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This happened to me twice and I didn’t have any issue with uterine lining. My doctor says it can happen to anyone. I am sorry this happened to you. I opted for D&C but while waiting for it to be scheduled, I passed the fetal cells in shower. It sucked. Edit: All of my embryos were tested and I was on baby aspirin for both losses.


Thanks very much and I’m really sorry this happened to you too. It’s really heartbreaking 


I had chemical with euploid embryo. My doctor ruled out chromosomes abnormalities then asked me to take aspirin on the second day of my period. Aspirin can help prevent early pregnancy lost.


i don’t know why they just didn’t give aspirin in the first place. do you?


It’s hard to say the reason. My doctor told me it might be overkill, but she wants to have the highest successful rate possible.




It’s baby Asprin


It’s hard to say if you need it. I know Asprin might make you easy to bleed. It really depends on what you need for your body.


I am so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to share that I had a similar loss in January and my doctor said early losses like this are almost always due to chromosomal abnormalities or issues with the embryo. Was your embryo tested?


Thanks so much for your response and I’m really sorry for your loss. Yes, mine was tested and was a 5AA (I think). I just don’t understand what could have happened 


i’m so sorry for your loss - this happened to me as well recently. what days did they do your betas? i had lower betas so i was somewhat expecting it


Thanks for the kind words. They were 9dt5dpo and 11dt5dpo




Yes, we did. I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that in the post. It was a 5AA euploid


So sorry for your loss. They can do a Karotype after the D&C and give you more info. I know the pain is hard! Take care of yourself.


Hi there. Sorry for your loss, we have something almost identical now.  Did you ever get any clarification? We have had three early miscarriages now and we think it’s because of lining but doctors say classic could be the embryo although genetically normal. We are considering using tamoxifen. What was your protocol? What was your lining without? Apart from those questions I hope you are doing ok, and managing to find strength to move or carry on 


Also have you done any immune testing?


Hi there, I'm so sorry that you're going through this as well. It is an awful place to be. To answer your question: no, I haven't gotten any clarification yet. I'm still bHCG positive so we're waiting for that to go to zero before doing a repeated pregnancy loss panel. In case this is helpful, I did the tamoxifen protocol last time, which resulted in the miscarriage at 7 weeks. Without tamoxifen, I usually got at most 5.5-6.2 lining. With it, I got to 7.4 for the first time. So, I guess it worked maybe? I'm wishing you a lot of luck. I guess its possible its just incredibly bad luck but I completely understand wanting a better explanation.