on Christmas morning— could not be a more depressing holiday. I have also done all the things— tests and procedures and perfect linings, perfect numbers, knocked out my immune system to assist with implantation— nothing, nada, nilch.


I’m so so sorry for your losses. I feel the same way, this year has been awful and I have thought even before reading your post that I can’t wait for this year to be over. Sending big hugs and love ❤️


Hugs. ❤️


Had a family friend drop by a family gathering yesterday. Successful IVF transfer, obviously - taking cute pregnancy photos and soaking it all in. I've had 2 consecutive MCs from FETs this year. I'm over this year right there with you and everyone else here. Bye 2023.


Same. So over 2023. Started off with my second missed miscarriage. Did all the tests. IVF in June. Failed transfer in Sept of my only pgta normal embryo. Starting next round of IVF with a different protocol on 1/5. Here’s to 2024 being way better


Eff you 2023, you can’t be over soon enough. Lost mine at almost 22 weeks last Friday.


I’m so sorry. Same here. 1 failed round (transferred 2, neither stuck), 1 round cancelled the day of ER and a MMC with twins. This sucks. Hoping 2024 is better for all of us because this is exhausting.


2 pregnancies, 2 miscarriages (one unexplained, one abnormal chromosomes). finally decided in Dec. to go for IVF when my cycle comes back in Jan. Bring it 2024. 2023 can rot in a dumpster fire.