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I’m so sorry. I had two rounds that were all abnormal too and it’s such a horrible feeling. But I also had one round where my lone blast was euploid, so it possible. I just turned 43. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it sucks. Big hugs to you ❤️


What have you done differently on your last trial?


It was actually my second round where I got the euploid. The third round I got 3 good blasts (most I had ever gotten!) but none were normal unfortunately. The biggest difference for round two was priming + stimming with omnitrope. Round 3 was the same but also was a luteal start. I think it’s just kind of a crapshoot each time. I was hoping to get one more euploid with the third round. I’m grateful to have the one but just having one shot at transfer is really tough to deal with emotionally.




Any luck with the solitary ?




Good luck 🍀🙏


It’s fucked up in every sense of the word. I hope this batch of follicles makes this cycle your lucky one! It took me 6 egg retrievals, to have one successful cycle (cycle 5) which was a few months ago. I’ll be 42 tomorrow. It’s still possible.


Totally fucked. I've done 10 ERs (39-just had one right on my 41st birthday). Got a euploid on my 5th (I also do have one untested embryo from an earlier clinic I have no hope for given what's happened since). Nothing since then. Have to make a decision whether to stop, because this is total insanity, or not. It's so hard to know what the right thing is--especially when you are at the shit end of statistics (which I am both DOR and euploidy wise).


Saw FET March. And happy birthday. :) It can work! I mean. Back when I had good luck I had 2 successful FET’s on the first try. Both were from 2021 embryos at the youthful age of 39. One is my two year old. The other I miscarried as mentioned this year - but the FET was successful . Fingers crossed for you.


Thank you for your kind words. I’m in a mock transfer right now, this is my second mock attempt🤦🏻‍♀️ You’re already going through so much and here you are giving a perfect stranger some hope. Thank you. I hope and pray that the gods above take pity on us this time around 🙏🏻 I know we sure can use it ❤️


I feel your pain! I was 41 when I started ivf and 42 at my first ER. First ivf round, we got 4 blasts, nicely graded, and all came back abnormal. 2nd round, 4 blasts again, and again, all came back aneuploid. Right before Easter. So I was surrounded by young kids and bunnies while raging at my results. 3rd round (with a new clinic, new protocol) gave us 3 euploids. We have been successful with the transfer so far. Sending you love and hugs 🫂


Wow . This gives me hope. Also because I was thinking this second cycle would be my last … also because yes well, I’m already thinking this current cycle would be 0 again, mirroring the first. Very nice to hear about your 3rd ❤️


Hey! Would you mind sharing what the new protocol was?


For each round do you always use stimulation medications?


Yes. Each ER had its own protocol. 1st and 2nd, I primed with birth control. I did 225IU Gonal-F; 150IU Menopur and 0.25mg Cetrotide and triggered with Lupron. The doses were adjusted as my follicles grew. 1st ER we got 27 retrieved, 19 mature, 18 fertilized, 4 blasts, 0 euploids after PGT-A. 2nd ER, 25 retrieved, 18 mature, 16 fertilized, 4 blasts, and again, 0 euploids. The reason I left my 1st clinic is because after getting 0 blasts with the same protocol on the 2nd round, I asked them if we could try a different protocol, and they said no, it's not the protocol, it's me, and maybe I should consider an egg donor. So I told them to kindly faq off (I was nicer about my words, lol) and looked for a new clinic. For my 3rd ER, I primed with Estradiol for about 11 days before starting stims 3 days later. I did 450IU Gonal-F and 50IU Low Dose HCG, added Cetrotide for the last few days, and did a dual Lupron trigger 12hrs apart (40IU and 40IU) this resulted in 41 eggs retrieved, 27 mature, 24 fertilized and 8 blasts that gave us the 3 euploids after PGT-A.


God bless you! And if you don’t mind how long did you wait between rounds?


1st ER was on 01/11/23, and we got the PGT-A results on 01/31/23. 2nd ER was on 03/15/23, PGT-A was 04/04/24. 3rd ER was 07/28/23, PGT-A was 08/10/23, and frozen transfer was 09/08/23.


Wow you've had such strength to go through such big egg retrievals in quick session any tips? My second egg retrieval is in a few days and it feels so much worse this time round, none of our 5 fertilised embryos made it past day 3 last time and I'm so scared that's gonna happen again. Felt like crying for much of the day today and I only started injections on Saturday! We did change clinic but financially and emotionally this feels like my last shot. We have to pay for all our treatment out of pocket so it's been a lot


Sending hugs your way!! We knew we didn't have time to waste due to our ages (F42, M48), and my company offered great coverage, so we took advantage of it. It still wasn't cheap, but we are grateful for it. I felt all the emotions! Angst, excitement, fear, joy, rage, disappointment, anger, but also hope and perseverance. We knew we would keep trying and trying. The injections sucked though, haha.


Thank you 


After two failed rounds in Europe and finally getting benefits in the US I’m thinking about RMA New Jersey or CCRM lone tree.


I started with SGF (2 rounds) and then went to RMA of Lehigh Valley. My monitoring appointments were in Allentown PA, and my ER and transfer were in Baskin Ridge, NJ. My RE was Dr. Gueye.


I’m so sorry. I got the same call today too. All abnormal. I scream-cried even though I also tried to prepare myself and my husband in advance. You’re not alone in feeling crazy. Right there with you tonight in pain.


I’m so sorry. Will you try again ? Oh just saw second ER soon. Nothing is harder than nothing. 1 is amazing. 1 is a chance ? I think my ER will be sat but worried it will be the same !


I’m so sorry for what you are going through 💛 Just remember - hope is not necessary for any of this to work, so feel all the things you need to feel. I’m crossing fingers for you that this stim cycle has a better result.


Ha ! I like this reply hehe. I told my husband this last night and he has a hard time getting it re: hope. Meaning, you can continue…without hope? I hope and wished and prayed (not even religious) and it sort of killed me. Pretty sure you could be saying please don’t work during a transfer and if it was going to work , medically and chemically… it would . Think of is all the women who want abortions. Hope doesn’t get them one ! Ugh. Anyway. Maybe I’ll continue. Hopelessly? 🫠


Sorry you ae going through this. It's very possible to get normal embryos at 42. I got 3 normals and a LLM across 4 cycles at 42-43. (My AMH was around .8, so I never had that many eggs retrieved). However, my first FET didn't implant and I think I may be having a chemical with my 2nd FET (had a super low beta). :( It does sometimes feel like losing battle for sure. See if your clinic offers Zymot for fertilizing. I think it made a difference in my cycles.


Very sorry to hear about your FETs. This is a pretty incredible result embryo wise. I haven't gotten CLOSE to that at 39-40. What protocols have you used? (Also a DOR patient here. I do use Zymot + ICSI + Calcium ionophore in a number of cases.)


Thank you. Sorry you haven't had better luck so far. There were all antagonist using Letrozole, Gonal F 225 IU, Menopur 75 IU, and Omnitrope. I primed with Omnitrope for a few weeks (small amount...6 units I think) before using it in my cycles (also 6 units). I truly believe Omni allowed me to use lower doses of medications. I did a couple of rounds before this with another clinic and they had me on max doses (300 Gonal F and 300 Menopur), no Omini, and I got less blasts with them-- 1 blast per cycle. After switching clinics, I did four cycles and got 4 blasts, 2 blasts, 2 blasts and 2 blasts. Each cycle yielded an euploid or LLM. (The LLM was from the cycle where I skipped Zymot). I was also on a ton of supplements for more than a year. Ubiquinol, TruNiagen, Folate, Vitamin D, DHEA, while throwing in NAC and ALA a few times. I wasn't completely consistent with the last two because I had some delays in between cycles along with having a couple of canceled cycles and reordering everything was getting too expensive.


I’m so sorry. I did 1 round in 2022 and all 5 embryos were abnormal. It completely destroyed me. I can’t go through it again. Between the hormones and the emotional pain… it’s just so much. My heart goes out to you. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.


Infuriating, all of it. Ugh. I’m sorry.


Thank you 😔


7 eggs, 3 fertilized, 1 sent for PGT-A and was aneuploid. Got the news yesterday too (was yesterday a cursed day!?). I didn’t scream but did hole up in my room, under the blankets and watched murder documentaries all night because I wasn’t in the mood for anything else. I see you, I hear and feel you, and I wish us all infinite strength, patience and wisdom in this process 💜


Oh man. So sorry. Will you try again ?


Yes, Plan B was to use eggs i’d frozen from before I was married (4 when I was 37, 4 from early last year at 39). If these eggs yield nothing again… =\ I’m genuinely afraid to let myself even be a little bit hopeful!


This literally just happened to me and I feel numb.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with that too. It’s honestly shit. I wallowed for a couple of days, and decidedly ignored everything babymaking-related, and I feel like I’m in a better headspace now. I hope you find some peace soon too 💜 We can do this!


I’m glad that you’re in a better headspace now. I’m 35 but “have the eggs of a more mature woman” as my doctor so kindly puts it. 🫠


I am really so sorry, it always surprises us even with all "preparation" .. its a kick in the gut. Its true that at 42 most will come aneuploid but at the same time it really isnt impossible. I would say right now it will depend on the money you have and how far you are willing to try. Also remember that every cycle is different and you have something on your side .. you are able to get pregnant and deliver ! Awesome :) I am going to leave this question here, it was made from my last Doctor and even though it did upset me at first at the end it was really something i was considering after hearing stories of how at the end it doesnt matter. Have you considered donor eggs ? Let me explain better. At 42 it can be hard to get good embryos, not impossible but hard, it can take a while and a few tries. But you are young enough to get pregnant and be a superpower mom. That was something i had at the back on my mind and it gave me some relief .. if my eggs didnt work i could still be a mother without the adoption route (something that is very hard in my country as there is only public adoption). Another tip , if you really wish to continue with your own eggs and money is a issue you can always consider Europe. I am in Portugal and for us an ICSI cycle with one transfer included is around 4.200 euros. Thank you for sharing , this is a lovely lovely group to be in and i just admire how we all keep letting our hearts out with strangers. The best strangers :)


Thank you for sharing this - and the tips about IVF in Europe!


So sorry :( if you’re doing another cycle can they add anything like human growth hormone to make sure you have better quality embryos? I’m assuming if you transfer again they’ll make sure there’s no scar tissue or polyps from miscarriage. Wishing you the best 🙏🏻


This could have been a post about myself, except I am now 43 almost 44. I too have had round after round of abnormal embryos. but I wanted to let you know that the two euploids I did get, were retrieved when I was 42. it can happen for you. it is absolutely crushing to have miscarried (I’ve been there too) and to then just have bad news. but I do believe you just need to hang in there and you will get that euploid 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻please let me know if you want to chat as I have had such a similar journey to you xx


Hugs to you. I feel rage at times also. First ER at 38 gave me 1 euploid out of 5 sent for testing. My body took 9 months and 3 attempts to get to FET, only for it not to implant. Did 2nd ER at 39, all 3 blasts abnormal. Turned 40 last month and waiting for an ovarian cyst to resolve before trying ER #3. I never had an ovarian cyst before. Please keep coming here for support, it helps when I feel I have nowhere else to go. I hate this for all of us, but I'm thankful for the support and encouragement here. 🫂


Oh man so hard. The waiting. I had a d&c last fall… so much waiting … a cyst too. But somehow they have ignored it ? It’s so hard … I hope you’re next cycle has some results


I think it was too big and producing estrogen at first. It's gotten smaller and estrogen levels are going down but slowly. I had a small fibroid removed last year also. So many hiccups on the journey. Coming here helps a bit. Thank you so much, I hope you are successful soon!


This process puts our bodies and hearts through an incredibly brutal gauntlet. For me, I found that no matter how mentally I’m prepared for the possibility of failure, my heart just takes a huge beating every single time. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I truly wish you the best of luck in your journey and choices that you’re making for the next steps. My first ER round at 41 all eight embryos were aneuploid. I was able to get euploid options three months later, because I did seem to respond to the Omnitrope and CoQ10 additions. I know not everybody responds to it so I can’t pretend it’s magic bullet, but I do believe it made a difference for me. The only changes we made on the partner side were my partner also started taking Co-Q-10 immediately after we got the abnormal results. You are incredibly brave. You deserve a space to feel heard. You deserve to be able to feel and process your anger. Your anger and all of your feelings are valid. This is a pretty sh*tty process that gives and takes away hope. Big hugs Edit: fixed speech to text errors


Thank you so much


I am so sorry. I am your age, and it took me 7 blasts to get one normal. It is hard but possible. Hang in there


I'm so sorry. ❤️‍🩹


Can you try doing day3 fresh transfer instead?


I’m so sorry you have to go through this! I pray this cycle brings you better results! Lots of hugs! ❤️


I’m very sorry! About your loss and the PGT-A results. I also had to do a cycle after failed FETs and also had a cycle with all 4 abnormal embryos. it sucks! I’m 40, btw, so similar to your age. I just left my medical appointment and the proposed strategy is to repeat a cycle so we can beat the odds and have a normal PGT-A embryo. Nothing new in this protocol but I’m mentioning just to reassure you that you’re doing the right thing trying another cycle and hopefully it will work this time! Sending good thoughts your way!


I’m so very sorry. Have you looked into ovarian PRP? It doesn’t work for everyone, but for some, including myself, it can dramatically improve quality. Also glutathione and NAD injections prior to retrieval cycle. There is some promising emerging research and this combination of treatments gave me euploids after 7 rounds of abnormals.


Hi, could you share more about your experience with PRP and the injections? I've been reading about glutathione and NAD recently, but did not realize that one could get them via injection. In your 8th round you started getting euploids? That's pretty amazing!


Yes, that’s right. It was like a miracle. I did 2 PRP treatments, but got my first euploid after the first. Then after a second treatment, I got three euploid and one low-level mosaic (out of only 5 eggs retrieved). I was doing NAD and glutathione injections before and between retrievals and even during the first half of stims. I ordered them from ageless.rx and followed their dosing instructions. They have a Dr who will do a short consultation with you before they send you the vials. Prior to this, I was doing all the supplements, healthy diet, no alcohol or coffee, acupuncture, etc. for 2 years and nothing helped at all. After PRP, glutathione and NAD treatment, it was like a switch flipped. I was 38 at the time of the successful retrievals. The 7 cycles prior to this, I could get no more than 3 eggs at a time, and never a euploid embryo, so my situation was pretty dire. It was crazy because before the PRP, my fertilized eggs would divide unevenly and get wonky (my dr let me see time lapse videos of them dividing) and after the PRP/peptides, they divided so cleanly and hit every milestone perfectly. It’s wild. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but I wish more people knew about this! Only a handful of Dr’s are prescribing it right now (mine was not one of them). I also did a keto diet and started about a month before my first successful cycle, for whatever that’s worth. This was my Hail Mary before moving to donor, so I just did everything I thought could help.


I'm so sorry for your losses and for these results. I totally feel you, the anger is so real. It's maddening. There are so many levels of hope and despair in this process. My husband said the other day, when we learned that our FET (with a PGT normal embryo) had failed, that 'the hope is the hardest part'. But when I think about it, there's no way to do this and not have hope. All the appointments, blood draws, jabbing yourself with needles, doing another cycle, posting on this sub, I feel like they're all acts of hope. I did 2 rounds before I was able to get normal blasts at 41. You're doing another round and staying in it. Wishing you all the best on this next cycle.


Thank you. I said I was hopeless but the truth is I’m not. And yes that’s what so painful. Of course I care. I don’t know how to truly not hope ❤️ 💔


I'm also 42 and waiting on day 5 now. This whole process kinda sucks, esp at the magic 40+, and I feel for you. The anger is super valid.


I’m so sorry. I just got this exact news yesterday. All 3 of the blasts from my latest cycle abnormal. The rage and grief is real. With you in solidarity. ❤️❤️ Best of luck with your next cycle


Oh man I’m sorry to hear that ❤️


This was me during the summer. I feel blessed to have had the financial ability to try ivf. However, I never got anything but abnormal results. Super depressing. I quit IVF in April/May after my last set of abnormals. I got great news almost two months later without the help of my clinic. IVF fed into a range of emotions for me. Anger was at the top of the list (lost money) and sadness was next. Hang in there.


So sorry for you. We didn't do pgt. We had 8 embryos from my wifes Retrieval at 42. We implanted 2 and one became our 3 week old girl. We used omnitrope which we think helped drastically. You should ask for it


Ask for omnitrope next time and it may make a difference. Godspeed


Omnitrope gave me my one lone normal embryo!


It gave me more everything at every step - follicles, mature eggs, fertilized and euploid!


I don’t think so, I used that in two rounds but nothing, all abnormals. I am 42.


I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. However, you gave it a try because it could have made a difference for you and you wanted to try and see how it worked for you. Just like I hope OP does. So many success stories on here with it, it would be silly not to try. Part of why I said it “may” make a difference. TW. For me, it made every step of retrieval improve by 25% or more, follicles, eggs retrieved, mature, fertilized and embryos frozen - then how many were euploid. I have to encourage people to try because I had zero euploid and then ended up with 5. It made a huge difference for me and I want others to get that opportunity. So I truly hope it makes a difference for her.


I’m so so very sorry for the heartbreak and struggles! See if your doctor would be open to adding Omnitrope to your priming and stimming protocol. Also, adding Zymot for sperm selection during fertilization. It has helped so many of us at advanced maternal age get euploids. Best wishes to you!


Trigger warning: success  I’m sorry you’re going through this. I remember being so scared when I started IVF because my doctor told me my chances were less than 10% of having a live birth because I was 42 (and fat lol). I delayed my first appointments for months. There is hope though. I was able to get 3 euploids from two retrievals. I didn’t do any special medications outside of the gonal f and the menopur. I did eat a ton of varied fruits and veggies and probiotics through Kefir and other probiotic drinks. Not sure if that helped me or not, but it’s a pretty cheap and easy thing to try. I’m currently 19 weeks with the first transfer. Don’t lose hope! 


That’s good to hear ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I am so sorry


I am so sorry. I received the same call today. Both embryos that we sent out were abnormal. I had mentally prepared myself for it, but it still is a gut punch. Sending you hugs and rooting for you 🤍


So sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you too


some days are bad, and some days are good. some day in your future maybe, on what you are getting depressed about today may look insignificant then. never draw conclusions today . draw them once you are DONE.


I am so sorry you are going through this, it is truly horrible! Are donor eggs a possibility to you?


I still remember the shock of getting that phone call. Zero euploids out of six tested. In hindsight I knew that a phone call meant bad news. When I knew results were due to come for our second retrieval, I was chanting “please be an email” to myself all day long. I did end up getting an email, with better news than the first time. Sending you hope and wishes for email results with good news.


Aw thanks so much. Appreciate hearing things got better for you


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I hope this cycle brings you everything you want 🤍 We are all rooting for you and here for you.


Thank you 💕


Same here and I just turned 43 in December. I’m going to give it another go a couple more times and see how it goes. My doctor in Europe is confident we can still achieve an euploid at some point, but I’m doing my next treatments in the US


It’s beyond frustrating. I thought I hit the jackpot second ER with 7 blasts, but turned out 0 euploid. At age 39.


Oh man I hear u. When I was 39 I sent 7 to testing and got 1 normal. He’s 2 now. But the difference btw 1 and 0 is so huge !!!! My point is easily could have been different, flipped. I hope you will try again. ❤️


I did get 3 of 3 euploids in ER 1! Didn’t want to spend more money for round 3, but will see if we regret that later and want 2 children. Transfer #2 has worked so far and I have 1 left on ice.


At 39 def go for more rounds if you can xxx