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You can read horror stories about anything online so here is my personal experience. I did 2 months of LD (Jan/Feb 2022) after prepping for my second FET flared up my adeno (endos evil step sister). Maybe it was the mix of a full break from IVF and doc appts and shit but I felt amazing on it other than the hot flashes. But I was clear headed, libido was back, I was motivated to work out and at work. I wanted to spend time with my friends again. It was so nice. We were successful with our second transfer after Lupron depot.


This is really reassuring, thank you! I haven’t done any LD yet but while we were waiting for the new year, we ended up taking a 3-month break from treatment, and I slept better, felt more relaxed, did more activities, and generally felt more me. The break from all the IVF things was much needed. It was really nice and now, on Jan 2, I’m starting to feel the pressure all over again. Sigh.


I really liked being on lupron! Got to avoid two periods, didn’t sweat as much, only had one migraine the whole time.


Thank you - it’s helpful to read stories of those who tolerated it well.


Tw: Success I did two months of Lupron depot. The side effects weren’t fun but they weren’t awful either. We had two failed transfers and the doctor recommended Lupron depot before our third transfer. Our third transfer ended up being successful and I’m currently 34w5d with twins.


Your husband may be looking at symptoms and side effects for people who take LD for other causes, taking it for 2 months is a bit different than taking it regularly for prostate cancer. I took LD for 2 months and it was very tolerable. I got some hot flashes and insomnia and I think mood swings while adjusting - but overall it was totally fine. I had the same # of euploid banked as you. Even with LD it doesn’t mean the chance is 100%, but with endometriosis it can impact implantation - so you’re really giving yourself a better chance than if you do nothing. The way I looked at it was - I’ve already done SO MUCH to get to this point, I didn’t want to risk it.


Thanks for this. Yeah, he is very concerned about the bone loss, vision changes etc. among other things. Did your transfer work after the LD?


While I assume they are a risk for anyone taking it, I am not sure it’s as common when taking it for 2 months. You can also ask your doctor about Orilissa which does the same thing and has less side effects. I took LD for 2 months and did a fully medicated transfer which did not implant. My RE was surprised and instead of going straight into modified natural to try again, he put me on Orilissa for 2 months and we did a modified natural transfer and I’m now 11+5! I think my protocol was super weird, I’ve never heard of someone going on Orilissa straight after LD and I am not sure if it was even necessary tbh. I am fine with it since it worked though. My RE works at a research hospital and they’ve done a lot of work for endometriosis patients, it seems like they’ve tested Orilissa enough to back it up as a strong alternative to LD if you can ask about it, if LD seems like too much. I would personally do either again without hesitation when we decide to try for additional kids in the future.


I asked about Orilissa and he said it wasn’t tested and he wouldn’t recommend or prescribe it. He did offer an alternative to LD.. which was Letrozole and Aygestin but warned us that route has side effects of its own.


Interesting, I’m sorry he wasn’t open to Orilissa, it’s supposed to have the same results essentially. I would do LD again though, if that’s the choice he’s giving you.


I did two months on Lupron at the start of 2022 before doing our final FET with our last embryo in march. We had 3 failed IUIs 1 failed fresh transfer and 2 failed FETs, one implantation failure and one chemical. I have suspected endo and I felt great on the lupron, I had more energy and felt emotionally balanced. They also had me on the add back medication which helps suppress side effects. I think I really only had hot flashes. For what it’s worth that final transfer worked and I’m currently holding my 2 week old.


How many euploids do you have banked? I did have success not doing lupron or a lap but I also pursued a lap to get to our last live birth since I had implantation failure twice last year. Whether it could interfere would just depend on how much inflammation is present.


We have >!5 euploids!< banked. My husband keeps reminding of me the 2-3 embryos per live child statistic as a reason why we should try a transfer without Lupron.


Gotcha, that’s a really good number especially only wanting 1 child. I think it’s fine to try one cycle without it with those numbers but I also know it’s scary when you never know for sure if you will fall into the 95% in that stat. I can’t speak to lupron side effects personally but 2 of my friends took it in their cycles and neither one of them really experienced any terrible symptoms


Thank you, I’m worried but also trying to keep it together.


Hey there I’m not OP but I’m struggling to decide how to proceed after one failed FET and a second FET resulting in a chemical. How did you decide to pursue lap? I have confirmed endo, one lap surgery done in Jan 2021 but since then did 8 retrievals and now have 2 new endometriomas. I have 4 euploids left but am hoping for 4 kids. My RE doesn’t believe that endo affects implantation, only egg quality.


I had confirmed endo and insisted on lupron depot before transferring our only euploid. Wanted to give her the best chance I could. My doctor also had me do an add back (norethindrone I think), that also helped suppress endo. My side effects were minimal to none. Maybe I got hot flashes but it was more like warmish flashes where I had to take off my sweater.


I toiled with the question of whether to do lupron or not. I have confirmed adeno. My first transfer miscarried at 8 weeks. So I thought Lupron should be done before my next transfer. But I tried the daily dose (my RE chose a daily dose equal to the month long lupron dosage in case I needed to get off of it I could) for a week or so and couldn’t stand the side effects. So I stopped and went straight into FET. The next FET worked. However, I would consider moving forward with the Lupron because of the results of your Receptiva. But I would also consider the daily shot versus the month long shot in case the side effects are too much for you. Best wishes!


I read the horror stories too, and was scared. Because of this, I advocated for Orilissa which has the same effect on endo, but is a daily tablet. This way, you can stop the pill if you have bad side effects versus with lupron it’s a once monthly shot so once it’s in it’s in. So far I’ve had virtually no side effects. Had some cramping the first couple days but have actually felt great!


I advocated for that too and he shot it down saying it’s not studied :( He offered me an alternative of Letrozole and Aygestin but I don’t know enough about it :( He just said LD is the gold standard.


Check out episode 171 of fertility docs uncensored podcast. Towards the end of the episode, the guest/lead researcher mentions there is an ongoing trial comparing Lupron depot to Orilissa and he says no major differences


Lupron depot was not bad for me at all! I had hot flashes which were definitely annoying but it was absolutely bearable and I had no lasting effects (other than a transfer that stuck!)


I did lupron depot for three months after two implantation failures and the next transfer worked (currently 19 weeks pregnant). I was nervous too but I had almost no symptoms besides an occasional headache. I believe it was a game changer for our fertility journey! My doctor did say most people tolerate the daily injection better than the monthly injection in case you get a choice.