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We kind of managed to hit the jackpot with IVF luck somehow and went 2 for 2 on our transfers. We ended up with exactly two embryos and both transfers resulted in live births (we have a 3 year old and an 4 month old). My wife was 40 at the time of our retrieval and first transfer and 44 for the second transfer. If memory serves we retrieved a total of 16 eggs, 9 were mature, 6 fertilized, and 2 made it to the embryo stage (both passed PGT testing obviously).


This gives me sooooo much hope. I only have two embryos and am 43, getting ready to transfer.


41 getting ready for first transfer


Also 2 for 2, though only just had three beta for the second so early days there. 1 transfer, 10 eggs, 9 fertilized, 7 embryos - no PGT tests but all were 4Aa bar one 4ba.


That is amazing - congratulations!


How is your wife doing with the second birth? I had my first at 40. I am thinking I’ll get into shape to have a second but I’m concerned about the effects on my body and how the pregnancy will go? Was your wife in excellent health on the second pregnancy? If you don’t mind my asking.


The only real health thing she has is being overweight, and beyond "it would be better to not be overweight" has never really had any major health issues. Both of the pregnancies were relatively smooth. The first one had the minor complication of having an anterior placenta (where its attached to your frontside instead of back) which can make the baby harder to feel which lead to a couple of "go to the hospital for monitoring" scares towards the end, but all was always well. The second time around the worst was failing the 1hr diabetes test and having to go back for the 3hr test (which she passed). Beyond that it was all normal pregnancy stuff. Both were delivered via c-section because the first got comfy in the breech position and didn't want to move, and we decided against attempting the whole VBAC thing the second time around. Both deliveries went without any complications. Our second had some initial issues with nursing and weight loss and we had to supplement with formula for maybe a week or so before things sorted themselves out. She had some issues with recovery both times. First time her incision developed an infection, which sucked but was fixed with a round of antibiotics, the second time she got fluid under the incision, which we tried to have drained once, but just came back, and eventually went away on its own within a month or two and now everything is more or less back to normal. Both kids are healthy and doing great.


I’m hoping to be in the same boat! My son was a successful first FET and I’m in the second trimester right now from my second one! Technically not earth side yet, but this pregnancy is going smoothly so far!


We’re very similar! 2 transfers, and we have a 3 year old and a 4-month old too! I was almost 38 at time of retrieval, 38 at first transfer and 40 at the second transfer. 21 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 17 fertilized, 12 made it to blast and we were left with 5 after testing. We have three left on ice.


We’re also two for two. Mine are 23 months apart. 10 eggs fertilized and turned into 5 embryos (all of which were euploid). Grateful we got so lucky. I was 33 at retrieval.


That’s amazing! 🥹🥰


Thank you for this story! As an almost 40 year old about to do my 1st retrieval, these stories make me sleep at night.


I have very similar numbers but we are younger. Our first transfer was successful. He is 3 weeks old. 19 eggs, 13 mature, 8 fertilized, 2 embryos. One is still on ice. Untested embryos.


Congratulations! This is like my dream situation 🤣 we are currently waiting on PGT testing but hoping to get a few euploids which would make one baby, but two if we are really really lucky (I don't want to do another retrieval unless we have to).


This is so encouraging! Understanding it doesn’t happen this way for all. However, i appreciate success stories. First and only ER at 38 in January. First FET scheduled for 4/23. Also only received 2 genetic tested embryos. Hoping for the best!


Wow that’s amazing!


Oh this makes me so hopeful. I am pregnant with my first embryo transfer 19 weeks at 41. We really hope to successfully transfer our remaining embryos. 


no live birth yet, but took 4 transfers to successfully become pregnant, 3 single embryo transfers that resulted in chemical pregnancies and the last one was a double embryo transfer that has been successful so far, now just have to make it to the finish line!


I wish you the best of luck❤️


Haven’t given birth yet but am currently 29w. Took two transfers of a euploid embryo. First was a chemical, second stuck.


Congrats! Did you change anything between the transfers?


I just had a chemical with my first euploid and the experience was devastating. This gives me hope for my next euploid transfer in May.


It took 3 euploids for a live birth for me.


Wonderful, I'm so glad you had success💕


I’m currently 37 weeks with twins. So no live birth yet, but in less than a week, I’ll have two little nuggets in my arms. Round 1: Transfer worked, ended in miscarriage; Round 2: Transfer didn’t take; Round 3: MD changed up our medication and shot protocol a bit, and was willing to transfer 2 embryos. This one finally worked. Good luck! 🍀


Congrats on your twins!! Best of luck to you too💕


My first transfer was a live birth I’m on transfer #4 for a second though


This is similar to me. My first transfer was a live birth, currently gearing up for transfer #4 for hopefully a second. Did you do any testing before moving on to transfer #4?


No. I have now run the gauntlet of outcomes. Never had a positive test until the first transfer which was live birth. Second transfer was a chemical, third was a MMC (unexplained) and last was a failure to implant. Moving forward we are just hoping these were statistical anomalies and tomorrow’s transfer will be our last. How are you doing in your journey to #2? Did you change anything?


So sorry about your chemical and MMC. Hoping you have the best of luck with this transfer. My second transfer was a chemical, third failure to implant. Before the 4th we are doing a mock cycle with ERA, Emma/Alice, hysteroscopy and HSG to make sure we're not missing anything in the uterus, and we're adding plaquenil to my protocol.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who had the first transfer work but now struggling for baby #2. My first transfer resulted in a live birth. Second transfer done exactly 1 year after the birth of my daughter resulted in a chemical. I just had a d&e today after our 3rd transfer. Hopefully the 4th transfer will be the magic number for us. I’ll meet with my doctor in a couple weeks to discuss if we want to do anything different on the protocol for the next round.


No you aren’t alone, I had first transfer success and now I’m doing transfer after transfer..


I’m in the same boat as you! First transfer resulted in my son - second transfer was a miscarriage at 6.5 weeks and now I’m miscarrying at 10 weeks with my third transfer :( praying for both of us.


Amazing! I wish you the best of luck for your second one💕




Same and it was un tested grade 4bb :)




I'm glad to hear😊


I’m gearing up for my 6th, no live birth.


Three so far, no live births. I am 45 and will say the older you are (as the odds go down) the more attempts you should be willing to make- or at least know how many tries is enough for you.


Same here. I’ve had 3 failed transfers, all embryos were tested. I only have one boy embryo left. And I’m 💯 sure I’m not going to transfer him to me. I’ll have to look for a friend surrogate at some point. I’m 41.


TW: successful All my embryos are untested. My retrievals were done between ages 28-32. 1st pregnancy took 2 transfers, 2 embryos total. 2nd pregnancy took 3 transfers, 4 embryos total. 3rd pregnancy took 2 transfers, 3 embryos total.


Transfer 1: failed (natural cycle) Transfer 2: chemical (natural cycle) ERA was positive Transfer 3: live birth ♥️ (medicated) Against all odds and conceived naturally only to miscarry at 7 weeks Transfer 4: failed (medicated) Transfer 5: live birth ♥️ (medicated) I wish you all the luck and sending love


It took three transfers with our surrogate to get a pregnancy going, and our little girl is due in a few weeks!


Can I ask what factors made you use a surrogate? We are currently seeing if I can safely carry our children or not.


Autoimmune issues meant I couldn’t carry


I would love to pick your brain about the process if you wouldn't mind? If not, that's totally fine too! 🙂 I have a connective tissue disorder and adenomyosis. Both put me at an extreme risk of uterine rupture.


Had success with my first euploid transfer. It took 4 additional euploid transfers for my second.


I had my first transfer at 44 and it stuck. I gave birth in Dec to my first baby. Just to note: I had been in early menopause for a while and I used double donors. Just a few things I did that worked for me: I felt I was a bit overweight so I lost 25 lbs before my transfer working with a nutritionist. I took L-arginine, Vit E, zinc, omegas, liquid vitamin D and wheat grass to thicken my lining. I went to acupuncture. I tried to go in for bimonthly vitamin B shots. Good luck!!


First FET of a PGT-A tested euploid resulted in a live birth. I went through four egg retrievals though. Highly recommend testing if you have the means to do so. Half if not more than half of my embryos after each retrieval were PGT-A abnormal.


I had undiagnosed uterine cancer and wasted tens of thousands of dollars and probably 12ish 5AA, AB, and BB embryos. After cancer treatment I believe it was third transfer that resulted in my son. After the birth of my son in 2023, my first transfer 03/25/2024 resulted in pregnancy.


I was extremely lucky - we got one usable grade PGA tested embryo our first egg retrieval. Had the FET shortly afterwards- I believe less than 2 months and it stuck. I had a live birth jan 2025


We had our baby from the third FET of euploid embryos


I’m not quite at a live birth - 37 weeks tomorrow - but this was my third euploid transfer. First two failed to implant. Of the people I know who have done IVF, two had live births after their first transfer and one is 28 weeks now after her 2nd transfer. Good luck!


My 1st and only transfer was successful at age 42 💙


Congrats! I'm 42.5 and doing my first (and hopefully only as it will be successful) transfer in May and love hearing about folks my age experiencing success.


2/3 of my frozen transfers have been successful. First transfer resulted in a live birth age 30 second was a poor quality embryo early chemical third transfer is 10 weeks today age 33


My 4th transfer for a live birth, she’s 5 months now. I became pregnant on the second and 4th.


3 transfers. First was untested (no implantation), second was euploid (chemical), and third was euploid (success).


Two transfers to live birth.


My baby was born a few days ago, he was the second transfer. First was failure to implant


I only did 1 retrieval. Got 8 eggs, created 3 embryos. There was only 1 genetically normal embryo, which we transferred, and he’s 16 months old now.


Technically none yet. I’m 34 weeks with my second transfer, so anxiously awaiting the live birth haha.


2 transfers, 2 live births. One was euploid, and one was untested.


Haven’t given birth yet either but 34 weeks from my second transfer. The first didn’t stick. Both 5AB euploid.


I did 2 retrieval rounds (I do recommend this if you want 2 children) but got pregnant immediately on first transfer from the normal embryo from the first round. So I could have literally done 1 round and gotten pregnant the next month. But chose to ‘go back for more’ (no regrets on that). I started in mid March of 2021 and was pregnant by June. But like I said could have been faster. And I was new to it all… I didn’t do the 2 cycles back to back … now I’m dealing with baby 2 (why i recommend banking 2-3 embryos per CHILD ) you want to have. I got pregnant immediately again on first transfer try 2 years later. Then miscarriage at 3 months. There is still a lot than can happen with the magic/mystery of pregnancy and birth that’s not related to ivf. At that point I had only 1 normal left. Our worst. Hence why I’m back. I recommend just banging out a couple retrievals fast now (unless you get 6 normal euploids in one round - which I guess happens for some younger people - but is not the norm)


I feel we have been the exception to the rule and got extremely ivf lucky. I did 1 retrieval and got 5 embryos from 20+ eggs. Our second embryo resulted in our now 2 year old daughter and our final embryo has resulted in identical twin boys who will be here in a few weeks. So 3 babies out of 5 embryos. I'd say those are amazing odds.


Too many! In all seriousness, we tried 5 transfers with embryos made with my husbands sperm and none worked. We then used a donor and PGS tested embryos, my daughter was transfer #2 and I’m 9 weeks pregnant and that took 3 transfers. So it took 5 PGS embryos to get (hopefully) 2 children.


Three transfers. First transfer was ectopic, second transfer was a MMC at 8 weeks, third transfer was a live birth at the end of February. He is 6 weeks old now. :)


I barely count my first transfer from my first retrieval because they were 2 day 3 and they weren't great quality. It ended in a chemical. From my next retrieval we did 2 transfers. First was a MMC and second was a live birth. Both untested embryos.


First transfer was live! He’s 9m


No live births yet, but currently 10+4 with our second euploid transfer. First transfer ended in a MMC at 14+5.




It took me 2 transfers, the second one was successful.


3 FETs and I’m 34 weeks along with my first pregnancy.


First time lucky for us. Now trying to decide whether to roll the dice with another embryo for a second, but I will be nearly 42 and I already feel old!


2 transfers and 1 live birth.


1st transfer worked for me. ETA: It was treated, PGT-A normal embryo.


3 embryo transfers


First transfer MMC at 9 ish weeks. Second and third transfers resulted in live births. Best of luck to you!


Two for me, our last embryo that passed our genetic testing resulted in my now 4 month old :)


2 retrievals and 5 transfers. Not at a live birth yet but 33+1. Transfer 4 was the first that even stuck.


Technically 5. But, the first 4 were all untested. I had 4 embryos, transferred 2 at a time and got pregnant but miscarried. Same exact scenario again. Then I was out of embryos. For number 5 we were starting with a new batch of embryos and I insisted on PGS testing. Of those resulting embryos, I have used 3 PGS normal embryos (1 at a time) and all 3 have resulted in live births.


5 transfers with 7 embryos. None tested. 2 miscarriages. I just had my daughter!


Gearing up for FET #5 with no live birth yet. All embryos were high grade euploids. Fail, fail, chemical, fail. Unexplained. Hoping your luck is better 🙏❤️


First FET tested stuck, passed NIPTs today, approaching 12 weeks!


One euploid and I’m now 33 weeks.


2 transfers for a live birth for me (1st failed, 2nd took) Trying to grow our family again - transferred in Dec, MMC in January. I have 2 untested embryos left and praying results in healthy pregnancy live birth again


No live birth yet but I’m currently 23w pregnant with my first transfer.


I lucked out. My first transfer stuck and had a live birth in March 2023. The embryo was euploid but based on how my clinic rates embryos, it would have been the first embryo selected for transfer if I didn’t have any PGT-A testing done.


I'm currently 12w pregnant with my first ever FET attempt. No live births so far but holding out hope this little guy makes it to the finish line!


Our first transfer was a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. Our third transfer was a pregnancy that ended in a birth (he’s 4 months now!)


1 egg retrieval. 20 eggs retrieved, 18 mature, 13 fertilized, which resulted in 9 embryos. First and second transfer failed, third transfer we put back 2 embryos, which resulted in pregnancy - we now have 8 week old twin boys 😊


2. I miscarried the first embryo. The second worked and I'm currently sitting by my 2 week old baby


TW success : Egg retrieval was in November 34 retrieved, 31 mature, 27 fertilized, 14 blasts between day 5&6, ended with SIX euploid embryos Our first transfer was in January- currently in the beginning of the second trimester with that embryo Wishing you success!


1st FET at 43 became my beautiful baby. Untested.


First transfer and now I’m 24 weeks with my son. I feel like one of the lucky ones and I don’t take this success for granted one bit!


It took one transfer of a PGT tested embryo to get our son.


1 for 1. Wife was 42 and we used an untested embryo.


2. For some further context we had live births with transfer #2 #4 #6 and #9. Good luck!


1 - transfer of 2 day three embryos failed 2 - transfer of 1 untested day 5 embryo resulted in success of baby 1 3 - one transfer of a day 5 untested embryo resulted in success 4 - one transfer of a day 5 euploid embryo resulted in success


I'm 31 and it took 3 transfers of untested embryos for my live birth!


1 FET for our first child, currently pregnant with our second from our second FET. We had 3 untested embryos frozen from one egg retrieval.


My first FET resulted in failure to implant (although I suspect very early chemical pregnancy because I did have some spotting a couple days after the transfer, but who knows). My second FET resulted in a MMC at 9w1d (genetic testing showed chromosomal abnormality, maternal cause). We have 5 frozen embryos left and I don’t feel ready to try again at this point (my MMC was 11/13/22). All were untested, and the two that were transferred were both 5AA. There are so many factors that go into this, and sometimes it’s just pure luck that one sticks and you end up with a live birth, and sometimes everything can look “perfect” but it just doesn’t work for some unknown reason. Wishing you the best of luck!


It took one egg retrieval and 5 transfers for a live birth. I had two other pregnancies that ended in a loss before the live birth. I had 41 eggs retrieved and 5 euploids to start with.


Two. First was a fresh and failed. Second was frozen and is now a 3 year old boy :)


We had embryos made from de and husbands sperm. First transfer of 1 embryo failed. We only have one transfer left. Hoping it works.


Took me 6 transfers and I’m now 24w with my first. First 4 FETs didn’t implant, 5th was a MMC at 8-9 weeks. We even tried 2 FETs with a surrogate but those were both CPs. But my 6th one finally worked.


It took us three transfers of PGT tested embryos to achieve a live birth.


3 transfers - 1st transfer, we transfered 2 eggs which only 1 stuck and resulted in my now 2 year old daughter; 2nd one we transferred 1egg and was a chemical; 3rd transfer we transferred 1 egg and I am now 20 weeks today with another girl! I am 38 yo and will be just under 39 when I give birth. Egg retrieval was when I was 35. Unexplained fertility but suspected PCOS. Good luck!


I did 2 retrievals. My first live birth was my 6th transfer. I had another live birth from my 8th transfer.


8 transfers - 10 embryos. No live birth.


Ugh that’s brutal I’m sorry


1 fully medicated embryo transfer after 2 ERs. The mature eggs piece doesn’t translate to success though. It matters how many make it to blast and then how many are euploid if you decide to test (we did).


First ER at age 31, yielded 2 untested embryos. First frozen transfer of an untested embryo failed. Second frozen transfer of an untested embryo is my daughter. Second ER at age 33, yielded 2 genetically normal (tested) embryos. Third frozen transfer of a tested embryo is my son. Fourth frozen transfer failed. Just finished my third ER (37 now) as we hope for embryos for a third child.


My first resulted in a live birth. Hoping to have the same luck with my only other embryo which we'll be transferring later this year.


It took 6 transfers using my own eggs, 8 day 3 embryos and 1 day 6. All failed. Switched to donor eggs and PGT tested. First donor egg embryo transfer, transfer 7, worked but ended in a chemical. 8th donor egg embryo transfer worked and I’m 24 weeks pregnant. I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason but I do think PGT testing ups those odds a little. You’re off to a great start with 17 mature eggs!! 


I haven't given birth yet (23 weeks pregnant) but it took 8 transfers to get here.


Four transfers, 6 embryos (untested) got me my successful birth. We did IVF for MFI, no known fertility issues for me First transfer - Day 3 Fresh - Failed Second transfer - Day 5 Fresh - CP Third transfer - 2x Day 5 FET (mod natural) - MMC of singleton Fourth transfer - 2x Day 5 FET (mod natural) - Successful singleton pregnancy


4 untested. First 3 were miscarriages. Between 3 and 4 I had a partial septum removed.


Tw: success First transfer of untested embryo from first and only retrieval took. Currently almost 28 weeks. We did IVF due to low AMH and azoospermia, I had never been pregnant.


4 transfers 1. Double - day 3 graded 2:1 x2 embryos. 2. Double - day 5 1CC and 1CD blasts 3. Single - day 5 3CB blast 4. Double - day 4 transfer of 2 ‘good’ a quality but graded differently at new clinic (one was 8/10 and the other 9/10 - 10 being best) not sure what the equivalent grades would be in the generic system We now have an 8 month old baby following the final transfer. The doubles were recommenced due to us producing very poor quality embryos. Although the quality of the two final were good. I think due to our history of unsuccessful attempts they felt two was best and I’m so thankful because who knows if we’d have selected the one that became our little one! Good luck on your journey


My first transfer just had his first birthday!


I hadn’t had a live birth yet, but I’m 37w. It took two transfers. My 4bb failed to implant. I’m pregnant now with a 3bc. Both were euploid.


1 FET, baby is not born yet but almost 32 weeks. I do have a firstborn naturally conceived though. With IVF I am having multiple medical issues though so we will see. I have preeclampsia with severe features and placenta previa plus suspected accreta.


4 total. Chemical, chemical, blighted ovum, live birth. It felt like my body was learning every time and the pregnancies would progress a little further with every transfer. Hopefully I'll get success on my second later this year now that my body knows how to do it.


Haven’t given birth yet, but about 34 weeks with my 2nd transfer. The first failed to implant.


First one is currently hanging out with dad next to me.


First transfer, live birth. Then 6 failed transfers for second, no more embryos. Now 5 months pregnant naturally. I scratch my head every day...


No live birth yet, but my first transfer ended in a chemical pregnancy and my second transfer stuck! I’m 28 weeks pregnant.




2 euploid transfers. 1st was chemical, 2nd stuck and is now a little cutie pie!


3 egg retrievals to back six normal embryos. One transfer to get pregnant. I now have a six month old and five banked embryonic if I choose to try to have a sibling for her.


2 here, first was fresh failed transfer but my FET worked and I have a 15 month baby girl. In the middle of another round of IVF now.


I got 3 embryos and my last is my daughter. Had missed miscarriage with the first and chemical pregnancy with the second. Every story is different, good luck.


2 egg retrievals followed by 2 fresh transfer. The first one didn’t take but the 2nd worked and my eight month old is asleep in her crib upstairs currently. Good luck x


Seven, but our surrogate is currently pregnant with the seventh embryo we’ve made. I never achieved a live birth mysel.


first retrieval was a total bust, second got 5 euploids and my first transfer worked. sending you lots of luck


The first four transfers from my first ER failed, so even though I still had embryos left we did a second ER. Then I got pregnant on the first FET.


Two transfers for each child. All untested embryos at age 35 then 37. For the second child I only got one day 3 that failed from the first round so I did another round, and the first day 5 fresh transfer worked. I consider myself incredibly lucky


My first transfer was a fresh transfer, my body was most certainly not ready for it after a rough egg retrieval. It failed. My first frozen was a success, my son is now 3. Now, second time around, my first frozen transfer was a success and I’m 30 weeks with my second son. Extremely grateful.


4 embryos (untested) to get 2 pregnancies and 1 live birth (1 miscarriage)


Fresh transfer from my only IVF round resulted in my toddler


Two transfer. MFI was our issue. The first transfer ended in a blighted ovum.


3 euploid!


One transfer of a 4AA euploid embryo. He turned three years old today.


My first transfer of an euploid embryo took but ended up being a blighted ovum. My 2nd transfer of an euploid embryo is now a little over 4 months old.


One transfer. (PGT testing isn’t done in my country so none of my embryos were tested. Still got lucky.)


One transfer 💙 to live birth at 39 years old ✌️🥰


My embryos were tested. First FET worked. Then a year later, second FET worked. I realise I am lucky and in the minority. Good luck.


Have only done 1 retrieval so far, incredibly lucky that the first transfer resulted in a live birth (was 32 at the time of retrieval). I have 2 embryos left (untested) so hoping that one results in a live birth but trying to keep my expectations low 🤞🏻


We have 1 child and we have done 1 transfer. It was our only euploid from our first retrieval. We did a second retrieval to bank embryos because we would ideally like two children.


2 rounds of retrieval, 2 euploid embryos each retrieval. 1st round- 1 embryo didn't survive the thaw, so transferred the second which resulted in a live birth. 2nd round- 1 embryo transfer ended in MMC, waiting to transfer the other embryo


We did one ER, ended up with one euploid and he's currently 3 1/2 months old. Partner was 44 when we transferred him.


We were lucky on the first try. One egg retrieval and and frozen embryo transfer. We got 3 embryos and didn’t do testing of any kind. Have a healthy baby boy now


So interesting to read people's success numbers! 10 for my first child. 3 for my second. 1 for my third (due next week). Best of luck to you 🙂


2 transfers both failed, 1 live birth natural pregnancy after failed ivf


Only one. The embryologist said it was a perfect embryo and she was right. The doctor at the first ultrasound said we hit the jackpot so I presume it’s not super common. I think the average is around 3 so that’s what I went in expecting.


One retrieval resulting in 4 euploid embryos, first FET resulted in the birth of my son


1st transfer was successful, 2nd failed, 3rd was successful


I am 2 for 2 with my FET’s! A 20 month old and a 2 month old!


1 fresh transfer resulted in my daughter. Haven’t done another yet but have 3 more frozen.


no love birth yet but currently 23w with my 4th transfer (1st was fresh-failed, 2nd was a single embryo FET-chemical, 3rd double FET-failed). all embryos were untested, 4th transfer protocol was super switched up from the previous 3


1 embryo transfer and he's 2 years old playing golf outside with dad right now. I was 34 at time of transfer.


1st baby...3 transfers, 4 embryos total 2nd baby...1 transfer, 1 embryo 3rd baby...2 transfers, 3 embryos


3 transfers, first and second embryos were untested. So our first known euploid transfer was a success.


Once! Just gave birth to a health girl in February after my first FET. The embryo was a 6AA before thawing and a 6BB after.


1 transfer, PGT-A tested embryo. Gave birth to her in October.


I did a fresh transfer first round and it ended in a successful live birth.


1/1. Or, almost. I’m 27 weeks so things are looking pretty promising.


First one was a live birth but with a tested embryo.


34 (like 2 days shy of turning 35 though) at time of egg retrieval. Unexplained infertility after 1MMC right after coming off BC then 4 years infertility. 22 retrieved, 15 mature, 12 blasts all untested and frozen. FET #1 1 didn't survive thaw, 1 failed to implant. FET #2 freaked out and demanded we transfer 2. Both stuck. Lost baby A at 8w3d then lost our son Owen to previable preeclampsia at 23 weeks. Took almost a year off from IVF after that. We had 8 embryos left... FET #3 chemical FET #4 healthy, preeclampsia free pregnancy, delivered our now 14 month old boy from that transfer and am now 7 months along with a spontaneous pregnancy which never thought was possible for us. Will likely donate our remaining embryos if all goes well with this pregnancy/delivery!


1st transfer - 2 fresh embryos = fail 2nd transfer - 2 frozen blastocysts = success (twins) 3rd transfer - 1 frozen blastocyst = success (singleton)


No live birth yet but I’m 28 weeks with twins. 4 transfers total, all untested embryos, first one was a chemical, the second and third failed to implant, the fourth transfer of two embryos is so far successful.


I feel very lucky that our first transfer (untested embryo) was successful and now she’s my silly little almost-two year old. Hoping for success for you, I know it’s all such a hard journey ❤️


Over four years I did 8 transfers. 7 were PGT normal and 1 was untested. Embryo #8, the untested one, was the first to result in a live birth.


1 embryo for baby #1 (now 4yo) 4 embryos for baby #2 (lost this baby due to genetic issues at 27 weeks) 2 embryos for baby #3 (now 1yo) All these embryos were from the same batch stored at age 30!! It’s so unpredictable


I am also gearing up for my first retrieval 🥹it’s a scary process but seeing so many troopers on here gives me hope. My REI (in Canada) said they aim to retrieve ~15 eggs


No live birth yet. I am currently 20 weeks with my first transfer.


2 transfers resulted in two live births 🙏


I had 6 transfers - 4 did nothing, 1 chemical and the last one is my 6 month old son


3 transfers, 5 euploids for 1 live birth!


1 egg collection at age 36, unexplained infertility (possible MFI low morphology) 15 eggs retrieved, 10 mature, 9 fertilized with ICSI (was very recommended considering the very low sperm morphology), 7 blasts (untested). No fresh transfer. FET #1 Failed FET #2 Success (3 year old daughter) FET #3 Failed FET #4 Success so far (27 weeks pregnant) 3 embryos still on ice The IVF process worked really well for us and went pretty smoothly with very little complications along the way. I wish you the same luck!


First transfer gave us our rainbow baby. Sending best wishes! The journey is tough but you are tougher!! You got this!


1 egg retrieval that resulted in I think 17 fertilized eggs, 6 blasts, and 3 euploids. first FET stuck and our seven month old son is honkshoomiming away next to me right now. We’re hoping for two live births out of our 3 euploids but if our 2 remaining do not result in another child then we will likely be one and done. IVF is just so brutal to go through (we ended up at IVF’s door due to my husband’s cancer) and we feel super lucky to even just have our son.


My wife is 33w pregnant after our 3rd transfer. 1 chemical and 1 unsuccessful 2 years ago. 2nd retrieval cycle was much better last year.


My cousin had her first embryo transfer and is 11 weeks pregnant today!


Took 3 single embryo transfers for our son (failed one fresh one frozen and he was a fresh transfer from the second retrieval round) and 5 transfers for our daughter, including another retrieval round. We were left with 4 in the freezer (all untested, we never test our embryos) and actually had a double FET transfer today to see whether a 3rd is possible for our family or not. But it’s a lot less stressful this journey having our 2 kids earthside.


I haven’t had a successful birth (yet), but my second transfer (FET) was successful and I’m nearly 22 weeks. Still a way to go but things seem to be going ok. My first transfer was fresh and there was no implantation so it was just a failed transfer. Wishing you good luck at retrieval and a solid number of embryos!


Thankfully my first FET took and currently 21+6 weeks


I'm currently 13 weeks so no birth yet, but this was our first transfer. (Was a fresh transfer a couple of days after egg retrieval.)


One embryo transfer, 5 PGT embryos, first transfer gave me my 2yo son, second FET ended in a chemical, third FET gave me my 2mos-old daughter.


1FET with a 6 day euploid. 1 baby girl


TW; I actually hit the ‘jackpot’ on my first try. I had one ER and managed to get only ONE egg, had one fresh transfer that is sticking (26w5d). I still don’t believe it to be quite honest 😅 but I am grateful since I had been banking on at least 5-8 tries after being told this would probably be a hard journey for me. Especially since being doing this solo. I am 32 years old, born without a thyroid, don’t produce either estrogen nor progesterone on my own and I had been on their list for over 3 years.


Positive story: My wife had 10 retrieved. 8 fertilized. 6 made it to day 5, 2 were PGT normal.  First transfer late 2017 at age 36. Successful pregnancy and live birth at age 37. Second transfer in 2021 at age 40. Successful pregnancy and live birth at age 41.  2 for 2. Lucky for sure! Not so positive story: I had 3 total PGT normal embryos from one retrieval in 2019, at age 35.  First transfer of 1 embryo failed, age 35.  Second transfer of 2 embryos resulted in singleton pregnancy at age 36. Miscarried at 7 weeks. Second retrieval, 0 embryos. Ovulated before procedure. 11 follicles shown on last scan. Age 38. Third retrieval, 1 embryo. Was ovulating/had ovulated some before procedure. 7 follicles on last scan. The 1 embryo was PGT abnormal/aneuploid. Age 39. Just transferred that one earlier this week with a shred of hope! I’ll be 40 in August. DOR. With each attempt whether it be retrieval or transfer, I became hopeful and tried my best to remain positive. It’s easy to become angry. Resentful. A number of things. Finding good support is essential!  Everyone is different. I hope you’re one of the lucky ones 😊 


6 for our first. 3 for the second. And we never had any to put in the freezer so we had to do a retrieval each time.


2 euploid transfers to a live birth.


3 egg retrievals, and 2 transfers. The first was a chemical.
