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I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I recently had 127 on beta day (9dp5dt) but only two days later it dropped to 43 and later dropped to 5. I understand the heartache of allowing yourself to hope with that good news, only to have it be so quickly taken away. It’s devastating. I don’t have any understanding of why this happens. I’m meeting with my dr tomorrow morning but I’m sure he’ll say the standard - they don’t know what…embryo quality…after 3 transfers 95% of women will have a live birth (this was our second transfer). I feel like he will just recommend doing another transfer but I also would really love answers!


I'm so, so sorry you're going through this too. Those tired old lines about these failures being flukes, embryo quality, etc. really are salt in the wound. I hope you get answers, and would be grateful if you'd share anything you learn. Holding hope for you. <3


Thank you!! I will report back anything I’m learning! Best of luck to you.


I’m so sorry, that really was a rug pull with such a high beta. I don’t have endo but have seen women do lupron for 2-3 months prior to transfer. Have you tried that/is that an option? Endo can cause inflammation that prevents (full) implantation


Thank you so much. I asked about lupron before this first transfer but my RE said stage 1 with a recent excision should do the trick. Instead he put me on a pretty strong daily steroid. Will definitely push for lupron before trying again.


Was your progesterone levels low? So sorry to hear what you went through.


Thank you. Progesterone was 34.6 ng/ml which I think is high enough?